刘斌2, 3
1.西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院 兰州 730070
2.中国科学院城市环境与健康重点实验室/中国科学院城市环境研究所 厦门 361021
3.中国科学院大学 北京 100049
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目41371535
作者简介:高雪莉, 主要研究方向为环境管理与景观可持续研究。E-mail:gaoxuel113@yeah.net
通讯作者:张剑, 主要研究方向为环境地理学。E-mail:jianzhang@nwnu.edu.cn
Evolution and driving forces of cultivated land quantity in Xiamen City using niche theory
GAO Xueli1, 2,,ZHANG Jian1,,,
YANG Dewei2,
LIU Bin2, 3
1. College of Geography and Environmental Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China
2. Key Laboratory of Urban Environment and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen 361021, China
3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China41371535
the National Natural Science Foundation of China41690142
the National Natural Science Foundation of China41461012
the National Science and Technology Major Project of China for Water Pollution Control and Treatment2017ZX07101001
More Information
Corresponding author:ZHANG Jian, E-mail: jianzhang@nwnu.edu.cn
Abstract:It is vital to identify the changes in cultivated land quantity and its effect on regional land use structure to understand the urbanization process and regional sustainability. To determine the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics and driving mechanism of the cultivated land quantity, the niche was measured for land use types and six districts in Xiamen City from 1990 to 2015. The results identified by the niche ecostate-ecorole, expansion-compression, breadth, and entropy measurements showed that:1) the cultivated land quantity niche in Xiamen declined gradually from 1990 to 2015, with an average annual compression rate of 1.45%, which was directly related to the expansion of the construction land quantity niche. The evolution of cultivated land quantity niche in Xiamen City was in the late stagnating stage. However, it was faster than that of the national cultivated land niche ecostate-ecorole, possibly due to the rapid urbanization process. 2) The change in cultivated land quantity niche in the six urban districts was consistent with that in Xiamen City, and followed an overall decreasing trend. There was a large difference in the cultivated land area occupancy rate and the decrease rate in cultivated land area in each district. The evolution characteristics of the cultivated land quantity niche in each district could be classified into three distinct categories. First, the breadth of cultivated land quantity niche in the Huli and Siming districts were smaller than that of the construction land. The cultivated land ecostate was small in the six districts and had little interannual change, and the construction land ecostate rose steadily. Second, the breadth of the cultivated land quantity niche in the Jimei and Haicang districts had undergone a change from greater to lower than that of the construction land. The cultivated land ecostate was in the middle of the six districts, and the construction land ecostate increased greatly. Third, the range of change in the breadth of cultivated land and construction land quantity niche was the smallest in the Tong'an and Xiang'an districts. The cultivated land ecostate was at a high level among the six districts, and the construction land ecostate in the Tong'an district showed the largest increase. 3) In the context of rapid urbanization and intensive industrialization, the difference in comprehensive benefit niche between the cultivated land and construction land became gradually wider in Xiamen City, which drove the evolution of the cultivated land quantity niche. Among the difference in benefit niche from economic, ecological, and social aspects, the differences in the economic benefit niche for cultivated land and construction land were the largest, which indicated that the economic benefits were the major benefits for the change in the quantity of cultivated land and construction land. This paper attempted to describe the change in cultivated land quantity in Xiamen City by using the niche theory. This study could improve our understanding of cultivated land protection and the changes in land use structure to support sustainable land resource management.

CL:耕地; WL:林地; CONL:建设用地; GL:草地; WA:水域; OL:其他用地; UL:未利用地。
Figure1.The breadth of quantity niche of cultivated land and other land use types in Xiamen City during 1990-2015
CL: cultivated land; WL: woodland; CONL: construction land; GL: grassland; WA: water area; OL: other land; UL: unused land.

Figure2.The breadth, ecostate and ecorole of quantity niche of cultivated land and construction land in Xiamen City

Huli:湖里区; Siming:思明区; Jimei:集美区; Haicang:海沧区; Tong’an:同安区; Xiang’an:翔安区。
Figure3.The breadth of cultivated land quantity niche of each district in Xiamen City during 1990-2015
Huli: Huli District; Siming: Siming District; Jimei: Jimei District; Haicang: Haicang District; Tong'an: Tong'an District; Xiang'an: Xiang'an District.

Huli:湖里区; Siming:思明区; Jimei:集美区; Haicang:海沧区; Tong’an:同安区; Xiang’an:翔安区。
Figure4.The entropy of cultivated land quantity niche of each district in Xiamen City during 1990-2015
Huli: Huli District; Siming: Siming District; Jimei: Jimei District; Haicang: Haicang District; Tong'an: Tong'an District; Xiang'an: Xiang'an District.

Figure5.The breadth, ecostate and ecorole of quantity niche of cultivated land and construction land of each district in Xiamen City during 1990-2015

Figure6.The evolution of ecostate and ecorole of cultivated land niche

Table1.The benefit niche of cultivated land and construction land in Xiamen City during 1990-2015
生态位Niche | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010 | 2015 | |
经济效益生态位 Economic benefit niche | 耕地生态位Cultivated land niche | 0.013 2 | 0.007 4 | 0.003 3 | 0.002 4 | 0.001 7 | 0.001 9 |
建设用地生态位Construction land niche | 0.883 0 | 0.926 2 | 0.944 9 | 0.974 6 | 0.987 3 | 0.990 6 | |
生态位差Niche difference | 0.869 9 | 0.918 9 | 0.941 6 | 0.972 3 | 0.985 6 | 0.988 8 | |
生态效益生态位 Ecological benefit niche | 耕地生态位Cultivated land niche | 0.021 4 | 0.018 8 | 0.010 3 | 0.023 5 | 0.086 6 | 0.147 6 |
建设用地生态位Construction land niche | -0.040 3 | -0.066 4 | -0.082 6 | -0.270 3 | -1.435 7 | -2.198 5 | |
生态位差Niche difference | -0.061 8 | -0.085 2 | -0.092 9 | -0.293 8 | -1.522 4 | -2.346 1 | |
社会效益生态位 Social benefit niche | 耕地生态位Cultivated land niche | 0.107 2 | 0.073 8 | 0.037 2 | 0.032 5 | 0.025 1 | 0.028 5 |
建设用地生态位Construction land niche | 0.432 7 | 0.560 7 | 0.638 1 | 0.801 4 | 0.892 9 | 0.911 9 | |
生态位差Niche difference | 0.325 5 | 0.486 8 | 0.600 9 | 0.768 9 | 0.867 8 | 0.883 3 | |
综合效益生态位 Comprehensive benefit niche | 耕地生态位Cultivated land niche | 0.029 2 | 0.019 0 | 0.009 1 | 0.007 8 | 0.006 0 | 0.006 7 |
建设用地生态位Construction land niche | 0.520 2 | 0.638 0 | 0.690 2 | 0.854 1 | 0.936 0 | 0.946 5 | |
生态位差Niche difference | 0.491 0 | 0.618 9 | 0.681 1 | 0.846 3 | 0.930 0 | 0.939 8 |

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