1.江苏沿江地区农业科学研究所 南通 226541
2.江苏省如东县气象局 如东 226400
基金项目: 江苏省自主创新资金探索性项目CX(14)5096
作者简介:张蛟, 主要研究方向为沿海滩涂土壤改良与高效利用。E-mail:zhangjiao0609@126.com
Climatic factors and mulching affect soil salinity dynamics in coastal areas
ZHANG Jiao1,,,CUI Shiyou1,
FENG Zhixiang2,
WANG Kuishan1,
ZHAI Caijiao1
1. Jiangsu Yanjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Nantong 226541, China
2. Rudong Meteorological Observatory, Rudong 226400, China
Funds: the Autonomous Innovation Project of Science and Technology of Jiangsu ProvinceCX(14)5096
the 226 People Work of Nantong 5th Training ProgramNT201722620
More Information
Corresponding author:ZHANG Jiao, E-mail:zhangjiao0609@126.com
摘要:为探明气候因子对沿海滩涂表层土壤盐分季节性变化规律的影响,并探讨植被和秸秆覆盖对滩涂土壤脱盐效果及控盐的作用。2014年5月-2015年5月,在江苏沿海滩涂盐碱地(中重度盐分),设置4种处理进行田间试验,分别为对照(裸地,CK)、秸秆覆盖(覆盖量为15 t·hm-2,SM)、植被覆盖(PC)和植被+秸秆覆盖(覆盖量为7.5 t·hm-2,PC+1/2SM),监测了气候因子和表层土壤盐分的季节性动态变化。结果表明:1)在沿海滩涂裸地中,土壤盐分具有一定程度的季节性规律,表现为在10-12月具有明显的积盐效果,且在10月EC1︰5达到最大值为3.90 dS·m-1。2)相关分析表明:采样前7 d降雨累积量与土壤盐分变化有着极密切负相关关系;气候因子的多因子及互作逐步分析表明:降雨量增加可以促进土壤脱盐作用,大气温度升高可加剧土壤盐分表聚,降雨量和大气温度的互作效应增加会对土壤盐分累积产生正效应。3)地表覆盖(包括PC和SM)显著地改变了气候因子对土壤盐分动态变化的影响,累积降雨量和大气平均温度与土壤盐分无显著相关性,且大量秸秆覆盖对滩涂表层土壤脱盐具有更明显的效果。因此,在沿海气候向暖湿方向发展的趋势下,综合考虑脱盐及控盐作用,选择适量秸秆覆盖(如覆盖量15 t·hm-2)或适量秸秆覆盖结合植被种植覆盖,同时充分利用沿海地区降雨量集中的特点,可能是未来滩涂盐碱盐渍土快速脱盐和土壤改良的重要措施。
Abstract:To clarify the impact of climatic factors on seasonal variations in soil salinity and to explore the effects of vegetation cover and straw mulching on soil desalination and salinity control in coastal areas, a field experiment was conducted in the medium-heavy saline coastal area of Rudong, Jiangsu Province. Four treatments were set in the study-control (bare land, CK), straw mulch (at 15 t·hm-2, SM), vegetation cover (PC) and PC combined with SM (at 7.5 t·hm-2, PC+1/2SM). Climatic factors (rainfall and air temperature) and topsoil salinity dynamics were determined for the period from May 2014 to May 2015. The results showed that:1) seasonal variations of soil salinity to some extent occurred in bare lands in coastal areas, with obvious salt accumulation during the period from October to December with the highest EC1:5 (3.90 dS·m-1) in October. 2) Correlation analysis showed that change in soil salinity under CK treatment was significantly negatively correlated with 7-day cumulative rainfall before sampling (P < 0.01) and also with 15-day cumulative rainfall before sampling (P < 0.05), but no so obvious significant correlation were found under SM, PC and PC+1/2SM treatments (P> 0.05). Under CK treatment, multi-factor interphase analysis of climatic factors indicated that increase in rainfall promoted soil desalinization (P < 0.01) and increase in air temperature exacerbated soil salt accumulation in surface soil (P < 0.01). Simultaneously, interaction between rainfall and air temperature had a positive effect on soil salt accumulation (P < 0.01). 3) Surface mulching (including PC and SM) significantly altered the effects of climatic factors on seasonal variations in soil salinity. Under PC and PC+1/2SM treatments, the relationship of the change in soil desalinization ratio (Y) with treatment time (X) followed the quadratic functions of YPC=0.001X2-0.345X + 54.41 (R2=0.456, P < 0.01) and YPC+1/2SM=0.001X2-0.293X + 57.121 (R2=0.526, P < 0.01), respectively. Under SM treatment, the relationship was a Logistic curve with an equation of YSM=94.912/(1+e1.482-0.052X) (R2=0.980, P < 0.001). In addition, soil desalination rate increased rapidly after 29 days of SM treatment (that is June to August) and the trend stabilized as the rate reached 94.91% in 70-80 days after straw mulching. Moreover, large amount of straw mulch (15 t·hm-2) had a more obvious effect on soil desalination, but also caused more obvious alkalinity problems. To therefore control desalination and salinity, a suitable amount of straw mulching (such as straw cover of 15 t·hm-2) or suitable amount of straw mulching combined with vegetation cover (such as Sesbania cannabina Pers. and Brassica juncea L. Czern. et Coss.) were recommended in coastal area with seasonal concentrated high rainfall. This promoted soil desalinization and future soil reclamation under warming-wetting climate in coastal areas.
Key words:Climate change/
Straw mulch/
Vegetation cover/
Salt accumulation/
Desalination rate/
Coastal area

