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四川农业大学农学院/农业部西南作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室/四川省作物带状复合种植工程技术研究中心 成都 611130
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划2018YFD0201006

作者简介:张晓娜, 主要从事作物氮素营养相关研究。E-mail:1039738012@qq.com
通讯作者:雍太文, 主要从事作物栽培生理生态研究。E-mail:yongtaiwen@sicau.edu.cn




Effects of maize/soybean and maize/peanut intercropping systems on crops nitrogen uptake and nodulation nitrogen fixation

ZHANG Xiaona,
CHEN Ping,
DU Qing,
ZHOU Ying,
REN Jianrui,
YANG Wenyu,
YONG Taiwen,
College of Agriculture, Sichuan Agriculture University/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Cultivation in Southwest China, Ministry of Agriculture/Sichuan Engineering Research Center for Crop Strip Intercropping System, Chengdu 611130, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Project of China2018YFD0201006
the Special Fund for the Industrial System Construction of Modern Agriculture of ChinaCARS-04-03A

More Information
Corresponding author:YONG Taiwen, E-mail:yongtaiwen@sicau.edu.cn


摘要:禾本科与豆科作物间作具有显著的增氮作用。为探明玉米/大豆、玉米/花生间作模式的氮素吸收、氮营养竞争能力及豆科结瘤特性的变化,解释玉米与豆科间作体系的增氮效应,通过田间试验,设置玉米单作(MM)、大豆单作(SS)、玉米/大豆间作(MS)、花生单作(PP)、玉米/花生间作(MP)等5种种植模式,研究不同种植模式对作物氮素积累、氮营养竞争强弱及豆科结瘤固氮特性的调控作用。结果表明,与单作相比,间作显著降低玉米和大豆的氮素积累量,对花生的氮素积累量影响不显著。5种模式系统氮素积累总量表现为MS > SS > MP,PP和MM处理最低且差异不显著,MS处理比MP处理显著高21.8%。与MM处理相比,MS和MP处理的玉米氮素积累量分别降低20.5%和11.7%,其中MP处理籽粒、叶片和茎秆氮素积累量比MS处理高8.9%、21.2%和14.3%。与SS处理相比,MS处理的大豆氮素积累量降低28.5%,其中,中行、边行分别降低10.1%、15.4%。玉米相对大豆氮营养竞争比率表现为强(CRms>1),相对花生则表现为弱(CRmp < 1)。与SS处理相比,五叶期MS处理的大豆根瘤数量显著增加,根瘤鲜重无显著差异,盛花期后根瘤数量和鲜重均显著降低;MS处理的大豆根瘤固氮酶活性均降低,且中行降低幅度更大。与PP处理相比,开花期MP处理的花生根瘤数量和鲜重均显著增加,下针期后均显著降低;MP处理的花生根瘤固氮酶活性均降低,且边行降低幅度更大。各间作模式作物的氮素积累量虽然降低,但间作模式的系统氮素积累量却显著高于各单作模式,两种间作模式中MS处理的氮素积累总量最高。
Abstract:Cereal/legume-based intercropping systems have a significant effect on the soil by increasing nitrogen (N) content. To understand the trends of N uptake, N nutrient competition capacity, and the legume nodulation characteristics in a maize/legume intercropping system, we investigated the N absorption advantage in maize/soybean and maize/peanut strip intercropping systems. We conducted a field experiment to study N accumulation, N nutrient competition, and the legume nodulation N fixation regulation characteristics in different planting patterns, which were maize monoculture (MM), soybean monoculture (SS), maize/soybean intercropping (MS), peanut monoculture (PP), and maize/peanut intercropping (MP). The results showed that compared with the monocultures, intercropping decreased N accumulation in maize and soybeans and had no significant effect on the N accumulation in peanuts. The trend of total N accumulation in the five planting patterns was MS > SS > MP; PP and MM treatments exhibited the lowest accumulation and the difference was not significant. Moreover, the N accumulation of MS treatment was 21.8% higher than that of MP treatment. Additionally, N accumulation of maize in MS and MP treatments decreased by 20.5% and 11.7%, respectively, compared with MM treatment. N accumulation of grain, leaves, and stalks of maize in MP treatment was 8.9%, 21.2%, and 14.3% higher than those in MS treatment. Furthermore, N accumulation of soybean in MS treatment decreased by 28.5%, and the central and fringe rows decreased by 10.1% and 15.4%, respectively compared with SS treatment. The effect of MP treatment on peanut N accumulation was not significant. The value of N nutrition competition indicated that maize had a dominant position in MS, whereas it exhibited less competition in MP treatment. Compared with SS treatment, the number of soybean nodules in MS treatment was higher at the fifth trifoliate stage and lower after the full bloom stage. The effect of nodule fresh weight was not significant at the fifth trifoliate stage, and it decreased after the full bloom stage. Nitrogenase activity of soybean nodules in MS treatment decreased, and the decrease was greater in the central rows. Relative to PP treatment, the number and fresh weight of peanut nodules in MP treatment were higher at the early flowering stage and lower after the acicula forming stage. The nitrogenase activity of peanut nodules in MP treatment decreased, and the amplitude of the decrease was greater in the fringe row. Although the amount of N accumulation of crops in the intercropping planting patterns was reduced, the total N accumulation of the intercropping system was significantly higher than the monoculture planting patterns. The amount of N accumulation of MS treatment was the highest in the two intercropping planting patterns.


