Genetic Analysis of Sex-Linked Plumage Color Traits of Goose
YU JinCheng1, LI Zhe1, YU Ning1, LIU Kuang2, ZHAO Hui,1通讯作者:
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于金成, 李喆, 于宁, 刘况, 赵辉. 鹅伴性羽色性状的遗传分析[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(5): 949-954 doi:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.05.016
YU JinCheng, LI Zhe, YU Ning, LIU Kuang, ZHAO Hui.
0 引言
【研究意义】羽色是家禽一种重要的遗传标记,利用伴性羽色基因进行雏禽的雌雄鉴别,在现代家禽生产中发挥了重要的作用,产生了巨大的经济效益。豁眼鹅是我国著名的白羽鹅品种,其1日龄雏鹅往往呈现黄色或淡黄色。然而,笔者在进行豁眼鹅纯系继代选育过程中,发现自由交配群体的后代中有20%雏鹅绒羽呈现浅褐色,且公母比例差别明显(公母比例接近1﹕3),推测豁眼鹅群体白羽性状存在伴性遗传可能。研究鹅的羽色性状遗传规律及机制对鹅新品种或品系的培育以及鹅羽色自别雌雄配套系生产具有重要意义。【前人研究进展】禽类羽色性状的研究已有大量成果,主要集中在鸡[1,2,3,4]、鸭[5,6,7,8,9]和鹌鹑[10,11,12]等家禽当中,其中呈伴性遗传方式的羽色性状主要有横斑[1]和银色羽[13]。鹅的羽色研究较少,主要集中在由灰雁驯化而来的欧美鹅品种上,包括斑点、羽色稀释和浅黄色等羽色特征[14],而关于中国鹅羽色研究还未有报道。【本研究切入点】在豁眼鹅群体中发现的浅褐色雏鹅个体,随着日龄的增加,片羽的生发,其个体和黄色雏鹅一样,最终白羽覆身。这种现象,类似于鸡的银色羽(Silver, S)基因座突变形成的连锁不完全白化现象[15],即S座位只是抑制机体的红色色素[13],而浅褐色可能是该座位发生突变,使得鹅在绒羽期不能实现完全白化。早在1963年,COLE等[16]通过试验将银色羽基因座不同等位基因之间的显隐性关系确定为银羽(S*S)>金羽(S*N)>性连锁不完全白化(S*AL)。据此,我们假设决定鹅浅褐色绒羽性状的基因(S基因座)为性连锁隐性遗传,根据孟德尔遗传定律,基因型为ZAL ZAL与基因型为ZSW交配产生的F1代中,母鹅为浅褐色绒羽,公鹅为黄色绒羽。以雏鹅期浅褐色公鹅和黄色母鹅为亲本,采用杂交试验,检验雏鹅绒羽颜色的情况是否符合孟德尔遗传规律,从而揭示鹅羽色性状的遗传方式。【拟解决的关键问题】通过对豁眼鹅群体中不同羽色表型的观测,找出其变化规律,阐明该性状的遗传机制,以期为鹅伴性羽色利用提供理论支撑。1 材料与方法
1.1 试验鹅群的建立
本试验选用4只浅褐色豁眼鹅公鹅和20只黄色豁眼鹅母鹅为亲本,杂交产生F1代,观察1日龄雏鹅中黄色绒羽和浅褐色绒羽表型的表现和分离比例。此外,选用40只豁眼鹅♂和200只豁眼鹅♀为亲本,组建随机交配群,观察绒羽颜色性状在自由交配群中的传递情况。杂交群和随机交配群的公母比为1﹕5,每组5只母鹅单栏饲养。1.2 杂交试验
选择9月龄的同日龄白羽豁眼鹅公鹅(雏期为浅褐色绒毛)4只,白羽豁眼鹅母鹅(雏期为黄色绒毛)20只,于个体栏内公母1﹕5混群饲养交配。1周后,开始收集种蛋,每10d为1个孵化批次,连续孵化3批。此外,选择10月龄白羽豁眼公鹅40只,白羽豁眼母鹅200只,于个体栏内,公母1﹕5混群饲养交配,孵化1个批次。种蛋采用电孵化器孵化,固定孵化程序,9 d左右进行一次照蛋,剔除无精蛋和死精蛋。通过观察雏鹅的羽色及性别分离情况,以推断亲本及其后代的基因型。1.3 性状测定方法
当df=1,采用英国叶斯(F. Yates)提出的矫正公式。矫正后的χ2公式如下:
χ2=$\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}{\frac{{{(\left| {{O}_{i}}-{{E}_{i}} \right|-0.5)}^{2}}}{{{E}_{i}}}}$
2 结果
2.1 豁眼鹅随机交配群中羽色性状的表现
表1显示了纯种豁眼鹅随机交配下一代群体的羽色表型比例情况。在豁眼鹅随机交配G1代中,绒羽浅褐色个体的比例为19.5%,基本占全群的五分之一。其中,公雏中浅褐色的比例在10%左右,而母雏有30%左右的个体呈现浅褐色。Table 1
Table 1
群体 Populations | 黄色(只) Yellow plumage | 浅褐色(只) Light brown plumage | 浅褐色百分率 Percentage of geese with light brown plumage | 实际比值Real ratio 黄色﹕浅褐色 Yellow﹕Light brown | 基因频率 Gene frequency | ||||
Male ♂ | Female ♀ | Male ♂ | Female ♀ | Male♂+ Female♀ | Male ♂ | Female ♀ | S | AL | |
豁眼鹅G1代 Huoyan goose G1 generation | 160 | 115 | 18 | 49 | 19.5% | 9:1 | 2:1 | 0.7 | 0.3 |
2.2 浅褐色豁眼鹅公鹅与黄色豁眼鹅母鹅杂交后代中羽色性状的表现
表2显示了杂交F1群体中的羽色表型比例情况。3批总计,黄羽81只,占50%;浅褐色79只,占50%。且黄羽全为公雏,浅褐色羽全是母雏。结果表明,浅褐色性状呈伴性遗传。Table 2
Table 2
