王宏亮2, 4, 5,
郝晋珉3, 4,
1.内蒙古农业大学草原与资源环境学院 呼和浩特 010010
2.内蒙古大学公共管理学院 呼和浩特 010010
3.中国农业大学土地科学与技术学院 北京 100193
4.自然资源部农用地质量与监控重点实验室 北京 100193
5.呼和浩特市国土资源局 呼和浩特 010010
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目31861143001
作者简介:高艺宁, 主要研究方向为草地生态与景观规划。E-mail:nmggyn@126.com
通讯作者:赵萌莉, 主要研究方向为草地生态学。E-mail:nmgmlzh@126.com
Evolution of grassland ecological footprints based on variable structures of farming-pasturing interlocked areas
GAO Yining1,,ZHAO Mengli1,,,
WANG Hongliang2, 4, 5,
HAO Jinmin3, 4,
ZHAO Tianqi1
1. College of Grassland Resources and Environment, Inner Mongolia Agriculture University, Hohhot 010010, China
2. School of Public Administration, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, China
3. College of Land Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
4. Key Laboratory for Farmland Quality and Monitoring of Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing 100193, China
5. Hohhot Bureau of Land and Resources, Hohhot 010010, China
Funds: National Natural Science Foundation of China31861143001
National Natural Science Foundation of China31660108
National Key Technologies R & D Program of China2015BAD06B01
More Information
Corresponding author:Corresponding author, E-mail: nmgmlzh@126.com
Abstract:Siziwang Banner is a typical agri-pastoral ecotone of Inner Mongolia, where animal husbandry is the foundation supporting economic development. The grassland resources have a profound influence on the livestock industry. The time scale studied in this paper spans nearly 30 years, and during this period, the grassland resources of Siziwang Banner were degraded by human economic activities on a large scale. With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, the national and local governments have adopted a series of ecological measures, through projects such as returning farmland to grasslands, and the comprehensive management of grasslands to help improve their ecology. The transformation from grassland degradation to improving ecological, to a certain extent, reflects that regional economic construction is no longer purely at the expense of the environment but is gradually adopting a sustainable development approach. Coordination between economic construction and ecological protection should be emphasized. In order to study grassland ecology and economic development, a feasible ecological evaluation model is needed. The ecological footprint model has been widely used in China, but grassland ecological footprints are rarely found in agro-pastoral interlaced areas. The ecological footprint of the grassland and the time series of GDP per capita from 1987 to 2016 were used to analyze the grassland consumption and economic growth in Siziwang Banner, by using the Bai-Perron structural mutation co-integration test. The results of this co-integration test, which did not consider structural mutation, showed that it was not suitable for Siziwang Banner under a variety of grassland ecological protection policies. Besides, a co-integration test of structural mutation could reflect the economy of the agricultural and pastoral ecotone over a long period. The structural changes reflected the dynamic equilibrium between grassland consumption and economic growth and presented a one-way causality from grassland consumption to economic growth. The evolution of the grassland ecological footprint could be divided into three stages:a low-degree coordination stage (1987-2002), a policy-driven stage (2002-2009), and a rapid development stage (2009-2016). In the different stages, the absolute value of short-term fluctuations of the grasslands ecological footprint tended to be flat, but the long-term equilibrium coefficients gradually increased. The results showed that the ecological protection policy was helpful for improving the utilization efficiency of grassland resources. We found that the dependence of economic growth on grassland consumption gradually decreased, and the mode of economic growth at the expense of resources changed under the policies of ecological protection over the past 20 years. Sustainable methods for both economic development and ecological protection were advancing. Our results were not only beneficial to coordinate the development of regional economies and the utilization of grassland resources, but could also be used as reference for the future scientific planning of grassland ecological protection in the ecotones of agriculture and animal husbandry.
Key words:Grassland ecological footprint/
Economic growth/
Evolution stage/
BP structural mutation/
Co-integration analysis/
Siziwang Banner

