中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心 石家庄 050022
通讯作者:冯学赞, 主要从事文献情报和期刊出版工作。E-mail:fengxz@sjziam.ac.cn
Changes of research hotspots and trend of Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences based on bibliometric analysis
LI Rong'e,FENG Xuezan,,
XIE Zhixia,
MA Baozhen
Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050022, China
More Information
Corresponding author:FENG Xuezan, E-mail:fengxz@sjziam.ac.cn
摘要:采用中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science核心合集(WoS)两大数据库的文献计量分析工具,统计分析了中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心(以下简称"农业资源研究中心")创建40年来科技论文发表情况,从文献角度,分析农业资源研究中心的研究基础、研究热点和研究趋势的变化历程。共检索到论文2 052篇,中文文献1 467篇、英文文献585篇。论文发文总量呈逐年增长趋势,前20年以中文论文为主,2005年达到峰值,之后出现回落的趋势,但年发文量基本保持在50篇左右。2002年以后,英文论文呈快速增长态势,2003-2017年以26.85%的年均增长率增加。被CNKI引用≥50次的论文有118篇,被WoS引用≥50次的论文有44篇。中文论文发表在235种期刊上,英文论文发表在237种期刊上;发文量前10的中文来源刊平均影响因子1.022,英文来源刊平均影响因子3.411。论文的资助基金主要来源是中国科学院知识创新工程基金、国家自然科学基金、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)、国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)、国家科技支撑计划等。国际合作基金项目呈逐年上升趋势,资助基金机构达到73个,出现频率较多的是中国科学院的国际合作项目、澳大利亚国际农业研究中心基金、国家留学基金和欧共体基金等。合作研究机构主要集中在河北、北京、山东、山西等地。与国外合作的研究单位主要集中在美国、日本、荷兰、澳大利亚、丹麦、巴基斯坦等国家。CiteSpace关键词共现分析显示,创建初期农业资源研究中心的研究内容少且较分散,体现在关键词数量少、相互联系弱。之后,研究主题不断增多,2000年左右达到峰值,关键词之间联系逐渐紧密。研究作物以小麦、玉米为主,研究区域集中在华北平原。目前气候变化的大背景下,研究内容主要集中于作物栽培、育种与分子生物学,农业水资源及其利用,农田生态系统及其碳、氮循环,及盐碱地土壤、水和植物的利用等方面。总之,农业资源研究中心在过去40年的发展中,取得了显著的研究成果,研究水平不断提高,形成了鲜明的研究特色。
Web of Science/
Abstract:Published scientific papers included in China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and the core collection of Web of Science (WoS) of Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese academy of Sciences (CARR) since 1978, when CARR was launched, were bibliometrically analyzed to reveal the changes in research hotspots and trends of CARR since its' establishment. The CNKI and WoS searching results showed 2 052 papers of researches conducted by CARR since 1978, of which 1 467 papers were in Chinese and included in CNKI, and 585 papers were in English and included in WoS. Annual published Chinese papers number increased and peaked in 2005, and then kept at around 50 though slightly decreased. Papers in English were mainly published after 2002 and increased quickly with annual increase rate of 26.85% from 2003 to 2017. There were 118 papers in Chinese and 44 papers in English cited more than 50 in CNKI and WoS, respectively. And Chinese papers were published in 235 journals, and English papers in 237 journals. The average impact factors of the Chinese journals and English journals publishing top 10 papers were 1.022 and 3.411, respectively. The papers were mainly supported by the Program of Knowledge Innovation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program) and National Key Technologies R&D Program of China. The international cooperation of CARR increased yearly, and there were 73 international cooperation funds supporting the researches of CARR, such as International Cooperation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fund of Australia International Agricultural Research Center, National Study Abroad Fund of China, European Community Fund. The institutions collaborating with CARR to publish scientific papers were mainly from Hebei Province, Beijing City, Shandong Province and Shanxi Province, while the international institutions were mainly from USA, Japan, Netherland, Australia, Denmark, Pakistan. Co-occurrence analysis of keywords of published papers based on CiteSpace showed that the keywords in the first ten years since CARR establishment were less with weak interconnection. After that, the research keywords increased and peaked around 2000. The interconnections among keywords were increasingly close. The studied crops were wheat and maize, the areas concentrated in the North China Plain. Under the climate change background, the research works of CARR now are mainly focusing on crop cultivation, breeding and molecular biology; water resources and water-saving agriculture; carbon and nitrogen recycle of agroecosystem; reclamation of salt soil land, and utilization of halophyte and salt water resources. In summary, CARR have formed its' special research area and made remarkable research achievements.
Key words:Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese academy of Sciences/
Scientific paper/
Web of Science/
China National Knowledge Infrastructure/
Bibliometric analysis

WoS: Web of Science核心合集; CNKI:中国知网。
Figure1.Published papers number of Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences ("CARR" for short) since establishment till to May 8, 2018
WoS: core collection of Web of Science; CNKI: China National Knowledge Infrastructure.

