1.河南师范大学生命科学学院 新乡 453007
2.河南理工大学测绘与国土信息工程学院 焦作 454000
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划重点专项2016YFD0300203-3
作者简介:李春喜, 主要从事小麦栽培及生理研究。E-mail:496513087@qq.com
Effects of organic waste application on soil greenhouse gas emissions of a winter wheat field
LI Chunxi1,,,LI Sisi1,
SHAO Yun1,
MA Shouchen2,
LIU Qing1,
WENG Zhengpeng1,
LI Xiaobo1
1. College of Life Sciences, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China
2. School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0300203-3
the National Key Research and Development Project of China2018YFD0300708-4
More Information
Corresponding author:LI Chunxi, E-mail:496513087@qq.com
摘要:探讨有机物料还田对冬小麦田温室气体排放特性的影响,对提高经济效应和环境效应有积极意义。本研究应用静态箱-气相色谱法对秸秆还田(J)、秸秆还田+牛粪(JF)和秸秆还田+菌渣(JZ)3种有机物料还田下分别施氮肥243 kg(N)·hm-2(减氮10%,N1)、216 kg(N)·hm-2(减氮20%,N2)对冬小麦农田N2O、CO2和CH4的排放通量进行监测,探讨了不同施肥措施对麦田温室气体累积排放量、增温潜势的影响。试验期间同步记录每项农事活动机械燃油量、施肥量和灌溉量,测定产量,地上部生物量,估算农田碳截留。结果表明,冬小麦农田土壤N2O和CO2是排放源,是CH4的吸收汇,氮肥施入、灌溉以及强降水促进了土壤N2O和CO2的生成,却弱化了CH4作为大气吸收汇的特征。牛粪+秸秆(JF)处理N2O和CO2排放总量最高,分别为3.5 kg(N2O-N)·hm-2和19 689.67 kg(CO2-C)·hm-2,但CH4的吸收值最大,为5.33 kg(CH4-C)·hm-2,均显著高于菌渣+秸秆(JZ)和秸秆(J)处理(P < 0.05);各处理N2O和CO2的总量随施氮量的增加呈升高趋势,CH4的总量随施氮量的增加而呈降低趋势。JFN2、JN2和JZN2处理农田综合增温潜势(GWP)均为负值,表明有机物料还田且减氮20%条件下农田生态系统为大气的碳汇,麦季净截留碳1 038~2 024 kg·hm-2,其他处理GWP值均为正。JZN2处理小麦产量为8 061 kg·hm-2,显著高于JFN2处理(P < 0.05)。综上所述,JZN2处理不仅能够保证小麦产量,且对环境效应最有利,为本区域冬小麦较优的施肥管理模式。
Abstract:Exploring the impact of returning organic materials to the soil on greenhouse gas emission characteristics of winter wheat fields can help to improve economic and environmental consequences. Based on 3 modes of organic material return (JF:straw return and cow dung; J:straw return; JZ:straw return and mushroom dregs) and 2 nitrogen levels (N1:243 kg·hm-2; N2:216 kg·hm-2), the fluxes of N2O, CO2, and CH4 in winter wheat fields were monitored using the static chamber method and gas chromatography, and the effects of the different fertilization measures on cumulative greenhouse gas emissions and warming potential of wheat fields were studied. During the experimental period, the amount of fuel consumed by farm machines and the power consumed during irrigation and fertilizer application were recorded and transformed to their carbon equivalents using a transformation coefficient. In addition, crop yield and aboveground biomasses were measured and carbon sequestration calculated. The total GWP under each of the 6 treatments were estimated based on the identified parameters of the greenhouse effect. The results indicated that wheat fields served as sources of N2O and CO2 and sinks of CH4. Nitrogen application and adequate irrigation increased CO2 and N2O in the soil, but weakened the characteristics of CH4 as an atmospheric absorption sink. The total amounts of N2O and CO2 emitted were highest in the JF treatment, at 3.5 kg (N2O-N)·hm-2 and 19 689.67 kg (CO2-C) hm-2 respectively, and the absorption value of CH4 in this treatment was 5.33 kg (CH4-C) hm-2, significantly higher than in both of the JZ and J treatments. The total amounts of N2O and CO2 in each treatment increased, and the total amount of CH4 decreased, with an increase in the nitrogen application rate. The GWP of JFN2, JN2, and JZN2 treatments were all negative, which indicated that the farmland ecosystem is an atmospheric carbon sink when organic materials were returned to the field; nitrogen was reduced by 20%, and the carbon interception by wheat was 1 038-2 024 kg·hm-2. The GWP values were positive and the JZN2 treatment-treated wheat yield was 8 061 kg·hm-2, significantly higher than that of the JFN2 treatment. In summary, JZN2 treatment could ensure wheat yield and had the most favorable environmental effects, and thus was the best fertilization management model for winter wheat in this region
Key words:Straw returning/
Mushroom dregs/
Cow dung/
Nitrogen reduction/
Winter wheat field/
Greenhouse gas/
Global warming potential

