张红雪1, 2,
郭力铭1, 2,
吴凤英1, 2,
周碧青1, 2,
邢世和1, 2,
毛艳玲1, 3,,
1.福建农林大学资源与环境学院 福州 350002
2.土壤生态系统健康与调控福建省高校重点实验室 福州 350002
3.自然生物资源保育利用福建省高校工程研究中心 福州 350002
基金项目:中央财政林业科技推广示范项目(闽[2018]TG15号)和福建农林大学科技创新专项基金项目(KFA17397A, CXZX2017226)资助
作者简介:胡坤, 主要研究方向为土壤碳氮循环。E-mail: 243978862@qq.com
通讯作者:毛艳玲, 主要研究方向为土壤碳氮循环。E-mail: fafum@126.com
Effects of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer on the organic carbon fractions and microbial community structure of adlay soil
HU Kun1, 2,,ZHANG Hongxue1, 2,
GUO Liming1, 2,
WU Fengying1, 2,
ZHOU Biqing1, 2,
XING Shihe1, 2,
MAO Yanling1, 3,,
1. College of Resources and Environment, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
2. University Key Lab of Soil Ecosystem Health and Regulation in Fujian, Fuzhou 350002, China
3. Fujian Colleges and Universities Engineering Research Institute of Conservation & Utilization of Natural Bioresources, Fuzhou 350002, China
Funds:This study was supported by the Central Finance Forestry Technology Promotion Demonstration Project of China (Min[2018]TG15), the Science and Technology Innovation Special Fund of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (KFA17397A, CXZX2017226)
More Information
Corresponding author:E-mail: fafum@126.com
摘要:为探究烟秆炭基肥对薏苡土壤有机碳组分及微生物群落结构和丰度的影响, 以烟秆生物炭基肥为试验材料, 通过大田试验, 设置不施肥(CK)、常规施化肥(F)、施低量烟秆炭基肥(LBF)、施高量烟秆炭基肥(HBF) 4个处理, 测定土壤pH、有机碳组分及土壤细菌群落结构和丰度, 同时研究与土壤碳循环和微生物活性有关的4种酶活性变化特征, 分析土壤pH、土壤有机碳组分、土壤酶和土壤细菌丰度之间关系。结果表明: 1)施用烟秆炭基肥显著提高土壤pH及土壤有机碳(SOC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)和微生物量碳(MBC)含量, 其中MBC提升效果最明显, 与常规施化肥相比提高41.09%~76.04% (P<0.05)。2)施用烟秆炭基肥显著提高土壤淀粉酶、脱氢酶活性, 与常规施化肥相比分别平均提高44.28%和57.54% (P<0.05), 而对土壤蔗糖酶影响不显著。3)施用烟秆炭基肥提高土壤细菌群落Chao1指数和Shannon指数, 提高土壤细菌丰度及多样性。4)施用烟秆炭基肥影响土壤细菌群落组成结构, 提高放线菌门和拟杆菌门相对丰度, 降低变形菌门和绿弯菌门相对丰度; 显著提高硝化螺旋菌属、布氏杆菌属等细菌属丰度(P<0.05), 降低酸土单胞菌属、泉发菌属丰度(P<0.05)。5)通过RDA分析, 土壤pH、碳组分、土壤酶活性和土壤细菌门群落丰度在烟秆炭基肥施用后存在一定相关关系, 其中土壤pH、SOC、POC、DOC和MBC含量与土壤各种酶活性均呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05), 而与变形菌门呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。综上, 烟秆炭基肥可以提高土壤pH、增加土壤有机碳组分含量、提高土壤酶活性和土壤细菌丰度, 进而改善土壤细菌群落结构, 改良薏苡种植土壤, 优化土壤生态。该研究可为烟秆废弃物资源化利用、土壤肥力提升提供参考依据。
Abstract:Long-term continuous cropping of adlay ( Coix lacryma-jobi L.) and the indiscriminate application of chemical fertilizers have led to soil fertility declines and acidification. To explore the effects of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer on the soil organic carbon (SOC) fractions and microbial community structure and abundance, tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer was used in a field experiment with four treatments: no fertilizer, conventional fertilizer, low tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer, and high tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer. Changes in the activities of four enzymes related to soil carbon cycling and microbial activity were evaluated, and the relationships between the soil pH, SOC fractions, soil enzymes, and soil bacterial abundance were analyzed. The results showed that: 1) The application of tobacco stalk carbon-based fertilizer significantly increased the soil pH and the contents of SOC, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC), and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) (P<0.05). The MBC was most affected, increasing by 41.09%?76.04% compared to conventional fertilizer application. 2) The application of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer significantly increased the activities of soil amylase and dehydrogenase (P<0.05). Compared to conventional chemical fertilizers, amylase and dehydrogenase activities increased by 44.28% and 57.54%, respectively, whereas the soil invertase activity was unaffected when tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer was applied. 3) The application of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer increased the Chao1 and Shannon indexes, abundance and diversity of the soil bacterial communities. 4) The application of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer affected the composition and structure of the soil bacterial community, increased the relative abundance of Actinomycetes and Bacteroides, and reduced the relative abundance of Proteobacteria and Chloroflexus. It also significantly increased the abundance of Nitrospira, Bryobacter, and other bacterial genera, and significantly reduced the abundance of Aciditerrimonas and Crenothrix. 5) Redundancy anaylsis showed that soil pH, carbon fraction, soil enzymes activities, and soil bacterial community abundance were correlated each other after the application of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer; soil pH, SOC, POC, DOC, MBC were significantly positively correlated with the activities of various soil enzymes (P<0.05), but were significantly negatively correlated with Proteobacteria (P<0.05). In summary, tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer increased the soil pH, SOC fractions, soil enzymes activities, and soil bacterial abundance, which improved the soil bacterial community structure and the adlay planting soil and optimized the soil ecology. This study provides a reference for the resource utilization of tobacco stalk and improvements in soil fertility.
Key words:Tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer/
Soil organic carbon fractions/
Enzyme activity/