Figure2.Co-occurrence analysis of keywords of published papers in Chinese of CARR from 1978 to 1987

Figure3.Co-occurrence analysis of keywords of papers in Chinese of CARR from 1988 to 1997

Figure4.Co-occurrence analysis of keywords of papers in Chinese of CARR from 1998 to 2007

Figure5.Co-occurrence analysis of keywords of papers in English of CARR from 1995 to 2007

Figure6.Co-occurrence analysis of keywords of papers in Chinese of CARR from 2008 to 2018

Figure7.Co-occurrence analysis of keywords of papers in English of CARR from 2008 to 2018

Table1.Main journals publishing papers of researches conducted by CARR
论文来源 Journal | 篇数 Paper number | 影响因子 Impact factor | 论文来源 Journal | 篇数 Paper number | 影响因子 Impact factor | |
中文论文Papers in Chinese | ||||||
中国生态农业学报 | 298 | 1.462 | 生态学杂志 | 27 | 1.195 | |
华北农学报 | 46 | 0.755 | 现代农村科技 | 27 | — | |
农业现代化研究 | 46 | 0.833 | 麦类作物学报 | 24 | 0.750 | |
干旱地区农业研究 | 46 | 0.800 | 农业系统科学与综合研究 | 23 | — | |
中国农学通报 | 30 | 0.518 | 农业工程学报 | 23 | 1.862 | |
英文论文Paper in English | ||||||
Agricultural Water Management | 33 | 2.848 | Field Crops Research | 9 | 3.048 | |
Hydrological Processes | 20 | 3.014 | Scientific Reports | 9 | 4.259 | |
Journal of Hydrology | 14 | 3.483 | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 9 | 4.132 | |
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment | 13 | — | Agronomy Journal | 8 | 1.614 | |
Science of the Total Environment | 10 | 4.900 | Soil Tillage Research | 8 | 3.401 |

Table2.Top 10 funds of published papers of CARR
基金名称Fund name | 论文数量Paper number |
中国科学院知识创新工程基金Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences | 426 |
国家自然科学基金National Natural Science Foundation of China | 417 |
国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划) National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) | 228 |
国家科技支撑计划National Key Technologies R & D Program of China | 219 |
国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划) National High-tech R & D Program of China (863 Program) | 185 |
河北省自然科学基金Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province | 61 |
中国科学院“****”基金‘100-Talents Project’ of Chinese Academy of Sciences | 46 |
河北省科技攻关计划Science and Technology Project of Hebei Province | 45 |
中国科学院国际合作项目International Cooperation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences | 23 |
中国博士后科学基金会China Postdoctoral Science Foundation | 18 |

