路杨1, 2,
闫宗正1, 2
1.中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心/中国科学院农业水资源重点实验室/河北省节水农业重点实验室 石家庄 050022
2.中国科学院大学 北京 100049
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划专项2016YFD0300808
作者简介:关劼兮, 主要从事农田节水机理与技术研究。E-mail:gjx391214674@qq.com
通讯作者:陈素英, 主要从事农田节水和保护性耕作技术研究。E-mail:csy@sjziam.ac.cn
Soil tillage practices affecting the soil characteristics and yield of winter wheat and summer maize in North China
GUAN Jiexi1, 2,,CHEN Suying1,,,
SHAO Liwei1,
ZHANG Yuming1,
ZHANG Xiying1,
LU Yang1, 2,
YAN Zongzheng1, 2
1. Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Water Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Hebei Key Laboratory of Agricultural Water-saving, Shijiazhuang 050022, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Funds: National Key R & D Program of China2016YFD0300808
National Key R & D Program of China2016YFC0401403
National Natural Science Foundation of China31371578
More Information
Corresponding author:Corresponding author. E-mail:csy@sjziam.ac.cn
摘要:华北平原是我国重要的小麦玉米种植区,长期土壤旋耕免耕和秸秆全量还田带来耕层变浅、犁底层变厚和上移、土壤养分表聚等现象,通过耕作方式改变,解决上述问题对维持区域粮食生产有重要意义。试验以冬小麦-夏玉米轮作系统为研究对象,分别在代表华北平原高产区的栾城试验区和代表中低产区的南皮试验区进行,设置冬小麦播种前进行土壤深耕、深松、窄深松3种处理,以生产上常用的旋耕为对照。所有处理夏玉米季均采用土壤免耕播种,测定项目包括土壤容重、作物根系、作物产量和水分利用效率。结果表明,不同耕作方式对土壤特性和作物产量的影响具有区域差异。南皮试验区土壤深耕(松)显著地(P < 0.05)提高了作物产量,深耕、深松和窄深松处理的冬小麦产量比旋耕分别增加16.5%、19.3%和13.1%,夏玉米产量分别增加17.3%、16.2%和21.9%,周年产量分别增加16.9%、17.6%和17.8%;深耕、深松和窄深松处理间作物产量差异不显著。栾城试验区冬小麦、夏玉米产量和周年产量各处理之间差异不显著。土壤深耕、深松、窄深松和旋耕均能降低0~20 cm土层土壤紧实度和土壤容重。冬小麦播种后,与土壤耕作前比较,土壤深耕、深松和旋耕处理土壤紧实度南皮试验区分别平均降低71.6%和68.2%,栾城试验区分别降低88.8%和-7.7%,常用的旋耕模式在栾城试区没有降低土壤紧实度。小麦收获时不同耕作方式0~40 cm土层的土壤容重均低于土壤耕作前的土壤容重,至夏玉米收获时不同耕作处理的土壤容重与耕作前基本一致,不同耕作处理对土壤容重的影响差异不显著。在南皮试验区,3种耕作方式与旋耕相比,均显著提高了冬小麦和夏玉米水分利用效率;在栾城试验区,各处理冬小麦和夏玉米水分利用效率差异不显著。本研究结果显示在华北平原高产区连续实施土壤旋耕模式没有影响作物产量,而在中低产区实施土壤深耕或者深松模式更利于作物产量提高。
Abstract:The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the most intensively farmed agricultural regions in China, with approximately 70% of the total cultivated land being used for an annual double-cropping system of winter wheat and summer maize. Owing to the long-term rotary and no tillage practices accompanying with the whole straw of winter wheat and summer maize return to field for several years, soil physical characteristics are gradually changing in terms of the increased soil pan depth, bulk density and content of soil nutrients in the surface soil layer. Improving soil quality by changing the tillage practices might help to maintain crop productivity in this region. An experiment was conducted for the winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in Luancheng County, which represented a high yield region, and in Nanpi County, which represented a medium and low yield region, in the NCP. Four treatments-soil deep tillage (DT), subsoiling (SS), narrow subsoiling (NSS), and rotary tillage (control, CK)-before winter wheat sowing and no tillage before summer maize sowing to all treatments were simultaneously conducted at the two areas. Soil bulk density, crop root growth, soil water use, yield and water use efficiency (WUE) were monitored throughout. Results showed that the effects of different tillage practices on soil and crop were different in the two regions. At Nanpi, deep tillage and subsoiling significantly increased crop yield. Compared with traditional rotary tillage, winter wheat yield was improved by 16.5% under DT, 19.3% under SS, and 13.1% under NSS. Yield of summer maize was increased by 17.3%, 16.2%, and 21.9%, respectively, with annual yield increases of 16.9%, 17.6% and 17.8%, respectively. Yield differences were not observed among the DT, SS, and NSS treatments. However, no significant difference in crop yield among the four treatments was found at Luancheng. Furthermore, four tillage practices reduced soil penetration resistance and bulk density for the 0-20-cm soil layer in both Luancheng and Nanpi. At Nanpi, after sowing winter wheat, the soil penetration resistance of the 0-20-cm soil layer under DT, SS, NSS and CK decreased by 69.7%, 72.7%, 72.5% and 68.2%, respectively. At Luancheng, soil penetration resistance of the 0-20-cm soil layer was reduced by 88.8% averagely under treatments of deep tillage and subsoiling, and slightly increased by 7.7% under CK. Soil bulk density of the 0-40-cm soil layer under the four tillage treatments were all lower at wheat harvest compared with that before tillage. Until the summer maize harvest, soil bulk density under different tillage treatments was essentially similar to that before tillage, and there was no significant difference among the four tillage treatments. At Nanpi, WUE of winter wheat and summer maize was significantly increased under DT, SS, and NSS compared with that under CK. At Luancheng, the WUE of winter wheat and summer maize was similar among the four treatments. These results indicated that different tillage practices in the low yield regions benefited crop production and water productivity. However, in the high yield regions, the three tillage practices did not enhance crop performance compared with traditional tillage practice. Therefore, it is suggested that the model of soil rotary tillage can be continuously implemented in the high yield regions of the NCP, whereas DT can be beneficially implemented in the medium and low yield regions.

