1.云南农业大学烟草学院 昆明 650201
2.云南省烟草农业科学研究院 昆明 650021
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目31860357
作者简介:白羽祥, 主要从事烟草生理生化研究。E-mail:cotsbyx@163.com
通讯作者:王戈, 主要从事烟草栽培生理生化研究。E-mail: wangge302@126.com
Correlation analysis of main environmental factors and phenolic acids in continuous tobacco cropping soils using Mantel Test
BAI Yuxiang1,,YANG Chengcui1,
SHI Puyou1,
JIA Meng1,
YANG Huanwen1,
XU Zhaoli2,
WANG Ge1,,
1. College of Tobacco Science, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China
2. Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Science, Kunming 650021, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China31860357
the Applied Basic Research Project of Yunnan Province2015FB145
the Graduate Scholar Newcomer Award of Yunnan ProvinceA2008057
the Study on Utilization of Organic Fertilizer of Tobacco in Yunnan Province2017YN07
More Information
Corresponding author:WANG Ge, E-mail: wangge302@126.com
摘要:为明确酚酸类物质在连作植烟土壤中的变化特征,探讨土壤主要环境因子对酚酸类物质的影响,以不同连作年限(4 a,6 a,8 a,14 a和16 a)植烟土壤为对象,研究了不同连作年限植烟土壤酚酸类物质、理化性状、酶活性和细菌多样性的变化特征,并利用Mantel Test分析了酚酸类物质与土壤主要环境因子的相关性。结果表明,随连作年限增加,土壤酚酸类物质和速效钾含量升高,pH、有机质含量、细菌菌群丰度和多样性降低,水解性氮和有效磷含量呈先降低后升高趋势,酶活性呈先升高后降低趋势。Mantel Test分析表明,土壤酚酸类物质含量与理化性状、酶活性和细菌丰度显著相关,且与理化性状相关性最高;不同酚酸类物质含量与土壤主要环境因子相关性存在差异,其中,对羟基苯甲酸和阔马酸与植烟土壤理化性状、酶活性以及细菌丰度的相关性最高。因此,在本试验条件下,连作植烟土壤酚酸类物质具有明显积累特征,植烟土壤环境恶化;酚酸类物质积累受理化性状、酶活性和细菌多样性影响,且理化性状影响最大;不同酚酸类物质受主要土壤环境因子的影响存在差异,其中对羟基苯甲酸和阔马酸积累所受影响最大。
Mantel Test
Abstract:Flue-cured tobacco is a crop sensitive to continuous cropping. Continuous cropping over the long-term has seriously affected growth and production quality of flue-cured tobacco by affecting the soil environment. Phenolic acids can cause growth disorders under continuous cropping. Although the interaction between phenolic acids and other environmental factors after entering the soil environment has not much been investigated, it is clear that phenolic acids occur in soils under continuous tobacco cropping. The action process and the role in limiting continuous cropping are critical for successful tobacco cultivation. An experiment was conducted to determine the relationship between phenolic acids and soil environmental factors in the soil by analyzing the correlation between various environmental factors and phenolic acids in soil. The purpose was to identify the environmental factors affecting the concentration of phenolic acids in soils under continuous cropping systems. Soils of four tobacco fields with different durations of continuous cropping (4 a, 6 a, 8 a, 14 a and 16 a) were sampled. The changes in phenolic acids, physical and chemical properties, enzyme activities and bacterial diversities in soils under different continuous cropping years of tobacco were investigaed. The correlation between phenolic acids and soil environmental factors was analyzed using the Mantel Test. The results showed that long-term continuous cropping of tobacco resulted in an increase in soil phenolic acids content. Higher pH of soil under tobacco continuous cropping resulted in low soil organic matter content, but increased available potassium. The activities of catalase, urease acid phosphatase, and invertase first increased and then later decreased. When continuous cropping for less than 6 years, bacterial community structure changed little. However, bacterial community structure changed significantly after 8 years of continuous cropping. In general, continuous cropping changed bacterial community structure and reduced community diversity. Mantel Test analysis showed that phenolic acid content was significantly correlated with enzymes activities and physical and chemical properties of soil. Bacterial abundance had the highest correlation with soil physical and chemical properties. There were differences in correlation between different phenolic acids and soil environmental factors. P-hydroxybenzoic acid and phoronic acid had the highest correlation with physical and chemical properties of soil, enzyme activity and bacterial abundance in soils. Therefore, phenolic acids in soils under continuous tobacco cropping obviously accumulated over time with deteriorated soil environment. The accumulation of phenolic acids was affected by soil physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. P-hydroxybenzoic acid and tartaric acid were two kind phenolic acids most affected.
Key words:Flue-cured tobacco/
Continuous cropping/
Phenolic acid/
Soil environmental factor/
Mantel Test

Figure1.Effect of continuous cropping years of tobacco on Shannon, Simpson, ACE and Chao1 index of soil bacterial community
Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among different continuous cropping years at 0.05 level.

