Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61671464, 61801508, 61701523), the Natural Science Foundational Research Fund of Shaanxi Province, China (Grant Nos. 2018JM6040, 2019JQ-103), and the Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program of China (Grant No. BX20180375)
Received Date:12 July 2020
Accepted Date:11 August 2020
Available Online:12 January 2021
Published Online:05 January 2021
Abstract:Microstrip phased array has aroused interest of many researchers because of its beam agility. However, a big problem for typical microstrip array is that its main beam can only scan from about –50° to 50°, with a gain loss of 4-5 dB. Meanwhile, the relatively narrow operating bandwidth of microstrip antenna is also a problem in application. These flaws have dramatically limited its applications and spawned many studies on phased array with wide-angle scanning capability. Several methods have been proposed to broaden the scanning coverage of phased array, such as utilizing pattern-reconfigurable antenna as an element of array, taking wide-beam antenna as the element of array, and adopt metasurface as the top cladding of array. However, most of existing researches mainly focus on achieving wide-angle scanning performance within a relatively narrow bandwidth. A phased array that possesses wide-angle scanning capability at both main planes within a relatively wide bandwidth is highly desirable. In this paper, a wide-beam magnetoelectric (ME) dipole antenna is proposed. It consists of an ME dipole antenna in the form of microstrip patch and a pair of magnetic dipoles. Metallic through holes integrated with patches and ground are utilized to form magnetic currents. Extra magnetic dipoles are added to broaden the 3-dB beam-width. The simulated results reveal that the 3-dB beam-width of the proposed antenna is greater than 107° in the E-plane (9 GHz–12 GHz) and 178° in the H-plane (7 GHz–12 GHz) respectively. The impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna is 53.26% from 7.3 GHz to 12.6 GHz (VWSR < 2). Based on the proposed antenna element, two linear phased arrays are fabricated and measured. To test the wide-angle scanning capability of the arrays, each antenna element is simply fed with alternating currents with identical amplitude and linearly increasing phases. The measured results reveal that the wide-angle scanning capability of H-plane array and E-plane array can be obtained from 9 GHz to 12 GHz. The scanning beam of the H-plane array can cover the range from -90° to 90°. The scanning beam of the E-plane array can cover the range from –70° to 70°. The impedance bandwidth of the central antenna is 27.03% for the H-plane array from 9.6 GHz to 12.6 GHz (active VWSR < 2.5) and 36.36% for the E-plane array from 9 GHz to 13 GHz (active VWSR < 2) respectively. Hence, the proposed method can be used as a reference for designing a wide-beam antenna and wide-angle scanning phased array and the designed phased arrays can be applied to X-band radar systems. Keywords:wide beam/ wide-angle scanning/ magnetoelectric(ME) dipole antenna/ phased array
表4已报道宽波束磁电偶极子天线与本文天线特性对比 Table4.Comparison between the reported and proposed magneto-electric dipole antenna.
3.一维宽角扫描阵列设计图7给出了一维宽角扫描阵列的模型图. 设计的阵列均为9单元线性阵列.考虑到栅瓣抑制条件及阵中单元有源驻波比, E面阵列阵元间距选定为12 mm, H面阵列阵元间距选定为9 mm. 图 7 一维相控阵列 (a) E面阵列; (b) H面阵列 Figure7. The phased arrays: (a) E-plane array; (b) H-plane array.
4.加工与实测为检验设计方法的有效性, 对设计的一维线性扫描阵列进行了加工实测. 图8给出了加工样品的实物图. 图 8 阵列实物图 (a) E面阵列; (b) H面阵列 Figure8. The prototypes of the arrays: (a) E-plane array; (b) H-plane array.
阵列中心单元的有源驻波比由安捷伦N5230 C矢量网络分析仪测试得到, 阵列的扫描方向图通过合成阵列中所有阵元的有源方向图得到, 因此, 实际测量过程中没有用到移相器及馈电网络, 仅通过微波暗室中的远场方向图测量系统测量得到了阵列中每一天线单元的有源方向图. 图9给出了阵列中心天线单元的实测有源驻波比. 由图9可得, E面阵列中心单元有源驻波比在9—13 GHz小于2. 与仿真结果相比, 实测有源驻波比在10.3—11 GHz有所抬升, 但仍小于2. H面阵列中心单元的有源驻波比, 而在9.6—12.6 GHz小于2.5, 实测结果与仿真结果吻合较好. 图 9 阵列中心单元实测有源驻波比 (a) E面阵列; (b) H面阵列 Figure9. The active VSWRs of the unit at the center of two arrays: (a) E-plane array; (b) H-plane array.