Figure1.Daily precipitation and mean air temperature during the experimental period in the study area

CK:裸地; SM:秸秆覆盖; PC:植被覆盖; PC+1/2SM:植被+秸秆覆盖。
Figure2.Effects of different ground surface mulching on topsoil electrical conductivity (EC) variations in the studied coastal areas
CK: bare land; SM: straw mulching (straw amount is 15 t∙hm-2); PC: vegetation cover; PC+1/2SM: vegetation cover combined with 7.5 t∙hm-2 straw mulching.

SM:秸秆覆盖; PC:植被覆盖; PC+1/2SM:植被+秸秆覆盖。
Figure3.Effects of straw mulching and vegetation cover times on soil desalinization rate in the studied coastal areas
SM: straw mulching (straw amount is 15 t∙hm-2); PC: vegetation cover; PC+1/2SM: vegetation cover combined with 7.5 t∙hm-2 straw mulching.

Table1.Correlation between accumulative rainfall (X1) and average air temperature (X2) at different times before sampling and topsoil electrical conductivity (Y) in the studied coastal areas
采样前时间 Time before sampling (d) | 累积降雨量 Accumulative rainfall (mm) | 大气平均温度 Average air temperature (℃) |
1 | Y=0.002X1+1.880, R2=0.001 | Y=-0.021X2+2.396, R2=0.075 |
3 | Y=-0.004X1+1.955, R2=0.037 | Y=-0.020X2+2.375, R2=0.072 |
7 | Y=-0.010X1+2.309, R2=0.308** | Y=-0.017X2+2.328, R2=0.056 |
15 | Y=-0.006X1+2.349, R2=0.236* | Y=-0.015X2+2.291, R2=0.044 |
**:在P=0.01水平上显著; *:在P=0.05水平上显著。**: significant at P = 0.01; *: significant at P = 0.05. |

表2滩涂表层土壤盐分含量(Y)与采样前7 d累积降雨量(X1)和大气平均温度(X2)之间的偏相关分析
Table2.Partial correlation coefficients between topsoil electrical conductivity (Y) and accumulative rainfall (X1) and average air temperature (X2) of 7 days before sampling in the studied coastal areas
因子Factor | r | t | P |
Y, X1 | -0.365 3 | 1.755 1 | 0.093 8 |
Y, X2 | 0.958 4 | 15.011 9 | 0.000 1 |
Y, X1X2 | 0.436 0 | 2.166 8 | 0.041 9 |