Figure1.Change of grassland ecological footprint and per capita GDP from 1987 to 2016 in Siziwang Banner

Table1.Results of unit root tests on the co-integration of grassland ecological footprint based on unstructured mutation
检验变量 Test variable | 检验类型(C, T) Test type (C, T) | ADF检验值 ADF test value | 临界值Critical value | PP检验值PP test value | 可调整T值Adjusted T value | 结论 | ||||
1% | 5% | 10% | 1% | 5% | 10% | Conclusion | ||||
lnGEF | (1, 1) | -2.747 | -4.310 | -3.574 | -3.222 | -2.859 | -4.310 | -3.574 | -3.222 | 非平稳Unsteady |
(1, 0) | -2.548 | -3.679 | -2.968 | -2.623 | -2.563 | -3.679 | -2.968 | -2.623 | 非平稳Unsteady | |
(0, 0) | 0.780 | -2.650 | -1.953 | -1.610 | 1.308 | -2.647 | -1.953 | -1.610 | 非平稳Unsteady | |
ΔlnGEF | (1, 1) | -9.188*** | -4.324 | -3.581 | -3.225 | -31.511*** | -4.324 | -3.581 | -3.225 | 平稳Steady |
(1, 0) | -9.356*** | -3.689 | -2.972 | -2.625 | -28.079*** | -3.689 | -2.972 | -2.625 | 平稳Steady | |
(0, 0) | -9.364*** | -2.650 | -1.953 | -1.610 | -12.298*** | -2.650 | -1.953 | -1.610 | 平稳Steady | |
lnGDP | (1, 1) | -2.265 | -4.310 | -3.574 | -3.222 | -2.344 | -4.310 | -3.574 | -3.222 | 非平稳Unsteady |
(1, 0) | -2.580 | -3.753 | -2.998 | -2.639 | -0.833 | -3.679 | -2.968 | -2.623 | 非平稳Unsteady | |
(0, 0) | 3.716 | -2.647 | -1.953 | -1.610 | 4.220 | -2.647 | -1.953 | -1.610 | 非平稳Unsteady | |
ΔlnGDP | (1, 1) | -6.667*** | -4.324 | -3.581 | -3.225 | -6.539*** | -4.324 | -3.581 | -3.225 | 平稳Steady |
(1, 0) | -6.802*** | -3.689 | -2.972 | -2.625 | -6.662*** | -3.689 | -2.972 | -2.625 | 平稳Steady | |
(0, 0) | -1.340 | -2.657 | -1.954 | -1.609 | -4.890*** | -2.650 | -1.953 | -1.610 | 平稳Steady | |
E0 | (1, 1) | -6.107*** | -4.310 | -3.574 | -3.222 | -9.628*** | -4.310 | -3.574 | -3.222 | 平稳Steady |
(1, 0) | -6.221*** | -3.679 | -2.968 | -2.623 | -10.018*** | -3.679 | -2.968 | -2.623 | 平稳Steady | |
(0, 0) | -6.335*** | -2.647 | -1.953 | -1.610 | -10.422*** | -2.647 | -1.953 | -1.610 | 平稳Steady | |
??GEF:草地生态足迹; GDP:人均国民生产总值; C为截距项; T为时间趋势。*、**和***分别表示在90%、95%和99%置信水平的显著性; Δ代表一阶差分; E0为残差序列。GEF means grassland ecological footprint. GDP means per capita GDP. C is intercept. T is time trend item. Δ is the first difference of sequence variable. E0 is residual sequence. *, ** and *** show significant at 90%, 95% and 99% confidence intervals. |