Figure2.Correlation between phenolic acids content and soil environmental factors of continuously cropped tobacco
** indicates significant correlation at 0.01 level.

图3基于Mantel Test的连作植烟土壤酚酸类物质与土壤环境因子相关性
**表示在0.01水平显著相关。P:间苯三酚; HA:阔马酸; PA:对羟基苯甲酸; VA:香草酸; V:香兰素; FA:阿魏酸; BA:苯甲酸; CA:肉桂酸; A:总量。
Figure3.Correlation between phenolic acids and soil environmental factors of continuously cropped tobacco based on Mantel Test
** indicates significant correlation at 0.01 level.P: phloroglucinol; HA: caramelic acid; PA: p-hydroxybenzoic acid; VA: vanillic acid; V: vanillin; FA: ferulic acid; BA: benzoic acid; CA: cinnamic acid; A: total amount.

A:理化性状; B:酶活性; C:细菌门水平相对丰度。
Figure4.Venn diagram of the first four phenolic acids with the highest correlation with soil environmental factors of continuously cropped tobacco
A: soil physic-chemical properties; B: soil enzyme activity; C: relative abundances of bacterial phyla.

Table1.Data pre-processing statistics and quality control of bacterial gene sequencing of soil samples of tobacco continuously planted for different years
连作年限 Continuous cropping years (a) | 原始下机序列 Raw reads | Clean reads中碱基数目 Base number of clean reads | Clean reads平均长度 Average length of clean reads (nt) | Clean reads中质量值大于20的碱基占比 Q20 | Clean reads中 GC碱基含量 GC proportion of clean reads (%) | Clean reads的序列占比 Effective of clean reads (%) |
4 | 50 798 | 12 276 030 | 253 | 99 | 55 | 96 |
6 | 56 998 | 13 741 732 | 253 | 99 | 55 | 95 |
8 | 65 290 | 15 845 683 | 253 | 99 | 56 | 96 |
14 | 52 905 | 12 438 514 | 260 | 99 | 57 | 90 |
16 | 59 980 | 14 595 832 | 253 | 99 | 53 | 96 |

Table2.Species and contents of phenolic acids in soil of tobacco continuously cropped for different years
mg·kg-1 | |||||
酚酸类物质种类 Species of phenolic acid | 连作年限 Continuous cropping years (a) | ||||
4 | 6 | 8 | 14 | 16 | |
间苯三酚 Phloroglucinol | 1.213±0.021e | 1.320±0.098d | 1.447±0.061c | 1.583±0.156b | 1.987±0.055a |
阔马酸 Caramelic acid | 0.050±0.010c | 0.049±0.007c | 0.058±0.010b | 0.063±0.013b | 0.134±0.015a |
对羟基苯甲酸 P-hydroxybenzoic acid | 0.127±0.005d | 0.187±0.020c | 0.122±0.010d | 0.279±0.021b | 0.467±0.020a |
香草酸 Vanillic acid | 0.073±0.011d | 0.123±0.006c | 0.089±0.010d | 0.145±0.024b | 0.278±0.0123a |
香兰素 Vanillin | 0.090±0.017d | 0.148±0.030b | 0.128±0.019c | 0.166±0.015b | 0.291±0.010a |
阿魏酸 Ferulic acid | 0.032±0.011c | 0.044±0.023c | 0.122±0.025b | 0.132±0.007b | 0.318±0.020a |
苯甲酸 Benzoic acid | 0.046±0.008d | 0.079±0.005b | 0.111±0.004a | 0.065±0.002c | 0.071±0.003bc |
肉桂酸 Cinnamic acid | 0.024±0.005b | 0.025±0.002b | 0.039±0.001a | 0.010±0.002c | 0.008±0.001d |
总量 Total amount | 1.684±0.054d | 1.954±0.056c | 2.105±0.060c | 2.412±0.067b | 3.535±0.150a |
不同小写字母代表不同连作年限在5%水平显著。Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among different continuous cropping years at 0.05 level. |