世代 Generations | 黄色(只) Yellow plumage | 浅褐色(只) Light brown plumage | 实际比值Real ratio 黄色﹕浅褐色 Yellow﹕Light brown | 理论比值Theoretical ratio 黄色﹕浅褐色 Yellow﹕Light brown | 卡方检验 Chisquare test (χ2 value) | |||||
Male ♂ | Female ♀ | Male ♂ | Female ♀ | Male ♂ | Female ♀ | Male ♂ | Female ♀ | Male ♂ | Female ♀ | |
F1 | 81 | 0 | 0 | 79 | 1﹕0 | 0﹕1 | 1﹕0 | 0﹕1 | * | * |
3 讨论
3.1 鹅浅褐色羽色性状呈伴性隐性遗传
首次发现中国白鹅羽色伴性遗传现象。通过不同羽色个体的杂交选配,对其表型分离情况进行了详细的统计分析,结合豁眼鹅本品种内随机交配群体中羽色表型数据,证实了笔者关于决定浅褐色性状基因为伴性隐性遗传的假设。横斑芦花性状可能是第一个被发现和研究的家禽伴性遗传现象[1,17],之后在家鸡中先后发现了金银羽[13]、羽速[18]、胫色[19]、矮小型[20]等伴性性状,在鹌鹑中发现羽色的伴性遗传[21],如今,这些性状已广泛应用于现代蛋鸡、肉鸡和鹌鹑生产中,产生了巨大的经济效益。目前,有关鹅伴性遗传性状主要有豁眼[22]和羽色,其中,鹅的羽色性状中,由灰雁驯化而来的一些欧洲鹅的羽色和斑纹性状呈伴性遗传[23,24],但尚未在由鸿雁驯化而来的中国地方鹅中发现该现象。我国早已是世界第一鹅业生产大国,肉鹅出栏量约为5亿只,约占世界出栏量的90%,鹅肉产量约120万吨,产值约300 亿元[25],但在规模化和产业化的关键技术环节,我们还缺乏相配套的研究。在我国白鹅品种发现羽色的伴性遗传现象,在鹅的杂交利用中可用于1日龄雏鹅自别雌雄,其应用前景非常广阔。
3.2 鹅羽色性状遗传规律分析
3.3 鹅羽色性状分子机制的分析
随着分子生物学的不断发展,人们逐渐揭开了禽类羽色性状的分子遗传基础,各种羽色涉及众多基因,但与银色羽基因座相关的主效基因是水溶载体45家族第2成员(Solute Carrier Family 45 Member 2, SLC45A2)。GUNNARSSON 等[30]鉴定到与银色羽等位基因S和性连锁不完全白化等位基因AL 所对应的变异。其中,突变Tyr277Cys和Leu347Met与S对应,这两个突变抑制嗜黑素的表达,Leu347Met 突变位于基因跨膜域的高度保守区,该突变和很多银色羽品种完全连锁,如洛岛白、Fayoumi鸡和白金凤花鸡等。这些结果为研究中国白鹅羽色性状遗传机制,实现分子层面快速验证与检测提供了理论依据。研究者[30]还将SLC45A2基因外显子1上的移码突变-106delT对应了鸡AL等位基因,该移码突变导致基因翻译的提前终止,而造成转录本无义介导的mRNA降解;将SLC45A2基因一个剪接位点突变对应鹌鹑AL等位基因,该突变导致外显子4框内跳(In-frame skipping of exon 4),造成成熟蛋白中缺失47个氨基酸。最终导致携带AL等位基因个体的真黑素和嗜黑素的表达几乎完全被抑制。该结果为我们克隆鹅SLC45A2基因、筛查变异位点、建立浅褐色性状分子快速检测方法打下了坚实的基础。
4 结论
本试验通过羽色性状选配杂交和随机交配试验,分析了豁眼鹅雏鹅羽色表型的分离情况,结果表明:(1)浅褐色绒羽性状相对黄色绒羽性状为隐性遗传;(2)豁眼鹅雏鹅绒羽颜色性状呈伴性遗传;(3)豁眼鹅绒羽颜色性状可能主要为Z染色体银色羽基因座控制,控制该基因座的等位基因存在变异位点与相应表型关联。参考文献 原文顺序
DOI:10.1007/BF02263780URL [本文引用: 3]
This paper gives the results of series of experiments in reciprocally crossing Barred Plymouth Rocks and Cornish Indian Game fowls, with reference to the inheritance of the barred color pattern. It is shown, in confirmation of the results of Spillman and Goodale , that barring is inherited in a sex-limited fashion. Such sex-limited inheritance is equivalent to a phenomenon of segregation in the F 1 generation. A detailed description of the barring in the parent barred race, and in the barred hybrids is given. The general result is to indicate that (a) the barred pattern is inherited as a unit character independent of the pigment which fills the pattern, and that (b) 03more intense00 pigmentation is dominant over 03less intense00, with the final result that (c) the actual somatic barring is less well defined in the barred hybrids than in their barred parents. Further the ground color of the barring in different in the hybrids from what it is in their barred parents. It is shown that there is no evidence of a blended inheritance of degrees of intensity of pigmentation. These studies will be continued.
