甘肃省荒漠化与风沙灾害防治重点实验室-省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地/甘肃民勤荒漠草地生态系统国家野外科学 观测研究站/甘肃省治沙研究所 兰州 730070
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目41361059
作者简介:李银科, 主要从事荒漠化防治方面的研究工作。E-mail:lyk819@163.com
Effects of conservation tillage on soil wind erosion characteristics in the Hexi oasis irrigational area
LI Yinke,,LI Jingjing,
ZHOU Lanping,
LIU Guangwu,
ZHANG Jinhu,
ZHANG Zhiping,
ZHENG Qingzhong
State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Desertification and Aeolian Sand Disaster Combating/Gansu Minqin National Studies Station for Desert Steppe Ecosystem/Gansu Desert Control Research Institute, Lanzhou 730070, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China41361059
More Information
Corresponding author:LI Yinke, E-mail: lyk819@163.com
摘要:为研究河西绿洲灌区保护性耕作对土壤风蚀的影响,通过春小麦田间试验,设置免耕不覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖、立茬和残茬压倒4种保护性耕作处理,以传统耕作为对照,分析了河西绿洲灌区不同保护性耕作措施对田间输沙量、风蚀深度、风蚀物粒径组成、风速的影响。结果表明:0~30 cm高度输沙量能敏感地反映不同耕作措施之间输沙量的差异。与传统耕作相比,免耕不覆盖、免耕秸秆覆盖、立茬和残茬压倒处理0~30 cm高度输沙量分别减少17.4%~46.7%、21.7%~45.2%、24.7%~48.2%和10.7%~42.4%。风蚀深度传统耕作为1.22~1.44 mm,4种保护性耕作处理均为0 mm。与传统耕作相比,保护性耕作处理风蚀物粒径组成无显著变化,但 < 0.063 mm细粒占比有减小趋势。立茬处理20 cm高度风速显著降低24.1%~39.5%,其他保护性耕作措施风速降低不显著。综上所述,河西绿洲灌区不同保护性耕作措施能不同程度地抑制土壤风蚀,立茬处理是相对较优的保护性耕作措施,适宜该地区推广应用。
Abstract:In arid areas, conservation tillage has the important advantage over conventional tillage reduction of soil erosion. Up to now, there have been few reports on effects of conservation tillage on soil wind erosion in the Hexi oasis irrigational area of China. A spring wheat field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different conservation tillage measures on field sediment discharge, wind erosion depth, wind erosion sediment granulometric composition, and wind speed in the Hexi oasis irrigational area, Gansu Province, Northwest China. The conservation tillage measures adopted in this study over three years included no-tillage with no stubble mulching (NT), no-tillage with stubble mulching (NTS), standing stubble (SS), and stubble overwhelm (SO), with conventional tillage (CT) as the control. The results showed that a sediment discharge of 0-30 cm could sensitively reflect the differences in sediment discharge among different tillage measures. Compared with CT, the sediment discharge of 0-30 cm decreased by 17.4%-46.7% in NT, 21.7%-45.2% in NTS, 24.7%-48.2% in SS, and 10.7%-42.4% in SO. The wind erosion depth was 1.22-1.44 mm for conventional tillage, and zero for each conservation tillage. Compared with CT, the wind erosion sediment granulometric composition of conservation tillage was no significant change, but the proportion of size of fine-grained soil (< 0.063 mm) had a decreasing tendency. The wind speed at 20 cm depth was significantly reduced by 24.1%-39.5% in SS and non-significantly reduced under other conservation tillage measures. In summary, different conservation tillage measures can control soil wind erosion to different extent in the Hexi oasis irrigational area; standing stubble was the most optimal conservation tillage measure and proved suitable for application in this area.
Key words:Conservation tillage/
Soil wind erosion/
Sediment discharge/
Wind erosion depth/
Wind erosion sediment/
Hexi oasis irrigational area

CT:传统耕作处理; NT:免耕不覆盖处理; NTS:免耕秸秆覆盖处理; SS:立茬处理; SO:残茬压倒处理。
Figure1.Wind-sand flow structure of field under different tillage treatments in spring and winter observation times from 2015 to 2017
CT: conventional tillage; NT: no-tillage with no stubble mulching; NTS: no-tillage with stubble mulching; SS: standing stubble; SO: stubble overwhelm.

CT:传统耕作处理; NT:免耕不覆盖处理; NTS:免耕秸秆覆盖处理; SS:立茬处理; SO:残茬压倒处理。
Figure2.Composition of grain diameters of field wind erosion sediment under different tillage treatments and at different heights
CT: conventional tillage; NT: no-tillage with no stubble mulching; NTS: no-tillage with stubble mulching; SS: standing stubble; SO: stubble overwhelm.

CT:传统耕作处理; NT:免耕不覆盖处理; NTS:免耕秸秆覆盖处理; SS:立茬处理; SO:残茬压倒处理。不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure3.Field wind speed under different tillage treatments
CT: conventional tillage; NT: no-tillage with no stubble mulching; NTS: no-tillage with stubble mulching; SS: standing stubble; SO: stubble overwhelm. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences at 0.05 level.

