

北京农学院 /2013-10-08

  Vegetable processing enterprises which I responsible for designing and reforming cover all large vegetable processing enterprises in Beijing. Great experience in food safety management.

  Be food audit experts on-site in Olympic.The self-development of the agricultural product  quality safety monitoring system has been  used in government and business successfully.The scientific research of fresh vegetables has been successfully applied to Olympic for the whole fruit cleaning and supplied distribution center for Pizza Hut and KFC as well.

  I am always taking charge in the research of persimmons process and function,and I have got great improvement in the the persimmon antioxidant and functional studies which has been reached   international advanced level.

  Currently I'm leading in Beijing vegetable processing flow programme to solve important problems and spread the results of improving the self-sufficiency rate of leafy vegetables and reducing attrition rates.

Primary Teaching Area:

  Food safety and sanitation;Grain and oil processing;Food enzymology;Food technology principle;Plant raw material processing technology;Food quality and management;Food standards and regulations;Food processing and security discussion.

Positions & Employment:


In 2004 attains the "Beijing Science and Technology Nova" project funding;

In 2010 attains the Beijing "the backbone of young and middle-aged teachers" project funding;In 2010 attains the Beijing "Excellent Talents" project funding;In 2011attains the "Beijing University of Agriculture college graduate employment outstanding contribution award for teachers"

Profile:(Only 500 Words)

Nearly five years chaired and completed a number of provincial and ministerial level scientific research topic: including provincial demonstration project "establish researching and demonstrated system of fresh-keeping key technology on fresh-cut vegetables and safety production management"; the Beijing excellent talents funding projects "the study on relationship between persimmon polyphenols and antioxidant activity"; the Beijing backbone of young and middle-aged teachers funding project "the study on separation of promoting ADH active substance from persimmon and its action mechanism". "research and demonstration of Edible mushroom preservation technology ", "achievement transformation of functional food of persimmon ", "fresh-cut processing demonstration project of Beijing Tian An agricultural Cor. ". As the first participant in national research subject (863 program) "the pathogenic bacteria safety control technology of edible agricultural products ".

Currently, the member of Beijing youth federation, and as a technology representatives, participate in the Eighth Congress of the Beijing Association for Science and Technology. Based on the contribution of vegetables industry and the achievements for Beijing, I have invited as the post experts of Beijing leafy vegetables industry system innovation team by the Beijing municipal bureau of agriculture in 2012, as the director of processing circulation and industrial economy research, obtain scientific research demonstration and popularization special support.

Nearly five years published more than 20 articles, 13 articles published on the national journals as the first author. Conference papers 2 articles. 3 monographs (or materials) published national press as the first author, In compiling teaching material 1. Accepts the patent 2 items, and 5 copyrights safety management in vegetables by national.




Selected Publications:

1.Radical Scavenging Activity and Phenolic Compounds in Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L. cv. Mopan),Journal of Food Science,2008.12(SCI)

2.Antioxidant Research of Persimmon Extraction in Ionizing Radiation Mice,Advanced Materials Research,2012.1(EI);

3.Research progress in preservation of postharvest edible fungi,Advanced Materials Research,2012.6(EI);

4.The study on persimmon functional component and nutrition research medicinal value(monographs).China's agriculture press.2011.5

5.The research on Persimmon of the separation and purification of phenolic compounds and function (monographs).China's agriculture press,2012.2.



马挺军 男,1973年7月出生,副教授,博士。研究方向为天然产物提取与功能食品、果蔬保鲜技术。2007年入选北京市科技新星,2011年入选北京市中青年骨干教师。主持完成的课题有:科技部中央级公益性科研院所基金“作物加工特性与功能因子利用研究”、北京市科委“大豆卵磷脂脂质体制备关键技术研究”,北京市教委彩虹工程“芦笋保鲜与加工关键技术研究”,科技部十一五支撑计划子课题“荞麦健康食品与功效评价研究”。主讲《食品添加剂》、《食品包装学》、《果蔬加工学》、《酿造食品工艺学》、《食品企业生产管理》等课程。发表科研论文30余篇,其中SCI收录3篇,EI收录2篇,申请发明专利4项,获授权1项,出版专著2本。


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