四川农业大学/农业部西南作物生理生态与耕作重点实验室/作物生理生态及栽培四川省重点实验室 成都 611130
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2018YFD0301206
作者简介:孔凡磊, 研究方向为玉米高产高效栽培。E-mail:kflstar@163.com
通讯作者:袁继超, 主要研究方向为玉米高产高效栽培。E-mail:yuanjc5@163.com
Variety screening of mechanical grain harvest and analysis of influencing factors of summer maize in Sichuan Province
KONG Fanlei,ZHAO Bo,
ZHAN Xiaoxu,
LI Xiaolong,
CHEN Xiang,
LIU Qinlin,
YUAN Jichao,
Sichuan Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Southwest China, Ministry of Agriculture/Crop Ecophysiology and Cultivation Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 611130, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Program of China2018YFD0301206
the National Key Research and Development Program of China2017YFD0301704
the National Key Research and Development Program of China2016YFD0300307
Sichuan Maize Innovation Team ProgramSCCXTD-2020-02
More Information
Corresponding author:YUAN Jichao, E-mail:yuanjc5@163.com
Abstract:The variety screening experiment for mechanical grain harvest was carried out in Zhongjing, Sichuan Province from 2017 to 2019 to screen suitable Sichuan summer maize varieties for mechanical grain harvesting and identify the factors influencing the quality of mechanically harvested grain. Factors such as mechanical grain quality, grain moisture content, and yield were analyzed based on 98 tests of 28 maize varieties. Results showed that high broken grain and ear loss rates were the main issues with the mechanical grain harvest of Sichuan summer maize. The average broken grain rate, impurity rate, ear loss rate, and total grain loss were 5.63%, 2.39%, 4.12%, and 4.76%, respectively; with ear loss accounting for 86.55% of total grain loss. Grain moisture content was positively correlated with broken grain, impurity, and grain loss rates, while there was no significant correlation between grain moisture content and ear and total grain loss rates. High grain moisture content was the main cause of grain breakage rates during harvest; delaying the harvest period could effectively reduce the grain moisture content and thus, reduce grain breakage rates. At the same time, the mismatch between the spacing of planting and harvesting rows was the main cause behind high ear loss rate (86.55% of total grain loss). Ensuring that the harvest was performed in opposite rows could significantly reduce the ear loss rate and greatly reduce total grain loss. Four maize varieties ('zhongyu 3, ' 'yudan 30, ' 'zhenghong 6, ' and 'yanke 288') were screened out, which were suitable for the mechanical grain harvest of Sichuan using the average yield and grain moisture content during the harvest period as indicators.
Key words:Summer maize/
Mechanical grain harvest/
Grain moisture content/
Grain broken rate/
Ear loss rate/
Variety screening

Figure1.Precipitation and average temperature in summer maize season in the study area from 2017 to 2019

Figure2.Bi-directional average analysis for the maize yields and grain moisture contents of different cultivars in 2017 (A), 2018 (B) and 2019 (C)

Table1.Varieties and sowing and harvest dates of the experiment of mechanical grain harvest of summer maize from 2017 to 2019
年份 Year | 品种 Variety | 品种数量 Number of cultivar | 播种日期(月-日) Sowing date (month-day) | 收获日期(月-日) Harvest date (month-day) |
2017 | 仲玉3号、正红431、正红505、正红6号、渝单30、先玉1171、郑单958、奥玉3111、粒收1号、延科288、联创808、渝单8号、丹玉336、荣玉1510、瑞玉11、中单808、渝豪单6号、成单30、正红211、国豪玉7号、华试919、蠡玉16号、瑞玉16、华凯2号 Zhongyu 3, Zhenghong 431, Zhenghong 505, Zhenghong 6, Yudan 30, Xianyu 1171, Zhengdan 958, Aoyu 3111, Lishou 1, Yanke 288, Lianchuang 808, Yudan 8, Danyu 336, Rongyu 1510, Ruiyu 11, Zhongdan 808, Yuhaodan 6, Chengdan 30, Zhenghong 211, Guohaoyu 7, Huashi 919, Liyu 16, Ruiyu 16, Huakai 2 | 24 | 05-15 | 08-27, 09-15 |
2018 | 仲玉3号、正红431、正红505、正红6号、渝单30、先玉1171、郑单958、奥玉3111、粒收1号、延科288、联创808、渝单8号、丹玉336、荣玉1510、中玉335 Zhongyu 3, Zhenghong 431, Zhenghong 505, Zhenghong 6, Yudan30, Xianyu 1171, Zhengdan 958, Aoyu 3111, Lishou 1, Yanke 288, Lianchuang 808, Yudan 8, Danyu 336, Rongyu 1510, Zhongyu 335 | 15 | 05-17 | 09-08, 09-16 |
2019 | 仲玉3号、正红431、正红505、正红6号、渝单30、先玉1171、郑单958、南S755、绵单315、正红507 Zhongyu 3, Zhenghong 431, Zhenghong 505, Zhenghong 6, Yudan 30, Xianyu 1171, Zhengdan 958, Nan S755, Miandan 315, Zhenghong 507 | 10 | 05-05 | 09-05, 09-15 |

