1.河北农业大学国土资源学院/河北省农田生态环境重点实验室 保定 071001
2.中国地质大学(北京)土地科学技术学院 北京 100083
3.中国科学院空天信息创新研究院遥感科学国家重点实验室 北京 100101
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目41871347
作者简介:刘婧, 主要研究方向为土地评价与可持续利用。E-mail: liujingahcz@163.com
通讯作者:张贵军, 主要研究方向为土地评价与可持续利用。E-mail: 2569401081@qq.com
Timing sequence of permanent basic farmland reserve area delineation based on TOPSIS and the matrix grouping method at the county level
LIU Jing1,,TANG Feng2,
ZHANG Guijun1,,,
ZHANG Pengtao1,
1. College of Land and Resources, Hebei Agricultural University/Key Laboratory for Farmland Eco-Environment of Hebei Province, Baoding 071001, China
2. College of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
3. State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China41871347
the National Key Research and Development Project2016YFC0502501
the Social Science Fund Project of Hebei ProvinceHB19YJ020
More Information
Corresponding author:ZHANG Guijun, E-mail: 2569401081@qq.com
Abstract:The delineation of permanent basic farmland reserve areas is an important measure for consolidating permanent basic farmland demarcation and ensuring national food security. Reasonable planning of the reserve area and the delineated sequence can ensure that the permanent basic farmland is quickly replenished after being occupied. This study incorporated the land, space, engineering, and ecological environment qualities of cultivated land to evaluate the quality and spatial agglomeration of cultivated land in Huanghua City, Hebei Province, via the ranking method of the approximate ideal solution and the hot spot analysis method. The matrix method was then used to demarcate the permanent basic farmland reserve area. The results show that: 1) there are obvious differences in the quality of non-permanent basic farmland, and the overall soil fertility condition is good in the study area. The degree of salinization is higher in some areas, and the quality of agricultural engineering is poor. The irrigation guarantee rate is low. In the whole, the comprehensive quality is mainly high-or sub-high-value areas. The proportion of cultivated land area in the high-value and sub-high-value areas is larger, accounting for 44.22% of the non-permanent basic farmland. The comprehensive quality of cultivated land in the west is higher than that in the east, closer to the coast. 2) The permanent basic farmland reserve area is divided into three categories: priority area, suitable area, and regulation area. The comprehensive quality of cultivated land in the priority zone is high, with obvious agglomeration characteristics, accounting for 30.75% of the total area. Suitable areas have poor comprehensive quality or spatial aggregation, and it is necessary to invest manpower and material resources for quality construction. The regulation zone area is the largest, accounting for 41.19%, which should be committed to improving the long-term safety of agricultural ecology. Considering the delineated quality and ecological environment goals, this study has increased the scale limitation of space utilization that can effectively improve the efficiency of rapid supplementary planning for basic farmlands.
Key words:Permanent basic farmland reserve area/
Cultivated land quality/
Spatial agglomeration pattern/
Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)/
Matrix grouping method/
Time sequence

Figure1.Spatial distribution maps of land use types in 2018 and permanent basic farmland in Huanghua City

Figure2.Quality evaluation of non-basic farmland in Huanghua City

Figure3.Comprehensive quality spatial distribution of non-permanent basic farmland in Huanghua City

