余敦1, 2,,,
周微1, 4,
王检萍1, 2,
梁珍宝1, 2
1.江西农业大学国土资源与环境学院 南昌 330045
2.江西农业大学江西省鄱阳湖流域农业资源与生态重点实验室 南昌 330045
3.江西农业大学经济管理学院 南昌 330045
4.上饶市国土资源局 上饶 361100
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目41561107
作者简介:孙聪康, 主要从事土地利用/覆被变化研究。E-mail:943568578@qq.com
通讯作者:中文内容.余敦, 主要从事土地覆被变化和土地生态研究。E-mail:jxauyd@163.com
Spatial distribution of cultivated land quality at different scales in Chongyi County
SUN Congkang1, 2,,XU Junli3,
YU Dun1, 2,,,
ZHOU Wei1, 4,
WANG Jianping1, 2,
LIANG Zhenbao1, 2
1. College of Land Resources and Environmental Sceinces, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China
2. Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Basin Agricultural Resources and Ecology of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China
3. School of Economic Management, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China
4. Shangrao Bureau of Land and Resources, Shangrao 361100, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China41561107
the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province20151BAB203039
More Information
Corresponding author:E-mail:jxauyd@163.com
摘要:耕地质量优劣既取决于质量等别高低,又与空间分布特征密切相关。研究多层次的耕地质量内涵与空间结构性特征是加强耕地保护并合理配置土地资源的重要依据。本文以南方丘陵山地典型区域崇义县为例,运用Geoda、GS+等平台支持的空间自相关模型,探讨县级、乡镇级与村级空间尺度下耕地自然质量、利用质量与经济质量的空间相互作用和分布规律。结果表明:1)崇义县耕地质量存在显著相关性,耕地质量的Moran’s I值呈现自然质量(0.445)>经济质量(0.406)>利用质量(0.281)的特征;2)不同空间尺度下耕地质量具有多样的空间尺度效应,随着空间尺度缩小,自然质量差异最大、经济质量次之、利用质量差异最小,大空间尺度弱化了耕地质量的空间聚集差异特征,村级尺度下耕地质量空间聚集效应最显著;3)耕地质量正相关HH(高-高)型和LL(低-低)型多以团状或带状集中分布,负相关HL(高-低)型和LH(低-高)型无明显分布规律。研究结果揭示了耕地自然质量、利用质量与经济质量对于尺度变化的响应规律,对于各级行政主体监测保护耕地及制定精准高效的耕地质量建设方案具有一定的现实意义。
Abstract:While the quality of cultivated lands is the primary basis for judging the productivity of land, the characteristics of the spatial distribution of land quality are critical for farmland research. Multi-scale study of cultivated land quality and spatial structural characteristics are inevitable in strengthening rational allocation of land resources for the protection of cultivated lands. The enrichment of scientific connotation of cultivated land quality should objectively reflect spatial distribution differences in natural quality, utilization quality and economic quality at different scales. Based on the First Law of Geography and specific characteristics of Chongyi County, typical hilly and mountain areas were selected and evaluated for cultivated land quality in a spatial autocorrelation model supported by platforms such as Geoda and GS+. The work discussed the spatial interactions and distributions of natural quality, utilization quality and economic quality of cultivated lands at county, township and village scales. The results show that:1) the natural quality of cultivated lands in Chongyi County was during grade 9-12 and the utilization quality during grade 6-9. There was a gradually increasing "northwest to southeast" trend with an economic quality of grade 7-10. There was a degree of spatial aggregation effect which was strongest when spatial distance was 4 500 m. The Moran's I value of cultivated land quality showed that natural quality (0.445) > economic quality (0.406) > utilization quality (0.281). The natural quality of cultivated land had the strongest positive spatial correlation with weakest degree of variation, while the utilization quality was weakest in spatial correlation and strongest in spatial variability. 2) The quality of cultivated lands showed different scale effects for different quality indexes. For the difference in spatial aggregation between township and county scales, the natural quality was largest, followed by economic quality and then utilization quality. Larger spatial scales weakened spatial aggregation, and spatial aggregation effect was most significant at village scale. 3) The spatial agglomeration type HH of cultivated land quality was mainly distributed in the southwest of county, LL distributed in Jinkeng Village and Zhukeng Village. The HH type of utilization quality was mainly distributed in the flat Longgous and Qianchang Townships, and LL type in deep mountain area where the elevation was higher and the cultivated land most dispersed. The HH type of economic concentrated in Guantian Town, Longqi Township and Shangbao Township where the terrain was relatively flat and the road access degree high. The LL type was distributed in a strip shape in relatively occluded area. The research results revealed that cultivated land quality had different spatial differentiation characteristics at different spatial scales and large spatial scale weakened the aggregation difference of cultivated land quality. The research had practical significance for monitoring and protection of cultivated lands at different spatial scales and more accurate management of arable land quality.
Key words:Cultivated land quality/
Natural quality/
Economic quality/
Utilization quality/
Spatial scale effects/
Spatial aggregation effect/
Chongyi County

Figure1.Distribution maps of land national nature grade (a), national utilization grade (b) and national economy grade (c) of administrative units at village scale in Chongyi County

图2崇义县耕地质量Moran’s I指数与距离关系分析结果图
Figure2.Relationship between Moran's I index and distance of land quality in Chongyi County