Table3.Effect of continuous cropping years of tobacco on soil physico-chemical properties
性质 Property | 连作年限 Continuous cropping years (a) | ||||
4 | 6 | 8 | 14 | 16 | |
pH | 7.63±0.15a | 7.40±0.13b | 7.30±0.18b | 6.61±0.12c | 6.40±0.14d |
有机质含量 Organic matter content (g·kg-1) | 55.02±2.22a | 51.92±2.71b | 36.61±1.33c | 34.88±3.17c | 34.95±2.56c |
水解性氮含量 Hydrolyzed nitrogen content (mg·kg-1) | 201.5±10.3b | 173.3±15.2b | 120.1±15.0c | 118.2±20.2c | 330.5±10.8a |
有效磷含量 Available phosphorus content (mg·kg-1) | 51.04±3.59a | 35.46±3.11b | 19.86±0.80c | 18.16±1.04c | 22.26±2.05c |
速效钾含量 Available potassium content (mg·kg-1) | 466.7±25.1b | 468.4±40.1b | 463.4±20.8b | 1 273.7±105a | 1 260.4±110a |
不同小写字母代表不同连作年限在5%水平显著。Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among different continuous cropping years at 0.05 level. |

Table4.Effect of continuous cropping years of tobacco on soil enzymes activities
mg·g-1·(24h)-1 | |||||
酶 Enzyme | 连作年限 Continuously cropping years (a) | ||||
4 | 6 | 8 | 14 | 16 | |
过氧化氢酶 Catalase | 3.81±0.13c | 4.35±0.09b | 4.92±0.10a | 2.63±0.14d | 2.03±0.16d |
脲酶 Urease | 0.61±0.03b | 0.68±0.09a | 0.63±0.04b | 0.58±0.06c | 0.45±0.02d |
酸性磷酸酶 Acid phosphatase | 1.50±0.08d | 2.37±0.08b | 2.64±0.10a | 1.93±0.07c | 1.32±0.17d |
蔗糖酶 Invertase | 13.80±0.27b | 16.70±0.33a | 16.30±0.84a | 13.90±0.31b | 12.30±0.29c |
不同小写字母代表不同连作年限在5%水平显著。Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among different continuous cropping years at 0.05 level. |

Table5.Relative abundances of bacterial phyla in soil of tobacco continuously cropped for different years
% | |||||
门 Phyla | 连作年限 Continuously cropping years (a) | ||||
4 | 6 | 8 | 14 | 16 | |
变形菌门 Proteobacteria | 59.6±2.5a | 57.7±2.6a | 48.0±1.8ab | 37.3±1.7b | 47.0±8.0ab |
拟杆菌门 Bacteroidetes | 11.0±0.6b | 12.8±2.4b | 6.5±0.7c | 4.8±1.3c | 35.2±3.1a |
芽单胞菌门 Gemmatimonadetes | 3.2±0.7b | 2.5±0.2b | 3.1±0.5b | 13.3±1.0a | 0.8±0.3b |
放线菌门 Actinobacteria | 11.3±2.4b | 12.4±2.0b | 20.7±1.6a | 12.7±2.1b | 6.5±2.4c |
酸杆菌门 Acidobacteria | 5.5±0.8bc | 6.9±2.1b | 9.5±0.3ab | 13.2±4.4a | 2.1±0.8c |
硬壁菌门 Firmicutes | 2.5±0.4b | 1.3±0.2b | 0.8±0.2b | 2.1±0.9b | 6.1±1.4a |
绿弯菌门 Chloroflexi | 1.4±0.1c | 1.1±0.2c | 3.5±0.3b | 5.3±1.6a | 0.4±0.1c |
疣微菌门 Verrucomicrobia | 1.4±0.3b | 1.6±0.5b | 3.3±0.8a | 3.6±0.4a | 0.6±0.2c |
浮霉状菌门 Planctomycetes | 0.7±0.2ab | 1.0±0.4ab | 1.5±0.6ab | 1.7±1.2a | 0.3±0.1b |
硝化螺旋菌门 Nitrospirae | 1.3±0.1a | 0.9±0.2b | 0.7±0.1b | 1.3±0.3a | 0.4±0.1a |
其他 Others | 2.2±0.2b | 1.9±0.2b | 2.5±0.3b | 4.8±0.5a | 0.8±0.3c |
不同小写字母代表不同连作年限在5%水平显著。Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among different continuous cropping years at 0.05 level. |

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