1.山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院/作物生物学国家重点实验室 泰安 271018
2.陕西枫丹百丽生物科技有限公司 千阳 721100
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2016YFD0201100
作者简介:王芬, 主要研究方向为苹果氮素营养。E-mail:757086004@qq.com
通讯作者:葛顺峰, 主要从事果树营养生理与氮、磷循环研究, E-mail:geshunfeng210@126.com
姜远茂, 主要从事果树营养生理和土壤肥力研究, E-mail:ymjiang@sdau.edu.cn
Effects of cow dung and biochar on root growth, soil properties and nitrogen utilization of apple
WANG Fen1,,LIU Hui1,
FENG Jingtao1,
LIU Xiangyang2,
GE Shunfeng1,,,
JIANG Yuanmao1,,
1. College of Horticultural Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Tai'an 271018, China
2. Shaanxi BELLE Ferndean Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Qianyang 721100, China
Funds: the National Key R&D Program of China2016YFD0201100
the National Natural Science Foundation of China31501713
the National Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System Construction Fund Project of ChinaCARS-27
More Information
Corresponding author:GE Shunfeng, E-mail: geshunfeng210@126.com;JIANG Yuanmao, E-mail: ymjiang@sdau.edu.cn
Abstract:Two-year-old 'Fuji' apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv Red Fuji/Malus hupehensis) trees were used to study the effect of cow dung and biochar on soil properties, and apple root growth, nitrogen uptake and utilization using 15N isotope tracer technique. The study aimed at providing reference for rational fertilization and sustainable apple development and production. There were 6 treatments in the study-no cow dung or biochar (CK), 100% cow dung (T1), 75% cow dung + 25% biochar (T2), 50% cow dung + 50% biochar (T3), 25% cow dung + 75% biochar (T4) and 100% biochar (T5). The results showed that combined application of cow dung and biochar improved soil physical and chemical properties, and increased soil contents of organic matter, alkali-hydrolyzale nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium, but reduced soil bulk density. The soil contents of organic matter, alkali-hydrolyzale nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium decreased gradually with decreasing cow dung proportion, and they were highest under T1, which increased by respectively 97.31%, 19.01%, 24.37% and 32.73% over CK. There was no significant difference between T1 and T2 in terms of the contents of the variables. Soil bulk density decreased with gradual increase in biochar proportion. The difference between T4 and T5 treatments was not significant. Soil bulk density under T4 or T5 treatment was significantly lower than that of CK and T1. Bacteria population was highest in rhizosphere soil, followed by actinomyces, and fungus content was lowest. The addition of cow dung and biochar significantly increased the number of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungus in rhizosphere soil. The population of bacteria, actinomycetes and fungus was highest in T2 treated soil. The cow dung and biochar mixture also promoted apple root growth. Root tip, root surface area and root activity were highest in T2 treated soil, with respective increases of 47.90%, 33.47% and 44.67% over that of CK. Compared with CK, the cow dung plus biochar significantly improved the Ndff value, total nitrogen and 15N absorption of various organs of apple. It also increased 15N utilization and residual rate, while reducing 15N loss rate. The utilization rate and the residual rate of 15N were higher under treatments of mixed cow dung and biochar. Single application of cow dung or biochar was second and CK treatment the lowest. The loss rate of 15N showed the reverse trend. T2 treatment showed best with the highest 15N utilization rate and residue rate and lowest 15N loss rate. Under T2 treatment, while 15N utilization ratio increased by 5.51%, 15N loss rate decreased by 14.52% compared with CK. Comprehensive analysis showed that the 75% cow dung + 25% biochar treatment (T2) had the best effect on apple root growth, soil characteristics and nitrogen absorption and utilization.
Key words:Apple/
Cow dung/
Nitrogen utlization/
Soil nutrients/
Soil microbia

Figure1.Effects of different treatments of cow dung and biochar application on the fate of fertilizer 15N

Table1.Experimental treatments and their application rates of cow dung and biochar
g·kg-1(soil) | |||
处理 Treatment | 牛粪 Cow dung | 生物炭 Biochar | |
CK | 对照Control | 0 | 0 |
T1 | 100%牛粪100% cow dung | 30 | 0 |
T2 | 75%牛粪+25%生物炭 75% cow dung + 25% biochar | 22.5 | 7.5 |
T3 | 50%牛粪+50%生物炭 50% cow dung + 50% biochar | 15 | 15 |
T4 | 25%牛粪+75%生物炭 25% cow dung + 75% biochar | 7.5 | 22.5 |
T5 | 100%生物炭100% biochar | 0 | 30 |

