四川农业大学农学院/农业部西南作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室/作物生理生态及栽培四川省重点实验室 成都 611130
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2017YFD0301704
作者简介:孔凡磊, 研究方向为玉米高产高效栽培。E-mail:kflstar@163.com
通讯作者:袁继超, 主要研究方向为玉米高产高效栽培。E-mail:yuanjc5@163.com
Effects of harvesting date on mechanical grain-harvesting quality of spring maize in Sichuan Province
KONG Fanlei,ZHAO Bo,
WU Yawei,
LI Xiaolong,
CHEN Xiang,
KE Yongpei,
YUAN Jichao,
College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Southwest China, Ministry of Agriculture/Crop Ecophysiology and Cultivation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 611130, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Program of China2017YFD0301704
the National Key Research and Development Program of China2016YFD0300307
the National Key Research and Development Program of China2016YFD0300209
More Information
Corresponding author:YUAN Jichao, yuanjc5@163.com
摘要:开展收获时期对玉米机械粒收质量影响的研究,对确定玉米适宜机械粒收时期和粒收技术的推广应用具有重要意义。本文以四川4个主栽玉米品种为材料,研究不同收获时期(7月31日、8月7日、8月13日、8月19日、8月25日、8月31日)对四川春玉米机械粒收质量的影响,并分析籽粒含水率与机械粒收质量之间的关系。结果表明:随收获日期推迟,玉米籽粒含水率逐渐降低,破碎率先快速降低后略有升高,杂质率快速降低并趋于稳定,而落穗损失率显著增加,落粒损失率变化规律不明显。机械粒收损失主要为落穗损失,占总损失率的比例平均为76.34%。随收获日期推迟籽粒破碎率和杂质率在品种间的差异逐渐减小,而落穗损失和总损失率在品种间的差异逐渐增大。籽粒含水率是影响机械粒收质量的关键因素,破碎率与籽粒含水率拟合方程为y=0.032 9x2-1.332 8x+15.529(R2=0.55**),含水率为10.76%~29.76%,破碎率低于5%;杂质率与籽粒含水率拟合方程为y=0.031 8e0.118 5x(R2=0.71**),含水率低于38.37%,杂质率低于3%;落穗损失率与籽粒含水率拟合方程为y=2 083.3/x2.135(R2=0.68**);籽粒总损失率与籽粒含水率拟合方程为y=911.02/x1.769(R2=0.68**),含水率高于18.96%,籽粒总损失率低于5%。推迟收获有利于降低籽粒破碎率和杂质率,但增加落穗风险和籽粒总损失率。本试验播期条件下,玉米适宜机械粒收的籽粒含水率范围为18.96%~29.76%,适宜机械粒收时间在8月7-19日,较传统收获日期推迟10~15 d。
Abstract:Studying the impact of harvesting date on mechanical grain-harvesting quality is of great importance to determine a suitable harvesting date and promote the mechanical grain harvest technology. This paper describes an experimental study of the effects of harvesting date (31st July, and 7th, 13th, 19th, 25th, and 31st August) on mechanical grain-harvesting quality and the relationship between grain moisture content and mechanical grain-harvesting quality in Sichuan spring maize. The results showed that, with a delay in harvest date, grain moisture content decreased gradually, and the broken-grain rate decreased rapidly at first and then increased slightly. The impurity rate decreased rapidly and tended to be stable, while the ear-loss rate increased significantly and the variation in grain loss rate was not notable. The total grain loss rate was primarily associated with ear loss, which accounted for 76.34% of the total average grain loss. With a delay in harvest date, the differences in broken-grain and impurity rates between varieties decreased gradually while they increased for ear-loss and total grain-loss rates. Grain moisture content was the key factor affecting the quality of mechanical grain harvest, the relationship between the broken-grain rate and grain moisture content could be described by the equation y=0.032 9x2-1.332 8x + 15.529 (R2=0.55**, n=72). The broken-grain rate was lower than 5% when the moisture content was between 10.76% and 29.76%. The relationship between the impurity rate and moisture content could be described by the equation y=0.031 8e0.118 5x (R2=0.71**, n=72), and the grain impurity rate was lower than 3% when grain moisture content was lower than 38.37%. The relationship between the ear-loss rate and moisture content could be described by the equation y=2 083.3/x2.135 (R2=0.68**). The relationship between the total grain-loss rate and moisture content could be described by the equation y=911.02/x1.769 (R2=0.68**), and the total grain-loss rate could be lower than 5% when grain moisture content was higher than 18.96%. A delayed harvest was associated with a decrease in the broken-grain and impurity rates and an increase in the risk of ear-loss and the total grain-loss rate. The optimal grain moisture content for mechanical harvesting in Sichuan spring maize was 18.96%-29.76% and the optimal mechanical-grain harvesting date was between August 7 and August 19 in this study, which was approximately 10-15 days later than the traditional harvest date.
Key words:Spring maize/
Harvesting date/
Mechanical grain harvesting/
Grain moisture content/
Harvesting quality

Figure1.Daily precipitation and average temperature in maize season in the study area

Figure2.Broken rates and impurity rates of different maize varieties mechanical grain harvested in different dates

Figure3.Ear loss rates and grain loss rates of different maize varieties mechanical grain harvested in different dates

箱形图中箱体部分代表 50%(25%~75%)样本的分布区域, 为四分位区间(IQR)。两端线为Tukey法判定的合理观测样本边界。箱体内实线为样本中位线数, “□”为样本均值。
Figure4.Total grain loss rates of different maize varieties mechanical grain harvested in different dates
The main box is IQR containing fifty percent samples in Box-whisker Plot. The two sidelines are the reasonable sample borders in Tukey method. The solid line in box is the sample median, “□” is the average.

Figure5.Maize grain moisture contents of different maize varieties mechanical grain harvested in different dates

Figure6.Relationships of grain moisture content with grain broken rate, impurity rate, ear loss rate and grain total loss rate of mechanical grain harvested maize

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