Table3.Published papers in Chinese of CARR with citation frequency≥100 in CNKI (till to June 22, 2018)
第1作者 First author | 论文名称 Paper title | 期刊名称 Journal | 出版年 Publication year | 被引频次 Citation frequency |
陈素英 | 玉米秸秆覆盖麦田下的土壤温度和土壤水分动态规律 | 中国农业气象 | 2002 | 313 |
刘昌明 | 大型蒸渗仪与小型棵间蒸发器结合测定冬小麦蒸散的研究 | 水利学报 | 1998 | 244 |
许大全 | 田间小麦叶片光合作用“午睡”现象的研究 | 植物生理学报 | 1984 | 215 |
张永强 | 干旱胁迫对冬小麦叶绿素荧光的影响 | 中国生态农业学报 | 2002 | 211 |
陈素英 | 秸秆覆盖对夏玉米生长过程及水分利用的影响 | 干旱地区农业研究 | 2002 | 200 |
刘昌明 | 土壤-植物-大气系统水分运行的界面过程研究 | 地理学报 | 1997 | 196 |
刘孟雨 | 水分胁迫条件下气孔与非气孔因素对小麦光合的限制 | 植物生理学通讯 | 1990 | 191 |
张秋英 | 冬小麦叶片叶绿素含量及光合速率变化规律的研究 | 中国生态农业学报 | 2005 | 190 |
陈素英 | 秸秆覆盖对夏玉米田棵间蒸发和土壤温度的影响 | 灌溉排水学报 | 2004 | 186 |
尹飞 | 农田生态系统服务功能及其形成机制 | 应用生态学报 | 2006 | 175 |
李晓欣 | 不同施肥处理对作物产量及土壤中硝态氮累积的影响 | 干旱地区农业研究 | 2003 | 171 |
张秋英 | 水分胁迫对冬小麦光合特性及产量的影响 | 西北植物学报 | 2005 | 166 |
曾江海 | 小麦-玉米轮作期土壤排放N2O通量及总量估算 | 环境科学 | 1995 | 159 |
孙宏勇 | 微型蒸发器测定土面蒸发的试验研究 | 水利学报 | 2004 | 154 |
杨梅 | 区域土地利用变化驱动力研究进展与展望 | 地理与地理信息科学 | 2011 | 151 |
张喜英 | 几种作物的生理指标对土壤水分变动的阈值反应 | 植物生态学报 | 2000 | 148 |
张娟 | 小麦叶片水分利用效率及相关生理性状的关系研究 | 作物学报 | 2005 | 134 |
李红军 | 基于EOS/MODIS数据的NDVI与EVI比较研究 | 地理科学进展 | 2007 | 130 |
张喜英 | 不同时期水分调亏及不同调亏程度对冬小麦产量的影响 | 华北农学报 | 1999 | 128 |
张喜英 | 秸秆覆盖下的夏玉米蒸散、水分利用效率和作物系数的变化 | 地理科学进展 | 2002 | 125 |
张秋英 | 水分胁迫对小麦旗叶叶绿素a荧光参数和光合速率的影响 | 干旱地区农业研究 | 2002 | 125 |
夏军 | 华北地区水资源及水安全问题的思考与研究 | 自然资源学报 | 2004 | 125 |
裴冬 | 水分调亏对冬小麦生理生态的影响 | 农业工程学报 | 2006 | 120 |
张永强 | 华北平原典型农田水、热与CO2通量的测定 | 地理学报 | 2002 | 114 |
王新元 | 日光温室冬春茬黄瓜产量与灌水量的关系 | 中国蔬菜 | 1999 | 114 |
毛任钊 | 盐渍土盐分指标及其与化学组成的关系 | 土壤 | 1997 | 111 |
胡立峰 | 不同土壤耕作法对作物产量及土壤硝态氮淋失的影响 | 水土保持学报 | 2005 | 110 |
张秋英 | 不同水分条件下小麦旗叶叶绿素a荧光参数与籽粒灌浆速率 | 华北农学报 | 2003 | 109 |
董宝娣 | 小麦不同品种的水分利用特性及对灌溉制度的响应 | 农业工程学报 | 2007 | 106 |
程一松 | 氮素胁迫下的冬小麦高光谱特征提取与分析 | 资源科学 | 2003 | 104 |
张和平 | 华北平原冬小麦根系生长规律及其与氮肥磷肥和水分的关系 | 华北农学报 | 1993 | 102 |
张正斌 | 水分利用效率——未来农业研究的关键问题 | 世界科技研究与发展 | 2005 | 102 |
邢素丽 | 我国农业遥感的应用现状与展望 | 农业工程学报 | 2003 | 102 |
段德玉 | 不同盐分胁迫对盐地碱蓬种子萌发的效应 | 中国农学通报 | 2003 | 101 |
段德玉 | N素营养对NaCl胁迫下盐地碱蓬幼苗生长及渗透调节物质变化的影响 | 草业学报 | 2005 | 101 |
张玉铭 | 农田土壤N2O生成与排放影响因素及N2O总量估算的研究 | 中国生态农业学报 | 2014 | 100 |

表4农业资源研究中心发表的单篇被Web of Science引用次数≥100的英文论文(截止时间2018年6月22日)
Table4.Published papers in English of CARR with citation frequency ≥ 100 in WoS (till to June 22, 2018)
第1作者 First author | 论文名称 Paper title | 期刊名称 Journal | 出版年 Year | 被引频次 Citation frequency |
Hong-yong Sun | Effects of irrigation on water balance, yield and WUE of winter wheat in the North China Plain | Agricultural Water Management | 2006 | 146 |
Yongqiang Zhang | Effect of soil water deficit on evapotranspiration, crop yield, and water use efficiency in the North China Plain | Agricultural Water Management | 2004 | 142 |
Zhang, Yongqiang | Trends in pan evaporation and reference and actual evapotranspiration across the Tibetan Plateau | Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres | 2007 | 133 |
Yang, Yonghui | Abrupt change of runoff and its major driving factors in Haihe River Catchment, China | Journal of Hydrology | 2009 | 128 |
Niu Can-Fang | Wheat WRKY genes TaWRKY2 and TaWRKY19 regulate abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants | Plant Cell and Environment | 2012 | 126 |
Xiying Zhang | Conserving groundwater for irrigation in the North China Plain | Irrigation Science | 2003 | 116 |
Xu Jin | Exogenous nitric oxide improves antioxidative capacity and reduces auxin degradation in roots of Medicago truncatula seedlings under cadmium stress | Plant and Soil | 2010 | 112 |
Sun, Hongyong | Effect of precipitation change on water balance and WUE of the winter wheat-summer maize rotation in the North China Plain | Agricultural Water Management | 2010 | 104 |

