昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院/云南省土壤固碳与污染控制重点实验室 昆明 650500
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目31960264
作者简介:郭思宇, 主要研究方向为污染环境的植物修复。E-mail: 597791412@qq.com
通讯作者:王宏镔, 主要研究方向为污染环境的生物修复。E-mail: whb1974@126.com
Advances in the intercropping remediation of heavy metal polluted soil
GUO Siyu,WANG Haijuan,
WANG Hongbin,
Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology/Yunnan Key Lab of Soil Carbon Sequestration and Pollution Control, Kunming 650500, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China31960264
More Information
Corresponding author:WANG Hongbin, E-mail: whb1974@126.com
Abstract:Phytoextraction is an efficient, novel, economic, green, and low-risk method for metal-polluted soil remediation that harvests metal hyperaccumulators to remove heavy metals from the soil. The cultivation of a single hyperaccumulator for the remediation of heavy metal-polluted soil not only interrupts agricultural production, leading to economic loss, but also results in low remediation efficiency owing to many disadvantages, such as low biomass and long remediation cycle. As a traditional agronomic management method, intercropping can improve the utilization efficiency of resources and increase the quality of co-planted crop species by using the principles of ecological niche and biodiversity. For the remediation of moderately or lightly metal-polluted soil, an intercropping system can be used to increase the concentrations of heavy metals in hyperaccumulators by regulating the growth and development of the hyperaccumulators and crops. Furthermore, the antioxidative ability of the hyperaccumulators and crops is also improved, which decreases the contents of peroxidation products, such as malondialdehyde and reactive oxygen species, in the cell membrane lipids. Intercropping generally enhances low molecular weight organic acid (LMWOA) secretion from the roots of heavy metal hyperaccumulators, decreases the pH value of rhizospheric soil, increases the activity of heavy metals, and consequently promotes heavy metal uptake by hyperaccumulators. However, LMWOA secretion from the crop roots is inhibited, resulting in decreased heavy metal uptake and improved crop yield and quality. Decreased heavy metal uptake by crops reduces the risk to human health, and the increased metal accumulation in hyperaccumulators enhances the removal of heavy metals from the soil. Moreover, the benefits to farmers are not affected or may even increase when using intercropping remediation technology. Therefore, the land utilization rate and economic benefits increase based on the "production while remediated" approach. This study systematically reviewed changes in biomass, physiological and biochemical responses, heavy metal uptake, translocation, and accumulation in hyperaccumulators and crops, as well as the effects of intercropping on soil environmental quality. While many studies examining the effects of intercropping systems on heavy metal hyperaccumulators and crops had focused on growth and development, metal uptake, translocation, accumulation, and physiological and biochemical responses to heavy metal stress, little information was available on the underlying molecular mechanisms of the physiological and biochemical processes. Additionally, the effects of intercropping on the microbial composition of the rhizosphere of heavy metal hyperaccumulators and crops and the related ecological implications and main function mechanisms remained unclear. From these unsolved questions, future perspectives in this field, such as the signal transduction and molecular mechanisms of the intercropping system of hyperaccumulators and crops, the different and functional mechanisms of rhizosphere microorganisms of two plants, and how to construct an efficient intercropping system to improve the remediation efficiency of heavy metal-polluted soil, were also proposed.
Key words:Hyperaccumulator/
Heavy metals/
Soil remediation

间作通过地下部促进超富集植物低分子量有机酸的分泌, 降低超富集植物根际土壤pH, 增加重金属的活性和超富集植物对重金属的吸收; 与此相反, 间作抑制了农作物低分子量有机酸的分泌, 增加根际土壤pH, 降低重金属的活性, 减少农作物对重金属的吸收。间作还增加光能利用效率、土壤养分、微生物种类和数量等促进超富集植物与农作物生长发育。
Figure1.Relationship among hyperaccumulator, crop and soil in intercropping system
Under intercropping condition, the secretion of low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) in roots of heavy metal hyperaccumulators is increased, decreasing the pH of their rhizospheric soil and increasing the activity of heavy metals, so the heavy metal uptake by hyperaccumulators is increased. However, the secretion of LMWOAs in roots of crops is inhibited, and the pH of rhizospheric soil is increased and the activity of heavy metals is decreased, so the heavy metal uptake by crops is decreased. The use efficiency of light, soil nutrition, as well as the species and quantity of soil microorganisms are also increased in intercropping system, which promotes the growth and development of heavy metal hyperaccumulators and crops.

