关键词:农业干旱;脆弱性;综合指数法;贡献度;关中地区 Abstract Guangzhong Area is one of the most important production regions of crops,so it’s of great importance to know its agricultural vulnerability. In the evaluation of agricultural vulnerability to drought in Guanzhong Area,to make the selection of indexes and determination of the weights of indexes more scientific,grey relation analysis and combination weighting game theory were put into use. 10 indexes were screened out from 12 indexes,and the combined weights of these indexes were calculated. Agricultural vulnerability value to drought in Guanzhong Area was calculated by vulnerability model which is developed by comprehensive index method. Contribution model was applied to analysis each city’s main contributing factors and indexes. The results show that:the least vulnerable city is Xi’an,and the following is Weinan,Xianyang,Baoojiand and Tongchuan. Sensitivity and restorative make similar contribution to Xi’an,while lack of effective irrigation area,and less consumption of agricultural plastic film per unit arable area are the main contributors. Restorative contributes more for Weinan and Xianyang. Low government revenue and low per capita GDP are the main contributors for two cities. Sensitivity and restorative make similar contribution to Baooji. Sensitivity contributes more for Tongchuan. Irrigation water consumption per unit area of farmland and water supply capacity of water conservancy projects are the main contributors for Baooji and Tongchuan. Finally,to reduce each cities’ agricultural vulnerability to drought,countermeasures are put forward based on the main contribution indexes.
通过以上计算可以得到,关中农业干旱脆弱性由小到大的顺序依次为西安市、渭南市、咸阳市、宝鸡市和铜川市。 西安市敏感性和恢复性对农业干旱脆弱性的贡献度相当,均为0.50(表5)。敏感性代表农业在一定的外界条件下易于发生干旱的状态,即抵御农业干旱发生的能力;恢复性反映农业在遭受干旱之后的恢复能力。两者相当,说明西安市抵御农业干旱发生的能力与农业干旱发生后的恢复能力相当。西安市农业干旱脆弱性的主要贡献指标为有效灌溉面积、单位面积农用塑料薄膜使用量,二者的贡献度分别为0.17、0.18(表6)。反映出西安市有效灌溉面积不足,单位面积农用塑料薄膜使用量较少。通过对5年数据的分析可得,西安市有效灌溉面积大约占关中地区总有效灌溉面积的20%,基本处于平均水平。西安市农用塑料薄膜使用量为8.82kg/hm2,与关中地区农用塑料薄膜平均使用量12.61kg/hm2相比,还存在一定的差距。而农用塑料薄膜对于农作物减少蒸发、保持湿度具有非常重要的作用。因此,要降低西安市农业干旱脆弱性,一方面可适当增加灌溉工程设施来提高有效灌溉面积,另一方面可适当增加农用塑料薄膜的使用。 Table 5 表5 表5敏感性和恢复性对关中各城市农业干旱脆弱性的贡献度 Table 5Contribution of sensitivity and restorative to agricultural vulnerability values to drought of five cities in Guanzhong Area
新窗口打开 渭南市属于恢复性主导城市。敏感性和恢复性对农业干旱脆弱性的贡献度分别为0.32、0.68(表5)。并且与其它4个城市相比,渭南市的恢复性贡献度最大,说明渭南市发生农业干旱后的恢复能力差。所以与抵御农业干旱发生的能力相比,渭南市更应重视农业干旱发生之后的恢复能力的提高。渭南市农业干旱脆弱性的主要贡献指标为财政收入、人均GDP,二者贡献度分别为0.20、0.21(表6)。这两个指标贡献度大直接导致渭南市恢复性的贡献度大。同时与其它4个城市相比,渭南市这两个指标的贡献度均为最大值,体现出渭南市经济相对落后的实际情况。通过对5年数据的分析可得,渭南市财政收入仅占关中地区总财政收入的10%~15%,人均GDP与关中地区平均水平相差较大。而一个城市经济的发达与否,直接关系到农业干旱发生之后政府和人民应对干旱能力的大小。所以对渭南市而言,首要问题是提高农业干旱发生之后的恢复能力,具体来讲,就是要大力发展经济,提高社会综合发展水平,增加政府和人民的收入。 Table 6 表6 表6各指标对关中各城市农业干旱脆弱性的贡献度 Table 6Contribution of indexes to agricultural vulnerability values to drought of five cities in Guanzhong Area
用筛选的指标建立了关中地区农业干旱脆弱性评价体系,通过基于博弈论的组合赋权法对指标进行赋权。用综合指数法构建脆弱性模型,对各城市农业干旱脆弱性进行了评价,由贡献度分析得到各指标对脆弱性的贡献度。结果表明:关中各地区农业干旱脆弱性由小到大的顺序依次为西安市、渭南市、咸阳市、宝鸡市和铜川市。其中西安市和宝鸡市敏感性的贡献度与恢复性的贡献度相当,渭南市、咸阳市为恢复性主导,铜川市为敏感性主导。有效灌溉面积不足和单位面积农用塑料薄膜使用量较少对西安市农业干旱脆弱性贡献较大。财政收入偏低和人均GDP偏低对渭南市和咸阳市农业干旱脆弱性贡献较大。单位面积农田灌溉用水量小和水利工程供水能力弱对宝鸡市和铜川市农业干旱脆弱性贡献较大。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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