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江西财经大学生态经济研究院/江西财经大学应用统计研究中心 南昌 330013
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目41661113

作者简介:黄和平, 主要从事循环经济和生态经济研究。E-mail:hphuang2004@163.com




Evaluation and barrier factors analysis of agricultural circular economy based on IUOCE:A case study of Jiangxi Province

HUANG Heping,,
LI Yali,
QIAO Xuezhong
Institute of Ecological Economics, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics/Research Center of Applied Statistics, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China41661113
the Bidding Project of Key Research Base of Jiangxi Provincial Colleges' Humanities and Social Sciences of ChinaJD17042

More Information
Corresponding author:HUANG Heping, E-mail: hphuang2004@163.com


Abstract:Lots of researches have focused on development evaluation and obstacles analysis of agricultural circular economy from perspectives of economic and social development, resource input reducing, resources reusing and environment protection based on "3R" rules while neglecting the rural consumption. In this study we introduced rural resident consumption into the index system and used the method of input-utilization-output-consumption-effect (IUOCE) process of agricultural production to clarify the developmental level and obstacles of agricultural circular economy in Jiangxi Province in 2000-2015. Five categories (input, utilization, output, consumption and effect) including 20 evaluation indicators composed the evaluation system, and the weights of indicators were determined with the entropy method. Based on the factor contribution degree, index deviation degree and obstruction degree, the obstacle indicators of agricultural circular economy in Jiangxi Province were diagnosed. The results showed an upward trend in the utilization indicators, output indicators, consumption indicators and effect indicators of agricultural circular economy in Jiangxi Province from 2000 to 2015. The order of rising rate was output indicators > effect indicators > consumption indicators > utilization indicators. However, input indicators had a downward trend. The growth of agricultural circular economy in Jiangxi Province had an overall upward trend from 2000 to 2015, with an average annual growth rate of 3.43% which was a relatively low rate. The main obstacle indicators that affected the development of agricultural circular economy in Jiangxi Province were fertilizer effective utilization factor, fertilizer use intensity, arable land area per capita, forest cover rate and net income per farmer in 2000-2008, while they were fertilizer use intensity, multiple cropping index, effective irrigation coefficient and sown area of crops in 2009-2015. The input and utilization indicators were the main obstacle factors that affected the development of agricultural circular economy in Jiangxi Province from 2000 to 2015. While the obstacle degrees of input indicators and utilization indicators gradually increased in trend, those of output indicators, consumer indicators and effect indicators generally decreased in 2000-2015. In summary, the developmental level of agricultural circular economy in Jiangxi Province was overall in an upward trend, and the obstacle indicators became less but the obstacle degree became high.
Key words:Agricultural circular economy/
IUOCE process/
Entropy method/
Factor contribution degree/
Index deviation degree/
Barrier degree/
Barrier factor


Figure1.Input-use-output-consume-effect (IUOCE) conceptual model of agricultural production

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Figure2.Evaluation technical route of agricultural circular economy development

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Figure3.Results of comprehensive evaluation of classification indexes of agricultural circular economy development level of Jiangxi Province from 2000 to 2015

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Figure4.Comprehensive development trend of agricultural circular economy of Jiangxi Province from 2000 to 2015

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Table1.Evaluation indicators of agricultural circular economy development level in Jiangxi Province
Classification index
Single indicator
Indicator nature
Input indicators
(0.238 1)
Agricultural machinery total power (kW)
负Negative0.024 0
Agricultural labor force (million person)
负Negative0.037 9
Sown area of crops (hm2)
负Negative0.035 8
Fertilizer use intensity (kg·hm-2)
负Negative0.111 1
Biogas digester number (a)
正Positive0.029 1
Utilization indicators
(0.238 1)
Fertilizer effective utilization factor (¥·t-1)
正Positive0.063 7
Multiple cropping index (%)
正Positive0.100 3
Waste resource utilization level
正Positive0.032 9
Comprehensive utilization of straw (%)
正Positive0.041 2
Output indicators (0.187 8)
GDP Agricultural GDP per unit area (¥·hm-2)
正Positive0.052 5
Net income per farmer (¥·person-1)
正Positive0.067 5
Primary industry commodity rate (¥·t-1)
正Positive0.023 4
Cultivated land yield (¥·hm-2)
正Positive0.044 5
Consumption indicators
(0.130 4)
Vegetables consumption per farmer (kg·person-1)
正Positive0.024 7
Green travel expenses per farmer (¥·person-1)
正Positive0.058 8
Housing area per farmer (m2·person-1)
负Negative0.046 9
Effect indicators
(0.205 6)
Forest cover rate (%)
正Positive0.061 9
Effective irrigation coefficient (%)
正Positive0.054 2
Soil erosion control coefficient (%)
正Positive0.019 9
Arable land area per cap. (hm2·person-1)
正Positive0.069 5
正指标指该指标值越大, 所反映的循环状况越好, 负指标相反。The positive indicators refer to that the higher index value means better cycle status, the negative effect indicators is opposite.

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Table2.Order of main obstacle indicators to the development of agricultural circular economy in Jiangxi Province from 2000 to 2015
1障碍因素Obstacle indicatorC6C6C6C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)10.9110.8210.8612.5114.0214.9018.8821.4916.7618.7820.6222.7823.5028.5231.2334.45
2障碍因素Obstacle indicatorC20C20C10C6C20C20C6C20C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)9.549.446.9510.7011.6011.0910.3110.5314.8715.4616.4416.7421.3325.5427.7930.52
3障碍因素Obstacle indicatorC17C17C17C20C6C6C20C6C18C18C18C18C18C18C18C18
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)
4障碍因素Obstacle indicatorC11C11C11C17C11C11C11C11C17C6C6C3C3C3C3C3
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)
5障碍因素Obstacle indicatorC9C10C4C11C10C17C17C17C11C11C11C17C17
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)
6障碍因素Obstacle indicatorC10C9C10C10C9C10C10C10C6C20C11C1
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)6.946.696.956.736.606.636.215.537.215.365.405.10
7障碍因素Obstacle indicatorC2C2C2C9C15C9C9C9C3C20
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)6.375.966.516.115.835.885.425.595.08
8障碍因素Obstacle indicatorC3C13C9C13C2C15C2
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)6.145.896.355.905.255.205.04
9障碍因素Obstacle indicatorC13C15C13C15C2
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)6.025.395.885.245.04
10障碍因素Obstacle indicatorC8C8C15
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)5.635.235.31

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Table3.Obstacle degrees of classification indexes to the development of agricultural circular economy in Jiangxi Province from 2000 to 2015
障碍因素Obstacle indicatorB5B3B2B2B1B1B1B1B2B1B1B1B1B1B1B1
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)23.0124.6422.9525.2626.7427.9431.1433.5028.9131.1635.5037.3337.7040.2844.0150.00
障碍因素Obstacle indicatorB3B2B3B3B3B3B3B2B1B2B2B2B2B2B2B2
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)25.2324.3324.0123.3423.7321.5120.1020.4928.4828.9228.1025.7828.2031.9032.5532.94
障碍因素Obstacle indicatorB2B5B1B1B2B2B5B5
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)24.3422.4422.0521.3422.6220.9320.2720.02
障碍因素Obstacle indicatorB5B5B5
障碍度Obstacle degree (%)21.4220.6420.02

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