

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

1.四川农业大学农学院/农业部西南作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室 成都 611130
2.四川省中江县农业农村局 中江 618100
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2018YFD0301206

作者简介:赵波, 主要研究方向为玉米机械化籽粒直收技术。E-mail:sicauzb4633@163.com
通讯作者:孔凡磊, 主要研究方向为农作制度与玉米高产高效栽培技术。E-mail:kflstar@163.com




Differences in mechanical threshing broken rate between superior and inferior maize grains

ZHAO Bo1,,
WU Yawei1,
LI Xiaolong1,
CHEN Xiang1,
DENG Changchun2,
ZHU Xiaoyong2,
YUAN Jichao1,
KONG Fanlei1,,
1. College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Cultivation in Southwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, Chengdu 611130, China
2. Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Zhongjiang County, Zhongjiang 618100, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Project of China2018YFD0301206
the National Key Research and Development Project of China2017YFD0301704
the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0300307
Sichuan Innovation Team Program of MaizeSCCXTD-2020-02

More Information
Corresponding author:KONG Fanlei, E-mail:kflstar@163.com


Abstract:High grain broken rate is the main limiting factor encountered when mechanically harvesting maize grains. Owing to different filling degrees, the structures of superior and inferior maize grains are different. Therefore, the objectives of this study were:1) to explore the difference in mechanical threshing broken rate between superior and inferior grains and factors that influence this; 2) to select a mechanical strength evaluation index with a high correlation with grain broken rate. Two maize varieties ('Zhongyu 3' and 'Xianyu 1171') were selected, and superior and inferior grains were mechanically threshed separately. Moisture content, 100-grain weight, mechanical strength, starch grain shape, and grain broken rate were compared and analyzed for the superior and inferior grains over three mechanical threshing dates (August 9, August 16, August 23). The results showed that the broken rate of inferior grians of 'Zhongyu 3' was higher than that of superior grains threshed on August 9, August 16, and August 23; and that the broken rate of 'Xianyu 1171' inferior grains was higher than that of superior grains on threshing dates August 16 and August 23. The moisture content and 100-grain weight of superior grains were significantly higher than those of inferior grains across different mechanical threshing dates. At the same time, the superior grains had an obvious mechanical strength advantage over the inferior grains. The results also showed that there were significant negative correlations between broken rate and facade crushing strength (r=-0.46**), broken rate and germ crushing strength (r=-0.34*), which could be used to better reflect the breaking resistance of grains. The horny endosperm starch granules of superior grains were larger than those of inferior grains, and the floury endosperm starch granules were mainly polyhedral in the superior grains but were mainly spheroid in inferior grains. The difference in moisture content between superior and inferior grains could not reliably reflect breaking resistance. Differences in grain weight and mechanical strength were the main factors behind differences in broken rate between superior and inferior grains. The present study highlighted the importance of the differences between superior and inferior grains in maize mechanical harvesting as well as the relationship between grain mechanical strength and breaking resistance.
Key words:Maize/
Mechanical threshing/
Superior grains/
Inferior grains/
Mechanical strength/
Broken rate


Figure1.Division of superior and inferior grains of maize

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Figure2.Grains mechanical strength stress (F) diagram

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图中不同小写字母表示在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure3.Broken rates of superior and inferior grains of different maize varieties mechanically threshed at different dates
Different lowercase letters show significant differences at P < 0.05 level.

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图中不同小写字母表示在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure4.Moisture contents of superior and inferior grains of different maize varieties mechanically threshed at different dates
Different lowercase letters show significant differences at P < 0.05 level.

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图中不同小写字母表示在P < 0.05水平差异显著。
Figure5.Hundred-grain weight of superior and inferior grains of different maize varieties mechanically threshed at different dates
Different lowercase letters show significant differences at P < 0.05 level.

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图中不同小写字母表示在P < 0.05水平差异显著; 图中的方差分析仅限于同一品种同一指标不同日期的强弱势粒。
Figure6.Mechanical strength indexes of superior and inferior grains of different maize varieties mechanically threshed at different dates
Different lowercase letters show significant differences at P < 0.05 level. The analysis of variance in the figure is only limited to the superior and inferior grains of the same variety with the same index and different dates.

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FCS:顶面压碎强度; SCS:侧面压碎强度; GCS:胚部压碎强度; VCS:腹面压碎强度; FSS:顶面剪切强度; SSS:侧面剪切强度; GSS:胚部剪切强度; VSS:腹面剪切强度。*和**分别表示在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平差异显著。
Figure7.Correlation coefficient of maize grain mechanical strength index and broken rate
FCS: facade crushing strength; SCS: side crushing strength; GCS: germ crushing strength; VCS: ventral crushing strength; FSS: facade shear strength; SSS: side shear strength; GSS: germ shear strength; VSS: ventral shear strength. * and ** stand significant correlations at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 probability level, respectively.

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A-D:仲玉3号; E-H:先玉1171; A, C, E, G:强势粒; B, D, F, H:弱势粒; A, B, E, F:角质胚乳(2 000×, 比例尺为30 μm); C, D, G, H:粉质胚乳(500×, 比例尺为100 μm)。
Figure8.Comparison of the microscopical examination differences between the superior and inferior grains of 'Zhongyu 3' and 'Xianyu 1171'
A-D: Zhongyu 3; E-H: Xianyu 1171; A, C, E and G: superior grains; B, D, F and H: inferior grains; A, B, E, F: horny endosperm (2 000×, scale bar = 30 μm); C, D, G, H: floury endosperm (500×, scale bar = 100 μm).

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