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Typescript (photocopy). Thesis (Ph. D.)--Iowa State College, 1927. Includes bibliographical references.
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A ♀ chick with the " impossible " colour combination of dark plumage and yellow shanks is reported and discussed in the light of a hypothesis proposed by Mukherjee et al. [see No. 3994] that ep and id interact to produce shank melanin. It is suggested that the exceptional individual might have resulted from a mutation at the id locus.
DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0253-9772.2006.07.008URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0253-9772.2006.07.008URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
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Genetics. 1934 Jul;19(4):310-22.
DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2009.01967.xURLPMID:19814756 [本文引用: 1]
Based on the observation of a grey phenotype in the F 1 generation from a cross between two white plumage duck varieties, the white Kaiya and the white Liancheng , we hypothesized a possible interaction between two autosomal loci that determine grey plumage. Using the parental and F 1 individuals, seven testing combinations including five different F 1 intercrosses (F 2 ) and two different backcrosses (BC 1 and BC 2 ) were designed to test our hypothesis. It was demonstrated by chi-squared analysis that six test matings produced offspring in the expected ratios between the grey and white, with P- values ranging from 0.50 to 0.99. Another mating, where all white offspring were expected, produced 33 white individuals. These results verified that the interaction between two loci produced the grey phenotype. The C locus, which carries the recessive allele ( c ), was previously thought to be the only gene responsible for white plumage in the duck. This is the first report that an allele ( t ), carried by the white Liancheng at a different autosomal locus, also determines white plumage in ducks. Furthermore, the dominant alleles at both loci can interact with each other to produce the grey phenotype, and a new dark phenotype, observed in some F 2 individuals, can be attributed to the dosage effect of the T allele.
DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0036592URLPMID:3352928 [本文引用: 1]
To elucidate the genes involved in the formation of white and black plumage in ducks, RNA from white and black feather bulbs of an F2 population were analyzed using RNA-Seq. A total of 2,642 expressed sequence tags showed significant differential expression between white and black feather bulbs. Among these tags, 186 matched 133 annotated genes that grouped into 94 pathways. A number of genes controlling melanogenesis showed differential expression between the two types of feather bulbs. This differential expression was confirmed by qPCR analysis and demonstrated that Tyr (Tyrosinase) and Tyrp1 (Tyrosinase-related protein-1) were expressed not in W-W (white feather bulb from white dorsal plumage) and W-WB (white feather bulb from white-black dorsal plumage) but in B-B (black feather bulb from black dorsal plumage) and B-WB (black feather bulb from white-black dorsal plumage) feather bulbs. Tyrp2 (Tyrosinase-related protein-2) gene did not show expression in the four types of feather bulbs but expressed in retina. C-kit (The tyrosine kinase receptor) expressed in all of the samples but the relative mRNA expression in B-B or B-WB was approximately 10 fold higher than that in W-W or W-WB. Additionally, only one of the two Mitf isoforms was associated with plumage color determination. Downregulation of c-Kit and Mitf in feather bulbs may be the cause of white plumage in the duck.
DOI:10.5713/ajas.2013.13289URLPMID:4109861 [本文引用: 1]
In China and South East Asia, the duck (common duck) is important in egg production for human consumption. Plumage color is a breed characteristic and of economic importance, together with egg production. Our aim in this study was to investigate the inheritance of plumage color in three Chinese indigenous egg-type duck breeds, Shan Ma (S), Putian White (F) and Putian black (P), and some of their crossbreds. These three breeds have different plumage color and are used in crossbreeding. The crossbred laying ducks and showed highly improved laying ability but heterogeneous plumage color. Genotypes at four relevant loci were investigated by studying down color and pattern in ducklings after crossbreeding. ducklings from the matings and , , and were classified into four classes of plumage color (the Shan Ma plumage color, black, white, or multicolored) over three generations. Parents were selected for the Shan Ma plumage color of their progeny. In the fourth generation, P male and P female ducks were selected according to the frequency of the desired class of plumage color (Shan Ma) of their progeny to obtain the so-called "Brown Putian Ma duck". The Shan Ma duck genotype was identified as having the restricted mallard color pattern (), full expression of any of the patterns or colors (CC), no extended black (ee) and no brown dilution D (D). The Putian White genotype was recessive white (cc), no extended black (ee) and no brown dilution D (D). The Putian Black genotype exhibited full expression of extended black (E gene) and no brown dilution (CCEE D [D]). It was shown that and tests should be implemented to eliminate the recessive white c allele in the S line and the dominant extended black E allele in the F line. It was also shown that the Brown Putian Ma obtained from Putian Black, with no extended black genotype (ee), could be used to get rid of the black plumage (E gene) in the crossbred ducks. This could provide a solution for producing 3-way crossbred ducks Putian (Putian-Ma) and Putian (Shan -Ma), with the desired Shan Ma feather color.
DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04868-4URLPMID:30018292 [本文引用: 1]
Comparative population genomics offers an opportunity to discover the signatures of artificial selection during animal domestication,however,their function cannot be directly revealed.We discovered the selection signatures using genome-wide comparisons among 40 mallards,36 indigenous-breed ducks,and 30 Pekin ducks.Then,the phenotypes were fine mapped based on resequencing of 1,026 ducks from an F_2 segregating population generated by wild domestic crosses.Interestingly,the two key economic traits of Pekin duck were associated with two selective sweeps with fixed mutations.A novel intronic insertion most possibly led to a splicing change in MITF accounted for white duck down feathers.And a putative longdistance regulatory mutation caused continuous expression of the IGF2 BP1 gene after birth which increased body size by 15%and feed efficiency by 6%.This study provides new insights into genotype-phenotype associations in animal research and constitutes a promising resource on economically important genes in fow1.