Table2.Estimation of breakpoints of grassland ecological footprint based on BP structural mutation
间断点数 Breaks number | F统计值 F-statistic | 标度F统计值 Scaled F-statistic | 加权F统计值 Weighted F-statistic | 临界值 Critical value | 等权最大化统计 UDmax statistic | 加权最大化统计 WDmax statistic | 估计间断时点 Estimated breakpoint |
1 | 2.086 | 4.173 | 4.173 | 11.470 | 161.815 | 317.268 | 2009 |
2 | 6.418 | 12.836 | 11.803 | 15.101 | 2002, 2009 | ||
??UDmax和WDmax在1%统计水平显著的临界值分别为11.70和12.81。The critical values of UDmax and WDmax are 11.70 and 12.81 at 1% statistical level, respectively. |

Table3.Results of Chow breakpoint test of grassland ecological footprint based on BP structural mutation
断点检验 Breakpoint test | 样本时间跨度 Time span of sample | F统计量 F statistic | 对数似然比 Log likelihood ratio | 瓦尔德统计 Wald statistic | F值概率 Prob. F | 卡方概率(1) Prob. Chi-square (1) | 卡方概率(2) Prob. Chi-square (2) |
2002 | 1987—2009 | 47.184 | 41.082 | 94.367 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
1987—2016 | 39.941 | 42.127 | 79.882 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | |
2009 | 2002—2016 | 32.505 | 28.995 | 65.011 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
1987—2016 | 13.265 | 21.099 | 26.530 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |

Table4.Results of different stage unit root tests of grassland ecological footprint based on BP structural mutation
检验阶段 Test stage | 时间跨度 Time span | 变量 Variable | ADF检验ADF test | PP检验PP test | |||||||
检验值(C, T, L) Test value (C, T, L) | 临界值 Critical value | 结论 Conclusion | 检验值 Test value | 临界值 Critical value | 结论 Conclusion | ||||||
1t阶段 1t stage | 1987—2002 | lnGEF | -0.456 (0, 0, 0) | -1.605 | 非平稳Unsteady | -0.463 | -1.605 | 非平稳Unsteady | |||
ΔlnGEF | -2.311 (0, 0, 0) | -1.968** | 平稳Steady | -2.401 | -1.968** | 平稳Steady | |||||
lnGDP | -0.350 (1, 0, 0) | -2.681 | 非平稳Unsteady | -0.350 | -2.681 | 非平稳Unsteady | |||||
ΔlnGDP | -4.926 (1, 0, 0) | -4.004*** | 平稳Steady | -4.795 | -4.004*** | 平稳Steady | |||||
2t阶段 2t stage | 2002—2009 | lnGEF | 0.221 (0, 0, 0) | -1.598 | 非平稳Unsteady | 0.244 | -1.598 | 非平稳Unsteady | |||
ΔlnGEF | -3.107 (0, 0, 0) | -3.007*** | 平稳Steady | -3.107 | -3.007*** | 平稳Steady | |||||
lnGDP | 4.835 (0, 0, 0) | -1.598 | 非平稳Unsteady | -1.527 | -3.702 | 非平稳Unsteady | |||||
ΔlnGDP | -1.927 (1, 0, 1) | -1.597* | 平稳Steady | -5.542 | -4.773** | 平稳Steady | |||||
3t阶段 3t stage | 2009—2016 | lnGEF | 0.861 (0, 0, 0) | -1.598 | 非平稳Unsteady | 1.044 | -1.598 | 非平稳Unsteady | |||
ΔlnGEF | -6.894 (0, 0, 0) | -3.007*** | 平稳Steady | -11.883 | -3.007*** | 平稳Steady | |||||
lnGDP | 0.058 (1, 1, 0) | -3.702 | 非平稳Unsteady | 2.579 | -3.702 | 非平稳Unsteady | |||||
ΔlnGDP | -4.056 (1, 1, 0) | -3.878* | 平稳Steady | -7.963 | -7.006*** | 平稳Steady | |||||
4t阶段 4t stage | 1987—2009 | lnGEF | 0.359 (0, 0, 0) | -1.608 | 非平稳Unsteady | -0.070 | -1.608 | 非平稳Unsteady | |||
ΔlnGEF | -6.815 (0, 0, 0) | -2.680*** | 平稳Steady | -7.281 | -2.680*** | 平稳Steady | |||||
lnGDP | -0.305 (1, 0, 0) | -2.642 | 非平稳Unsteady | -0.305 | -2.642 | 非平稳Unsteady | |||||
ΔlnGDP | -6.147 (1, 0, 0) | -3.788*** | 平稳Steady | -5.988 | -3.788*** | 平稳Steady | |||||
5t阶段 5t stage | 2002—2016 | lnGEF | 0.554 (0, 0, 1) | -1.604 | 非平稳Unsteady | 0.643 | -1.604 | 非平稳Unsteady | |||
ΔlnGEF | -6.888 (0, 0, 0) | -2.755*** | 平稳Steady | -7.844 | -2.755*** | 平稳Steady | |||||
lnGDP | -0.329 (1, 1, 0) | -3.342 | 非平稳Unsteady | -0.077 | -3.342 | 非平稳Unsteady | |||||
ΔlnGDP | -3.617 (1, 1, 0) | -3.363*** | 平稳Steady | -3.622 | -3.363* | 平稳Steady | |||||
??GEF:草地生态足迹; GDP:人均国民生产总值; C为截距项; T为时间趋势; L为滞后阶数。*、**和***分别表示在90%、95%和99%置信水平显著; Δ为序列变量的一阶差分; PP检验法的结尾期由序列样本自动获取。GEF means grassland ecological footprint. GDP means per capita GDP. C is intercept. T is time trend item. L is lag. *, ** and *** show significant at 90%, 95% and 99% confidence intervals. Δ is the first difference of sequence variable. The truncated period of PP test is automatically obtained from sequence samples. |