MM:玉米单作; SS:大豆单作; PP:花生单作; MS:玉米/大豆间作; MP:玉米/花生间作。
Figure1.Diagrammatic sketchs of different planting patterns
MM: maize monoculture; SS: soybean monoculture; PP: peanut monoculture; MS: maize/soybean intercropping; MP: maize/peanut intercropping.

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C:宽行中的中行; F:宽行中的边行; SS:大豆单作; MS:玉米/大豆间作。V5:五叶期; R2:盛花期; R6:鼓粒期。不同字母表示单作和间作的中行和边行间0.05水平上差异显著。
Figure2.Effects of intercropping with maize on nodule number (A) and nodule fresh weight (B) of soybeans in central and fringe rows
C: central row in the wide-rows; F: fringe row in the wide-rows; SS: soybean monoculture; MS: maize/soybean intercropping. V5: 5-trifoliate stage; R2: full bloom stage; R6: seed filling stage. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among central row and fringe row of monoculture and intercropping at 0.05 probability level.

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C:宽行中的中行; F:宽行中的边行; PP:花生单作; MP:玉米/花生间作。ES:开花期; AS:下针期; FS:饱果期。不同字母表示单作和间作的中行和边行间0.05水平上差异显著。
Figure3.Effects of intercropping with maize on nodule number (A) and nodule fresh weight (B) of peanuts in central and fringe rows
C: central row in the wide-rows; F: fringe row in the wide-rows; PP: peanut monoculture; MP: maize/peanut intercropping. ES: early flowering stage; AS: acicula forming stage; FS: filling stage. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among central row and fringe row of monoculture and intercropping at 0.05 probability level.

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C:宽行中的中行; F:宽行中的边行; SS:大豆单作; MS:玉米/大豆间作。V5:五叶期; R2:盛花期; R6:鼓粒期。不同字母表示单作和间作的中行和边行间0.05水平上差异显著。
Figure4.Effect of intercropping with maize on nitrogenase activity (A) and nitrogenase fixation potential (B) of nodule of soybeans in central and fringe rows
C: central row in the wide-rows; F: fringe row in the wide-rows; SS: soybean monoculture; MS: maize/soybean intercropping. V5: 5-trifoliate stage; R2: full bloom stage; R6: seed filling stage. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among central row and fringe row of monoculture and intercropping at 0.05 probability level.

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C:宽行中的中行; F:宽行中的边行; PP:花生单作; MP:玉米/花生间作。ES:开花期; AS:下针期; FS:饱果期。不同字母表示单作和间作的中行和边行间0.05水平上差异显著。
Figure5.Effect of intercropping with maize on nitrogenase activity (A) and nitrogenase fixation potential (B) of nodule of peanuts in central and fringe rows
C: central row in the wide-rows; F: fringe row in the wide-rows; PP: peanut monoculture; MP: maize/peanut intercropping. ES: early flowering stage; AS: acicula forming stage; FS: filling stage. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among central row and fringe row of monoculture and intercropping at 0.05 probability level.