图3崇义县各乡镇县级与镇级尺度耕地质量指数Moran’s I值对比
Figure3.Comparison of Moran's I values of cultivated land quality indexes between county and town scales in different towns of Chongyi County

Figure4.Local spatial autocorrelation of cultivated land quality indexes in Chongyi County

Table1.Cultivated land quality indexes and variances of different research scales in Chongyi County
研究尺度Research scale | 国家自然等指数 National natural grade index | 国家利用等指数 National utilization grade index | 国家经济等指数 National economy grade index | |||||
变异系数 Coefficient of variation | 方差 Variance | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation | 方差Variance | 变异系数 Coefficient of variation | 方差 Variance | |||
国家Nation | 0.18 | 182 246.58 | 0.12 | 41 282.07 | 0.13 | 29 545.83 | ||
镇级Town | 0.07 | 25 112.88 | 0.04 | 5 503.11 | 0.09 | 12 777.58 | ||
村级Village | 0.07 | 42 342.22 | 0.12 | 14 926.18 | 0.10 | 25 661.29 |

Table2.Results of spatial autocorrelation analysis of cultivated land quality at county-scale in Chongyi County
耕地质量指数 Cultivated land quality index | Moran’s I | Z(I) | P | 标准化统计阈值 (Φ=0.01) Standardized statistical threshold |
国家自然等指数National natural grade index | 0.445 | 5.400 | 0 | 2.58 |
国家利用等指数National utilization grade index | 0.281 | 3.184 | 0 | 2.58 |
国家经济等指数National economy grade index | 0.406 | 5.185 | 0 | 2.28 |

表3崇义县各乡镇耕地质量指数Moran’s I值
Table3.Moran's I values of cultivated land quality indexes of different towns in Chongyi County
乡镇 Town | 国家自然等指数 National natural grade index | 国家利用等指数 National utilization grade index | 国家经济等指数 National economy grade index |
丰州乡Fengzhou Town | 0.186 2 | 0.181 7 | 0.198 3 |
关田镇Guantian Town | 0.256 9 | 0.303 1 | 0.313 2 |
过埠镇Guobu Town | 0.149 6 | 0.323 6 | 0.653 4 |
横水镇Hengshui Town | 0.281 5 | 0.411 9 | 0.680 5 |
杰坝乡Jieba Town | 0.118 6 | 0.124 0 | 0.149 6 |
金坑乡Jinkeng Town | 0.166 2 | 0.262 4 | 0.561 8 |
乐洞乡Ledong Town | 0.116 9 | 0.177 8 | 0.529 0 |
麟潭乡Lintan Town | 0.187 3 | 0.166 7 | 0.284 1 |
龙勾乡Longgou Town | 0.149 8 | 0.278 3 | 0.714 8 |
聂都乡Niedu Town | 0.164 0 | 0.444 9 | 0.894 8 |
铅厂镇Qianchang Town | 0.296 4 | 0.335 3 | 0.583 9 |
上堡乡Shangbao Town | 0.081 4 | 0.533 1 | 0.895 4 |
思顺乡Sishun Town | 0.220 4 | 0.239 9 | 0.755 1 |
文英乡Wenying Town | 0.041 3 | 0.243 1 | 0.349 4 |
扬眉镇Yangmei Town | 0.227 2 | 0.268 8 | 0.309 8 |
阳岭自然保护区Yangling Nature Reserve Area | / | / | / |
长龙镇Changlong Town | 0.220 1 | 0.253 5 | 0.437 1 |
镇级平均值Town mean | 0.179 0 | 0.284 3 | 0.524 9 |

Table4.Spatial agglomeration types of cultivated land quality indexes at village level in Chongyi County
自相关类型 Spatial autocorrelation type | 国家自然等指数 National natural grade index | 国家利用等指数 National utilization grade index | 国家经济等指数 National economy grade index | |||||
行政村个数 Village number | 占比 Percent (%) | 行政村个数 Village number | 占比 Percent (%) | 行政村个数 Village number | 占比 Percent (%) | |||
不显著Non significant (NN) | 86 | 69.92 | 89 | 72.36 | 86 | 69.92 | ||
高-高High-high (HH) | 15 | 12.20 | 10 | 8.13 | 11 | 8.94 | ||
低-低Low-low (LL) | 9 | 7.32 | 7 | 5.69 | 21 | 17.07 | ||
低-高Low-high (LH) | 7 | 5.69 | 10 | 8.13 | 4 | 3.25 | ||
高-低High-low (HL) | 6 | 4.88 | 7 | 5.69 | 1 | 0.81 |

Table5.Semivariogram theory models of cultivated land quality indexes and corresponding parameters
耕地质量指数 Cultivated land quality index | 模型 Model | 块金值C0 Nugget | 基台值C+C0 Sill | 块金基台比 C0/(C+C0) (%) | 决定系数 R2 | 残差RSS |
国家自然等指数 National natural grade index | 指数模型 Exponential model | 0.237 | 1.742 | 13.61 | 0.961 | 0.027 2 |
国家利用等指数 National utilization grade index | 指数模型 Exponential model | 0.232 | 1.696 | 13.68 | 0.768 | 0.028 2 |
国家经济等指数 National economy grade index | 指数模型 Exponential model | 0.231 | 1.675 | 13.79 | 0.781 | 0.027 1 |

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