西北农林科技大学资源环境学院 杨凌 712100
基金项目: 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目2017JM4012
通讯作者:蒋锐, 主要从事流域与农田氮迁移过程与机制、面源污染研究。E-mail: jiangrui@nwsuaf.edu.cn
Review of plastic film mulching system and its impact on soil ecological envi-ronment in China's rainfed drylands
JIANG Rui?,,,GUO Sheng?,
MA Dedi
College of Natural Resources and Environment, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China
Funds: the Natural Science Basic Research Plan of Shaanxi Province of China2017JM4012
the Science and Technology for Co-ordination and Innovation Project of Shaanxi Province, China2016KTZDNY03-06
the National Natural Science Foundation of China41201279
More Information
Corresponding author:JIANG Rui, E-mail: jiangrui@nwsuaf.edu.cn
?Equal contributors摘要
Abstract:Plastic film mulching, as an important and effective cultivation mode that improves grain yield, has been widely used in rainfed agricultural areas in Northwest China. This study reviewed crop yield, soil moisture content, soil temperature, soil nutrient transformation and transport, and microbial population and activity under plastic film mulching conditions. The review was designed to provide theoretical support for improving plastic film mulching system in China's rainfed dry regions. Researches results showed that maize, wheat and potato increased yields significantly under plastic film mulching compared to no mulching condition. Yield increase was influenced by plastic film cover mode, with an average increase rate of 26.2%, 37.1% and 29.8%, respectively. Full-film mulching most significantly increased crop yield. Average yields of maize, wheat and potato were respectively 30.0%, 5.1% and 26.4% higher than ridge and furrow system with ridge mulching. Water use efficiencies of maize, wheat and potato under film mulching increased respectively by 42.8%, 10.9% and 92.8% over no mulching. Film mulching influenced vertical distribution of nitrate in the soil profile, with nitrate accumulation in the topsoil layer under plastic film mulching. Also film mulching improved nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency, and reduced nitrogen leaching and ammonia volatilization. However, there were some different conclusions on denitrification under film mulching system, which required further studies. The influence of film mulching on organic carbon was related to climate, soil, crop and mulching time, which meant that the results were not consistent. In addition, film mulching increased farmland soil microbial biomass and changed soil physical properties. Although film mulching significantly improved crop yields, it certainly affected the ecological environment via such processes as "extravagant water deprivation", increased greenhouse gas emission, soil organic matter exhaustion, mulch film residues, etc. Thus further systematic research on the controlling mechanisms, improvement strategies of film mulching technology and comprehensive evaluation of the effect of film mulching system on ecological environment needed urgent attention for sustainable development of agricultural production in China's arid areas.
Key words:Plastic film mulching/
Crop yield/
Soil environment/
Nutrient use efficiency/
Water use efficiency/
Nutrient transport and transformation/
Northwest China
?Equal contributors
1) ?同等贡献者

玉米、小麦和马铃薯的样本量分别为36、40和43。箱线图边线为25%和75%数据范围, 中线为中位数, "□"为平均数, 箱图上下"×"为异常值边界; 采用F检验判断显著性差异, *和**分别表示在0.05、0.01水平上差异显著。
Figure1.Yield increase rates of different crops under different plastic film mulching methods compared with no mulching
Samples numbers of maize, wheat and potato are 36, 40 and 43, respectively. The boundary lines of boxplot are 25% and 75% of the data range. The center lines are the medians, "□" shows average, and "×" shows the abnormal value. Using F test to determine significant difference. * and ** mean significant differences at 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively.

玉米、小麦和马铃薯的样本量分别为22、13和22。箱线图边线为25%和75%数据范围, 中线为中位数, "□"为平均数, 箱图上下"×"为异常值边界; 采用F检验判断显著性差异, *表示在0.05水平上差异显著。
Figure2.Differences in shortening of growth period of crops under different mulching methods compared with no mulching
Samples numbers of maize, wheat and potato are 22, 13 and 22, respectively. The boundary lines of boxplot are 25% and 75% of the data range. The center lines are the medians, "□" shows average, and "×" shows the abnormal value. Using F test to determine significant difference. * means significant differences at 0.05 probability level.

玉米、小麦和马铃薯的样本量分别为45、39和51。箱线图边线为25%和75%数据范围, 中线为中位数, "□"为平均数, 箱图上下"×"为异常值边界; 采用F检验判断显著性差异, **表示在0.01水平上差异显著。
Figure3.Effect of plastic film mulching on crop yield
Samples numbers of maize, wheat and potato are 45, 39 and 51, respectively. The boundary lines of boxplot are 25% and 75% of the data range. The center lines are the medians, "□" shows average, and "×" shows the abnormal value. Using F test to determine significant difference. ** means significant differences at 0.01 probability level.

玉米、小麦和马铃薯的样本量分别为13、9和7。箱线图边线为25%和75%数据范围, 中线为中位数, "□"为平均数, 箱图上下"×"为异常值边界。
Figure4.Effect of plastic film mulching on total water consumption of crops
Samples numbers of maize, wheat and potato are 13, 9 and 7, respectively. The boundary lines of boxplot are 25% and 75% of the data range. The center lines are the medians, "□" shows average, and "×" shows the abnormal value.

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