CK: 对照; F: 常规施化肥; LBF: 施低量烟秆炭基肥; HBF: 施高量烟秆炭基肥。CK: control; F: conventional chemical fertilization; LBF: application of low amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer; HBF: application of high amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer.
Figure1.Alpha diversity of soil bacteria under different treatments

CK: 对照; F: 常规施化肥; LBF: 施低量烟秆炭基肥; HBF: 施高量烟秆炭基肥。CK: control; F: conventional chemical fertilization; LBF: application of low amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer; HBF: application of high amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer.
Figure2.PCA analysis of soil bacterial community distribution under different treatments

CK: 对照; F: 常规施化肥; LBF: 施低量烟秆炭基肥; HBF: 施高量烟秆炭基肥。CK: control; F: conventional chemical fertilization; LBF: application of low amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer; HBF: application of high amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer.
Figure3.Soil bacterial genera with significant differences among different treatments based on STAMP analysis

Figure4.Evolutionary branch diagram of LEfSe analysis of soil bacteria based on classification information

SOC: 土壤有机碳; DOC: 可溶性有机碳; POC: 颗粒有机碳; EOC: 易氧化有机碳; MBC: 微生物量碳; S-AMY: 土壤淀粉酶; S-INV: 土壤蔗糖酶; S-DEH: 土壤脱氢酶; S-CAT: 土壤过氧化氢酶; Pro: 变形菌门; Act: 放线菌门; Chl: 绿弯菌门; Aci: 酸杆菌门; Sac: 螺旋体菌门; Bac: 拟杆菌门; Gem: 芽单胞菌门; Nit: 硝化螺旋菌门; Ver: 疣微菌门; Pla: 浮霉状菌门。SOC: soil organic carbon; DOC: dissolved organic carbon; POC: particulate organic carbon; EOC: easily oxidized organic carbon; MBC: microbial biomass carbon; S-AMY: soil amylase; S-INV: soil sucrase; S-DEH: soil dehydrogenase; S-CAT: soil catalase; Pro: Proteobacteria; Act: Actinobacteria; Chl: Chloroflexi; Aci: Acidobacteria; Sac: Saccharibacteria; Bac: Bacteroidetes; Gem: Gemmatimonadetes; Nit: Nitrospirae; Ver: Verrucomicrobia; Pla: Planctomycetes.
Figure5.Correlation analysis among soil pH, carbon components, enzymes activities and relative abundances of bacterial phyla

Table1.Basic chemical properties of the test materials
供试材料 Test material | pH | 全碳 Total carbon (g?kg?1) | 全氮 Total nitrogen (g?kg?1) | 全磷 Total phosphorus (g?kg?1) | 全钾 Total potassium (g?kg?1) | 碱解氮 Available nitrogen (mg?kg?1) | 有效磷 Available phosphorus (mg?kg?1) | 速效钾 Available potassium (mg?kg?1) |
黄红壤 Yellow red soil | 5.52 | 9.90 | 0.82 | 0.20 | 18.22 | 73.54 | 25.41 | 259.22 |
生物炭 Biochar | 9.74 | 645.20 | 22.13 | 2.53 | 118.58 | 44.58 | 17.05 | 53.22 |
炭基肥 Biochar-based fertilizer | 7.75 | 389.04 | 75.45 | 49.56 | 65.62 | \ | \ | \ |
土壤pH测定的土水比为1∶2.5, 生物炭pH测定的炭水比为1∶10。The soil pH is measured using a soil-water ratio of 1∶2.5, and the biochar pH is measured using a carbon-water ratio of 1∶10. |

