扬州大学水利科学与工程学院 扬州 225009
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目51609209
作者简介:王娟, 主要研究方向为水土资源高效利用与保护。E-mail: wangjuan@yzu.edu.cn
通讯作者:冯绍元, 主要研究方向为节水灌溉理论与技术。E-mail: syfeng@yzu.edu.cn
Effects of different mulching on soil water-heat and spring maize yield in newly reclaimed land
HUANG Chengzhen,
FENG Shaoyuan,
College of Hydraulic Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
Funds: The study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China51609209
the Natural Science Foundation of JiangsuProvinceBK20160471
More Information
Corresponding author:FENG Shaoyuan, E-mail: syfeng@yzu.edu.cn
摘要:随着城市化进程的加速发展,我国净耕地面积持续减少,合理开发利用潜在土地资源,对于保障我国粮食安全具有重要意义。为了探讨不同覆盖耕作方式对新复垦区土壤水热及作物生长的影响,通过2018年和2019年连续两年田间试验,研究了传统耕作(CK)、地膜覆盖(FM)、秸秆深埋(BS)和秸秆深埋+地膜覆盖(F+S)4种处理对土壤水分、温度和春玉米生长及产量的影响。结果表明:2018年,F+S、BS、FM处理玉米生育期内0~20 cm及20~40 cm土层平均土壤含水率分别较CK增加24.4%、16.5%、12.6%及9.1%、3.2%、3.7%。2018年玉米苗期,0~100 cm土壤蓄水量表现为FM>F+S>CK>BS,明显表现为有覆膜处理(F+S和FM)的土壤蓄水量高于不覆膜处理(BS和CK)。2019年玉米苗期,土壤蓄水量则表现为F+S > BS > FM > CK。与CK相比,春玉米全生育期不同覆盖耕作处理条件下各土层(5~25 cm)土壤温度均有所提高,具体表现为F+S > FM > BS > CK,各处理土壤温度随土层深度表现为降低趋势。以表层5 cm土壤温度增幅最大,覆盖耕作处理的增温效应在全生育期表现为前期明显而后期弱化。各处理株高变化趋势一致,在播种后70 d左右达到峰值,随后出现小幅度下降并最终保持稳定。试验期,株高和叶面积均表现为地表有覆膜的处理高于未覆膜处理(P < 0.05)。2018年,F+S、BS和FM处理玉米产量均显著高于CK(P < 0.05),2018年和2019年,各处理产量分别较CK增加17.0%、13.5%、6.6%和30.5%、23.9%、3.8%。产量构成逐步回归分析结果表明,穗长对产量的影响最大,产量与穗行数和百粒重呈正相关关系。秸秆深埋+地膜覆盖处理(F+S)可以综合发挥二者优势,有效调节土壤水热状况,改善土壤环境,促进作物生长发育,从而获得较高的产量,可作为新复垦区春玉米适宜的种植管理方式。
Abstract:With rapid urbanization, the net cultivated land area continues to decrease, and it is important to utilize potential land resources for Chinese food security. To examine the effects of different tillage practices on soil water-heat characteristics and crop growth in newly reclaimed land, we conducted field experiments in 2018 and 2019 with four treatments: plastic film mulching (FM), buried straw layer (BS), buried straw layer with plastic film mulching (F+S), and traditional tillage (CK) as the control. We measured the soil moisture, soil temperature, and growth and yield of spring maize under each treatment. The 2018 results showed that under F+S, BS, and FM, the average soil moisture increased by 24.4%, 16.5%, and 12.6% at 0-20 cm depth, respectively, and by 9.1%, 3.2%, and 3.7% at 20-40 cm depth, respectively, compared with those under CK. Water storage of the soil profile (0-100 cm) under each treatment ranked as FM > F+S > CK > BS in 2018 in maize seedling stage indicating higher water storage under treatments with film mulch than that under no mulching. In 2019, it ranked as F+S > BS > FM > CK. The soil temperature increased under F+S, BS, and FM at each depth, especially at the 5 cm depth, compared with that under CK. The soil temperature (5-25 cm) ranking was F+S > FM > BS > CK. The temperature decreased with increasing soil depth during the growth period; the improved soil temperature effect of mulching and tillage was the strongest at the early growth stage and weakened later. The plant height dynamics were similar among treatments; it improved to a maximum at approximately 70 days after sowing but then reduced and remained stable. The plant height and leaf area index were higher in the treatments with film mulching than those under the no film mulching treatments (P < 0.05). The maize yield under the F+S, BS, and FM treatments were significantly higher than that under the CK treatment in 2018 (P < 0.05), and the yield increased by 17.0%, 13.5%, and 6.6% in 2018 and by 30.5%, 23.9%, and 3.8% in 2019, respectively. Stepwise regression analysis of the yield composition showed that ear length had the greatest effect on maize yield, and yield was positively correlated with the number of ear rows and hundred-grain weight. F+S treatment conferred a comprehensive advantage and effectively regulated the soil water and heat conditions, improved the soil environment, and promoted plant growth and development, resulting in a high yield. Therefore, F+S treatment represents an appropriate mulching and tillage management system for spring maize in a newly reclaimed land.
Key words:Newly reclamation land/
Buried straw layer/
Plastic film mulching/
Soil water and heat/
Spring maize

