1.安徽农业大学农学院 合肥 230036
2.宿州市农业科学院 宿州 234000
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2017YFD0301307-05
作者简介:杨硕, 主要研究方向为低碳农业生产。E-mail:1750372904@qq.com
通讯作者:宋贺, 主要研究方向为低碳农业生产。E-mail:songhesonghe@foxmail.com
Effects of soil layers exchange on key nitrogen transformation processes in soil and nitrogen utilization by maize
YANG Shuo1,,JIN Wenjun1,
HUANG Haimeng1,
WANG Jun1,
ZHOU Debao2,
ZHAO Yangyang1,
DONG Zhaorong1,
SONG He1,,
1. College of Agronomy, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China
2. Suzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Suzhou 234000, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Project of China2017YFD0301307-05
the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0300205-03
the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China201503121-02
More Information
Corresponding author:SONG He, E-mail: songhesonghe@foxmail.com
摘要:翻耕会使耕层土壤发生显著位置交换。耕层土壤位置交换会通过影响土壤物理、化学和生物性状,改变氮素转化过程。本文研究了土层交换对黄淮海平原南端砂姜黑土硝化、反硝化过程和玉米生长及氮素利用的影响,为该区域选择合理的耕作方式、减少氮素损失及提高氮素利用效率提供理论依据。试验在人工气候室条件下,以土壤(0~35 cm)田间原位分层作为常规土层处理(CK),以原位0~10 cm和10~20 cm土层交换后作为土层交换处理(SE),并用20 μm的尼龙网区分非根际和根际土壤。于玉米小喇叭口期利用荧光定量PCR技术测定土壤氨氧化微生物和反硝化菌群丰度,并结合非根际和根际土壤的硝化潜势、土壤呼吸、反硝化能力、反硝化潜势、土壤理化性质和玉米总氮含量及根系形态的测定,探讨土层交换对土壤氮素转化和玉米生长及氮素利用的影响。结果显示,SE处理的玉米植株氮吸收量比CK处理显著降低8.9%(P < 0.05)。土层交换显著影响根际而不是非根际土壤的硝化潜势,使其显著降低13.5%(P < 0.05);并使非根际和根际土壤的反硝化能力分别提高36.6%(P < 0.05)和8.4%(P < 0.05)。土层交换使非根际和根际土壤的可溶性有机碳含量分别提高11.7%(P < 0.05)和5.2%。相关分析显示硝化潜势与氨氧化细菌(AOB)丰度呈显著正相关(r=0.91**),与氨氧化古菌(AOA)丰度无显著相关关系;反硝化能力与土壤可溶性有机碳和呼吸速率呈显著正相关(r=0.89**和0.93**),与nirK、nirS拷贝数无显著相关性;玉米植株氮吸收量与根际土壤的硝化潜势、根表面积×AOB拷贝数都呈显著正相关(r=0.83*和0.86*),而与反硝化能力呈显著负相关(r=-0.88**)。以上结果表明砂姜黑土土壤硝化速率的降低和反硝化速率的增强,是土层交换后玉米氮素利用效率低的重要原因。AOB是硝化速率的主要驱动微生物。土层交换后土壤可溶性有机碳是反硝化能力的关键主导因子。在翻耕条件下,有效调节土壤可溶性有机碳含量是提高作物氮肥利用效率的关键。
Abstract:Soil layers are exchanged during tillage practices, which may change the nitrogen (N) transformation process by affecting the physicochemical and biochemical properties of the soil. In this study, the effects of soil layers exchange on the nitrification and denitrification of lime concretion black soil, maize growth, and N utilization were studied to provide a theoretical basis for selecting reasonable tillage methods, reducing N loss, and improving N use efficiency in the southern region of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. In an artificial climate chamber, a normal soil layer distribution (0-35 cm of soil placed in a root box according to in situ soil layers) was used as the control treatment (CK). In-situ 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers were exchanged and placed in another group of root boxes, which were used as the soil layers exchange (SE) treatment group. A 20 μm nylon mesh was used to separate the rhizosphere and the bulk soil. To investigate the effects of soil layer exchange on soil N transformation, nitrification potential, respiration, denitrifying capacity, denitrification potential, physicochemical properties of the rhizosphere and bulk soil, as well as maize growth, and N use, total N content, and root morphology were investigated at the maize small trumpet stage. The results showed that maize N uptake in SE treatment was 8.9% lower than that of CK (P < 0.05). Soil layer exchange significantly affected the rhizosphere rather than the bulk soil, which reduced its nitrification potential by 13.5% (P < 0.05) and increased the denitrification capacity of the rhizosphere and the bulk soil by 36.6% (P < 0.05) and 8.4% (P < 0.05), respectively. Soil layers exchange increased the soluble organic carbon content of the rhizosphere and bulk soil by 11.7% (P < 0.05) and 5.2%, respectively. Correlation analysis showed that nitrification potential was significantly positively correlated with the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB, r=0.91**), but was not significantly correlated with the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). Denitrification capacity was significantly positively correlated with soluble organic carbon and soil respiration (r=0.89** and 0.93**), but showed no correlation with nirK or nirS gene copy number. N uptake by maize plants was positively correlated with the nitrification potential of the rhizosphere and the total root surface area×AOB gene copy number (r=0.83* and 0.86*), but was significantly negatively correlated with denitrification capacity (r=-0.88**). These results indicated that a decrease in the nitrification rate and an increase in the denitrification rate in lime concretion black soil could result in low N use efficiency by maize after soil layers exchange. The nitrification rate was driven more by AOB abundance. After soil layers exchange, soil soluble organic carbon was the key driving factor for denitrification capacity. Effective regulation of soil soluble organic carbon content is the key to improving crop nitrogen use efficiency under tillage conditions.
Key words:Soil layer exchange/
Nitrogen utilization