Table5.Institutions cooperating with CARR to publish > 10 papers
中文论文合作机构 Cooperating institution of papers in Chinese | 论文篇数 Paper number | 英文论文合作机构 Cooperating institution of papers in English | 论文篇数 Paper number | |
中国科学院大学 | 175 | University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | 108 | |
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 | 46 | China Agricultural University | 41 | |
中国农业大学 | 39 | Wageningen University | 32 | |
河北师范大学 | 38 | Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 31 | |
河北农业大学 | 25 | Shangdong Agricultural University | 23 | |
中国科学院生态环境研究中心 | 17 | National Institute of Environment Studies | 19 | |
河北科技大学 | 17 | Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences | 18 | |
千叶大学 | 14 | Beijing Normal University | 16 | |
河北省气象局 | 14 | Qingdao University of Science and Technology | 15 | |
西北农林科技大学 | 13 | Agricultural University of Hebie | 14 | |
山东农业大学 | 13 | Qinghai Normal University | 13 | |
青海师范大学 | 13 | Chiba University | 12 | |
北京师范大学 | 13 | Peking University | 12 | |
石家庄学院 | 11 | Aarhus University | 12 | |
山西省农业科学院小麦研究所 | 11 | University of Karachi | 10 | |
中国农业科学院作物科学研究所 | 10 | Hebei Normal University | 10 | |
中国林业科学院森林生态环境与保护研究所 | 10 | Sino-Danish Center of Education and Research | 10 | |
河北省农林科学院 | 10 | University of Calabra | 10 |

Table6.Top 10 nations (regions) with institutions cooperating with CARR to publish papers in English
国家(地区) Nation (region) | 论文数量 Paper number | 占百分比 Proportion (%) |
United States of America美国 | 62 | 18.85 |
Japan日本 | 54 | 16.41 |
Netherlands荷兰 | 31 | 9.42 |
Australia澳大利亚 | 30 | 9.12 |
Germany德国 | 18 | 5.47 |
Denmark丹麦 | 16 | 4.86 |
United Kingdom英国 | 13 | 3.95 |
Prkistan巴基斯坦 | 12 | 3.65 |
Canada加拿大 | 11 | 3.34 |
New Zealand新西兰 | 11 | 3.34 |

Table7.Top 10 keywords of published papers in Chinese of CARR in different periods from 1978 to 2018
1978—1987 | 1988—1997 | 1998—2007 | 2008—2018 | |||||||||
关键词 Keyword | 频次 Frequency | 关键词 Keyword | 频次 Frequency | 爆发系数 Burst | 关键词 Keyword | 频次 Frequency | 爆发系数 Burst | 关键词 Keyword | 频次 Frequency | |||
麦类作物(小麦、冬麦、冬小麦) | 28 | 冬小麦(小麦) | 25 | 冬小麦(小麦) | 69 | 冬小麦(小麦) | 111 | |||||
农业生态系统 | 22 | 农业 | 11 | 水分利用效率 | 28 | 3.37 | 产量 | 34 | ||||
塑料大棚(大棚) | 14 | 河北 | 8 | 产量 | 13 | 水分利用效率 | 25 | |||||
农业 | 10 | 涂层尿素 | 7 | 作物 | 12 | 气候变化 | 22 | |||||
庭院生态系统 | 5 | 氧化亚氮 | 7 | 河北省 | 11 | 华北平原 | 21 | |||||
数学模型 | 5 | 石家庄 | 7 | 2.64 | 华北平原 | 11 | 盐胁迫 | 15 | ||||
棚膜 | 4 | 大豆 | 6 | 太行山 | 10 | 河北省 | 14 | |||||
日本 | 4 | 经济效益 | 6 | 太行山前平原 | 10 | 玉米(夏玉米) | 11 | |||||
农村庭院 | 4 | 八倍体小偃麦 | 5 | 遥感 | 9 | 2.55 | 灌溉 | 10 | ||||
村镇 | 4 | 河北省 | 5 | 地下水 | 9 | 农艺性状 | 10 |

Table8.Top 10 keywords of published papers in English of CARR from 1995 to 2007 and from 2008 to 2018
1995—2007 | 2008—2018 | |||
关键词 Keyword | 频次 Frequency | 关键词 Keyword | 频次 Frequency | |
wheat | 27 | wheat | 106 | |
grain yield | 13 | grain-yield | 103 | |
evapotranspiration | 12 | north China plain | 48 | |
irrigation | 11 | management | 42 | |
maize | 11 | China | 41 | |
growth | 10 | evapotranspiration | 41 | |
evaporation | 9 | maize | 39 | |
management | 8 | nitrogen | 33 | |
management | 8 | climate-change | 33 | |
north China plain | 7 | growth | 31 |

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