山西农业大学谷子研究所 长治 046001
作者简介:阎晓光, 主要研究方向为玉米高产栽培。E-mail: gzsyxg001@163.com
通讯作者:李洪, 主要研究方向为玉米遗传育种。E-mail: liho0910@163.com
中图分类号:S513; S372计量
Analysis of mechanical grain harvesting quality and its influential factors of spring maize in Shanxi Province
YAN Xiaoguang,LI Hong,,
DONG Hongfen,
LI Aijun,
WANG Guoliang,
HU Ying,
DU Yanwei
Millet Research Institute, Shanxi Agricultural University, Changzhi 046001, China
Funds:This study was supported by the Special Fund for the Industrial Technology System Construction of Modern Agriculture of China (nycytx-02) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFD0101104)
More Information
Corresponding author:E-mail: liho0910@163.com
摘要:开展玉米机械粒收质量及其影响因素研究, 对推动山西省玉米机械粒收发展, 提升玉米产业核心竞争力有重要意义。本文以5个前期试验筛选的适宜机械粒收品种为材料, 设置6个收获时期, 在同一地块采用同一台机械与同一位农机手操作收获, 研究不同收获期对机械粒收质量与产量的影响。研究表明, 籽粒含水率随着收获时期的延迟降低; 籽粒破碎率与机收落粒率随着收获时期延迟前期快速降低后期趋于稳定略有升高; 杂质率随着收获时期的延迟逐步降低最后趋于稳定; 落穗损失率随着收获时期的延迟升高。10月15日收获比9月24日收获平均增产11.9%。高的籽粒破碎率是限制山西省春玉米机械粒收的主要因素。籽粒含水率与破碎率模型为y=0.03x2?1.224x+16.78 (R2=0.802**)。当籽粒含水率为20.4%时, 籽粒破碎率最低。籽粒含水率在15.6%~25.2%区间收获, 破碎率能够达到≤5%的国家标准。在山西省春玉米区选择适宜机械粒收品种, 收获时间推迟到10月15日, 可达到理想粒收质量并增产。‘长单511’ ‘迪卡159’和‘长单716’在粒收质量与产量方面均表现优秀, 可作为山西省春玉米区机械粒收品种推广应用。
Abstract:The study of mechanical grain harvesting quality and its influential factors is significant for popularizing mechanical maize harvesting technology in Shanxi Province and enhancing the core competitiveness of the maize industry. To study the influence of harvest time on the quality and yield of maize mechanically grain harvested, five maize varieties suitable for mechanical harvest were harvested at six times (Septmber 24th, and October 1st, 8th, 15th, 22th and 29th) by the same harvester and driver. The grain moisture content, broken rate, impurity rate, as well as ear loss rate, grain loss rate, total loss rate and yield of maize were investigated. The results were as follows: first, the grain moisture content declined gradually with a delayed harvest time. With a delayed harvest time, the grain broken rate and loss rate decreased rapidly in the early period but was stable and slightly increased in the later period. Furthermore, with a delayed harvest time, the impurity rate declined gradually and tended to be stable at the end. Finally, with a delayed harvest time, the ear loss rate increased gradually. The average yield when the field was harvested on October 15th was 11.9% higher than that harvested on September 24th. The high grain broken is the main factor limiting the quality of mechanical grain harvesting of spring maize in Shanxi Province. The relationship between grain moisture content and broken rate could be fitted in the model y=0.03x2?1.224x+16.78 (R2=0.802**). The grain broken rate was the lowest when its moisture content was 20.4%. When the grain moisture content was between 15.6% and 25.2%, its broken rate was less than the national standard of 5%. Choosing the optimal variety for mechanical harvest in the spring maize area of Shanxi Province and harvesting on October 15th could guarantee harvesting quality and yield. ‘Changdan 511’ ‘Dika 159’ and ‘Changdan 716’, which have both perfect mechanical harvest quality and high yield, could be used as mechanical harvest varieties in the spring maize area of Shanxi Province.
Key words:Maize/
Mechanical grain harvesting/
Grain broken rate/
Grain moisture content/
Grain harvesting yield

Figure1.Daily precipitation and average temperature in maize season of the experimental area

Figure2.Grain moisture contents of different maize varieties harvested in different dates

Figure3.Grain broken rates and impurity rates of mechanical grain harvest of different mazie varieties harvested in different dates

Figure4.Ear loss rates and grain loss rates of mechanical grain harvest of different maize varieties harvested in different dates

Figure5.Total grain loss rates of mechanical grain harvest of different maize varieties harvested in different dates

Figure6.Grain yields of mechanical grain harvest of different maize varieties harvested in different dates

Figure7.Relationships of grain moisture content with broken rate, impurity rate, ear loss rate and grain loss rate of mechanical grain harvest of maize

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