Figure4.Delineation of permanent basic farmland reserve areas in Huanghua City

Table1.Indexes system of comprehensive quality evaluation for delimitating permanent basic farmland reserve area
决策目标 Decision goal | 评价要素(权重) Evaluation factor (weight) | 评价指标(权重) Evaluation index (weight) | 选取依据Selection reason | 效应Effect |
永久基本农田储备区划定 Delineation of permanent basic farmland reserve area | 地力质量 Soil fertility quality (0.3499) | 表层土壤质地 Surface soil texture (0.1020) | 土壤物理适宜性 Soil physical suitability | + |
有机质含量 Organic matter content (0.0063) | 土壤肥力 Soil fertility | + | ||
剖面构型 Profile configuration (0.1008) | 蓄水保肥能力 Water and fertilizer conservation | 适度 Moderation | ||
盐渍化程度 Degree of salinization (0.0505) | 作物生长环境 Crop growth environment | ? | ||
pH (0.0584) | 土壤化学环境 Soil chemical environment | 适度 Moderation | ||
地下水埋深 Groundwater depth (0.0319) | 次生盐渍化风险 Risk of secondary salinization | + | ||
空间质量 Spatial quality (0.3243) | 图斑规模 Map size (0.0044) | 可机械化程度 Mechanization degree | + | |
图斑规整度 Pattern regularity (0.0536) | 可耕作潜力 Tillage potential | ? | ||
坡度 Slope (0.0375) | 田块平整度 Flatness of fields | ? | ||
距交通干线距离 Distance to main traffic lines (0.0423) | 耕作便捷度 Farming convenience | ? | ||
距城镇距离 Distance to town (0.0540) | 城市干扰度 Urban interference with arable land | + | ||
距农村居民点距离 Distance to rural settlements (0.0603) | 管理便捷度 Convenience of management | ? | ||
距基本农田距离 Distance to basic farmland (0.0722) | 集中连片度 Degree of concentration | ? | ||
工程质量 Projects quality (0.1684) | 灌溉保证率 Irrigation assurance rate (0.0894) | 抗旱能力 Drought resistance ability | + | |
田间道路密度 Field road density (0.0395) | 田块内部通达性 Accessibility within the field | + | ||
沟渠密度 Channel density (0.0395) | 排涝能力 Drainage capacity | + | ||
生态环境质量 Eco-environment quality (0.1574) | 生态用地覆盖率 Ecological land cover rate (0.0940) | 生态调适能力 Ecological adaptation capacity | + | |
土壤污染程度 Soil contamination (0.0634) | 土壤重金属污染 Heavy metal contamination in soil | ? |

Table2.Score standards of some indexes of comprehensive quality evaluation of farmland
指标分值 Index score | 表层土壤质地 Soil texture | 有机质含量 Soil organic matter content (g?kg?1) | 剖面构型 Soil profile pattern | 盐渍化程度 Salinity degree | pH | 灌溉保证率 Probability of irrigation |
10 | — | — | — | — | — | — |
20 | — | < 6 | — | — | — | — |
30 | — | — | — | — | — | 无灌溉条件 No irrigation condition |
40 | 砾质土 Gravel soil | 6~10 | 通体砂、通体砾 Sand, gravelly soil | 重度 Severe | — | — |
50 | — | 10~15 | 黏/砂/砂 Clay / sand / sand | — | — | — |
60 | — | 15~20 | 壤/砂/砂 Loam / sand / sand | 中度 Moderate | — | — |
70 | 砂土 Sand | — | 砂/黏/砂 Sand / glay / sand | — | 7.9~8.5, 5.0~5.5 | 一般满足 General satisfaction |
80 | — | > 20 | 黏/砂/黏、通体黏 Clay / sand / clay, clay | 轻度 Mild | — | — |
90 | 黏土 Clay | — | 壤/黏/黏、壤/砂/壤、砂/黏/黏 Loam / clay / clay, loam / sand / loam, sand / clay / clay | — | 7.5~7.9 | 基本满足 Basic meet |
100 | 壤土 Loam | — | 通体壤、壤/黏/壤 Loam, loam / clay / loam | 无盐化 No | 6.0~7.5 | 充分满足 Fully meet |
“—“表示质量评价指标未赋该类分值。“—” indicates that this score is not assigned to the quality assessment index. |

Table3.Composite matrix for the delineation of permanent basic farmland reserve areas
耕地质量 Quality of cultivated land | HH, HM | HL, MM, N | ML, LL |
Ⅰ级Level Ⅰ | 优先划入区Priority area | 适宜划入区Suitable area | — |
Ⅱ级Level Ⅱ | 优先划入区Priority area | 适宜划入区Suitable area | — |
Ⅲ级Level Ⅲ | 优先划入区Priority area | 适宜划入区Suitable area | 适宜划入区Suitable areas |
Ⅳ级Level Ⅳ | — | 适宜划入区Suitable area | 整治调控区Regulation area |
Ⅴ级Level Ⅴ | — | 整治调控区Regulation area | 整治调控区Regulation area |
HH为高高相邻, HM为高中相邻, HL为高低相邻, MM为中中相邻, N为无显著聚类, ML为中低相邻, LL为低低相邻。HH is adjacent to each other of the high-quality areas of cultivated land, HM is that the high-quality area is adjacent to the median-quality area of cultivated land, MM is adjacent to each other of the median-quality areas of cultivated land, N is no significant clustering of cultivated land mass distribution, ML is that the median-quality area is adjacent to the low-quality area of cultivated land, LL is adjacent to each other of the low-quality areas of cultivated land. |

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