刘丽娟1, 2,
李小玉1, 2,,
1.浙江农林大学林业与生物技术学院 杭州 311300
2.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 乌鲁木齐 830011
3.中国科学院大学 北京 100049
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目31470708
作者简介:张振宇, 主要研究方向为干旱区农业水文环境。E-mail:zhangzhenyu162@mails.ucas.ac.cn
通讯作者:李小玉, 主要研究方向为景观生态学。E-mail:lixy76@163.com
Evapotranspiration characteristics of mulched drip-irrigated sunflower farmland in arid region
ZHANG Zhenyu1, 2, 3,,LIU Lijuan1, 2,
LI Xiaoyu1, 2,,
1. School of Forestry and Biotechnology, Zhejiang A & F University, Hangzhou 311300, China
2. Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China
3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China31470708
the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaU1503182
the National Natural Science Foundation of China41271202
More Information
Corresponding author:LI Xiaoyu, E-mail:lixy76@163.com
摘要:膜下滴灌是中国西北干旱区农业的新兴节水灌溉模式,定量分析膜下滴灌农田蒸散发特征并对比分析其与普通灌溉农田蒸散发的差异,对认识和优化干旱区节水滴灌技术有重要意义。本文以新疆天山北坡三工河流域绿洲向日葵农田为研究对象,基于2016年作物生育期观测数据,利用波文比-能量平衡法、地理探测器及通径分析方法对作物不同生育期农田蒸散发特征进行了定量分析,并与普通灌溉农田进行了比较。结果表明:1)膜下滴灌农田日均蒸散量在作物开花期最高,成熟期次之,苗期最小;随着作物的生长发育,净辐射通量与日蒸散发的相关性逐渐降低;日均蒸散量在各阶段的变化特征与普通灌溉相同,但每个阶段的日均蒸散量均小于普通灌溉农田。2)膜下滴灌农田日内净辐射通量在开花期最高,成熟期次之,苗期最小;日内湍流通量方面,苗期潜热通量与显热通量相当,开花期潜热通量明显高于显热通量,而成熟期潜热通量小于显热通量;而普通灌溉农田在3个时期的潜热通量均高于显热通量。3)温度、湿度与风速是影响膜下滴灌向日葵农田蒸散发的主导因子,湿度的下限决定了蒸散发下限,风速与气温的上限决定了蒸散发的上限;风向对蒸散发的作用不明显。膜下滴灌向日葵农田具有独特蒸散发特征,与普通灌溉农田相比,全生育期节水量超过300 mm。
Abstract:Mulched drip-irrigation is a burgeoning water-saving irrigation mode in the arid region of Northwest China. It is of great significance to understand and optimize mulched drip irrigation in arid region by analyzing the characteristics of evapotranspiration in mulched drip-irrigated farmland and comparing it with ordinarily irrigated farmland. Using the oasis sunflower farmland in the Sangong River basin on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang as the study area, the farmland evapotranspiration characteristics during the sunflower growth period in 2016 were analyzed using the Bowen ratio-energy balance method, geographical detector, and path analysis method. Furthermore, these characteristics were compared to those of ordinarily irrigated farmlands. The results showed that:1) for mulched drip-irrigated farmland, the average daily evapotranspiration was highest at the flowering stage, followed by the maturity stage, and lowest in the seedling stage. With the growth of crops, the correlation between net radiative flux and daily evapotranspiration gradually decreased. The change trends of average daily evapotranspiration were the same as those of ordinarily irrigated farmland, whereas the average daily evapotranspiration of mulched drip-irrigated farmland was lower than that of ordinarily irrigated farmland at each stage. 2) Regarding the intraday flux in mulched drip-irrigated farmland, the net radiative flux peak was highest at the flowering stage, followed by that at the mature stage, and the minimum appeared at the seedling stage. In terms of turbulent flux, the latent heat flux was equivalent to the sensible heat flux at the seedling stage. Post the flowering period, the latent heat flux was significantly higher than the sensible heat flux, and this characteristic was the opposite at the mature stage. For the ordinarily irrigated farmland, the latent heat flux was higher than the sensible heat flux in all three crop growth stages. 3) The relationship between evapotranspiration and meteorological factors calculated by path analysis showed that temperature, humidity, and wind speed were the dominant factors influencing evapotranspiration. The lower limit of humidity determined the minimum evapotranspiration. The upper limit of wind speed and temperature determined the maximum evapotranspiration. The influence of wind direction was not significant on evapotranspiration. Sunflower farmland using mulched drip-irrigation has unique evapotranspiration features compared with ordinarily irrigated farmland, the amount of water saving exceeds 300 mm during the entire growth period.

Figure1.Change of precipitation during the observation period at observation station

图2“类空间数据”示意图(横轴代表日内时间变化, 以小时计, 0:00—24:00;纵轴代表观测日数, 以d计, 0—365/366儒略日; 每个格代表某一天某时段的测量数据, 每个测量数据包含多个测量指标, 从而构成了多层测量数据)
Figure2.Schematic of similar spatial data (the horizontal axis represents the time variation in the day, from 0:00 to 24:00. The vertical axis represents the number of observation days, from 0 to 365/366 days of year (DOY). Each grid represents measurement data of a certain period of time in a certain day, each measurement data contains multiple measurement metrics constituting multi-layer measurement data)

$\overline {{\rm{ET}}} $:日均蒸散量; R:日均净辐射通量; G:日均土壤热通量; H:日均显热通量。
Figure3.Changes of daily evapotranspiration and fluxes of sunflower field at different growth stages under mulched drip-irrigation
$\overline {ET} $: average daily evapotranspiration; R: average daily net radiation flux; G: average daily soil heat flux; H: average daily sensible heat flux.

