罗学刚1, 2,,
1.西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院 绵阳 621010
2.西南科技大学生物质材料教育部工程研究中心 绵阳 621000
3.陕西理工大学化学与环境科学学院 汉中 723000
基金项目: 国民核生化灾害防护国家重点实验室公开基金项目SKLNBC2019-21
作者简介:丁峰, 主要研究方向为环境污染生物效应与生物修复研究。E-mail:1946533708@qq.com
通讯作者:罗学刚, 主要研究方向为环境污染生物效应与生物修复研究。E-mail:lxg@swust.edu.cn
Effects of polyethylene microplastics on the microbial community structure of maize rhizosphere soil
DING Feng1,,LAI Jinlong2,
JI Xiaohui3,
LUO Xuegang1, 2,,
1. College of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China
2. Engineering Research Center of Biological Materials, Ministry of Education, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621000, China
3. College of Chemical & Environment Science, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723000, China
Funds: the Open Fund Project of the National Key Laboratory of National Nuclear and Biochemical Disaster ProtectionSKLNBC2019-21
More Information
Corresponding author:LUO Xuegang, E-mail:lxg@swust.edu.cn
Abstract:The use of agricultural polyethylene films results in polyethylene microplastic accumulation in the soil, causing microplastic pollution, which has attracted the attention of scholars worldwide. To study the effects of polyethylene microplastics on the microbial community structure of crop rhizosphere soil, corn was grown with different polyethylene powders (average molecular weights:2000, 5000, and ≥ 100 000) to simulate microplastic pollution in agricultural soil. There were five treatments in this experiment:planting maize without polyethylene (CK), planting maize with 2000 (T1), 5000 (T2), and ≥ 100 000 (T3) molecular weight polyethylene powder, and non-planting maize without polyethylene (CK0). Differences in mineral element metabolism in different parts of maize plant at the heading stage and variation in the rhizosphere soil microbial community structure were analyzed. The results showed that the mineral element content differed in different parts of maize. Iron and copper were mainly concentrated in the roots; calcium, manganese, and magnesium were most abundant in the leaves; and potassium was mainly concentrated in the stems. After adding the polyethylene microplastics of different molecular weights, the mineral elements in different parts of the plant increased compared with CK; the increase was greatest under the 2000 molecular weight polyethylene treatment. Microbial diversity analysis showed that the polyethylene microplastics had different effects on the microbial community composition in the maize rhizosphere. Except for Proteobacteria and Burkholderiaceae, the abundance of bacteria decreased under the 2000 molecular weight polyethylene treatment compared to CK. The abundance of bacteria and fungi increased under the ≥ 100 000 molecular weight polyethylene treatment compared to CK. In general, the mineral elements contents in different parts of the maize plant increased compared with CK after the addition of polyethylene. Two-thousand molecular weight polyethylene reduced the abundance of bacteria and fungi in the soil, whereas ≥ 100 000 molecular weight polyethylene increased the abundance of bacteria and fungi in the soil; the number of microorganisms related to the degradation of environmental pollutants in each treatment increased, which helped the soil cope with microplastics stress.
Key words:Microplastics/
Molecular weight/
Rhizosphere microorganism/
Community structure/
Mineral elements/
CK0为既未添加微塑料也未种植植物处理, CK为未添加微塑料处理, T1、T2和T3为添加分子量为2000、5000和10万以上的微塑料处理。
Figure1.Principal component analysis of bacteria (A) and fungus (B) of corn soil containing polyethylene microplastics with different molecular weights
CK0 is treatment of not-planting corn without microplastics; CK is treatment of no adding microplastic; T1, T2 and T3 are treatments of adding microplastic with molecular weight of 2000, 5000 and above 100-thousand, respectively.
CK0为既未添加微塑料也未种植植物处理, CK为未添加微塑料处理, T1、T2和T3为添加分子量为2000、5000和10万以上的微塑料处理。
Figure2.Distribution of bacterial community (A) and fungal community (B) at class level in corn soils containing polyethylene microplastics with different molecular weights
CK0 is treatment of not-planting corn without microplastics; CK is treatment of no adding microplastic; T1, T2 and T3 are treatments of adding microplastic with molecular weight of 2000, 5000 and above 100-thousand, respectively.
CK0为既未添加微塑料也未种植植物处理, CK为未添加微塑料处理, T1、T2和T3为添加分子量为2000、5000和10万以上的微塑料处理。
Figure3.Distribution of bacterial community (A) and fungal community (B) at family level of in corn soils containing polyethylene microplastics with different molecular weights
CK0 is treatment of not-planting corn without microplastics; CK is treatment of no adding microplastic; T1, T2 and T3 are treatments of adding microplastic with molecular weight of 2000, 5000 and above 100-thousand, respectively.