Figure1.Maize-root box device for treatments of normal soil layers distribution and soil layers exchange

CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示土层交换与对照处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure2.Effect of soil layers exchange on soil respiration rate in bulk soil (A) and rhizospheric soil (B)
CK: normal soil layers distribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments (P < 0.05).

CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示土层交换与对照处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure3.Effect of soil layers exchange on soil nitrification potential in bulk soil (A) and rhizospheric soil (B)
CK: normal soil layersdistribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments (P < 0.05).

CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示土层交换与对照处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure4.Effect of soil layers exchange on abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in bulk soil (A) and rhizospheric soil (B)
CK: normal soil layers distribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments (P < 0.05).

CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示土层交换与对照处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure5.Effect of soil layers exchange on abundances of mmonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) in bulk soil (A) and rhizospheric soil (B)
CK: normal soil layers distribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments (P < 0.05).

CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示土层交换与对照处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure6.Effect of soil layers exchange on denitrification capacity in bulk soil (A) and rhizospheric soil (B)
CK: normal soil layers distribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments (P < 0.05).

CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示土层交换与对照处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure7.Effect of soil layers exchange on denitrification potential in bulk soil (A) and rhizospheric soil (B)
CK: normal soil layers distribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments (P < 0.05).

CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示土层交换与对照处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure8.Effect of soil layers exchange on nirK copies in bulk soil (A) and rhizospheric soil (B)
CK: normal soil layers distribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments (P < 0.05).

CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示土层交换与对照处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure9.Effect of soil layers exchange on nirS copies in bulk soil (A) and rhizospheric soil (B)
CK: normal soil layers distribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments (P < 0.05).

表1土层交换对0~20 cm土层土壤化学性质的影响
Table1.Effects of soil layers exchange on soil chemical properties in the 0-20 cm depth
处理 Treatment | pH | 硝态氮 NO3--N (mg?kg-1) | 铵态氮 NH4+-N (mg?kg-1) | 可溶性有机碳 Dissolved organic carbon (mg?kg-1) | 可溶性有机氮 Dissolved organic nitrogen (mg?kg-1) | |
非根际 Bulk soil | CK | 8.47±0.02a | 50.2±0.9a | 0.62±0.07 b | 140.6±2.6b | 32.8±0.6a |
SE | 8.50±0.01a | 46.5±0.2b | 1.42±0.09a | 157.0±1.9a | 33.6±0.3a | |
根际 Rhizospheric soil | CK | 8.52±0.01a | 21.1±0.3a | 1.26±0.15a | 140.3±1.1a | 19.0±0.5a |
SE | 8.54±0.01a | 20.7±0.9a | 0.94±0.06a | 147.6±2.6a | 21.7±0.8a | |
CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示非根际或根际土土层交换与对照处理间具有显著性差异(P < 0.05)。CK: normal soil layers distribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments of bulk soil or rhizopsheric soil (P < 0.05). |

Table2.Effects of soil layers exchange on root morphological and physiological indexes of maize
处理 Treatment | 根长 Root length (m) | 根表面积 Root surface area (dm2) | 根平均直径 Root average diameter (mm) | 根体积 Root volume (cm3) | 根尖数 Root tips (x104) | 根干重 Root dry weight (g) | 根系全氮 Root total N content (mg) |
CK | 130.1±1.0a | 13.9±0.3a | 0.31±0.01b | 11.8±0.5a | 4.99±0.05b | 1.95±0.04a | 22.6±0.6a |
SE | 126.6±2.0a | 14.2±0.2a | 0.36±0.00a | 12.8±0.1a | 6.01±0.27a | 1.89±0.02a | 21.8±0.6a |
CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示非根际或根际土土层交换与对照处理间具有显著性差异(P < 0.05)。CK: normal soil layers distribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments (P < 0.05). |

