1.云南农业大学烟草学院 昆明 650201
2.中国烟草总公司云南省公司 昆明 650011
3.云南省烟草农业科学研究院 昆明 650021
基金项目: 中国烟草总公司云南省公司科技计划重点项目2018530000241016
作者简介:刘棋, 主要研究方向为作物栽培与耕作。E-mail:512547782@qq.com
通讯作者:童文杰, 主要研究方向为烟草栽培与耕作。E-mail:tongwenjie0716@163.com
Effects of tillage methods on soil physical properties and spatial distribution of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) roots in mountainous tobacco fields
LIU Qi1, 3,,WANG Jinjun2,
FENG Xingbing2,
ZHANG Liuchen2,
DENG Xiaopeng3,
MA Erdeng3,
TONG Wenjie3,,
1. College of Tobacco Science, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China
2. China Tobacco Company Yunnan Branch, Kunming 650011, China
3. Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650021, China
Funds: Key Project of Science and Technology Plan of Yunnan Company of China National Tobacco Corporation2018530000241016
Key Project of Science and Technology Plan of Yunnan Company of China National Tobacco Corporation2019530000241011
More Information
Corresponding author:Corresponding author. E-mail:tongwenjie0716@163.com
摘要:为探讨不同耕作方式对山地烟田烤烟产量产值的影响,揭示山地烟田深耕深松增产增效机理,以烤烟‘K326’为研究材料,采用大田试验,设置旋耕20 cm(RT20,对照)、深耕30 cm(DT30)、深松30 cm(ST30)和深松40 cm(ST40)4个处理,研究不同耕作方式对烤烟生长发育、烟田土壤物理性状和烤烟根系空间分布特征的影响。结果表明:与对照RT20相比,深耕、深松措施显著提高烤烟产量、产值,其中DT30、ST30、ST40产量分别提高12.2%、12.3%和16.0%,产值分别提高10.5%、13.8%和21.8%。深耕、深松措施明显改善土壤亚表层(20~40 cm)物理结构,其中DT30、ST30、ST40土壤容重分别比对照低6.1%、5.3%和8.0%,毛管孔隙度分别比对照高11.3%、13.1%和21.6%;团棵期DT30、ST30和ST40土壤含水量分别比对照高4.9%、2.3%和5.7%,现蕾期分别比对照高4.5%、3.8%和5.6%。深耕、深松措施增加烤烟根系鲜重绝对量,促进烤烟根系纵向下扎生长,缓解上层根系的拥挤度。DT30、ST30和ST40处理根深指数分别比对照高5.32%、8.26%和16.20%。土壤亚表层(20~40 cm)不同处理间烤烟根系鲜重差异最显著,其中深耕、深松措施20~30 cm烤烟根系鲜重比对照高162.2%~469.0%,30~40 cm比对照高56.5%~292.9%。研究发现:深耕、深松措施改善山地烟田土壤容重、孔隙度、土壤水分等土壤物理性状,优化植烟土壤环境,促进烤烟根系生长发育,优化根系空间分布构型,对增加烤烟干物质、提高烟叶产量产值有较好的现实生产意义。
Abstract:To explore the effects of different tillage methods on the yield and output value of flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) in mountainous tobacco fields and to reveal how deep tillage and subsoiling in mountainous tobacco fields increases yield and efficiency, a field experiment was conducted, and soil physical characteristics, soil water content, spatial distribution of the tobacco root system, and the growth of tobacco plants were investigated. A flue-cured tobacco variety, 'K326', was planted and subjected to tillage methods of 20 cm of rotary tillage (control, RT20), 30 cm of deep tillage (DT30), and 30 cm (ST30) and 40 cm (ST40) of subsoiling tillage. The results showed that DT30, ST30, and ST40 significantly increased the yield and output of the flue-cured tobacco when compared with RT20. The yield was increased by 12.2%, 12.3% and 16.0%, meanwhile the output was increased by 10.5%, 13.8%, and 21.8% under DT30, ST30, and ST40 treatments, respectively. Moreover, deep tillage and subsoiling tillage significantly improved the physical structure of soil subsurface layer in the range of 20-40 cm. The soil bulk density was decreased by DT30, ST30, and ST40 treatments; the soil bulk density values under DT30, ST30, and ST40 treatments were 6.1%, 5.3%, and 8.0% lower than that of RT20 treatment, respectively. However, the treatments increased the capillary porosity of the soil; capillary porosity values under those three treatments were 11.3%, 13.1%, and 21.6% higher than that under RT20 treatment, respectively. Additionally, the soil water content of the 20-40-cm soil layer was also increased by 4.9%, 2.3%, and 5.7% under DT30, ST30, and ST40 treatments compared with RT20 treatment, respectively, when measured at the rosette stage. At the budding stage, it was still increased by 4.5%, 3.8%, and 5.6% under DT30, ST30, and ST40 treatments over RT20 treatment, respectively. Deep tillage and subsoiling tillage treatments increased the absolute fresh weight and promoted vertical growth of tobacco roots as well as alleviated the crowding of the upper roots. The DT30, ST30, and ST40 treatments increased the root depth index by 5.32%, 8.26%, and 16.20% compared with RT20 treatment, respectively. The difference in the fresh weight of the tobacco roots was the most significant among different treatments of soil subsurface (depth of 20-40 cm). Among them, the fresh weight of tobacco roots in the 20-30-cm soil layer with deep ploughing and deep loosening measures was 162.2%-469.0% higher than that with the control, and in the 30-40-cm soil layer it was 56.5%-292.9% higher. It also turned out that subsoiling and deep tillage improved soil physical properties such as soil bulk density, porosity, and moisture in mountainous tobacco fields, which enhanced the soil environment for tobacco planting and benefited tobacco root growth. These treatments also allowed for optimization of the horizontal and vertical distribution of the tobacco root system. Furthermore, these tillage treatments significantly increased the dry matter of flue-cured tobacco, which resulted in increased yield and output value of tobacco.
Key words:Mountain/
Flue-cured tobacco/
Deep tillage/
Soil physical characteristic/
Spatial distribution of root system

