南京农业大学现代农作制度与生态循环农业实验室 南京 210095
基金项目: 中央财政重大农业技术推广项目TG2016006
、江苏省农业三新工程项目SXGC2016309, SXGC2016243
通讯作者:王强盛, 主要研究方向为作物生理生态、生态循环农业研究.E-mail: qswang@njau.edu.cn
Regulation and mechanism of greenhouse gas emissions of circular agriculture ecosystem of planting and breeding in paddy
WANG Qiangsheng,Laboratory of Modern Farming System and Ecological Circular Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
Funds: This study was supported by the Central Finance for Major Agricultural Innovative Technology Extension of ChinaTG2016006
the Special Fund for the S&T Plans According to Policies Guidance of Jiangsu Province, ChinaSZHA2017022
the Agrotechnical Innovation Projects of Jiangsu Province, ChinaSXGC2016309, SXGC2016243
the Key R&D Projects of Jurong City, Jiangsu Province, ChinaNY2017608371
More Information
Corresponding author:WANG Qiangsheng.qswang@njau.edu.cn
摘要:水稻在我国粮食作物种植中占据主导地位,在保障粮食安全、关系国计民生方面有着重要的作用。稻田是温室气体甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)的重要排放源。因此,控制稻田温室气体排放对缓解全球温室效应具有重要作用。近年来,稻田种养结合循环农业在我国发展迅速,具有稳产增效、绿色发展的重要功效,同时显著影响了稻田温室气体排放特征以及全球增温潜势(global warming potential,GWP)。稻鸭共作、稻田养小龙虾、稻鱼共作、稻田养蟹、稻田养鳖等稻田种养结合循环农业模式,由于稻田养殖生物在稻田生态系统中添加生态位、延长食物链的增环作用,通过其持续运动、觅食活动等,不同程度地影响稻田温室气体的排放量和GWP,总体呈现出减缓温室效应的趋势。本文概述了稻田种养结合循环农业的CH4和N2O的排放特征及水分管理和施肥措施的影响效应,探讨了稻田种养结合循环农业的减排途径,并分析了稻田种养结合循环农业温室气体减排的研究前景,以期为我国稻田种养结合循环农业的健康发展和稻田生态系统减排增效提供参考。
Abstract:Rice is an important food crop in China and contributes immensely to ensuring food security, the national economy and the people's livelihood. Paddy fields make a significant fraction of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions sources, including methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Therefore, controlling GHG emissions from rice fields is critical in mitigating global greenhouse effects. In recent years, the combination of planting and breeding in paddy has developed rapidly in China. The mode not only keeps a steady yield, increasing efficiency and promoting green development, but also changes the characteristics of GHG emissions and global warming potential (GWP) in paddy fields. Several combinations of planting and breeding in paddy (including rice-duck, rice-crayfish, rice-fish, rice-crab and rice-turtle) add niche and extend the food chain in rice paddy ecosystems. GHG emissions and GWP of the combination of planting and breeding in paddy are affected by the continuous movement and feeding activities of breeding organisms in the ecosystem with an appropriate mitigation of GHG emission. In order to provide theoretical and technical bases for GHG emissions mitigation, rice benefits increment and a healthy development of the combination of planting and breeding in paddy, this paper summarizes the characteristics of CH4 and N2O emissions and the effects of fertilizer and irrigation management and also explores available methods and research prospects used to reduce GHG emissions.
Key words:Paddy field/
Combination of planting and breeding/
Circular agriculture/
CH4 emission/
N2O emission/
Fertilizer and irrigation management

Figure1.Mechanism analysis of greenhouse gases emissions from paddy field with planting and breeding circular agriculture ecosystems

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