Abstract 【Objective】In this study, the molecular breeding via genomic selection was carried out in the joint genomic evaluation on Yorkshire population in Beijing, predicting the breeding value of the new born boars and making selection, so as to improve the selection accuracy of breeding. 【Method】 An admixed population consisting of 4020 individuals from three Yorkshire breeding farms with different genetic background in Beijing was established as the reference group, and the reference animals were selected according to the performance testing records between 2007-2017 in those three pig farms. Three economic traits age at 100 kg (AGE), backfat thickness at 100 kg (BF) and total number born (TNB) were taken into account. The reference and candidate animals were genotyped with Illumina Porcine80K SNP chip. GEBV was estimated by single-step GBLUP (SSGBLUP) method which could make use of both pedigree information and genomic information. GEBVs of candidate boars on the growth traits and reproductive traits were predicted before castration and after performance testing, respectively. Afterwards, the elite candidates were selected according to their GEBVs. Meanwhile, the genetic connectedness among three pig farms was measured by connectedness rating.【Result】Our results showed that the genetic connectedness based on pedigree information among three Yorkshire breeding farms was too low to carry out traditional joint genetic evaluation. However,the genomic relationship coefficients of individuals between farms in G-matrix indicated that genetic links existed among different farms. The genomic selection could realize the joint genomic evaluation through establishing the genetic connectedness via genome-wide markers. A total of 1789 boars were genomic predicted.The accuracy of genomic prediction was largely improved, compared to traditional breeding methods. At the first time of implementing genomic selection or early selection (before the castration of boars), the accuracies of Pedigree Index (PI) for three traits, age at 100 kg (AGE), backfat thickness at 100 kg (BF) and total number born (TNB) were 0.55, 0.56 and 0.41, respectively. However, the accuracies of GEBV from genomic selection were increased to 0.65, 0.70 and 0.60 with improvement of 10, 14 and 19 percentage compared to PI selection, respectively. At the second time of implementing genomic selection (after performance testing), the accuracies of GEBV for AGE, BF and TNB were further increased to 0.78, 0.84 and 0.60, respectively, yielding 8, 12 and 19 percentage higher accuracy than EBV, respectively, in which the accuracies were 0.70, 0.72 and 0.41, respectively. The largest gain of genomic selection was on trait of TNB with low heritability. The early selection based on genomic selection had the same accuracy as traditional selection based on estimated breeding values calculated from performance testing, implying genomic selection could save breeding time and cost with keeping the same accuracy. The comparison of two implementations of genomic selection on 338 boars at different stage showed that the second genomic prediction after performance testing yielded higher accuracy, because the phenotypic records of these boars were also utilized. The accuracies of GEBV for AGE and BF were improved from 0.55, 0.62 to 0.72, 0.84 by increasing 17 and 22 percentage point, respectively. The unbiasedness coefficient was between 0.82 and 1.00, and the unbiasedness of GEBV on traits of AGE and BF were increased from 0.82 and 0.96 to 0.91 and 1.00, respectively. The lower unbiasedness of second genomic selection indicated that the reliability of selecting elite boars was higher.【Conclusion】 Genomic selection could establish genetic connectedness between different farms, enabling joint genetic evaluation which was not feasible in traditional breeding plausible and more breeding farms involved. Compared to traditional PI or EBV selection, genomic selection generated much higher accuracy, and the greatest improvement was obtained on the traits with low heritability. Genomic selection was useful to achieve early selection and to improve the breeding efficiency. Keywords:genomic selection;Yorkshire;admixed population;joint breeding;early selection
1.1.1表型数据 本研究数据来源于北京地区3家国家生猪核心育种场,北京六马养猪科技有限公司(BJLM,简称北京六马)、北京养猪育种中心(BBSCB,简称养猪中心)和北京顺鑫农业发展集团有限公司(BJXD,简称顺鑫农业),达100 kg体重日龄(age at 100 kg live weight , AGE)、100 kg活体背膘厚(backfat adjusted to 100 kg , BF)、总产仔数(total number born , TNB)等3个性状2007—2017年场内性能测定记录,其中繁殖记录为54888条,生长记录为78540条。
1.1.2基因型数据 参考群体:来自上述3个场的4020头大白猪组成基因组选择的参考群体,本研究样品利用天根血液基因组DNA提取试剂盒提取试验猪血样,个体基因型由Illumina公司Porcine SNP 80KBeadchip芯片SNP分型得到,共包含68528个SNP位点。对芯片数据进行如下质控处理:
Table 1 表1 表1基因组联合育种大白猪参考群体和候选群体规模统计 Table 1Population size of reference and candidate population from three Yorkshire breeding farms in genomic joint breeding
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