Table1.Changes of plant biomass in several heavy metal hyperaccumulators and crops under intercropping condition
超富集植物Hyperaccumulator | 农作物Crop | 生物量Biomass | 参考文献Reference | |||||
名称Name | 特性Characteristics | 名称Name | 特性Characteristics | 超富集植物Hyperaccumulator | 农作物Crop | |||
伴矿景天Sedum plumbizincicola X. H. Guo et S. B. Zhou sp. nov. | 喜日光充足、温暖, 超富集镉、锌It prefers to enough daylight and warm, and hyperaccumulating Cd and Zn | 玉米Zea mays L. | 一年生禾本植物, 喜温暖Annual grass, preferring to warm condition | 显著上升20.3%~73.4%Increased significantly by 20.3%?73.4% | 显著上升12.2%~52.4%Increased significantly by 12.2%?52.4% | [6] | ||
东南景天Sedum alfredii H. | 喜日光充足、温暖, 超富集镉、锌It prefers to enough daylight and warm condition, and hyperaccumulates Cd and Zn | 蓖麻Ricinus communis L. | 一年生或多年生草本, 喜高温, 不耐霜, 酸碱适应性强Annual or perennial grass, preferring to high temperature, not tolerant to frost, but strongly adaptive to acid and alkali conditions | 生物量变化不显著The variation was not significant | / | [11] | ||
苜蓿Medicago Sativa L. | 耐干旱, 耐冷热Tolerant to drought, cold and heat | 生物量变化不显著The variation of biomass was not significant | / | [12] | ||||
龙葵Solanum nigrum L. | 一年生草本植物, 喜光、温暖, 超富集镉It is an annual grass, prefers to light and warm condition, and hyperaccumulates Cd | 番茄Solanum lycopersicum L. | 一年生或多年生草本植物, 喜温喜光Annual or perennial grass, preferring to warm and light condition | 根系、茎秆、叶片及地上部分生物量显著提高28.88%、24.11%、11.75%和17.20%The biomasses of roots, stems, leaves and shoots increased significantly by 28.88%, 24.11%, 11.75% and 17.20%, respectively. | 根系、茎秆、叶片及地上部分生物量显著提高26.93%、23.29%、35.32%和30.27%The biomasses of roots, stems, leaves and shoots increased significantly by 26.93%, 23.29%, 35.32% and 30.27%, respectively. | [13] | ||
茄子Solanum melongena L. | 喜高温, 对光照时间、强度要求较高Preferring to high temperature and with a high demand for light duration and intensity | 根系、茎秆、叶片及地上部分生物量显著减少6.78%、29.77%、43.38%和37.38%The biomasses of roots, stems, leaves and shoots decreased significantly by 6.78%, 29.77%, 43.38% and 37.38%, respectively. | 根系、茎秆、叶片及地上部分生物量显著减少40.82%、43.33%、41.13%和41.97%The biomasses of roots, stems, leaves and shoots decreased significantly by 40.82%, 43.33%, 41.13% and 41.97%, respectively. | [13] | ||||
大葱Allium fistulosum L. | 喜氮、钾肥Preferring to N and K fertilizers | 不影响生长The growth of was not affected. | 不影响生长The growth of was not affected. | [7] | ||||
大白菜Brassica pekinensis L. | 耐寒, 喜好冷凉Tolerant to cold, and preferring to cool | 不影响生物量The plant biomass was not affected | 不影响生物量The plant biomass was not affected | [14] | ||||
玉米Zea mays L. | 一年生禾本, 喜温暖Annual grass, preferring to warm condition | 根、茎、叶、籽粒生物量分别下降39.7%、23.3%、22.8%、36.3%The biomasses of roots, stems, leaves and grains decreased by 39.7%, 23.3%, 22.8% and 36.3%, respectively. | / | [15] | ||||
蜈蚣草Pteris vittata L. | 喜阴, 超富集砷It prefers to sha-ding condition, and hyperaccumulates As | 玉米Zea mays L. | 一年生禾本, 喜温暖Annual grass, preferring to warm condition | / | 不影响产量The yield was not affected | [16] | ||
桑树Morus alba L. | 喜温暖湿润, 稍耐荫Preferring to warm and humid climate, and lightly tolerant to shading | 总生物量显著提高115.42%, 根、根茎和叶生物量分别提高58.2%、94.8%和175.4%The total biomass increased by 115.42%, and the biomasses of roots, rhizomes and leaves increased by 58.2%, 94.8% and 175.4%, respectively. | 生物量略低于单作处理The intercropping biomass was slightly lower than that of monoculture | [17] | ||||
蓖麻Ricinus communis L. | 一年生或多年生草本, 喜高温, 不耐霜, 酸碱适应性强Annual or perennial grass, preferring to high temperature, sensitive to frost, but strongly adaptive to acid and alkali conditions | 促进根系和枝条生长, 生物量变化不显著The growth of roots and shoots was promoted, but the variation of plant biomass was not significant. | 产量变化不显著The variation of yield was not significant | [18] | ||||
构树Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. | 喜光, 耐干旱瘠薄, 也能生于水边Preferring to light and tolerant to drought and barren, also growing at waterside | 生物量未显著提高The biomass did not increase significantly | 生物量略低于单作处理The intercropping biomass was slightly lower than that of monoculture | [17] |

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