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MM:玉米单作; MS:玉米/大豆间作; MP:玉米/花生间作。不同小写字母表示不同处理间0.05水平上差异显著。
Figure6.Effect of intercropping patterns on N accumulation (A) and N distribution (B) of maize
MM: maize monoculture; MS: maize/soybean intercropping; MP: maize/peanut intercropping. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among planting patterns at 0.05 probability level.

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C:宽行中的中行; F:宽行中的边行; SS:大豆单作; MS:玉米/大豆间作。不同小写字母表示单作和间作的中行和边行间0.05水平上差异显著。
Figure7.Effect of intercropping with maize on N accumulation (A) and N distribution (B) in soybeans in central and fringe rows
C: central row in the wide-rows; F: fringe row in the wide-rows; SS: soybean monoculture; MS: maize/soybean intercropping. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among central row and fringe row of monoculture and intercropping at 0.05 probability level.

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C:宽行中的中行; F:宽行中的边行; PP:花生单作; MP:玉米/花生间作。不同小写字母表示单作和间作的中行和边行间0.05水平上差异显著。
Figure8.Effects of intercropping patterns on N accumulation (A) and N distribution (B) in central and fringe rows of peanut
C: central row in the wide-rows; F: fringe row in the wide-rows; PP: peanut monoculture; MP: maize/peanut intercropping. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among central row and fringe row of monoculture and intercropping at 0.05 probability level.

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Figure9.N nutrient competition ratios of maize relative to soybean (CRms) and to peanut (CRmp) in maize/soybean (MS) and maize/peanut (MP) intercropping systems

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Figure10.Correlation between N accumulation and nodule nitrogenase activity of soybean (A) and peanut (B)
"**" indicates significant correlation at the level of 0.01.

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Table1.Effects of intercropping patterns on nodule number and fresh weight of soybean and peanut at different growth stages
根瘤数量?Nodule number per plant 根瘤鲜重?Nodule fresh weight (g·plant-1)
V5(ES) R2(AS) R6(FS) V5(ES) R2(AS) R6(FS)
SS 31.8±1.57b 249.8±5.56a 249.9±4.10a 0.4±0.01a 5.2±0.19a 4.1±0.13a
MS 36.7±0.75a 177.2±2.16b 229.9±2.80b 0.4±0.02a 4.1±0.04b 3.8±0.16a
PP 29.3±0.37b 217.9±0.30a 256.6±6.88a 0.4±0.01b 2.1±0.08a 2.9±0.07a
MP 38.7±0.39a 116.8±2.02b 205.8±1.25b 0.5±0.01a 1.2±0.06b 2.4±0.16b
SS:大豆单作; MS:玉米/大豆间作; PP:花生单作; MP:玉米/花生间作。大豆的生育时期: V5, 五叶期; R2, 盛花期; R6, 鼓粒期。花生的生育时期: ES, 开花期; AS, 下针期; FS, 饱果期。同列数据同一作物后不同字母表示单作与间作在0.05水平上差异显著。SS: soybean monoculture; MS: maize/soybean intercropping; PP: peanut monoculture; MP: maize/peanut intercropping. V5, R2 and R6 are the growth stages of soybean of 5-trifoliate stage, full bloom stage and seed filling stage. ES, AS and FS are the growth stages of peanut of early flowering stage, acicula forming stage and filling stage. Different lowercase letters of the same crop in a column mean significant difference between monoculture and intercropping at 0.05 probability level.

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Table2.N accumulate of maize, soybean and peanut of maize/soybean and maize/peanut intercropping patterns
MM 152.6±2.49a 152.6±2.49d
SS 356.8±1.91a 356.8±1.91b
MS 121.3±3.78c 254.9±0.95b 376.2±2.95a
PP 153.4±4.95a 153.4±4.95d
MP 134.7±1.54b 160.9±5.93a 295.4±7.42c
MM:玉米单作; SS:大豆单作; MS:玉米/大豆间作; PP:花生单作; MP:玉米/花生间作。同列数据后不同小写字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。MM: maize monoculture; SS: soybean monoculture; MS: maize/soybean intercropping; PP: peanut monoculture; MP: maize/peanut intercropping. Values followed by different lowercase letters with a column are significantly different at 0.05 probability level.

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