DOI:10.1126/science.146.3646.948-aURLPMID:14199723 [本文引用: 1]
From a single white Coturnix chick hatched in August 1963, a white colony has been developed. The results of breeding experiments are consistent with the view that the albinism is sex-linked and recessive. It appears likely that the mutation occurred in the first white female hatched, or her sire.
DOI:10.1093/fs/17.4.399URL [本文引用: 1]
react-text: 396 Spawning biomass of chub mackerel Scomber japonicus was estimated for the Pacific subpopulation off central Japan in 1996 by a daily egg production method. The 451 samples of the adult mackerel used for estimating the biological parameters were collected for April to June in 1996 from the research takes and commercial catch in the waters around Izu-Islands. Spawning frequencies were 9%, 47%... /react-text react-text: 397 /react-text [Show full abstract]
DOI:10.1093/jhered/91.6.499URLPMID:11218091 [本文引用: 1]
Genetic analyses were performed with four sex-linked plumage color mutations (roux, brown, imperfect albino, and cinnamon) in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Roux and brown quail have similar plumage color, but plumage of roux quail is paler. Pure, F1 and F2 matings were carried out with roux and brown stocks, and 357, 338, and 273 progeny with either roux or brown plumage color were obtained from each mating type, respectively. These allelism tests showed that mutations for roux and brown colors were alleles (*R and *B) from the same locus BR, and that BR*B was dominant over BR*R. Two alleles at the AL locus, AL*A (imperfect albino) and AL*C (cinnamon) were used to estimate the recombination frequency between the BR and AL loci on the Z chromosome. It was estimated to be 38.1+/-1.0% based on 4615 chicks from the test crosses.
DOI:10.1002/jez.1400120404URL [本文引用: 3]
First page of article
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DOI:10.1038/184480a0URLPMID:13844061 [本文引用: 3]
IN 1955, among 76,542 chicks hatched from the cross, Brown Leghorn sire by Light Sussex dam, there appeared two males which, instead of having the expected white (silver) coloured down of the Light Sussex, were brown. One was sold before its genetic importance was realized. The other cock when adult was light brown in colour, being of a similar hue to that of Brown Leghorn pullets, with a few black feathers on the wings and a black tail. The black and bright brown colours which are found on the bodies of Brown Leghorn cocks were absent. The bird was strong and vigorous and lived until killed in 1958.
DOI:10.1038/2001238a0URL [本文引用: 2]
WERRET et al. 1 described a series of matings, starting with a non-silver male resulting from a cross of a Brown Leghorn sire by a Light Sussex dam, which suggested that the gene for silver ( S ) had mutated to that for semi-albinism, designated by them as s al . As the mutant gene also proved to be recessive to that for gold ( s ), together they formed a series of three alleles at one locus on the sex chromosome. Mueller and Hutt 2 first described imperfect or semi-albinism ( al ) and afterwards Hutt 3 reported on the linkage relationships of his al to other genes on that chromosome. Although Hutt had no specific tests of linkage of al with S , both these genes were tested with others located nearby. Identical linkages (0.7 per cent) were found with the gene for dwarf ( dw ) ; but for the gene for rapid feathering ( k ), where there were more gametes tested and the map distance was considerably less, k was closer (1.6 per cent) to al than to S (2.8 per cent), a situation that did not suggest possible allelism. Hutt therefore placed al between S and k , a little closer (1.2 per cent) to the former.
DOI:10.1002/jez.1400130102URL [本文引用: 1]
First page of article
DOI:10.1086/279898URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.1007/BF02983144URLPMID:17246558 [本文引用: 1]
Genetics. 1928 Sep;13(5):421-33.