Table3.Effects of soil layers exchange on plant morphological and physiological indexes
处理 Treatment | 叶片SPAD值 Leaf SPAD | 光合速率 Net photosynthetic rate (μmol?m-2?s-1) | 株高 Plant height (cm) | 叶干重 Leaf dry weight (g) | 茎干重 Stem dry weight (g) | 植株干重 Plant dry weight (g) | 植株全氮 Plant total N content (mg) | 根冠比 Root-shoot ratio (%) |
CK | 35.7±0.5a | 32.1±0.3a | 57.3±1.8a | 3.27±0.05a | 2.77±0.04b | 6.04±0.07a | 96.4±0.7a | 48.2±0.6a |
SE | 32.4±0.5b | 29.2±0.7a | 63.0±0.8a | 3.29±0.06a | 3.11±0.02a | 6.40±0.04a | 87.8±3.7b | 44.4±0.6b |
CK:常规土层处理; SE:土层交换处理。不同小写字母表示非根际或根际土土层交换与对照处理间具有显著性差异(P < 0.05)。CK: normal soil layers distribution; SE: soil layers exchange. Different lowercase letters represent significant difference between CK and SE treatments (P < 0.05). |

Table4.Correlation between measured variables in nitrification and denitrification of bulk soil after exchanging soil layers
pH | NO3--N | DOC | DON | SR | NP | DC | DP | AOB- amoA | AOA- amoA | nirK | |
NO3--N | -0.98** | ||||||||||
DOC | 0.93** | -0.91** | |||||||||
DON | -0.97** | 1.00** | -0.92** | ||||||||
SR | 0.74 | -0.79* | 0.86* | -0.84* | |||||||
NP | -0.94** | 0.96** | -0.87* | 0.94** | -0.69 | ||||||
DC | 0.72 | -0.70 | 0.89** | -0.74 | 0.93** | -0.60 | |||||
DP | 0.81* | -0.91** | 0.81* | -0.93** | 0.87* | -0.85* | 0.67 | ||||
AOB- amoA | -0.96** | 0.97** | -0.93** | 0.96** | -0.76* | 0.91** | -0.71 | -0.88** | |||
AOA- amoA | -0.63 | 0.63 | -0.61 | 0.69 | -0.75 | 0.41 | -0.72 | -0.64 | 0.64 | ||
nirK | 0.88** | -0.96** | 0.83* | -0.96** | 0.78* | -0.91** | 0.61 | 0.97** | -0.94** | -0.60 | |
nirS | 0.99** | -0.99** | 0.91** | -0.99** | 0.77* | -0.96** | 0.70 | 0.86* | -0.95** | -0.63 | 0.92** |
DOC:可溶性有机碳; DON:可溶性有机氮; SR:土壤呼吸速率; NP:硝化潜势; DC:反硝化能力; DP:反硝化潜势; AOB-amoA: AOB拷贝数; AOA-amoA: AOA拷贝数: nirK: nirK拷贝数; nirS: nirS拷贝数。*: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01. DOC: dissolved organic carbon; DON: dissolved organic nitrogen; SR: soil respiration; NP: nitrification potential; DC: denitrification capacity; DP: denitrification potential; AOB-amoA: copies of AOB-amoA gene; AOA-amoA: copies of AOA-amoA gene; nirK: copies of nirK gene; nirS: copies of nirS gene. |

Table5.Correlation between nitrogen uptake and soil nitrification, denitrification process and morphological and physiological indices of plants and roots of maize after exchange of soil layers
指标 Indice | 根系全氮 Root total N | 植株全氮 Plant total N |
叶片SPAD Leaf SPAD | 0.26 | 0.44 |
光合速率Net photosynthetic rate | 0.03 | 0.41 |
根平均直径Root average diameter | 0.79** | -0.68 |
根尖数Root tips | 0.36 | -0.81* |
根表面积Root surface area | 0.90** | -0.22 |
根表面积× nirK拷贝数Root surface area × copies of nirK gene | 0.03 | 0.88** |
根表面积× nirS拷贝数Root surface area × copies of nirS gene | 0.28 | -0.09 |
根表面积×AOB拷贝数Root surface area × copies of AOB- amoA gene | 0.61* | 0.86* |
根表面积×AOA拷贝数Root surface area × copies of AOA- amoA gene | 0.05 | -0.84* |
nirK拷贝数Copies of nirK gene | -0.40 | 0.82* |
nirS拷贝数Copies of nirS gene | -0.49 | 0.04 |
AOB拷贝数Copies of AOB- amoA gene | 0.37 | 0.75 |
AOA拷贝数Copies of AOA- amoA gene | -0.53 | -0.68 |
NP (根际土) NP (rhizospheric soil) | 0.92** | 0.83* |
DC(根际土) DC (rhizospheric soil) | 0.74** | -0.88** |
DP(根际土) DP (rhizospheric soil) | 0.39 | 0.87* |
NP (非根际土) NP (bulk soil) | 0.95** | -0.88** |
DC (非根际土) DC (bulk soil) | 0.06 | -0.79* |
DP (非根际土) DP (bulk soil) | 0.13 | 0.91** |
NP:硝化潜势; DC:反硝化能力; DP:反硝化潜势。*: P < 0.05; **: P < 0.01. NP: nitrification potential; DC: denitrification capacity; DP: denitrification potential. |

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