Table2.Statistical description of summer maize grain moisture content and mechanical grain harvest quality in Sichuan (2017 to 2019)
指标Index | 平均值Average | 最大值Max. | 最小值Min. | 变异系数CV (%) |
籽粒含水率Grain moisture content (%) | 26.26±5.54 | 38.81 | 17.57 | 21.10 |
破碎率Broken rate (%) | 5.63±3.09 | 13.25 | 0.88 | 54.92 |
杂质率Imprurity rate (%) | 2.39±1.96 | 9.10 | 0.34 | 81.91 |
落粒损失率Kernel loss rate (%) | 0.76±0.68 | 5.10 | 0.08 | 88.79 |
落穗损失率Ear loss rate (%) | 4.12±4.14 | 20.00 | 0.00 | 100.50 |
总损失率Total loss rate (%) | 4.76±4.28 | 21.33 | 0.18 | 89.91 |
产量Yield (kg?hm–2) | 6 624.47±1 016.90 | 8 808.03 | 4 264.16 | 15.35 |

Table3.Grain moisture content and mechanical harvest quality of summer maize harvested in different dates from 2017 to 2019
收获日期(年-月-日) Harvest date (year-month-day) | 籽粒含水率Grain moisture content (%) | 破碎率Broken rate (%) | 杂质率Impurity rate(%) | 落粒损失率Kernel loss rate (%) | 落穗损失率Ear loss rate (%) | 总损失率Total loss rate (%) | |||||||||||
平均Average | 变幅Range | 平均Average | 变幅Range | 平均Average | 变幅Range | 平均Average | 变幅Range | 平均Average | 变幅Range | 平均Average | 变幅Range | ||||||
2017-08-27 | 33.90±2.91a | 28.90~38.81 | 7.57±2.22a | 3.49~12.49 | 4.71±2.10a | 1.45~9.10 | 1.19±1.15a | 0.08~5.10 | 4.06±3.70a | 0.00~12.41 | 5.25±4.08a | 0.18~16.09 | |||||
2017-09-15 | 22.48±2.78d | 18.70~30.41 | 2.83±1.56b | 0.88~6.09 | 1.77±0.84bc | 0.75~3.80 | 0.42±0.20c | 0.13~0.84 | 5.78±5.12a | 0.00~16.84 | 6.20±5.11a | 0.29~17.13 | |||||
2018-09-08 | 24.98±3.18c | 20.34~30.33 | 7.30±3.33a | 3.00~13.25 | 2.32±1.68b | 0.53~6.66 | 1.04±0.37ab | 0.47~1.48 | 5.72±5.05a | 0.00~20.00 | 6.76±5.14a | 1.35~21.33 | |||||
2018-09-16 | 22.92±2.42cd | 18.75~27.25 | 6.53±2.44a | 3.33~12.13 | 1.65±1.22bc | 0.65~5.25 | 0.75±0.29bc | 0.42~1.30 | 3.48±1.76a | 1.30~6.96 | 4.23±1.84a | 1.73~8.08 | |||||
2019-09-05 | 28.83±2.89b | 23.92~37.17 | 6.37±3.33a | 2.31~13.04 | 1.17±0.70c | 0.34~2.39 | 0.48±0.11c | 0.37~0.76 | 1.01±0.99b | 0.00~2.90 | 1.49±1.00b | 0.37~3.33 | |||||
2019-09-15 | 21.36±2.73d | 17.57~25.44 | 3.07±1.33b | 1.54~5.33 | 0.75±0.32c | 0.43~1.46 | 0.45±0.12c | 0.28~0.68 | 1.10±1.56b | 0.00~4.20 | 1.22±1.34b | 0.34~4.49 | |||||
不同小写字母表示不同年份不同收获时期P < 0.05水平差异显著。Different lowercase letters mean significant differences at P < 0.05 level in different years and harvesting dates. |

Table4.Correlation coefficients between grain moisture content and quality of mechanical grain harvest of summer maize
籽粒含水率 Grain moisture content | 破碎率 Broken rate | 杂质率 Impurity rate | 落粒损失率 Kernel loss rate | 落穗损失率 Ear loss rate | 总损失率 Total loss rate | |
籽粒含水率Grain moisture content | 1.00 | |||||
破碎率Broken rate | 0.53** | 1.00 | ||||
杂质率Impurity rate | 0.72** | 0.48** | 1.00 | |||
落粒损失率Kernel loss rate | 0.23* | 0.29** | 0.25* | 1.00 | ||
落穗损失率Ear loss rate | -0.12 | -0.07 | 0 | 0.11 | 1.00 | |
总损失率Total loss rate | -0.04 | 0.01 | 0.07 | 0.28** | 0.99** | 1.00 |
*和**分别表示在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平上显著相关, n=98。* and ** represent significant correlation at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 levels, respectively. n=98 |

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