Figure1.Sampling coordinate of cotton root in the filed

RT20:旋耕20 cm, 对照; DT30:深耕30 cm; ST30:深松30 cm; ST40:深松40 cm。同一生育期不同字母表示处理间差异显著。
Figure2.Effects of different tillage methods on dry matter of flue-cured tobacco at different growth stages
RT20: 20 cm rotary tillage; DT30: 30 cm deep tillage; ST30: 30 cm subsoiling tillage; ST40: 40 cm subsoiling tillage. Different lowercase letters in the same growth stage mean significant differences at 0.05 level.

RT20:旋耕20 cm, 对照; DT30:深耕30 cm; ST30:深松30 cm; ST40:深松40 cm。同一土层不同字母表示各处理在0.05水平上差异显著。
Figure3.Effects of different tillage methods on soil bulk density (A), total porosity (B), capillary porosity (C) and non-capillary porosity (D) in tobacco field
RT20: 20 cm rotary tillage; DT30: 30 cm deep tillage; ST30: 30 cm subsoiling tillage; ST40: 40 cm subsoiling tillage. Different lowercase letters in the same soil layer mean significant differences at 0.05 level among different treatments.

RT20:旋耕20 cm, 对照; DT30:深耕30 cm; ST30:深松30 cm; ST40:深松40 cm。
Figure4.Effects of different tillage methods on soil moisture contents in tobacco field at rosette stage (A) and budding stage (B)
RT20: 20 cm rotary tillage; DT30: 30 cm deep tillage; ST30: 30 cm subsoiling tillage; ST40: 40 cm subsoiling tillage.

(A: 0~10 cm; B: 10~20 cm; C: 20~30 cm; D: 30~40 cm; E: 40~50 cm)RT20:旋耕20 cm, 对照; DT30:深耕30 cm; ST30:深松30 cm; ST40:深松40 cm。
Figure5.Effects of different tillage methods on root spatial distribution of flue-cured tobacco in the soil depths of 0-10 cm (A), 10-20 cm (B), 20-30 cm (C), 30-40 cm (D), and 40-50 cm (E)
RT20: 20 cm rotary tillage; DT30: 30 cm deep tillage; ST30: 30 cm subsoiling tillage; ST40: 40 cm subsoiling tillage.

RT20:旋耕20 cm, 对照; DT30:深耕30 cm; ST30:深松30 cm; ST40:深松40 cm。
Figure6.Effect of different tillage methods on root vertical distribution of flue-cured tobacco in the soil
RT20: 20 cm rotary tillage; DT30: 30 cm deep tillage; ST30: 30 cm subsoiling tillage; ST40: 40 cm subsoiling tillage.

Table1.Effects of different tillage methods on tobacco leaf yield and output
处理Treatment | 产量Yield (kg·hm-2) | 产值Output (104 ·hm-2) | 上等烟比例Ratio of high quality tobacco (%) | 均价Average price ( ·kg-1) |
RT20 | 2 439.89±23.69b | 7.03±0.05c | 49.00±0.03b | 28.83±0.45b |
DT30 | 2 736.69±36.06a | 7.77±0.31b | 48.84±0.15b | 28.35±0.05b |
ST30 | 2 739.04±51.63a | 8.01±0.14ab | 49.65±0.13b | 29.23±0.12ab |
ST40 | 2 831.06±19.45a | 8.56±0.22a | 50.48±0.47a | 30.24±0.59a |
????RT20:旋耕20 cm, 对照; DT30:深耕30 cm; ST30:深松30 cm; ST40:深松40 cm。同列不同字母表示处理间差异显著。RT20: 20 cm rotary tillage; DT30: 30 cm deep tillage; ST30: 30 cm subsoiling tillage; ST40: 40 cm subsoiling tillage. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences at 0.05 level. |

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