Table1.Windiness days regarding daily mean wind speed in spring and winter observation times from 2015 to 2017
d | ||||||||
观测时段 Observation time | 日期(月-日) Date (month-day) | 总有风天数 Total windiness days | 不同日均风速天数Days regarding daily mean wind speed | |||||
0~1 m·s-1 | 1~2 m·s-1 | 2~3 m·s-1 | 3~4 m·s-1 | 4~5 m·s-1 | 9~10 m·s-1 | |||
2015年春Spring of 2015 | 03-22—05-04 | 37 | 16 | 16 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
2015年冬Winter of 2015 | 10-30—12-10 | 12 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2016年春Spring of 2016 | 03-29—04-20 | 16 | 9 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
2016年冬Winter of 2016 | 10-26—12-14 | 12 | 8 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
2017年春Spring of 2017 | 04-07—04-25 | 13 | 10 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
2017年冬Winter of 2017 | 11-01—12-08 | 6 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
风速数据来自于甘肃民勤荒漠草地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站。Wind data come from Gansu Minqin National Studies Station for Desert Steppe Ecosystem. |

表22015—2017年春、冬观测时段不同耕作处理田间0~100 cm、0~50 cm和0~30 cm高度输沙量
Table2.Sediment discharges of 0-100 cm, 0-50 cm and 0-30 cm heights of field under different tillage treatments in spring and winter observation times from 2015 to 2017
g | |||||||
高度 Height (cm) | 处理 Treatment | 2015年春 Spring of 2015 | 2015年冬 Winter of 2015 | 2016年春 Spring of 2016 | 2016年冬 Winter of 2016 | 2017年春 Spring of 2017 | 2017年冬 Winter of 2017 |
0~100 | CT | 6.89±1.56a | 7.26±0.40a | 25.87±1.22a | 58.75±2.63a | 54.51±1.97a | 1.59±0.74a |
NT | 5.72±1.34a | 6.34±0.10ab | 17.57±0.81ab | 53.42±8.31ab | 38.77±13.52a | 1.05±0.16a | |
NTS | 5.95±0.29a | 6.31±0.31ab | 17.89±2.57ab | 50.75±3.46ab | 40.05±1.49a | 1.25±0.52a | |
SS | 6.01±0.43a | 6.04±0.86b | 16.45±4.62b | 45.68±3.99b | 40.84±2.95a | 1.39±0.39a | |
SO | 6.12±1.73a | 7.17±0.72ab | 23.37±4.59ab | 52.98±2.39ab | 39.85±2.73a | 1.51±1.68a | |
0~50 | CT | 3.02±0.58a | 3.10±0.16a | 11.16±0.84a | 26.44±1.06a | 26.65±1.70a | 0.91±0.11a |
NT | 2.30±0.53a | 2.70±0.02bc | 7.17±0.52bc | 21.47±3.81b | 15.83±5.78b | 0.57±0.05a | |
NTS | 2.37±0.09a | 2.47±0.00c | 7.14±1.22bc | 20.22±1.35bc | 15.96±1.36b | 0.72±0.24a | |
SS | 2.22±0.18a | 2.51±0.16c | 6.54±1.56c | 16.64±2.68c | 16.11±2.29b | 0.69±0.03a | |
SO | 2.40±0.91a | 2.93±0.29ab | 9.71±2.10ab | 21.22±0.72b | 16.56±1.50b | 0.74±0.82a | |
0~30 | CT | 1.72±0.43a | 1.78±0.18a | 6.03±0.66a | 14.70±0.60a | 15.63±1.81a | 0.69±0.06a |
NT | 1.25±0.28ab | 1.47±0.03ab | 3.73±0.33bc | 11.22±1.94b | 8.34±2.97b | 0.38±0.06a | |
NTS | 1.27±0.05ab | 1.34±0.08b | 3.85±0.72bc | 10.89±0.37bc | 8.57±0.81b | 0.54±0.23a | |
SS | 1.06±0.13b | 1.34±0.15b | 3.53±0.79c | 8.41±1.90c | 8.09±1.73b | 0.36±0.05a | |
SO | 1.35±0.43ab | 1.59±0.21ab | 5.20±1.09ab | 10.94±0.40b | 9.01±1.10b | 0.40±0.44a | |
CT:传统耕作处理; NT:免耕不覆盖处理; NTS:免耕秸秆覆盖处理; SS:立茬处理; SO:残茬压倒处理。不同小写字母表示相同观测时段内相同高度不同处理之间差异显著(P < 0.05)。CT: conventional tillage; NT: no-tillage with no stubble mulching; NTS: no-tillage with stubble mulching; SS: standing stubble; SO: stubble overwhelm. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences (P < 0.05) among different treatments in the same observation time and for the same height. |

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