1.山西农业大学农学院 太谷 030801
2.中国农业大学农学院 北京 100193
基金项目: 山西省自然科学面上青年基金项目201701D221181
作者简介:乔月静, 主要从事土壤微生态群落研究。E-mail:qyjsxau@126.com
通讯作者:高志强, 主要从事作物栽培与耕作研究。E-mail:gaozhiqiang1964@126.com
Effect of rotation on nematode community diversity in rhizosphere soils and yield of sweet potato
QIAO Yuejing1,,LIU Qi1,
ZENG Zhaohai2,
HU Yuegao2,
GAO Zhiqiang1,,
1. College of Agronomy, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, China
2. College of Agronomy, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
Funds: the Shanxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation for Youths201701D221181
Shanxi Scholarship Council of China2016-068
the Special Fund for the Industrial System Construction of Modern Agriculture of ChinaCARS-03-01-24
More Information
Corresponding author:GAO Zhiqiang, E-mail:gaozhiqiang1964@126.com
摘要:甘薯茎线虫(Ditylenchus destructor)是国际检疫植物寄生线虫,甘薯茎线虫病是危害我国甘薯生产的严重病害之一。本文通过不同种植方式下甘薯根际土壤线虫群落结构的变化,探索轮作对甘薯茎线虫病防治的作用,明确变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)在土壤线虫群落研究上应用的可行性。试验在河北省卢龙县多年连作的甘薯地上进行,种植方式分别为:A1,休闲→甘薯;A2,玉米-冬闲→甘薯;A3,玉米-黑麦→甘薯;A4,大豆-冬闲→甘薯;A5,大豆-黑麦→甘薯;CK,甘薯连作。提取3个时期甘薯根际土壤线虫,扩增线虫ITS区序列,采用DGGE技术分析土壤线虫群落。结果表明,与连作相比,轮作方式显著提高甘薯根际土壤线虫群落多样性,降低根际土壤甘薯茎线虫数量(P < 0.05),冬季轮作黑麦(A3,A5)使甘薯根际土壤线虫群落结构更加稳定,随时间变化幅度小。甘薯根际土壤中检测到的线虫优势属有:茎线虫属、矛线虫属、滑刃线虫属、头叶线虫属、短体线虫属、小环线虫属、刺线虫属、真滑刃线虫属、双胃线虫属。轮作方式提高甘薯产量42.08%~55.83%,降低病情指数22.72%~30.79%,不同轮作方式之间对甘薯产量和病情的影响差异不显著,收获期的甘薯茎线虫数量与甘薯产量和病情指数显著相关(P < 0.05)。因此,轮作方式能够显著提高甘薯根际土壤线虫群落多样性和甘薯产量,DGGE可有效检测土壤线虫群落;大豆-黑麦→甘薯是经济效益和生态效益较好的轮作措施。
Abstract:Sweet potato rot nematode (Ditylenchus destructor) is a severe disease that can cause significant loss of sweet potato yield and that can destroy biotic community diversity in rhizosphere soils. In this study, nematode community structure in rhizosphere soils under sweet potato were investigated to verify the impact of rotation cropping patterns on rot nematode disease and the feasibility of denatured gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) in soil nematode research. The experiment was conducted on a long-term continuous sweet potato field in Lulong County, Hebei Province in 2014 to (→) 2015, where sweet potato rot nematode disease was seriously epidemic. The cropping patterns were included A1 (fallow→sweet potato), A2 (maize-fallow→sweet potato) A3 (maize-rye→sweet potato), A4 (bean-fallow→sweet potato), A5 (bean-rye→sweet potato) and CK (continuous sweet potato cropping). The nematodes were separately extracted from sweet potato rhizosphere soil in May, July and September in 2015, and the ITS genes analyzed using PCR-DGGE. The results showed that compared with continuous cropping, crop rotation significantly increased the diversity of nematode community, and decreased the population of sweet potato rot nematode in rhizosphere soil (P < 0.05). Community structure of nematodes in rhizosphere soil under sweet potato was stabilized by winter rotation with rye (A3 and A5). Based on PCR-DGGE, 9 genera of nematodes were detected in the rhizosphere soil of sweet potato-Ditylenchus, Dorylaimus, Aphelenchoides, Cephalobus, Pratylenchus, Criconemella, Belonolaimus, Aphelenchus, and Diplogasterida. While Ditylenchus was the dominant genus in all the cropping patterns, Dorylaimus, Aphelenchoides and Cephalobus were the main genera. Crop rotation increased sweet potato yield by 42.08%-55.83% and decreased disease index by 22.72%-30.79%. However, different crop rotations had no significant difference on sweet potato yield and disease index. The population of Ditylenchus destructor was significantly related with sweet potato yield and disease index at harvest time (P < 0.05). Therefore, crop rotation significantly increased the diversity of nematode communities in sweet potato rhizosphere soils and sweet potato yield. And DGGE was proved to be a useful tool to detect soil nematode community. For the economic and ecological effects, bean-rye→sweet potato was the best rotation pattern for the study area.

