2暨南大学应用语言学研究院, 广州 510610
3广东金融学院公共管理学院, 广州 510521
6国民心理健康评估与促进协同创新中心, 天津 300387
* 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31900778);国家留学基金(留金项[2018]10038号);暨南大学华文学院发展基金(2019FZJJYB12)The cognitive and neural mechanisms of statistical learning and its relationship with language
XU Guiping1,2, FAN Ruolin3, JIN Hua4,5,6(![](http://journal.psych.ac.cn/xlkxjz/images/email.png)
1College of Chinese Language and Culture
2Institute of Applied Linguistics, Jinan University, Guangzhou, 510610, China
3School of Public Administration, Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou, 510521, China
4Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education, Academy of Psychology and Behavior, Tianjin Normal University
5Faculty of Psychology, Tianjin Normal University
6Center of Collaborative Innovation for Assessment and Promotion of Mental Health, Tianjin, 300387, China
JIN Hua E-mail:jennyjin2@163.com摘要/Abstract
摘要: 统计学习是指个体在连续刺激流中发现转移概率等统计规律的过程, 在
图/表 1
图1视觉统计学习刺激材料(引自: Frost等, 2013)
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