Chongqing Key Laboratory of Photo-Electric Functional Materials, College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China
Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11904041), the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing, China (Grant Nos. cstc2020jcyj-msxmX0557, cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0237), and the Science and Technology Research Project of Chongqing Education Committee, China (Grant Nos. KJQN201900542, KJ1703042)
Received Date:01 June 2021
Accepted Date:02 July 2021
Available Online:17 August 2021
Published Online:05 December 2021
Abstract:Solar-blind deep-ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors (PDs) based on the super-wide bandgap semiconductor material Ga2O3 is one of the hot topics of current research, but how to prepare high-performance Ga2O3-based solar-blind PDs in the field of flexible and transparent optoelectronics still faces challenges. In this work, an amorphous Ga2O3 film with high transmittance is grown on a flexible mica substrate by using the radio frequency magnetron sputtering technology. On this basis, using AZO as an electrode material, a transparent metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) structured solar-blind deep ultraviolet photodetector based amorphous Ga2O3 film is fabricated, and the performance of PD in the planar state and after multiple bending are systematically compared and analyzed. The results show that the amorphous Ga2O3 based transparent PD has ultra-high visible light transparency and shows good solar-blind ultraviolet photoelectric characteristics. The responsivity of the PD under 254 nm light is 2.69 A/W, and the response time and the recovery time are 0.14 s and 0.31 s, respectively. After bending 300 times, the PD has a photoresponse behavior similar to its planar state, and the performance of the PD has no obvious attenuation phenomenon, showing good flexibility and stability. This work proves that AZO can be used as the electrode material of the next generation of flexible and visible light transparent Ga2O3 based photodetectors, and provides a reference for developing the high-performance flexible and transparent solar-blind deep ultraviolet photodetectors. Keywords:Ga2O3 thin film/ amorphous/ solar-blind ultraviolet photodetector/ transparent/ flexible
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3.结果与分析图1(a)给出了在云母(mica)衬底上生长的Ga2O3薄膜(Ga2O3/mica)的XRD图谱, 其中mica衬底的XRD图谱用于对比分析. 从图1(a)中可以看出, 除了来自mica衬底的特征峰外[25-27], 并未观察到与Ga2O3晶体相关的特征衍射峰, 说明常温环境下在mica衬底上生长的Ga2O3薄膜为非晶态. 同样的结论在Raman光谱中也能观察到, 如图1(b)所示. 发现除了来自mica衬底的振动模式外[28], 未见Ga2O3晶体相关振动模式, 进一步证实了在mica衬底上直接沉积的为非晶Ga2O3薄膜. 图1(c)和图1(d)分别给出了非晶态Ga2O3薄膜的Ga 2p和O 1s的XPS谱. Ga 2p的核心能级谱分为Ga 2p1/2和Ga 2p3/2, 其结合能分别对应于1145.2和1118.2 eV, 二者差值约为27 eV, 这与Ramana 等[29]报道的实验结果相一致. 从图1(d)中可以观察到O 1s的结合能位于531.5 eV附近. 基于高斯拟合分析, O 1s核心能级谱可分为三部分: 1) (530.4 ± 0.1) eV (O1), O1与晶格位置中的O2–离子有关; 2) (531.3 ± 0.1) eV (O2), O2与缺氧区域中的O2–离子有关, 且通常被用于表征氧化物中的氧空位(VO)缺陷; 3) (532.3 ± 0.1) eV (O3), O3对应于薄膜表面的化学吸附物质[30]. 从图1(d)中明显可以观察到O 1s具有较强的O2峰, 表明非晶Ga2O3薄膜中存在大量的氧空位施主缺陷. 图 1 柔性衬底云母上沉积的Ga2O3薄膜 (a) XRD图谱; (b) Raman散射光谱; (c) Ga 2p核心能级谱; (d) O 1s核心能级谱; (e) 紫外可见光透射光谱(插图为样品放置于LOGO上的照片); (d) (αhν)2随光子能量(hν)的变化关系 Figure1. (a) The XRD pattern, (b) Raman scattering spectra, (c) Ga 2p core level spectra, (d) O 1s core level spectra, (e) optical transmittance spectra (the photograph of the as-grown Ga2O3 film is depicted in the inset) and (f) the variation of (αhν)2 with photon energy (hν) of the Ga2O3 film deposited on flexible mica substrate, respectively.
其中α是吸收系数; hν是入射光子能量; A是常数. 因此由图1(f)所示, Ga2O3薄膜的Eg可以通过(αhν)2到hν的线性区域外推得到, 计算出在柔性衬底云母上沉积的非晶态Ga2O3薄膜的光学带隙约为4.48 eV, 这与报道的值非常接近[32]. 为了研究在云母柔性衬底上生长的非晶态Ga2O3薄膜的日盲紫外光电性能, 基于非晶Ga2O3薄膜制备了MSM型日盲紫外探测器, 示意图如图2(a)所示. 在非晶Ga2O3薄膜的表面上沉积三对叉指电极, 电极材料选用AZO透明导电氧化物薄膜(可见光区域平均透过率高于90%, 载流子浓度超过为1020 cm–3), 取代Au等贵金属, 制备非晶Ga2O3薄膜基柔性透明的日盲紫外探测器件. 电极的宽度、长度和间距分别为200 μm, 2800 μm和200 μm, 有效深紫外光辐照面积为0.03 cm2. 柔性透明日盲探测器置于LOGO上的实物照片如图2(b)所示. 明显地, 穿过探测器可以清晰地观察到底部LOGO的图案及文字, 表明非晶Ga2O3薄膜基柔性日盲紫外探测器具有较高的可见光透明度. 图 2 平面状态下非晶态Ga2O3薄膜基柔性透明日盲探测器: (a) MSM型器件示意图; (b) 置于LOGO上的实物照片; (c) 在黑暗条件下, 365和254 nm光照下的I-V曲线(对数坐标); (d) 在–0.10?0.15 V偏置电压内的I-V曲线放大图, 插图为5 V偏压下光照强度与光电流之间的关系; (e) 黑暗条件下的能带示意图; (f) 254 nm光照下的能带示意图 Figure2. (a) The schematic diagram of the MSM photodetector; (b) the photograph of the Ga2O3 PD; (c) I-V characteristics in dark, under 365 and 254 nm illumination (in a logarithmic coordinate); (d) the enlarged view of the I-V characteristics at a bias voltage of –0.10 to 0.15 V, and the inset shows the relationship between the light intensity and photocurrent under 5 V bias; (e) schematic energy band diagrams in dark; (f) schematic energy band diagrams under 254 nm light illumination of the flexible transparent solar-blind photodetector based on amorphous Ga2O3 films deposited on mica substrate, respectively.