Figure1.Monthly average sunshine hours and daily temperature range of Nanpi experiment site (NP) and Luancheng experiment site (LC) from October 2016 to September 2017

Figure2.Effects of tillage patterns on soil penetration resistance at seedling stage of winter wheat at Nanpi experiment site (a) and Luancheng experiment site (b)
CK: rotary tillage; DT: deep tillage; SS: subsoiling; NSS: narrow subsoiling.

Figure3.Effects of tillage patterns on soil bulk density at harvest of winter wheat and summer maize at Nanpi experiment site and Luancheng experiment site
DT: deep tillage; SS: subsoiling; NSS: narrow subsoiling; CK: rotary tillage.

Figure4.Effects of tillage patterns on root length densities of winter wheat at harvest at Luancheng experiment site and Nanpi experiment site
CK: rotary tillage; DT: deep tillage; SS: subsoiling; NSS: narrow subsoiling.

Figure5.Changes of soil water contents (W/W) during the experiment at Nanpi experiment site and Luancheng experiment site under rotary tillage (CK) and deep tillage (DT)

Table1.Soil nutrients contents in Nanpi experiment site and Luancheng experiment site in October 2016
土层深度Soil depth (cm) | 南皮试验区Nanpi experiment site | 栾城试验区Luancheng experiment site | |||||||||
有机质Organic matter (g?kg-1) | 全氮Total nitrogen (g?kg-1) | 速效氮Available nitrogen (mg?kg-1) | 速效磷Available phosphorus (mg?kg-1) | 速效钾Available potassium (mg?kg-1) | 有机质Organic matter (g?kg-1) | 全氮Total nitrogen (g?kg-1) | 速效氮Available nitrogen (mg?kg-1) | 速效磷Available phosphorus (mg?kg-1) | 速效钾Available Potassium (mg?kg-1) | ||
0~10 | 16.29 | 1.07 | 83.22 | 16.19 | 120.17 | 21.76 | 1.34 | 117.96 | 11.31 | 117.35 | |
10~20 | 8.91 | 0.62 | 44.90 | 6.27 | 74.42 | 14.29 | 0.93 | 83.32 | 4.97 | 83.83 | |
20~30 | 5.69 | 0.41 | 27.67 | 3.50 | 67.96 | 8.49 | 0.58 | 48.37 | 2.13 | 79.22 | |
30~40 | 4.71 | 0.32 | 21.86 | 1.83 | 61.50 | 6.63 | 0.48 | 36.53 | 1.75 | 82.42 |

Table2.Weather conditions during the growing seasons of winter wheat and summer maize in Nanpi experiment site and Luancheng experiment site
气象要素Meteorological factor | 南皮试验区Nanpi experiment site | 栾城试验区Luancheng experiment site | |||
冬小麦Winter wheat | 夏玉米Summer maize | 冬小麦Winter wheat | 夏玉米Summer maize | ||
降雨量Rainfall (mm) | 81.6 | 401.0 | 78.0 | 185.5 | |
≥10 ℃积温Accumulate temperature ≥ 10 ℃ (℃) | 1 719.4 | 2 911.0 | 1 690.1 | 2 904.8 | |
日均温Daily mean temperature (℃) | 9.17 | 31.16 | 8.54 | 25.93 | |
日照时数Sunshine hours (h) | 1 446.3 | 681.7 | 1 205.6 | 629.4 |