Figure1.Precipitation of the experimental area during the study period

图22018年不同覆盖处理下0~100 cm土层土壤含水率等值线图
各处理介绍见表 2。
Figure2.Isograms of soil moisture at 0?100 cm under different mulching treatments in 2018
The treatment description is shown in the table 2.

图32018年、2019年不同覆盖处理下春玉米生育期0~100 cm土壤蓄水量的变化
各处理介绍见表 2。图中同一生育期不同字母表示各处理间差异显著, 未标注字母表示无显著差异。
Figure3.Water storage dynamics of soil profile (0?100 cm) during spring maize growth stage in 2018 and 2019 under different mulching treatments
The treatment description is shown in the table 2. The treatments with different letters are significantly different at the same growth stage. The treatments without letters mean are no significantly different among them.

各处理介绍见表 2。
Figure4.Daily soil temperature changes with soil depth under different mulching treatments at seeding stage of spring maize
The treatment description is shown in the Table 2.

各处理介绍见表 2。
Figure5.Dynamics of plant height of spring maize with days after sowing under different mulching treatments in 2018 and 2019
The treatment description is shown in the table 2.

各处理介绍见表 2。
Figure6.Dynamics of leaf area index of spring maize with days after sowing under different mulching treatments in 2018 and 2019
The treatment description is shown in the Table 2.

Table1.Physical and chemical properties of the tested soil
土层深度Soil depth (cm) | 土壤容重Bulk density(g?cm?3) | 碱解氮Available nitrogen (mg?g?1) | 有机质Organic matter(g?kg?1) | 颗粒组成Particle composition (%) | ||
黏粒Clay(< 0.002 mm) | 粉砂粒Slit sandy (0.002~0.02 mm) | 砂粒Sandy(0.02~2 mm) | ||||
0~20 | 1.37 | 32.08 | 7.20 | 4.38 | 32.76 | 62.86 |
20~40 | 1.74 | 44.42 | 10.68 | 4.93 | 33.57 | 61.50 |
40~60 | 1.60 | 16.05 | 5.10 | 5.82 | 35.04 | 59.14 |
60~80 | 1.45 | 11.58 | 3.63 | 5.40 | 39.53 | 55.07 |

Table2.Description of treatments
处理Treatment | 描述Description |
传统耕作(对照)Traditional tillage, control (CK) | 地表均匀施底肥, 旋耕机进行表层(5 cm)浅翻耕, 不做地膜或秸秆等其他任何处理Applying base fertilizer uniformly, and shallow tillage (5 cm deep) using rotary tiller, no plastic film mulching or straw burying |
地表覆膜Plastic film mulching (FM) | 在对照的基础上, 全地表覆膜, 地膜接头处用土压住, 纵向每隔约100 cm压土腰带Based on CK treatment, the whole ground surface was covered with plastic film, covering the joint of film with soil, the soil belts were set longitudinally every 100 cm. |
秸秆深埋Buried straw layer (BS) | 在对照的基础上, 按0~20 cm和20~35 cm分别挖出土壤, 将秸秆均匀铺设于35 cm处后将挖出的土按原分层回填, 最后压实。Based on CK treatment, 0?20 cm and 20?35 cm soil were dug out, the straws was buried at the depth of 35 cm, then backfill the soil according to their depth, and compacted the soil. |
秸秆深埋+地膜覆盖Buried straw layer with plastic film mulching (F+S) | 在秸秆深埋的基础上, 在地表加覆地膜, 覆膜操作与地表覆膜相同。Based on BS treatment, covered plastic film on soil surface, the operation of mulching is the same as FM treatment. |