Table5.Results of different stage co-integration models of grassland ecological footprint based on BP structural mutation
检验阶段 Test stage | 时间跨度 Time span | 模型类型 Model type | 方程 Formula | R2 | F统计量 F-statistic | ||
1t阶段 1t stage | 1987—2002 | 协整方程Co-integration equation | lnGEFt=0.292lnGDPt+11.689+ε | 0.218 | 3.903 | ||
修正项Correction term | ECMt=lnGEFt-1-0.423lnGDPt-1-10.308 | — | — | ||||
修正模型Modified model | ΔlnGEFt=-2.289ECMt-1+0.384ΔlnGDPt-0.128 | 0.412 | 0.982 | ||||
2t阶段 2t stage | 2002—2009 | 协整方程Co-integration equation | lnGEFt=0.728lnGDPt+7.272+ε | 0.298 | 4.428 | ||
修正项Correction term | ECMt=lnGEFt-1+0.048lnGDPt-1-14.614 | — | — | ||||
修正模型Modified model | ΔlnGEFt=-1.082ECMt-1+0.451ΔlnGDPt+0.279 | 0.608 | 3.096 | ||||
3t阶段 3t stage | 2009—2016 | 协整方程Co-integration equation | lnGEFt=1.355lnGDPt+0.770+ε | 0.516 | 6.407 | ||
修正项Correction term | ECMt=lnGEFt-1+0.771lnGDPt-1-21.753 | — | — | ||||
修正模型Modified model | ΔlnGEFt=0.495ECMt-1+0.186ΔlnGDPt+0.555 | 0.553 | 2.469 | ||||
4t阶段 4t stage | 1987—2009 | 协整方程Cointegration equation | lnGEFt=0.372lnGDPt+10.623+ε | 0.435 | 16.192 | ||
修正项Correction term | ECMt=lnGDPt-1-0.379lnGEFt-1-10.609 | — | — | ||||
修正模型Modified model | ΔlnGEFt=-1.278ECMt-1+0.004ΔlnGDPt+0.008 | 0.545 | 3.359 | ||||
5t阶段5t stage | 2002—2016 | 协整方程Cointegration equation | lnGEFt=0.599lnGDPt+8.433+ε | 0.302 | 5.617 | ||
修正项Correction term | ECMt=lnGDPt-1-0.201lnGEFt-1-16.146 | — | — | ||||
修正模型Modified model | ΔlnGEFt=-0.914ECMt-1+0.171ΔlnGDPt+0.290 | 0.598 | 4.464 | ||||
??GEF:草地生态足迹; GDP:人均国民生产总值; ε为扰动向量; ECM为误差修正项; t-1为样本阶段滞后1期, 表中样本阶段共划分为5期; Δ为序列变量的一阶差分。GEF means grassland ecological footprint. GDP means per capita GDP. ε is disturbance vector. ECM is error correction term. t-1 is one lag phase of sample stage, and the sample stages are divided into five stages in the table. Δ is the first difference of sequence variable. |