Table2.Changes of soil pH and organic carbon fractions under different treatments
处理 Treatment | pH | 土壤有机碳 Soil organic carbon (g?kg?1) | 可溶性有机碳 Dissolved organic carbon (mg?kg?1) | 颗粒有机碳 Particulate organic carbon (g?kg?1) | 易氧化有机碳 Easily oxidized organic carbon (g?kg?1) | 微生物量碳 Microbial biomass carbon (mg?kg?1) |
CK | 5.52±0.02b | 10.06±1.01c | 70.32±0.46d | 2.52±0.05d | 3.98±0.29c | 76.22±1.68c |
F | 5.38±0.05c | 10.21±0.59c | 87.54±1.54c | 3.47±0.12c | 4.36±0.20b | 99.97±1.22c |
LBF | 6.08±0.03a | 11.25±0.21b | 93.04±4.47b | 4.33±0.09b | 4.42±0.06b | 141.05±5.62b |
HBF | 6.10±0.04a | 12.54±0.59a | 101.83±1.17a | 4.75±0.23a | 4.65±0.38a | 175.99±4.61a |
CK: 对照; F: 常规施化肥; LBF: 施低量烟秆炭基肥; HBF: 施高量烟秆炭基肥。同列数据后不同小写字母表示在P<0.05水平差异显著。CK: control; F: conventional chemical fertilization; LBF: application of low amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer; HBF: application of high amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer. Different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant differences at P<0.05 level. |

Table3.Changes in soil enzymes activities under different treatments
处理 Treatment | 淀粉酶 Amylase (mg·g?1) | 蔗糖酶 Sucrase (mg·g?1) | 脱氢酶 Dehydrogenase (μg·g?1) | 过氧化氢酶 Catalase (mL·g?1) |
CK | 30.59±0.66d | 42.66±1.61a | 27.86±1.42c | 0.71±0.05b |
F | 41.18±1.67c | 41.44±2.81a | 32.03±2.71c | 0.80±0.06b |
LBF | 54.12±3.33b | 44.08±4.17a | 46.62±1.83b | 0.84±0.02b |
HBF | 64.71±1.66a | 46.99±2.14a | 54.27±2.40a | 1.10±0.04a |
CK: 对照; F: 常规施化肥; LBF: 施低量烟秆炭基肥; HBF: 施高量烟秆炭基肥。同列数据后不同小写字母表示在P<0.05水平差异显著。CK: control; F: conventional chemical fertilization; LBF: application of low amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer; HBF: application of high amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer. Different lowercase letters in the same column represent significant differences at P<0.05 level. |

Table4.Percentage distribution of soil bacteria at the phyla level under different treatments
门 Phylum | CK | F | LBF | HBF |
浮霉状菌门 Planctomycetes | 0.81 | 0.37 | 0.60 | 0.57 |
疣微菌门 Verrucomicrobia | 0.95 | 0.66 | 0.75 | 0.69 |
硝化螺旋菌门 Nitrospirae | 1.48 | 0.65 | 1.59 | 1.07 |
芽单胞菌门 Gemmatimonadetes | 2.85 | 4.79 | 4.82 | 4.68 |
拟杆菌门 Bacteroidetes | 4.06 | 4.32 | 4.95 | 5.29 |
螺旋体菌门 Saccharibacteria | 4.26 | 3.34 | 4.45 | 4.66 |
酸杆菌门 Acidobacteria | 9.07 | 4.05 | 4.17 | 5.21 |
绿弯菌门 Chloroflexi | 13.95 | 15.49 | 12.97 | 13.85 |
放线菌门 Actinobacteria | 19.52 | 22.25 | 23.03 | 24.69 |
变形菌门 Proteobacteria | 39.70 | 39.86 | 37.97 | 35.36 |
CK: 对照; F: 常规施化肥; LBF: 施低量烟秆炭基肥; HBF: 施高量烟秆炭基肥。CK: control; F: conventional chemical fertilization; LBF: application of low amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer; HBF: application of high amount of tobacco stalk biochar-based fertilizer. |

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