图1冬小麦生长期间农田生态系统气温、5 cm土层土壤温度及降水量的变化
Figure1.Air temperature, precipitation and soil temperature at 5 cm depht of a farmland ecosystem during winter wheat growing season

JF:玉米秸秆全量还田+牛粪45 m3·hm-2; JZ:玉米秸秆全量还田+60 m3·hm-2菌渣; J:玉米秸秆全量还田; N1:减氮10%, 施氮量为243 kg(N)·hm-2; N2:减氮20%, 施氮量为216 kg(N)·hm-2。
Figure2.Soil N2O emission in winter wheat field under different treatments of organic materials application and nitrogen reduction
JF: maize straw and cattle manure application; JZ: maize straw and mushroom residue application; J: maize straw application; N1: 10%-reduction of nitrogen with N application rate of 243 kg(N)·hm-2; N2: 20%-reduction of nitrogen with N application rate of 216 kg(N)·hm-2.

JF:玉米秸秆全量还田+牛粪45 m3·hm-2; JZ:玉米秸秆全量还田+60 m3·hm-2菌渣; J:玉米秸秆全量还田; N1:减氮10%, 施氮量为243 kg(N)·hm-2; N2:减氮20%, 施氮量为216 kg(N)·hm-2。
Figure3.Soil CO2 emission in winter wheat field under different treatments of organic materials application and nitrogen reduction
JF: maize straw and cattle manure application; JZ: maize straw and mushroom residue application; J: maize straw application; N1: 10%-reduction of nitrogen with N application rate of 243 kg(N)·hm-2; N2: 20%-reduction of nitrogen with N application rate of 216 kg(N)·hm-2.

JF:玉米秸秆全量还田+牛粪45 m3·hm-2; JZ:玉米秸秆全量还田+60 m3·hm-2菌渣; J:玉米秸秆全量还田; N1:减氮10%, 施氮量为243 kg(N)·hm-2; N2:减氮20%, 施氮量为216 kg(N)·hm-2。
Figure4.Soil CH4 emission in winter wheat field under different treatments of organic materials application and nitrogen reduction
JF: maize straw and cattle manure application; JZ: maize straw and mushroom residue application; J: maize straw application; N1: 10%-reduction of nitrogen with N application rate of 243 kg(N)·hm-2; N2: 20%-reduction of nitrogen with N application rate of 216 kg(N)·hm-2.

Table1.Agricultural inputs, outputs and greenhouse gas emission factors
项目 Item | 物资用量 Material usage | 排放系数 Emission factor |
N | 243/2161) kg·hm-2 | 4.96 kg(CO2-eq)·kg-1 |
P2O5 | 120 kg·hm-2 | 1.14 kg(CO2-eq)·kg-1 |
K2O | 180 kg·hm-2 | 0.66 kg(CO2-eq)·kg-1 |
机械燃油Fuel | 78 kg·hm-2 | 3.32 kg(CO2-eq)·kg-1 |
电力Electric power | 1 275 kWh·hm-2 | 0.92 kg(CO2-eq)·kWh-1 |
种子Seed | 187.5 kg·hm-2 | 1.16 kg(CO2-eq)·kg-1 |
除草剂Herbicide | 1.5 kg·hm-2 | 6.58 kg(CO2-eq)·kg-1 |
劳力Labor | 15 cap·d-1·hm-2 | 0.86 kg(CO2-eq)·cap-1 |
1)减氮量10%处理取值243 kg(N)·hm-2, 减氮量20%处理取值216 kg(N)·hm-2。1) The treatments of 10%- and 20%-reduction of nitrogen are assigned 243 kg(N)·hm-2 and 216 kg(N)·hm-2, respectively. |