Figure4.Fitting results of daily evapotranspiration (ET) and net radiant flux (R) of sunflower field at different growth stages under mulched drip-irrigation

Figure5.Intraday changes of net radiation flux (R), soil heat flux (G), soil sensible heat flux (H) and soil latent heat flux (λE) of sunflower field at different growth stages under mulched drip-irrigation

Figure6.Daily average temperature and each stage's average temperature of sunflower field during growth period under mulched drip-irrigation

Table1.Summary of instruments used for observation
观测项目 Observation project | 安装高度 Installation height (m) | 型号 Model |
风速/风向 Wind speed / wind direction | 3.0 | 05103-6 |
温度/湿度?Temperature / humidity | 1.5/2.0 | 111N & 222N |
净辐射通量?Net radiant flux | 2.0 | Q*7.1 |
土壤热通量?Soil heat flux | -0.1 | HFP01 |
降水量?Precipitation | 2.0 | 7852M |

Table2.Interpreting contribution of various meteorological factors to evapotranspiration of sunflower field under mulched drip-irrigation
风速 Wind speed | 风向 Wind direction | 最低温度 Minimum temperature | 最低湿度 Minimum humidity | 最高温度 Maximum temperature | 最高湿度 Maximum humidity | |
q | 0.49 | 0.58 | 0.56 | 0.64 | 0.54 | 0.72 |
q值代表自变量x解释了q×100%的因变量y。q represents the explanatory power of independent variable x to dependent variable y which explains the dependent variable y of q × 100%. |

Table3.Interpreting contributions of interaction and impact difference of various meteorological factors to evapotranspiration of sunflower field under mulched drip-irrigation
风速 Wind speed | 风向 Wind direction | 最低温度 Minimum temperature | 最低湿度 Minimum humidity | 最高温度 Maximum temperature | 最高湿度 Maximum humidity | |
风速?Wind speed | 0.49 | |||||
风向?Wind direction | 0.99 (Y) | 0.58 | ||||
最低温度 Minimum temperature | 0.99 (Y) | 0.99 (N) | 0.56 | |||
最低湿度 Minimum humidity | 1.00 (Y) | 0.99 (Y) | 1.00 (Y) | 0.64 | ||
最高温度 Maximum temperature | 0.99 (Y) | 1.00 (N) | 0.99 (N) | 0.99 (N) | 0.54 | |
最高湿度 Maximum humidity | 1.00 (Y) | 0.99 (Y) | 1.00 (Y) | 0.99 (Y) | 0.99 (Y) | 0.72 |
Y表示两个因子对因变量的影响具有明显差异, N表示两个因子对因变量的影响没有明显差异。“Y” means obvious differences in effects between two factors, “N” means no significant difference in effects between two factors. |

Table4.Path analysis between weather factor and evapotranspiration of sunflower field at hour scale under mulched drip-irrigation
气象因子 Meteorological factor | 直接作用 Direct effect | 间接作用?Indirect effect | 总贡献 Total contribution | ||||||
风速 Wind speed | 风向 Wind direction | 最低气温 Minimum temperature | 最低湿度 Minimum humidity | 最高气温 Maximum temperature | 最高湿度 Maximum humidity | 总和 Total | |||
风速 Wind speed | 0.168 1 | -0.007 9 | -0.612 7 | 0.779 6 | 0.539 9 | -0.677 1 | 0.021 9 | 0.19 | |
风向 Wind direction | -0.112 3 | 0.011 8 | -0.186 5 | -0.065 0 | 0.227 3 | 0.084 6 | 0.072 3 | -0.04 | |
最低温度 Minimum temperature | -2.663 7 | 0.038 7 | -0.007 9 | 1.364 4 | 2.841 6 | -1.333 0 | 2.903 7 | 0.24 | |
最低湿度 Minimum humidity | -2.165 7 | -0.060 5 | -0.003 4 | 1.678 1 | -1.733 4 | 2.094 8 | 1.975 7 | -0.19 | |
最高温度 Maximum temperature | 2.841 6 | 0.031 9 | -0.009 0 | -2.663 7 | 1.321 1 | -1.311 9 | -2.631 6 | 0.21 | |
最高湿度 Maximum humidity | 2.115 9 | -0.053 8 | -0.004 5 | 1.678 1 | -2.144 0 | -1.761 8 | -2.285 9 | -0.17 |

Table5.Results of some evapotranspiration studies in ordinary irrigated sunflower fields
研究区 Research area | 阶段 Stage | 日均蒸散量 Daily average evapotranspiration (mm?d-1) | 文献 Literature |
Karnal, India | 苗期?Seedling stage | 2.22 | [44] |
开花期?Flowering period | 3.93 | ||
成熟期?Mature period | 2.73 | ||
Albacete, Spain | 苗期?Seedling stage | 1.80 | [45] |
开花期?Flowering period | 6.45 | ||
成熟期?Mature period | 4.40 | ||
河套灌区 Hetao irrigation area | 苗期?Seedling stage | — | [46] |
开花期?Flowering period | 3.85 | ||
成熟期?Mature period | 3.25 |

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