[本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0253-9772.2003.04.018URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
鹌鹑的羽色主要有野生型、白色型、深色型、褐色型、黑白镶嵌型、褐白镶嵌型、黄色型、红色型和紫色型等,目前已发现大约有26个基因座与鹌鹑的羽色有关。这些基因座多数位于常染色体上,有5 个基因座位于Z染色体上,有4 个基因座存在有复等位基因系列。多数基因座的等位基因呈显隐性关系,少数表现为等显性或不完全显性。有5个基因座的显性羽色突变基因如黄羽、银色羽、白羽、孵化黑羽和亮绒羽在纯合状态下具有致死或半致死效应。羽色标记在鹌鹑育种和生产以及科学研究中已发挥了重要作用,作者就今后加强鹌鹑羽色标记研究提出了一些建议。<br>Abstract:The main plumage traits including wild-type,white,dark black,brown,dark-white inlays,brown-white inlays,yellow,red and purple have been reported,which are related to 26 loci.The majority of the loci are at the autosome and five loci at the Z chromosome.Four loci have multiple allelic series.The dominance or recessive relation are shown between allele of the most loci and few of them show allelic equivalence or incompletely dominance.There are five dominant plumage color mutations,such as yellow,silver,white,black at hatch and light down are lethal or semi-lethal in the homozygous state.These plumage color marker have played an important part in the breeding and production of quails and research fields.Some proposals are put forward in terms of strengthening the study of plumage color marks of quails.<br>
DOI:10.3321/j.issn:0253-9772.2003.04.018URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]
鹌鹑的羽色主要有野生型、白色型、深色型、褐色型、黑白镶嵌型、褐白镶嵌型、黄色型、红色型和紫色型等,目前已发现大约有26个基因座与鹌鹑的羽色有关。这些基因座多数位于常染色体上,有5 个基因座位于Z染色体上,有4 个基因座存在有复等位基因系列。多数基因座的等位基因呈显隐性关系,少数表现为等显性或不完全显性。有5个基因座的显性羽色突变基因如黄羽、银色羽、白羽、孵化黑羽和亮绒羽在纯合状态下具有致死或半致死效应。羽色标记在鹌鹑育种和生产以及科学研究中已发挥了重要作用,作者就今后加强鹌鹑羽色标记研究提出了一些建议。<br>Abstract:The main plumage traits including wild-type,white,dark black,brown,dark-white inlays,brown-white inlays,yellow,red and purple have been reported,which are related to 26 loci.The majority of the loci are at the autosome and five loci at the Z chromosome.Four loci have multiple allelic series.The dominance or recessive relation are shown between allele of the most loci and few of them show allelic equivalence or incompletely dominance.There are five dominant plumage color mutations,such as yellow,silver,white,black at hatch and light down are lethal or semi-lethal in the homozygous state.These plumage color marker have played an important part in the breeding and production of quails and research fields.Some proposals are put forward in terms of strengthening the study of plumage color marks of quails.<br>
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.19.015URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.19.015URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3382/ps.0320159URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3382/ps.0330525URL [本文引用: 1]
FROM the data obtained in an earlier study, Jerome (1953) reported on the behavior of a number of characters in certain crosses of domestic geese. From that work it was possible to state that: neck stripe (Ns) is dominant to absence of neck stripe (ns): white breast patch (Wb) is dominant to absence of white breast patch (wb): and solid pattern (Sp) is dominant to spotted pattern (sp). However, because of the manner in which the crosses were arranged it was impossible to state whether the genes responsible for these characters were autosomal or sex-linked.