Table2.Accumulated emissions of N2O, CO2 and CH4 of winter wheat field under different organic materials application and nitrogen reduction
处理 Treatment | N2O | CO2 | CH4 | |||||
排放速率 Emission rate (mg·m-2·h-1) | 排放总量 Accumulated emission [kg(N2O-N) hm-2] | 排放速率 Emission rate (mg·m-2·h-1) | 排放总量 Accumulated emission [kg(CO2-C)·hm-2] | 排放速率 Emission rate (mg·m-2·h-1) | 排放总量 Accumulated emission [kg(CH4-C)·hm-2] | |||
JFN1 | 1.197a | 1.91±0.01a | 8 835.67a | 11 823.34±353a | -0.585 4c | -2.46±0.14c | ||
JFN2 | 1.021d | 1.59±0.01c | 7 054.31b | 7 866.32±167b | -0.656 4d | -2.87±0.08d | ||
JN1 | 1.176b | 1.90±0.01a | 6 932.66b | 8 609.47±314b | -0.509 6b | -2.04±0.64b | ||
JN2 | 0.974e | 1.49±0.01e | 5 881.25c | 6 402.07±259c | -0.533 4b | -2.16±0.51b | ||
JZN1 | 1.093c | 1.64±0.00b | 7 353.03b | 8 515.27±229b | -0.370 6a | -1.68±0.96a | ||
JZN2 | 0.961f | 1.53±0.02d | 6 928.11b | 8 330.12±513b | -0.391 1a | -1.73±0.32a | ||
JF:玉米秸秆全量还田+牛粪45 m3·hm-2; JZ:玉米秸秆全量还田+60 m3·hm-2菌渣; J:玉米秸秆全量还田; N1:减氮10%, 施氮量为243 kg(N)·hm-2; N2:减氮20%, 施氮量为216 kg(N)·hm-2。表中数据均为3次重复平均值±标准差, 同列数据后不同字母表示不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05) (邓肯法)。JF: maize straw and cattle manure application; JZ: maize straw and mushroom residue application; J: maize straw application; N1: 10%-reduction of nitrogen with N application rate of 243 kg(N)·hm-2; N2: 20%-reduction of nitrogen with N application rate of 216 kg(N)·hm-2. Each value in the table is mean ± SE of 3 replicates. Values followed by different letters within a column are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to Duncan test. |

Table3.Global warming potential (GWP) of winter wheat filed under different organic materials application and nitrogen reduction
kg·hm-2 | |||||||
处理 Treatment | 产量 Yield | GWPNPP | GWPsoil export | GWPindirect | GWP | ||
$\mathrm{GWP}_{\mathrm{N}_{2} \mathrm{O}}$ | $\mathrm{GWP}_{\mathrm{CO}_{2}}$ | $\mathrm{GWP}_{\mathrm{CH}_{4}}$ | |||||
JFN1 | 7 401±70c | 11 403±131ab | 244±3.08a | 11 823±353.91a | -22±0.68c | 2 091.08 | 2 732 |
JFN2 | 7 504±67c | 12 025±553ab | 204±1.83c | 7 866±167.71c | -26±0.59d | 1 957.16 | -2 024 |
JN1 | 7 225±88c | 10 625±628bc | 243±1.27a | 8 609±314.67b | -18±0.50b | 2 091.08 | 299 |
JN2 | 7 899±67b | 9 568±595c | 191±0.74e | 6 402±259.34d | -19±0.85b | 1 957.16 | -1 038 |
JZN1 | 10 502±412a | 10 711±205bc | 210±1.29b | 8 515±229.41b | -15±0.75a | 2 091.08 | 90 |
JZN2 | 8 061±236b | 12 448±1486a | 196±0.83d | 8 330±513.97bc | -15±0.39a | 1 957.16 | -1 980 |
JF:玉米秸秆全量还田+牛粪45 m3·hm-2; JZ:玉米秸秆全量还田+60 m3·hm-2菌渣; J:玉米秸秆全量还田; N1:减氮10%, 施氮量为243 kg(N)·hm-2; N2:减氮20%, 施氮量为216 kg(N)·hm-2。表中数据均为3次重复平均值±标准差, 同列数据后不同字母表示不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05) (邓肯法)。JF: maize straw and cattle manure application; JZ: maize straw and mushroom residue application; J: maize straw application; N1: 10%-reduction of nitrogen with N application rate of 243 kg(N)·hm-2; N2: 20%-reduction of nitrogen with N application rate of 216 kg(N)·hm-2. Each value in the table is mean ± SE of 3 replicates. Values followed by different letters within a column are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to Duncan test. |

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