Table3.Effects of tillage patterns on water use efficiency of winter wheat and summer maize at Nanpi experiment site and Luancheng experiment site
kg ?m-3 | |||||||
处理Treatment | 南皮试验区Nanpi experiment site | 栾城试验区Luancheng experiment site | |||||
冬小麦Winter wheat | 夏玉米Summer maize | 周年Whole year | 冬小麦Winter wheat | 夏玉米Summer maize | 周年Whole year | ||
深耕Deep tillage | 1.93±0.03a | 2.26±0.08a | 2.09±0.05a | 1.82±0.05a | 2.64±0.06a | 2.21±0.05a | |
深松Subsoiling | 1.87±0.04a | 2.21±0.07a | 2.04±0.06a | 1.84±0.06a | 2.43±0.07a | 2.11±0.04a | |
窄深松Narrow subsoiling | 1.90±0.03a | 2.35±0.10a | 2.13±0.05a | 1.96±0.06a | 2.63±0.05a | 2.30±0.05a | |
旋耕Rotary tillage (CK) | 1.51±0.05b | 1.98±0.11b | 1.74±0.07b | 1.90±0004a | 2.48±0.05a | 2.17±0.04a | |
????同列不同小写字母表示不同处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著。Different lowercase letters in the same column mean significant differences among treatments at 0.05 level. |

Table4.Grain yield and yield components of winter wheat, summer maize and whole year under different soil tillage treatments
试验区Experiment site | 处理Treatment | 冬小麦Winter wheat | 夏玉米Summer maize | 周年产量Annual yield (t?hm-2) | |||||||
产量Grain yield (t?hm-2) | 穗数Spike number (?m-2) | 穗粒数Grains per spike | 千粒重1000-grain weight (g) | 产量Grain yield (t?hm-2) | 穗数 Spike number (?m-2) | 穗粒数Grains per ear | 千粒重1000-grain weight (g) | ||||
南皮Nanpi | CK | 6.42±0.52b | 535.8±35.74b | 34.4±1.01a | 38.0±0.74c | 7.63±0.36b | 5.10±0.15b | 517.2±9.55a | 367.8±4.43a | 14.05±0.39b | |
DT | 7.48±0.73a | 672.9±95.16a | 34.1±1.79a | 39.2±2.14bc | 8.95±0.49a | 5.51±0.62b | 477.2±32.08b | 370.2±8.77a | 16.43±0.37a | ||
SS | 7.66±0.51a | 535.4±53.72b | 34.0±2.69a | 42.3±1.88a | 8.87±0.87a | 5.41±0.81b | 496.9±28.71ab | 367.0±11.10a | 16.53±1.03a | ||
NSS | 7.26±1.00a | 577.1±35.74b | 30.4±2.93b | 40.8±1.59ab | 9.29±0.76a | 6.21±0.81a | 479.8±34.52b | 375.8±14.31a | 16.56±1.17a | ||
栾城Luancheng | CK | 6.74±0.19ab | 757.5±41.49a | 28.0±2.84b | 40.1±0.39a | 8.90±0.95a | 5.58±0.26b | 512.2±19.66a | 338.7±9.71a | 15.64±1.07a | |
DT | 6.51±0.38b | 631.7±75.30ab | 30.3±3.16b | 37.3±1.22b | 9.46±0.23a | 6.58±0.38a | 508.1±14.53a | 327.3±18.35ab | 15.96±0.51a | ||
SS | 6.52±0.27b | 578.3±107.990b | 32.8±1.87a | 40.6±0.62a | 8.68±0.32a | 5.80±0.35b | 482.5±20.67ab | 316.8±12.00b | 15.20±0.59a | ||
NSS | 7.26±0.32a | 706.7±74.04ab | 30.0±2.79b | 40.2±0.66a | 8.75±0.57a | 6.39±0.43a | 458.3±26.20b | 326.4±3.20ab | 16.01±0.88a | ||
????CK:常规旋耕; DT:深耕; SS:深松; NSS:窄深松。同列同一试验区不同小写字母表示P < 0.05水平差异显著。CK: rotary tillage; DT: deep tillage; SS: subsoiling; NSS: narrow subsoiling. Different lowercase letters in the same column for the same experiment site mean significant differences among treatments at 0.05 level. |

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