山西农业大学棉花研究所 运城 044000
基金项目: 山西省农业科学院农业科技创新研究课题YGJPY1912
作者简介:吕贝贝, 主要从事植物营养学和农作物病虫害综合治理等研究。E-mail: 1240651061@qq.com
通讯作者:张贵云, 主要从事植物营养学和菌根学研究。E-mail: guiyunzhang@126.com
Response of soil fungal diversity to long-term conservation tillage in dryland wheat soils on the Loess Plateau, China
LYU Beibei,ZHANG Liping,
ZHANG Guiyun,,
LIU Zhen,
FAN Qiaolan,
YAO Zhong,
Chang Fangjuan
Cotton Research Institute, Shanxi Agricultural University, Yuncheng 044000, China
Funds: the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Project of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural SciencesYGJPY1912
the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Project of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural SciencesYCX2018D2YS09
More Information
Corresponding author:ZHANG Guiyun, E-mail: guiyunzhang@126.com
Abstract:Different agricultural tillage practices create variable soil ecosystems that have different effects on soil microorganisms, especially those around the root system. Conservation tillage has numerous advantages and is used worldwide, but its sustainability has been challenged by the increase in soil pathogenic microorganisms caused by stubble mulching. To better understand the effects of long-term conservation tillage on the soil ecosystems in the dryland wheat regions of the Loess Plateau, this study used data from a 27-year conservation tillage experimental platform in Linfen, Shanxi Province, and high-throughput sequencing technology to investigate the response of the soil fungal community structure and diversity to different tillage treatments, including traditional tillage (TT1), no-tillage with stubble (NTS), and no-tillage with stubble after subsoiling (SNTS). The results showed that there were considerable differences in the composition and relative abundances of soil fungi among three treatments, and the NTS treatment included some unidentified or unknown fungi. Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Zygomycota were the dominant phyla of soil fungi in each treatment. Compared with TT1, the relative abundances of Ascomycota, Zygomycota, Chytridiomycota, and Glomeromycota increased under the two conservation tillage treatments, whereas the relative abundance of Basidiomycota significantly decreased. According to the heat map of species distribution at the genus level, the relative abundances of Gibberella and Fusarium increased compared to TT1 treatment, and Gibberella was the dominant genus under the two conservation tillage treatments. This indicated that long-term conservation tillage may increase the risk of wheat scab in this area. UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means) showed that the soil fungal community composition was similar between the two conservation tillage treatments, which differed from the TT1 treatment. The key biomarker in the TT1 treatment belonged to Basidiomycota, whereas the key biomarkers belonged to Ascomycota for the NTS and SNTS treatments. The NTS treatment had the highest richness and PD_whole_tree of soil fungi, whereas the SNTS treatment had the highest diversity. However, there were no significant differences in the diversity and richness indices of soil fungi among three treatments. In conclusion, long-term conservation tillage significantly changed the structure and composition of soil fungal communities, and improved the richness and diversity of soil fungi with no significant differences among three treatments. Conservation tillage (for 27 years) may also increase the risk of wheat scab. Therefore, to minimize soil pathogens, appropriate stubble mulching frequency, no-tillage, conventional tillage or subsoiling rotation, and moderate shallow tillage should be examined in future soil management and conservation tillage studies. This study provides guidance for promoting conservation tillage and soil management in the dryland wheat regions of the Loess Plateau.
Key words:Conservation tillage/
Stubble mulching/
Soil fungi/
High-throughput sequencing

Figure1.OTUs Venn (A) and community composition and relative abundance at phylum level (B) of soil fungi under different tillage treatments

Figure2.Heat map of soil fungal community composition at genus level under different tillage treatments

Figure3.Similarity tree of soil fungal community under different tillage treatments

图4不同耕作方式下土壤真菌LEfSe分析的柱状图(A)(LDA值> 3.5)和进化分支图(B)
Figure4.Histogram (A) (LDA score > 3.5) and cladogram (B) based on LEfSe analysis of soil fungal community under different tillage treatments

Table1.Description of different tillage treatments
代号 Code | 处理 Treatment | 耕作方式 Tillage practices |
TT1 | 传统耕作 Traditional tillage | 小麦收获后用铧式犁耕翻(深度约25 cm), 无秸秆覆盖, 播前旋耕(深度约15 cm)整地 After the wheat was harvested, and straws were removed, the soil was ploughed (about 25 cm deep) by using a mold board plow, followed by the application of a rotavator (about 15 cm deep) before sowing. |
NTS | 免耕覆盖 No-tillage with stubble | 全年不耕作, 播种时用免耕播种机一次性完成施肥和播种, 收获后将小区秸秆粉碎全覆盖 No tillage all year round, no-tillage seeder was used to complete fertilization and sowing at one time; after the wheat was harvested, the soil was covered with straws. |
SNTS | 深松+免耕覆盖 No-tillage with stubble after subsoiling | 采用深松机连续深松覆盖4年(深度约40 cm)后, 进行长期免耕覆盖处理 The soil was continuously subsoiled (about 40 cm deep) by using a subsoiler for 4 years, followed by the long-term no-tillage with straws covering. |

Table2.Alpha diversity indexes of soil fungal community under different tillage treatments
处理 Treatment | 观察到的物种数 Observed_species | Chao1 指数Chao1 index | ACE指数 ACE index | Shannon 指数Shannon index | Simpson 指数Shannon index | 系统发育多样性 PD_whole_tree | 覆盖率 Good’s-coverage |
TT1 | 708.333±92.921a | 1137.056±86.118a | 938.434±123.043a | 5.520±0.033a | 0.937±0.002a | 245.058±39.153a | 0.996±0.000b |
NTS | 854.667±135.721a | 1350.146±114.958a | 1165.563±117.761a | 5.801±0.618a | 0.946±0.022a | 302.877±65.031a | 0.995±0.000a |
SNTS | 827.333±130.328a | 1272.362±126.977a | 1040.475±170.083a | 5.864±0.451a | 0.946±0.022a | 299.676±57.102a | 0.996±0.000b |
同列不同小写字母表示P < 5%水平差异显著(P < 0.05)。Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level. |

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