表3滩涂表层土壤盐分含量(Y)与采样前7 d累积降雨量(X1)和大气平均温度(X2)之间的通径分析
Table3.Path analysis between topsoil electrical conductivity (Y) and accumulative rainfall (X1) and average air temperature (X2) of 7 days before sampling in the studied coastal areas
因子 Factor | 直接影响力 Direct effect | →X1 | →X2 | →X1X2 |
X1 | -0.269 0 | 0.506 1 | 0.365 3 | |
X2 | 0.872 8 | -0.156 0 | 0.266 1 | |
X1X2 | 0.379 5 | -0.258 9 | 0.612 1 |

Table4.Correlation coefficient (R2) between climate factors at different times before sampling and topsoil electrical conductivity under different ground surface mulching treatments in the studied coastal areas
处理 Treatment | 采样前1 d One-day before sampling | 采样前3 d Three-day before sampling | 采样前7 d Seven-day before sampling | 采样前15 d Fifteen-day before sampling |
累积降雨量Accumulative rainfall (mm) | ||||
SM | 0.077 | 0.002 | 0.004 | 0.005 |
PC | 0.048 | 0.014 | 0.027 | 0.121 |
PC+1/2SM | 0.102 | 0.013 | 0.011 | 0.097 |
大气平均温度Average air temperature (℃) | ||||
SM | 0.058 | 0.044 | 0.060 | 0.040 |
PC | 0.006 | 0.003 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
PC+1/2SM | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.004 | 0.007 |
CK:裸地; SM:秸秆覆盖; PC:植被覆盖; PC+1/2SM:植被+秸秆覆盖。CK: bare land; SM: straw mulching (straw amount is 15 t?hm-2); PC: vegetation cover; PC+1/2SM: vegetation cover combined with 7.5 t?hm-2 straw mulching. |

Table5.Fitting equations and parameters between soil desalinization rates (Y) and straw mulching time (X) in the studied coastal areas
方程Equation | 参数估计值Estimated parameter | 模型汇总Model summary | |||||||
b1 | b2 | b3 | df1 | df2 | F | R2 | P (Sig.) | ||
二次曲线Quadratic | 45.175 | 0.469 | -0.001 | 2 | 20 | 32.790 | 0.766 | 0.000 | |
指数曲线Exponential | 71.263 | 0.001 | 1 | 21 | 15.215 | 0.420 | 0.000 | ||
幂函数Power | 32.335 | 0.199 | 1 | 21 | 54.828 | 0.723 | 0.000 | ||
逻辑函数Logistic | 94.912 | 1.482 | -0.052 | 2 | 20 | 488.176 | 0.980 | 0.000 |

Table6.The mean annual values of topsoil electrical conductivity (EC), pH and moisture content under different mulching treatments in the studied coastal areas
处理 Treatment | EC1:5 (dS·m-1) | pH1:5 | 土壤水分 Soil moisture (g?kg-1) |
CK | 2.06±0.54a | 8.71±0.14d | 266.84±1.63bc |
SM | 0.28±0.03c | 9.35±0.12a | 274.13±3.81a |
PC | 1.30±0.18b | 8.86±0.13c | 263.39±6.55c |
PC+1/2SM | 1.08±0.10b | 9.16±0.04b | 273.25±4.25ab |
CK:裸地; SM:秸秆覆盖; PC:植被覆盖; PC+1/2SM:植被+秸秆覆盖。同列数据不同字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。CK: bare land; SM: straw mulching (straw amount is 15 t?hm-2); PC: vegetation cover; PC+1/2SM: vegetation cover combined with 7.5 t?hm-2 straw mulching. Different letters in the same column mean significant difference at P < 0.05 level. |

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