1.北京师范大学环境学院/水环境模拟国家重点实验室 北京 100875
2.中国土地勘测规划院 北京 100875
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目41571173
作者简介:刘世梁, 主要从事景观生态学、恢复生态学、环境影响评价与规划等方面研究。E-mail:shiliangliu@bnu.edu.cn
Evaluation of regional ecological carrying capacity coupling with landscape pattern and ecosystem services
LIU Shiliang1,,WU Xue1,
ZHU Jiali1,
JIA Kejing2,
ZHAO Shuang1
1. School of Environment, Beijing Normal University/State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation, Beijing 100875, China
2. China Land Surveying and Planning Institute, Beijing 100875, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China41571173
the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFC0502103
Abstract:The main basis of landscape development and planning is the evaluation of regional ecological carrying capacity. The results of this evaluation can reflect the extent to which ecological carrying capacity can remain unaffected by continuous development and planning activities of humans. Nowadays, among the existing methods for assessing ecological carrying capacity, the method based on ecosystem services value is relatively mature and widely used. However, the assessment of ecosystem services value is based on the classification of ecological land types in the region; therefore, it is difficult to apply where the land use status lacks extensibility and resilience. To fill this gap, this study coupled landscape pattern and vegetation change parameters with the ecosystem service provision capacity through a comprehensive index system with 3 criteria and 11 indicators. The landscape pattern determined the size, shape, and connectivity of various ecological patches, which in turn affected the abundance, distribution, and population viability and anti-interference ability of the landscape. Thus, landscape pattern indexes could be used to identify regional ecological protection priorities under urbanization, further improving regional environmental quality and resource utilization efficiency. The vegetation change index could spatially describe changes in breadth and depth of vegetation cover in regions, which were the result of the interaction between nature and human activities. This study applied the assessment model to Shijiazhuang City, measuring its comprehensive ecological carrying capacity at the grid, township and district scale. The results showed that the spatial distribution of the ecological carrying capacity of Shijiazhuang based on the grid analysis was relatively high in the western mountainous area and low in the east plain. Regarding the indicator layer, the distribution of ecosystem service provision capacity was relatively consistent with the comprehensive ecological carrying capacity distribution, whereas the landscape metrics presented a mosaic distribution pattern and the vegetation change index represented a circle layer distribution pattern. Meanwhile, the spatial heterogeneity of the first-level indicators was more significant. The further regional analysis results focusing on the administrative scales of districts and townships showed that the indicator distribution on smaller scale was more heterogeneous, and evaluation results in some regions were inconsistent with those assessed at higher administrative level. Therefore, local decision-makers should adjust more targeted management objectives and actions according to the jurisdiction. In general, through horizontal analysis in space and vertical contrast on scales, western Shijiazhuang City should focus on integrating the forest ecosystem conservation into urban development and construction; the eastern districts and townships should coordinate between the ecological environment and economic development, and improve the ecosystem service capacity through the optimization of ecological space patterns, thereby improving the comprehensive carrying capacity of national land space.

Figure1.flow chart of ecological carrying capacity evaluation of Shijiazhuang

图中数字为区县代码。1:行唐县; 2:灵寿县; 3:平山县; 4:新乐市; 5:藳城区; 6:无极县; 7:辛集市; 8:深泽县; 9:晋州市; 10:栾城区; 11:赵县; 12:元氏县; 13:高邑县; 14:赞皇县; 15:井陉县; 16:矿区; 17:鹿泉区; 18:正定县; 19:新华区; 20:裕华区; 21:长安区; 22:桥西区。
Figure2.spatial distribution maps of the ecosystem service provision capacity and indicators of Shijiazhuang in 2015
The numbers in figures stand for districts/counties. 1: Xingtang; 2: Lingshou; 3: Pingshan; 4: Xinle; 5: Gaocheng; 6: Wuji; 7: Xinji; 8: Shenze; 9: Jinzhou; 10: Luancheng; 11: Zhaoxian; 12: Yuanshi; 13: Gaoyi; 14: Zanhuang; 15: Jingxing; 16: Kuangqu; 17: Luquan; 18: Zhengding; 19: Xinhua; 20: Yuhua; 21: Chang'an; 22: Qiaoxi.

图中数字为区县代码。1:行唐县; 2:灵寿县; 3:平山县; 4:新乐市; 5:藳城区; 6:无极县; 7:辛集市; 8:深泽县; 9:晋州市; 10:栾城区; 11:赵县; 12:元氏县; 13:高邑县; 14:赞皇县; 15:井陉县; 16:矿区; 17:鹿泉区; 18:正定县; 19:新华区; 20:裕华区; 21:长安区; 22:桥西区。
Figure3.The spatial distribution maps of the landscape pattern index and indicators of Shijiazhuang in 2015
The numbers in figures stand for districts/counties. 1: Xingtang; 2: Lingshou; 3: Pingshan; 4: Xinle; 5: Gaocheng; 6: Wuji; 7: Xinji; 8: Shenze; 9: Jinzhou; 10: Luancheng; 11: Zhaoxian; 12: Yuanshi; 13: Gaoyi; 14: Zanhuang; 15: Jingxing; 16: Kuangqu; 17: Luquan; 18: Zhengding; 19: Xinhua; 20: Yuhua; 21: Chang'an; 22: Qiaoxi.