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-1085.2014.03.002URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-1085.2014.03.002URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-874X.2014.09.030URL [本文引用: 1]
家鸡(Gallus gallus domestica)羽色受多基因调控,已经有越来越多羽色相关基因与突变被定位,包括扩展位点基因座、深褐色基因座、花斑基因座、横斑表型相关基因、真黑素稀释基因座等。就羽色形成的机理,对羽色基因座位对应的表型情况和基因座位对应的编码基因以及致因突变进行了综述。此外,还简要介绍了如何通过分子方法剔除对优质鸡育种不利的羽色基因座。
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-874X.2014.09.030URL [本文引用: 1]
家鸡(Gallus gallus domestica)羽色受多基因调控,已经有越来越多羽色相关基因与突变被定位,包括扩展位点基因座、深褐色基因座、花斑基因座、横斑表型相关基因、真黑素稀释基因座等。就羽色形成的机理,对羽色基因座位对应的表型情况和基因座位对应的编码基因以及致因突变进行了综述。此外,还简要介绍了如何通过分子方法剔除对优质鸡育种不利的羽色基因座。
DOI:10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a109804URL [本文引用: 1]
A genetically defined autosomal albino ( a ) stock of the domestic fowl was developed. By appropriate crosses it was found to be an allele of recessive white ( C ), but not pink eye ( pk ) or blue ( Bl ). Its allelism with recessive white necessitates a change in symbol since it was thought to be at a separate locus. Therefore the C locus in the fowl is multipleallelic. The most dominant allele is wild type, C +, which allows full pigmentation. The most recessive allele is autosomal albinism, which allows the least amount of pigment to develop. The symbol c a would appropriately designate this allele. The slightly more pigmented (faint yellow tinge) allele, which is incompletely dominant to C a, is the recessive white mutation, c . Concomitant electron microscope studies of both retinal and feather melanocytes were made, which showed both mutant alleles are cytothemically tyrosinase negative, possess hypertrophied golgi systems, and contain numerous vesicles that appear to be incompletely formed, unpigmented granules. Retinal melanocytes possess a few pigmented granules, more in recessive white ( C ) cells than in albino ( C a) cells.
DOI:10.1534/genetics.104.027995URLPMID:15579702 [本文引用: 1]
Abstract Dominant white, Dun, and Smoky are alleles at the Dominant white locus, which is one of the major loci affecting plumage color in the domestic chicken. Both Dominant white and Dun inhibit the expression of black eumelanin. Smoky arose in a White Leghorn homozygous for Dominant white and partially restores pigmentation. PMEL17 encodes a melanocyte-specific protein and was identified as a positional candidate gene due to its role in the development of eumelanosomes. Linkage analysis of PMEL17 and Dominant white using a red jungle fowl/White Leghorn intercross revealed no recombination between these loci. Sequence analysis showed that the Dominant white allele was exclusively associated with a 9-bp insertion in exon 10, leading to an insertion of three amino acids in the PMEL17 transmembrane region. Similarly, a deletion of five amino acids in the transmembrane region occurs in the protein encoded by Dun. The Smoky allele shared the 9-bp insertion in exon 10 with Dominant white, as expected from its origin, but also had a deletion of 12 nucleotides in exon 6, eliminating four amino acids from the mature protein. These mutations are, together with the recessive silver mutation in the mouse, the only PMEL17 mutations with phenotypic effects that have been described so far in any species.
DOI:10.1186/1471-2164-7-19URLPMID:1373650 [本文引用: 1]
pAbstract/p pBackground/p pIn chickens, three mutant alleles have been reported at the itC /itlocus, including the albino mutation, and the recessive white mutation, which is characterized by white plumage and pigmented eyes. The albino mutation was found to be a 6 bp deletion in the tyrosinase (itTYR/it) gene. The present work describes an approach to identify the structural rearrangement in the itTYR /itgene associated with the recessive white mutation./p pResults/p pMolecular analysis of the chicken itTYR /itgene has revealed a major structural difference (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism, RFLP) in the genomic DNA of the recessive white chicken. A major size difference of 7.7 kb was found in intron 4 of the itTYR /itgene by long-range PCR. Molecular cloning and sequencing results showed the insertion of a complete avian retroviral sequence of the Avian Leukosis Virus (itALV/it) family. Several aberrant transcripts of the tyrosinase gene were found in 10 week old recessive white chickens but not in the homozygous wild type colored chicken. We established a rapid genotyping diagnostic test based on the discovery of this retroviral insertion. It shows that all homozygous carriers of this insertion had a white plumage in various chicken strains. Furthermore, it was possible to distinguish heterozygous carriers from homozygous normal chickens in a segregating line./p pConclusion/p pIn this study, we conclude that the insertion of a complete avian retroviral sequence in intron 4 of the tyrosinase gene is diagnostic of the recessive white mutation in chickens. This insertion causes aberrant transcripts lacking exon 5, and we propose that this insertion is the causal mutation for the recessive white allele in the chicken./p
DOI:10.1534/genetics.106.063107URLPMID:17151254 [本文引用: 2]
ABSTRACT S*S (Silver), S*N (wild type/gold), and S*AL (sex-linked imperfect albinism) form a...