Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61731005, 61901086), the Postdoctoral Innovation Talents Support Program, China (Grant No. BX20180057), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2018M640907), and the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities, China (Grant No. ZYGX2019J101)
Received Date:01 September 2020
Accepted Date:29 September 2020
Available Online:17 November 2020
Published Online:20 November 2020
Abstract:The performances of metamaterial absorbers can be affected by the incidence angle of electromagnetic wave. It is difficult to design the incidence angle-insensitive metamaterial absorbers. In this paper, we propose a metamaterial absorber with wide-angle incidence based on the equivalent medium theory. The absorber unit consists of a double-sided split resonant ring placed vertically on the ground. The resistors and capacitors are loaded at the opening of the resonant ring. The resistor is used to adjust the equivalent electromagnetic parameters of the metamaterial, and the capacitor is used to control the resonant frequency of the metamaterial and miniaturize the unit. When the transverse electric (TE) plane wave impinges on the surface of the absorber, R = 4000 Ohm and C = 1.5 pF, the proposed absorber can achieve an absorptivity greater than 90% at 1.59 GHz up to an incidence angle reaching 70°. Besides, the absorber can achieve an 85% absorptivity under an incidence angle of 75°. when the transverse magnetic (TM) plane wave impinges on the surface of the absorbers, R = 1200 Ω and C = 1.5 pF, the proposed absorber can achieve an absorptivity of greater than 90% at 1.59 GHz up to a 70°incidence angle. Besides, the absorber can also achieve an absorptivity of 85% up to 75°. The results show that the measurement results are basically consistent with the simulation results. In addition, when the capacitance is changed while the other parameters are fixed, the metamaterial absorber proposed in this paper still has the same wide-angle absorbing performance at the new resonant frequency. In other words, the proposed absorber has broadband operating characteristics. A frequency-tunable metamaterial absorber with wide-angle incidence can be designed based on the aforementioned results. The results in this paper provide a method of tuning capacitance. The opening is set at the other end of the split ring, and the same fixed-value resistor and variable capacitor are loaded on the left opening, and the corresponding DC bias feeder is designed. One end of the DC bias line is directly connected to the ground, and the other end needs to be separately connected to the other DC bias feeder of each unit to realize the control of the variable capacitors of each unit. Keywords:equivalent medium theory/ wide-angle incidence/ metamaterial absorbers
从(2)式可以看出, 实现宽角吸波效果的关键是能够精确调控超材料的等效磁导率, 使其反射系数在宽角度的范围内都能保持很小的数值. 因此, 文中引入了集总电阻来增加等效磁导率的调控自由度. 本文采用CST软件进行全波仿真, 利用S参数反演计算等效磁导率. 根据理论模型, 本文反演计算的等效磁导率是等效介质的本构参数, 并不包含地板, 因此在提取超材料的等效磁导率时, 首先把PEC去除, 仿真得到的S参数再进行参数反演. 图3(a)和图3(b)给出了TE波垂直照射时, 等效磁导率实部和虚部随电阻R的变化, 图3(c)和图3(d)给出了TM波垂直照射时, 等效磁导率实部和虚部随电阻R的变化. 从图3(c)和图3(d)可以看出, 当超材料的其他尺寸参数不发生变化时, 电阻R能够较为精确地控制实部和虚部的数值, 有利于后续宽角度吸波体的设计. 为了反映实际超材料吸波体的吸波效果随R的变化, 在超材料单元下方加载PEC, 仿真得到的吸波体反射系数如图3(e)和图3(f)所示 图 3 超材料的等效磁导率虚部和实部以及超材料吸波体反射系数随电阻R的变化 (a) TE波照射时磁导率实部; (b) TE波照射时磁导率虚部; (c) TM波照射时磁导率实部; (d) TM波照射时虚部; (e) TE波照射超材料吸波体反射系数随电阻R的变化; (f) TM波照射超材料吸波体反射系数随电阻R的变化 Figure3. The imaginary parts and real parts of the equivalent permeability of the metamaterial and the reflection coefficient of the absorber varies with the resistor: (a) Real parts of the equivalent permeability under TE wave; (b) imaginary parts of the equivalent permeability under TE wave; (c) real parts of the equivalent permeability under TM wave; (d) imaginary parts of the equivalent permeability under TM wave; (e) the reflection coefficient of the absorber varies with the resistor under TE wave; (f) the reflection coefficient of the absorber varies with the resistor under TM wave.
图 5 超材料吸波体反射系数随角度的变化 (a) TE波照射; (b) TM波照射 Figure5. The reflection coefficient of the absorber varies with incidence angle (a) TE wave; (b) TM wave
图 6 理论计算结果与TE波照射下R = 4000 Ω, C = 1.5 pF和TM波照射下R = 1200 Ω, C = 1.5 pF的仿真结果对比 Figure6. Comparison of theoretical results and simulation results when R = 4000 Ω, C = 1.5 pF under TE wave and R = 1200 Ω, C = 1.5 pF under TM wave.