图1不同轮作方式下甘薯根际土壤线虫ITS区扩增片段的DGGE图谱(泳道编号见表 1, B1-B15示条带)
Figure1.DGGE profiles of ITS gene fragments obtained from nematodes communities gDNA in sweet potatoes rhizosphere soil of different rotation patterns (Numbers 1-16 are shown in Table 1, B1-B15 are codes of the bands)

图2不同轮作方式下甘薯根际线虫群落的聚类图谱(编号见表 1)
Figure2.Cluster analysis of soil nematode community in sweet potatoes rhizosphere soil of different rotation patterns (Numbers 1-16 are shown in Table 1)

图3不同轮作方式下甘薯根际线虫群落的主成分分析(编号见表 1)
Figure3.Principal component analysis of soil nematode community in sweet potatoes rhizosphere soil of different planting patterns (Numbers 1-16 are shown in Table 1)

图4不同轮作方式甘薯根际土壤优势线虫群落的比例分布图(编号见表 1)
Figure4.Diagram of dominant nematode genus in sweet potatoes rhizosphere soil of different rotation patterns (Numbers 1-16 are shown in Table 1)

Figure5.Quantities of Ditylenchus destructor of sweet potato soil in different rotation patterns
Different lowercase letters show significant differences among different treatments at different periods at 0.05 level.

Table1.Shannon diversity and richness indexes of soil nematode community in sweet potatoes rhizosphere soil of different rotation patterns
泳道 Lane | 处理Treatment | 采样时间 Sampling time | 多样性指数(H) hannon Winner index | 丰富度(S) Richness | |
轮作方式Rotation pattern | 代码Code | ||||
1 | 休闲→甘薯 Fallow→sweet potato | A1 | 5月May | 1.54e | 5.12e |
2 | 7月July | 1.99b | 9.33bc | ||
3 | 9月September | 1.75d | 7.00d | ||
4 | 玉米—冬闲→甘薯 Maize—fallow→sweet potato | A2 | 5月May | 1.91bc | 10.52ab |
5 | 7月July | 1.92bc | 10.93a | ||
6 | 9月September | 1.99b | 11.10a | ||
7 | 玉米—黑麦→甘薯 Maize—rye→sweet potato | A3 | 5月May | 1.75d | 7.24d |
8 | 7月July | 1.79cd | 7.77d | ||
9 | 9月September | 1.73d | 7.76d | ||
10 | 大豆—冬闲→甘薯 Soybean—fallow→ sweet potato | A4 | 5月May | 1.89c | 9.38bc |
11 | 7月July | 2.06ab | 9.44bc | ||
12 | 9月September | 1.95bc | 9.11bc | ||
13 | 大豆—黑麦→甘薯 Soybean—rye→sweet potato | A5 | 5月May | 2.13a | 10.00b |
14 | 7月July | 2.08ab | 10.00b | ||
15 | 9月September | 2.09ab | 9.01c | ||
16 | 甘薯连作 Sweet potato continuous cropping | CK | 9月September | 1.52e | 5.22e |
同列不同小写字母表示在0.05水平差异显著(n=3)。Different lowercase letters in the same column mean significant differences at 0.05 level (n = 3). |