Table1.Effect of polyethylene microplastics with different molecular weights on mineral elements contents of differentorgans of corn ?
器官 Organ | 处理 Treatment | K | Ca | Mg | Fe | Cu | Mn |
根 Roots | CK | 8090.75±1.03d | 876.75±1.03d | 1909.88±2.68d | 1113.13±1.34d | 51.61±0.16d | 61.50±0.35d |
T1 | 8987.75±1.15aB | 1260.63±3.86bB | 2109.63±5.82cB | 1649.63±1.08aA | 61.04±0.22cA | 124.39±0.17aA | |
T2 | 8505.75±3.51bB | 1160.25±1.65cB | 2168.75±1.95bB | 1474.25±0.60bA | 71.51±0.22aA | 118.73±0.18bB | |
T3 | 8319.88±1.75cB | 1361.50±1.65aB | 2710.75±3.40aB | 1382.5±1.77cA | 68.91±0.18bA | 106.70±0.20cB | |
茎 Stems | CK | 8509.00±3.47d | 415.25±2.84b | 173.89±1.95d | 361.63±0.65d | 5.25±0.25b | 19.50±0.04d |
T1 | 10 102.50±1.47aA | 415.25±2.65bC | 234.21±2.41cC | 693.88±4.04bB | 4.75±0.25bB | 47.79±0.18cC | |
T2 | 9152.13±1.89bA | 422.63±2.56aC | 369.04±3.07aC | 571.45±0.05cC | 6.38±0.41aB | 67.38±0.22aC | |
T3 | 8528.50±0.62cA | 413.50±1.46bC | 279.10±2.72bC | 782.38±1.88aB | 6.63±0.41aB | 49.63±0.85bC | |
叶 Leaves | CK | 6152.38±1.78d | 2825.75±2.84c | 3705.00±7.91b | 575.50±0.61d | 5.63±0.41ab | 140.00±1.41c |
T1 | 7430.00±2.47aC | 2967.25±3.11aA | 4458.75±5.44aA | 657.88±1.47bC | 5.13±0.22bB | 119.38±0.54dB | |
T2 | 6621.50±1.97cC | 2633.25±3.12dA | 3638.75±2.16cA | 916.75±1.44aB | 5.25±0.25abC | 176.63±0.96aA | |
T3 | 6852.00±2.03bC | 2865.38±2.75bA | 3567.50±7.50dA | 608.00±1.06cC | 6.00±0.35aB | 144.63±1.88bA | |
CK为未添加微塑料处理, T1、T2和T3为添加分子量为2000、5000和10万以上的微塑料处理。不同小写字母表示同一部位下各处理在P < 0.05水平差异显著, 不同大写字母表示在同一处理中不同部位间在P < 0.05水平差异显著。CK is treatment of no-adding microplastic; T1, T2 and T3 are treatments of adding microplastic with molecular weight of 2000, 5000 and above 100-thousand, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level among different treatments in the same organ, and different capital letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level among different organs in the same treatment. |
Table2.Effects of polyethylene microplastics with different molecular weights on diversity indexes of soil bacteria and fungi of corn
微生物 Microbia | 处理 Treatment | OTU | Chao1 | Shannon | Simpson | Coverage |
细菌 Bacteria | CK0 | 3464±90 | 5040.50±143.31 | 10.19±0.06 | 0.99 | 0.94 |
CK | 3495±139 | 5090.49±191.62 | 10.27±0.08 | 0.99 | 0.94 | |
T1 | 3231±195 | 4669.13±276.69 | 9.86±0.30 | 0.99 | 0.94 | |
T2 | 3401±19 | 5012.52±41.76 | 10.02±0.01 | 0.99 | 0.94 | |
T3 | 3474±67 | 5117.35±82.72 | 10.18±0.03 | 0.99 | 0.94 | |
真菌 Fungus | CK0 | 1167±65 | 1569.83±33.48 | 6.88±0.20 | 0.97 | 0.98 |
CK | 1210±52 | 1636.88±63.11 | 6.84±0.32 | 0.97 | 0.97 | |
T1 | 1198±19 | 1567.52±14.41 | 6.85±0.05 | 0.97 | 0.98 | |
T2 | 1229±17 | 1618.75±43.95 | 6.85±0.17 | 0.96 | 0.98 | |
T3 | 1244±20 | 1621.71±33.99 | 6.92±0.08 | 0.97 | 0.98 | |
CK0为既未添加微塑料也未种植植物处理, CK为未添加微塑料处理, T1、T2和T3为添加分子量为2000、5000和10万以上的微塑料处理。CK0 is treatment of not-planting corn without microplastics; CK is treatment of no adding microplastic; T1, T2 and T3 are treatments of adding microplastic with molecular weight of 2000, 5000 and above 100-thousand, respectively. |
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