Table6.Results of co-integration residual unit root tests of grassland ecological footprint based on BP structural mutation
残差序列 Residual sequence | 检验阶段 Test stage | 检验类型(C, T, L) Test type (C, T, L) | ADF检验值 ADF test value | 临界值 Critical value (%) | 结论 Conclusion | ||||
1 | 5 | 10 | |||||||
E1 | 1t阶段1t stage | (1, 0, 0) | -3.918** | -4.200 | -3.175 | -2.729 | 平稳Steady | ||
E2 | 2t阶段2t stage | (0, 0, 0) | -2.577** | -2.847 | -1.988 | -1.600 | 平稳Steady | ||
E3 | 3t阶段3t stage | (0, 0, 0) | -2.305** | -2.847 | -1.988 | -1.600 | 平稳Steady | ||
E4 | 4t阶段4t stage | (0, 0, 0) | -4.438*** | -2.692 | -1.960 | -1.607 | 平稳Steady | ||
E5 | 5t阶段5t stage | (1, 0, 0) | -3.886*** | -2.817 | -3.213 | -1.601 | 平稳Steady | ||
??E为残差; C为截距项; T为时间趋势; L为滞后阶数。*、**和***分别表示在90%、95%和99%置信水平显著。E was residual. C is intercept. T is time trend item. L is lag. *, ** and *** show significance in the 90%, 95% and 99% confidence intervals. |

Table7.Results of Granger causality tests in different stages of grassland ecological footprint based on BP structural mutation
检验阶段 Test stage | 时间跨度 Time span | 最优滞后期 Lag phase | lnGEF不是lnGDP的格兰杰原因 lnGEF is not the Granger cause of lnGDP | lnGDP不是lnGEF的格兰杰原因 lnGDP is not the Granger cause of lnGEF | ||||||
F统计量F statistic | P值P value | 结论 Conclusion | F统计量F statistic | P值P value | 结论 Conclusion | |||||
1t阶段1t stage | 1987—2002 | 1 | 7.973 | 0.015 | 拒绝Refuse | 1.490 | 0.246 | 接受Accept | ||
2t阶段2t stage | 2002—2009 | 1 | 1.093 | 0.355 | 接受Accept | 0.505 | 0.517 | 接受Accept | ||
3t阶段3t stage | 2009—2016 | 1 | 11.257 | 0.028 | 拒绝Refuse | 0.599 | 0.482 | 接受Accept | ||
??GEF:草地生态足迹; GDP:人均国民生产总值。GEF means grassland ecological footprint. GDP means per capita GDP. |

Table8.Results of different models estimation comparison of grassland ecological footprint
检验阶段 Test stage | 时间跨度 Time span | 均方根误差 Root mean square error | 平均绝对误差 Mean absolute error | 平均绝对百分比误 Mean absolute percentage error | 泰尔系数 Theil coefficient |
0t阶段0t stage | 1987—2016 | 8.180 | 8.098 | 98.162 | 0.960 |
1t阶段1t stage | 1987—2002 | 7.001 | 6.944 | 97.644 | 0.944 |
2t阶段2t stage | 2002—2009 | 7.656 | 7.357 | 98.112 | 0.934 |
3t阶段3t stage | 2009—2016 | 8.066 | 7.974 | 97.946 | 0.928 |

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