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东北林业大学林学院 哈尔滨 150040
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点项目41330530

作者简介:徐嘉晖, 主要研究方向为森林土壤碳循环。E-mail:897475390@qq.com
通讯作者:崔晓阳, 主要研究方向为森林土壤生态学。E-mail:c_xiaoyang@126.com




A review of the factors influencing soil organic carbon stability

XU Jiahui,
SUN Ying,
GAO Lei,
CUI Xiaoyang,
College of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China41330530
the National Key Research and Development Program of China2016YFA0600803

More Information
Corresponding author:CUI Xiaoyang, E-mail: c_xiaoyang@126.com


Abstract:Increasing soil carbon sequestration is an effective measure to deal with global climate change. As an important carbon sink, soil organic carbon (SOC) is a critical medium for carbon sequestration. In recent decades, the molecular structure of SOC has been identified as the most important element in predicting SOC cycle. However, new studies have proven that the recalcitrance of the molecular structure of organic carbon limits the determination of SOC stability in the soil. Also the interaction between SOC and the surrounding environment significantly limits the possibility of degradation of SOC. Soil micro-organisms influence SOC cycle not only through decomposing, but also through microbial products which are the primarily components of SOC. Abiotic factors including inorganic soil particles, inorganic soil environment and nutrient conditions directly or indirectly control SOC dynamics. Among these factors, adsorption to soil minerals and occlusion within soil aggregates have been determined to strong support the long-term stability of SOC. The role of minerals in SOC adsorption and stability depends on the mineralogy and chemical property of SOC. Soil aggregates not only physically protect SOC from mi-crobial and enzymatic attack, but also promote the adsorption of SOC to minerals. On the contrary, organic mineral complex can also combine with other inorganic or organic materials to form aggregates so that SOC adsorbed to minerals can be further occluded by aggregation. Therefore, SOC adsorption to minerals and occlusion within aggregates complement each other. Moreover, inorganic environment (e.g., temperature and moisture) also acts on SOC dynamics. Put together, we suggest that the persistence of SOC was mainly due to complex interactions between SOC and the surrounding environment, including micro-organism, reactive mineral surfaces, soil aggregates, temperature, water and nutrient. Meanwhile the biochemical property of SOC also depends on environment conditions. However, whether the inherent quality of SOC or its surrounding environment is an ecosystem property; and each property affects and interacts with each other. Therefore, the persistence of SOC is a specific property of ecosystem that integrates each property.
Key words:Carbon sequestration/
Soil organic carbon/
Stabilization mechanism/
Molecular structure/
Soil organism/
Abiotic environment


Table1.Historical views and emerging findings about the molecular structure of soil organic carbon
Historical views
Emerging findings
Carbohydrate /
糖类和蛋白质通常在土壤中被迅速降解, 因为它们的分子结构不稳定
Carbohydrates and proteins are usually rapidly decomposed due to their labile molecules
糖类与蛋白质可与土壤中无机颗粒络合而得以保存[8, 17]
Carbohydrates and proteins can preserve in soils through association with inorganic soil particles
Lignin persists in soils because of its abundance of aromatic structures and non-hydrolyzable bonds
环境条件适宜时, 木质素将被迅速降解[8, 18]
Under favorable conditions, lignin can be mineralized within a relatively short period
Black carbon
黑碳具有高度浓缩的芳香结构, 可在土壤中长期固持, 甚至上千年
Black carbon can persist in soils with an exceedingly long time, up to millennia due to its highly condensed aromatic structures
黑碳的稳定受控于环境条件, 可能并没有之前认为的那么稳定[15, 19]
The persistence of black carbon is a function of environmental conditions and is much more labile than previous understanding
Persistence of humus results from complex, aromatic structures
Environmental variables may control the degradation of humus

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