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Ricci张量对称函数的预定问题 贺妍1, 张维维21 湖北大学数学与统计学学院 应用数学湖北省重点实验室 武汉 430062;
2 重庆工商大学财政金融学院 重庆 400064 The Prescribing Problem for Symmetric Function of Ricci Tensor Yan HE1, Wei Wei ZHANG21 Hubei Key Laboratory of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, P. R. China;
2 School of Finance, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400064, P. R. China

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收稿日期: 2019-04-23
MR (2010):O186
作者简介: 贺妍,E-mail:helenaig@hotmail.com;张维维,E-mail:weiwei@ctbu.edu.cn
贺妍, 张维维. Ricci张量对称函数的预定问题[J]. 数学学报, 2021, 64(1): 41-46. Yan HE, Wei Wei ZHANG. The Prescribing Problem for Symmetric Function of Ricci Tensor. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series, 2021, 64(1): 41-46.
http://www.actamath.com/Jwk_sxxb_cn/CN/ http://www.actamath.com/Jwk_sxxb_cn/CN/Y2021/V64/I1/41

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