表3不同覆盖处理下春玉米关键生育期5~25 cm土壤温度值(2018年)
Table3.Mean daily soil temperature of 5?25 cm depth under different mulching treatments during key growth stages of spring maize in 2018
生育期Growth stage | 处理Treatment | 土壤深度Soil depth (cm) | ||||
5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | ||
苗期Seedling | CK | 24.4±5.4b | 22.2±4.0d | 21.9±3.0b | 19.6±2.1c | 18.6±1.6d |
BS | 25.1±5.8b | 23.5±4.0c | 21.3±3.1b | 20.5±2.4c | 19.5±1.8c | |
FM | 29.7±6.4a | 26.0±4.7b | 25.4±3.5a | 22.5±2.5b | 21.3±1.7b | |
F+S | 30.3±7.1a | 27.5±5.5a | 26.4±3.8a | 24.6±2.9a | 22.9±2.3a | |
拔节期Jointing | CK | 26.0±3.7b | 24.8±3.0b | 24.0±2.3b | 22.3±1.7c | 21.3±1.4c |
BS | 26.4±3.8b | 25.1±2.8b | 23.6±2.0b | 22.7±1.9bc | 21.9±1.3c | |
FM | 33.5±5.6a | 30.3±4.0a | 30.0±3.2a | 31.8±5.0a | 25.5±1.9b | |
F+S | 33.6±5.7a | 31.3±4.6a | 29.4±2.9a | 27.8±2.5ab | 26.6±2.0a | |
抽雄期Tasseling | CK | 28.6±2.9b | 27.6±2.7b | 27.2±1.9b | 25.6±1.5d | 25.0±1.1d |
BS | 28.1±2.6b | 28.1±1.9b | 26.8±1.8b | 26.6±1.4c | 25.8±1.2c | |
FM | 34.4±3.2a | 31.3±2.8a | 31.5±2.0a | 28.1±1.5b | 28.2±1.4b | |
F+S | 33.4±3.3a | 32.1±2.6a | 31.8±1.8a | 30.3±1.3a | 29.6±1.0a | |
灌浆期Filling | CK | 23.5±0.6c | 24.2±0.6b | 25.0±0.3b | 24.7±0.3b | 24.0±0.4b |
BS | 24.0±0.7bc | 24.4±0.5b | 24.4±0.4b | 24.7±0.3b | 24.5±0.3b | |
FM | 25.4±0.4a | 25.3±0.3a | 26.8±0.3a | 25.7±0.3ab | 25.6±0.2a | |
F+S | 25.3±0.5ab | 25.4±0.3a | 27.0±0.3a | 26.4±0.3a | 26.2±0.3a | |
收获期Harvesting | CK | 35.2±3.8ab | 34.1±2.8ab | 33.4±1.8b | 32.3±1.4c | 31.2±0.8b |
BS | 34.0±3.0b | 33.2±2.2b | 32.1±1.7c | 32.2±1.3c | 31.6±1.0b | |
FM | 36.6±3.1a | 35.2±2.3a | 36.3±1.9a | 33.1±1.0b | 33.6±1.0a | |
F+S | 35.6±2.6ab | 35.5±2.6a | 35.7±1.3a | 34.5±1.2a | 32.8±0.9ab | |
各处理介绍见表 2。同列不同小写字母表示同一生育期内各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。The treatment description is shown in the table 2. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) among treatments at same growth stage. |

Table4.Spring maize yield and its components under different mulching treatments in 2018 and 2019
年份Year | 处理Treatment | 穗长Ear length (cm) | 穗行数Number of rows | 行粒数Kernels per row | 穗直径Ear diameter (cm) | 百粒质量100-kernels weight (g) | 产量Yield (kg·hm?2) |
2018 | F+S | 18.01±0.62a | 15.82±0.60a | 37.30±1.25a | 5.13±0.10a | 28.74±0.55a | 7508.3±365.6a |
FM | 18.15±0.79a | 15.09±1.04ab | 36.70±0.67a | 5.06±0.09ab | 27.36±0.22b | 7286.7±414.4b | |
BS | 16.86±0.55b | 14.47±0.76bc | 34.80±1.62b | 5.00±0.04b | 26.83±0.31c | 6846.7±328.3c | |
CK | 16.72±0.61b | 14.33±0.92c | 34.70±1.89b | 4.91±0.08c | 25.22±0.35d | 6420.0±399.6d | |
2019 | F+S | 18.22±1.43a | 14.80±1.33a | 38.23±3.37a | 5.24±0.20a | 32.83±1.16b | 9248.5±371.8a |
FM | 18.38±1.43a | 14.00±1.03b | 38.70±3.63a | 5.18±0.20ab | 34.11±1.09a | 8782.0±224.0a | |
BS | 17.48±2.05ab | 14.47±1.61ab | 38.10±4.46a | 5.07±0.27bc | 28.21±1.28c | 7358.3±767.2b | |
CK | 17.22±1.98b | 13.93±1.75b | 37.07±5.19a | 5.00±0.23c | 27.71±1.16c | 7087.0±678.4b | |
各处理介绍见表 2。同一年度同列数据后不同小写字母表示不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。The treatment description is shown in the table 2. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among treatments in the same year (P < 0.05). |

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