表2不同轮作方式下甘薯根际线虫群落DGGE图谱优势特征条带的ITS序列(条带标号见图 1)
Table2.ITS sequences of dominant and special bands from DGGE gel of soil nematode community in sweet potatoes rhizosphere soil of different rotation patterns (band codes are shown in Fig. 1)
条带B and | 属名 Genus | 种名 Species | Genbank登录号 Access No. | 相似度Similarity (%) |
B1 | 矛线虫属Dorylaimus | D. stagnalis | AY592995 | 98 |
B2 | 茎线虫属Ditylenchus | D. destructor | KJ567140 | 91 |
B3 | 滑刃线虫属Aphelenchoides | A. paradalianensis | GU337993 | 100 |
B4 | 头叶线虫属Cephalobus | Cephalobus sp. | EU040137 | 94 |
B5 | 短体线虫属Pratylenchus | P. hippeastri | EU040126 | 100 |
B6 | 小环线虫属Criconemella | C. propinquus | AY284677 | 97 |
B7 | 刺线虫属Belonolaimus | B. vexilliger | KC509905 | 96 |
B8 | 矛线虫属Dorylaimus | D. stagnalis | AY592994 | 100 |
B9 | 真滑刃线虫属Aphelenchus | Aphelenchus sp. | AB368918 | 91 |
B10 | 双胃线虫属Diplogaster | Diplogaster sp. | FJ516756 | 97 |
B11 | 矛线虫属Dorylaimus | D. stagnalis | AY284777 | 100 |
B12 | 头叶线虫属Cephalobus | Cephalobus sp. | AB631026 | 99 |
B13 | 环节动物门Annelida | Eisenia fetida | X79872 | 100 |
B14 | 环节动物门Annelida | Cambarincola floridanus | JQ821667 | 96 |
B15 | 环节动物门Annelida | Uncultured Acanthobdellida spp. | EF024636 | 99 |

Table3.Yields and disease indexes of sweet potatoes in different rotation patterns
处理Treatment | 甘薯产量 Yield (kg·hm-2) | 病情指数 Disease index | |
轮作方式Rotation pattern | 代码Code | ||
休闲→甘薯 Fallow→sweet potato | A1 | 11 372.40±32.32ab | 33.24±1.04b |
玉米—冬闲→甘薯 Maize—fallow→sweet potato | A2 | 11 672.55±23.64ab | 30.79±0.97b |
玉米—黑麦→甘薯 Maize—rye→sweet potato | A3 | 12 472.95±25.50a | 34.38±0.99b |
大豆—冬闲→甘薯 Soybean—fallow→ sweet potato | A4 | 11 629.20±18.63ab | 32.49±1.35b |
大豆—黑麦→甘薯 Soybean—rye→sweet potato | A5 | 12 310.95±19.66a | 31.63±1.01b |
甘薯连作 Sweet potato continuous cropping | CK | 8 004.00±29.33c | 44.49±1.52a |
同列不同小写字母表示在0.05水平差异显著(n=3)。Different small letters in the same column mean significant differences at 0.05 level (n = 3). |

Table4.Correlation between yield, disease index of sweet potatoes and quantities of Ditylenchus destructor in different rotation patterns
处理Treatment | 时期 Period | 甘薯产量 Yield of sweet potatoes | 病情指数 Disease index | |
轮作方式 Rotation pattern | 代码Code | |||
休闲→甘薯 Fallow→sweet potato | A1 | 5月May | -0.465 2 | -0.545 8 |
7月July | 0.465 2 | 0.545 8 | ||
9月September | -0.995 2 | 0.995 8* | ||
玉米—冬闲→甘薯 Maize—fallow→ sweet potato | A2 | 5月May | 0.585 5 | 0.476 9 |
7月July | 0.795 3 | 0.597 6 | ||
9月September | -0.101 7 | 0.026 5 | ||
玉米—黑麦→甘薯 Maize—rye→ sweet potato | A3 | 5月May | -0.438 8 | -0.439 8 |
7月July | 0.069 2 | 0.068 2 | ||
9月September | -0.539 0 | -0.539 9 | ||
大豆—冬闲→甘薯 Soybean—fallow→ sweet potato | A4 | 5月May | 0.438 1 | -0.434 1 |
7月July | -0.629 1 | 0.625 7 | ||
9月September | -0.670 2 | 0.666 9 | ||
大豆—黑麦→甘薯 Soybean—rye→ sweet potato | A5 | 5月May | 0.434 4 | 0.502 9 |
7月July | 0.434 4 | 0.502 9 | ||
9月September | -0.996 8** | -0.657 2 | ||
甘薯连作 Sweet potato continuous cropping | CK | 5月May | -0.487 4 | 0.577 4 |
7月July | 0.484 2 | -0.574 5 | ||
9月September | -0.997 2** | 0.997 4** | ||
*: 0.05 < P < 0.1; **: 0.01 < P < 0.05; ***: 0.001 < P < 0.01. |

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