图中数字为区县代码。1:行唐县; 2:灵寿县; 3:平山县; 4:新乐市; 5:藳城区; 6:无极县; 7:辛集市; 8:深泽县; 9:晋州市; 10:栾城区; 11:赵县; 12:元氏县; 13:高邑县; 14:赞皇县; 15:井陉县; 16:矿区; 17:鹿泉区; 18:正定县; 19:新华区; 20:裕华区; 21:长安区; 22:桥西区。
Figure4.The spatial distribution map of the vegetation change index of Shijiazhuang from 2000 to 2017
The numbers in figures stand for districts/counties. 1: Xingtang; 2: Lingshou; 3: Pingshan; 4: Xinle; 5: Gaocheng; 6: Wuji; 7: Xinji; 8: Shenze; 9: Jinzhou; 10: Luancheng; 11: Zhaoxian; 12: Yuanshi; 13: Gaoyi; 14: Zanhuang; 15: Jingxing; 16: Kuangqu; 17: Luquan; 18: Zhengding; 19: Xinhua; 20: Yuhua; 21: Chang'an; 22: Qiaoxi.

图52015年石家庄市区县(图a, c, e)、乡镇(图b, d, f)两级行政单位下的生态承载力要素评价结果
图中数字为区县代码。1:行唐县; 2:灵寿县; 3:平山县; 4:新乐市; 5:藳城区; 6:无极县; 7:辛集市; 8:深泽县; 9:晋州市; 10:栾城区; 11:赵县; 12:元氏县; 13:高邑县; 14:赞皇县; 15:井陉县; 16:矿区; 17:鹿泉区; 18:正定县; 19:新华区; 20:裕华区; 21:长安区; 22:桥西区。
Figure5.Evaluation results of 3 ecological carrying capacity elements at district (a, c, e) and township (b, d, f) scales of Shijiazhuang in 2015
The numbers in figures stand for districts/counties. 1: Xingtang; 2: Lingshou; 3: Pingshan; 4: Xinle; 5: Gaocheng; 6: Wuji; 7: Xinji; 8: Shenze; 9: Jinzhou; 10: Luancheng; 11: Zhaoxian; 12: Yuanshi; 13: Gaoyi; 14: Zanhuang; 15: Jingxing; 16: Kuangqu; 17: Luquan; 18: Zhengding; 19: Xinhua; 20: Yuhua; 21: Chang'an; 22: Qiaoxi.

图中数字为区县代码。1:行唐县; 2:灵寿县; 3:平山县; 4:新乐市; 5:藳城区; 6:无极县; 7:辛集市; 8:深泽县; 9:晋州市; 10:栾城区; 11:赵县; 12:元氏县; 13:高邑县; 14:赞皇县; 15:井陉县; 16:矿区; 17:鹿泉区; 18:正定县; 19:新华区; 20:裕华区; 21:长安区; 22:桥西区。
Figure6.Spatial distribution maps of ecological carrying capacity of Shijiazhuang in 2015 on grid (a), district/county (b) and township (c) scales
The numbers in figures stand for districts/counties. 1: Xingtang; 2: Lingshou; 3: Pingshan; 4: Xinle; 5: Gaocheng; 6: Wuji; 7: Xinji; 8: Shenze; 9: Jinzhou; 10: Luancheng; 11: Zhaoxian; 12: Yuanshi; 13: Gaoyi; 14: Zanhuang; 15: Jingxing; 16: Kuangqu; 17: Luquan; 18: Zhengding; 19: Xinhua; 20: Yuhua; 21: Chang'an; 22: Qiaoxi.

Table1.Contents and weights of evaluation indexes of ecological carrying capacity
准则层 Criteria layer | 准则层权重 Criterion layer weight | 指标层 Indicator layer | 水土保持重点生态功能区 Key ecological functional areas for soil and water conservation | 其他地区 Other areas |
生态系统服务提供能力 Ecosystem services provision capacity | 0.7 | 碳固定Carbon sequestration | 0.10 | 0.11 |
水土保持Soil and water conservation | 0.20 | 0.11 | ||
水源涵养Water source conservation | 0.10 | 0.11 | ||
生物多样性保护Biodiversity conservation | 0.10 | 0.11 | ||
防风固沙Wind erosion prevention | 0.10 | 0.11 | ||
休憩能力Cultural recreation services | 0.10 | 0.11 | ||
景观格局指数 Landscape pattern index | 0.2 | 最大斑块指数Largest patch index | — | 0.05 |
景观形状指数Landscape shape index | — | 0.05 | ||
香农多样性指数Shannon diversity index | — | 0.05 | ||
蔓延度指数Contagion index | — | 0.05 | ||
植被变化指数 Vegetation change index | 0.1 | 净初级生产力变化率NPP-slope | — | 0.10 |

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