Table2.Effects of different treatments of cow dung and biochar application on physical and chemical properties of soil
处理 Treatment | 有机质 Organic matter (g·kg-1) | 碱解氮 Alkali-hydrolyzale N (mg·kg-1) | 速效磷 Available P (mg·kg-1) | 速效钾 Available K (mg·kg-1) | 土壤容重 Bulk density (g·cm-3) |
CK | 12.66±0.86c | 157.07±7.51c | 39.76±2.30b | 207.32±7.50c | 1.34a |
T1 | 24.98±1.38a | 186.93±16.68a | 49.45±2.74a | 275.18±10.10a | 1.33a |
T2 | 24.05±0.57a | 182.79±11.93ab | 47.61±1.13a | 263.04±6.86ab | 1.30ab |
T3 | 19.58±1.06b | 177.52±8.04ab | 43.43±3.06b | 244.43±22.52b | 1.28abc |
T4 | 18.41±2.00b | 173.89±5.28abc | 42.44±1.66b | 224.13±5.28c | 1.21bc |
T5 | 17.99±0.64b | 167.08±4.86bc | 41.62±2.42b | 217.33±4.86c | 1.19c |
同列不同小写字母分别表示各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Data followed by different lowercase letters in the same row are significantly different at 5%. |

Table3.Effects of different treatments of cow dung and biochar application on numbers of microbes in apple rhizosphere soil
处理 Treatment | 细菌 Bacteria (108 CFU·g-1) | 放线菌 Actinomycetes (106 CFU·g-1) | 真菌 Fungus (104 CFU·g-1) |
CK | 2.41±0.08d | 7.89±0.57d | 1.94±0.13d |
T1 | 2.92±019bc | 11.95±1.49c | 2.53±0.12c |
T2 | 3.38±0.11a | 16.73±1.69a | 3.75±0.08a |
T3 | 3.32±018a | 16.41±1.03a | 3.52±0.11a |
T4 | 3.17±030ab | 14.31±082b | 3.12±0.24b |
T5 | 2.75±0.08c | 10.88±0.80c | 2.48±0.12c |
同列不同小写字母分别表示各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Data followed by different lowercase letters in the same column are significantly different at 5%. |

Table4.Effects of different treatments of cow dung and biochar application on biomass, root morphological indices and root activity of apple
处理 Treatment | 总干重 Total dry weight (g·plant-1) | 根系形态Root morphological | 根系活力 Root activity (μg·h-1·g-1) | ||
总根长 Total root length (cm) | 根尖数 Number of root tips | 根表面积 Root surface area (cm2) | |||
CK | 146.67±10.26d | 1 075.71±59.58d | 7 221.93±168.84c | 531.65±25.74c | 60.53±2.33d |
T1 | 170.33±12.64c | 1 326.57±95.71c | 8 450.52±152.94b | 615.44±17.29b | 75.29±4.57bc |
T2 | 226.34±12.07a | 1 663.16±39.44a | 10 681.20±886.17a | 709.57±49.71a | 87.57±5.02a |
T3 | 221.00±13.47a | 1 754.94±72.98a | 9 992.49±814.56a | 696.63±52.67a | 84.06±3.92a |
T4 | 191.33±10.35b | 1 473.34±137.98b | 8 748.06±953.49b | 668.90±41.90ab | 80.19±4.82ab |
T5 | 165.66±12.28c | 1 244.31±43.97c | 8 439.45±92.08b | 610.30±49.08b | 70.03±4.52c |
同列不同小写字母分别表示各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Data followed by different lowercase letters in the same column are significantly different at 5%. |

Table5.Effects of different treatments of cow dung and biochar application on Ndff values of different organs, total nitrogen and 15N absorption of apple
处理 Treatment | Ndff (%) | 全氮量 Total N (g·plant-1) | 15N吸收量 15N absorption (g·plant-1) | ||
根Root | 茎Stem | 叶Leaf | |||
CK | 10.90±0.63d | 9.04±0.25d | 8.19±0.25d | 1.30±0.08d | 0.11±0.01e |
T1 | 13.29±1.18bc | 10.44±0.65c | 9.92±0.19c | 1.59±0.14bc | 0.14±0.01cd |
T2 | 15.11±0.78a | 12.93±0.56a | 11.74±0.23a | 1.84±0.06a | 0.17±0.01a |
T3 | 14.46±0.48ab | 12.61±0.32a | 11.26±0.25ab | 1.72±0.06ab | 0.15±0.01b |
T4 | 14.18±0.46ab | 11.59±0.46b | 10.74±0.46b | 1.69±0.06b | 0.15±0.01bc |
T5 | 12.22±0.39c | 10.70±0.39c | 9.85±0.39c | 1.46±0.05c | 0.13±0.01d |
同列不同小写字母分别表示各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Data followed by different lowercase letters in the same column are significantly different at 5%. |

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