白志英1, 2,
1.河北农业大学农学院/省部共建华北作物改良与调控国家重点实验室/河北省作物生长调控重点实验室 保定 071001
2.河北农业大学生命科学学院 保定 071001
基金项目: 河北省农业技术现代体系HBCT2018040201
作者简介:秘雅迪, 主要从事棉花栽培生理生态研究。E-mail: 1422972150@qq.com
通讯作者:孙红春, 主要从事棉花栽培生理生态研究。E-mail: sunhongchun@126.com
Regulation and physiological mechanisms of flower bud differentiation in cotton seedlings under different soil water contents and planting densities
MI Yadi1,,LI Hui1,
FENG Haiping1,
ZHOU Ziyue1,
LIU Liantao1,
ZHANG Yongjiang1,
BAI Zhiying1, 2,
SUN Hongchun1,,
1. College of Agronomy, Hebei Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of North China Crop Improvement and Regulation/Key Laboratory of Crop Growth Regulation of Hebei Province, Baoding 071001, China
2. College of Life Science, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, China
Funds: the Modern System of Agricultural Technology of Hebei ProvinceHBCT2018040201
the Agricultural Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Fund Project of Hebei Province20826415D
the Key Research and Development Project of Hebei Province20326409D
the National Natural Science Foundation of China31871569
the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program for College Students in Hebei Provinces202010086043
More Information
Corresponding author:SUN Hongchun, E-mail: sunhongchun@126.com
摘要:为探明土壤含水量和密度对棉苗花芽分化的调控效应及其生理学机制,于2019年在河北农业大学清苑试验站进行大田试验,以‘农大601’为材料,采用二因素裂区设计方法,主区为水分处理[充分灌溉(CK)和干旱(D)],副区为密度处理(6万株·hm-2、9万株·hm-2和12万株·hm-2),共6个处理,研究土壤含水量和密度对棉花花芽分化起始及进程的影响。结果表明:1)微观结构观察发现,干旱会加快棉花茎尖生长点的分化速度;高密度下,茎尖生长点横纵比变小,会减缓分化速度;同一密度处理,干旱下棉花始果枝节位有所降低;而同一水分处理下,增加密度棉花始果枝节位显著提高,两因素互作效应显著。2)干旱和密度处理对棉花茎尖生长点的可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖及内源激素含量产生显著影响(P < 0.05)。2叶期时,干旱条件下,低密度处理可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖和内源激素GA3含量较高,ZR含量较低,随着密度的增加,IAA/ABA、ZR/ABA和(IAA+ZR+GA3)/ABA比值呈增加趋势;随着花芽分化进行,各处理可溶性蛋白质和可溶性糖含量差异不显著,但高密度处理IAA/ABA、ZR/ABA和(IAA+ZR+GA3)/ABA比值显著低于其他处理,GA3/ABA比值高于其他处理。3)对调控花芽分化各指标的主成分分析结果表明,棉花2~3叶期时,茎尖生长点可溶性糖含量和内源激素ZR含量对花芽分化起始调控效应影响最大。因此,干旱条件下,6万株·hm-2处理棉花茎尖生长点分化速度较快,营养物质与内源激素GA3含量较高,ZR含量较低,有利于棉花花芽分化;而12万株·hm-2处理棉花茎尖生长点横纵比小,内源激素GA3/ABA比值高,减缓了花芽分化。研究结果为棉苗花芽分化的调控提供了理论依据。
Abstract:Improving the characteristics of cotton flower bud differentiation is important for coordinating the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth in cotton plants, building a good cotton population structure, and increasing yield. To explore the regulatory effects and physiological mechanisms of the water supply and planting densities on cotton seedling flower bud differentiation, this study employed two split-plot designed experiments in 2019 on the Qingyuan Experimental Plot of Hebei Agricultural University. The main plot had two water treatments[full irrigation (CK) and drought (D)], and the sub-plot contained three density treatments[6×104 plants·hm-2 (low density), 9×104 plants·hm-2(medium density), and 12×104 plants·hm-2 (high density)]. By using 'Nongda 601' as the experiment material, the effects of different water supplies and planting densities on floral bud differentiation stage and progression, and the related physiological indexes (hormone, soluble sugar, and soluble protein contents) of cotton seedlings were studied. Before cotton sowing, different amounts of soil moisture were set: the control treatment was 900 m3·hm-2, and the drought treatment was 450 m3·hm-2. The results of microstructure showed that: 1) The differentiation speed of cotton shoot apical meristem accelerated under drought conditions. Under high-density conditions, the aspect ratio of cotton shoot apical meristem decreased, which slowed the differentiation rate. Under the same planting density, the position of the first fruit branch lowered down, but under the same water treatment, the position of the first fruit branch significantly raised with increased planting density (P < 0.05). Therefore, the interaction effect of the two factors is significant. 2) The drought and density treatments significantly impacted the soluble protein, soluble sugar, and endogenous hormone contents of the cotton shoot apical meristem. At the 2-leaf stage, the soluble protein and soluble sugar contents of the low-density treatment were significantly higher than those of the other two treatments, and the contents of endogenous hormone gibberellin (GA3)was higher. The cytokinin (ZR) content was also lower. The ratios between endogenous hormones of indole-3-acetic acid/abscisic acid (IAA/ABA), ZR/ABA, and (IAA+ZR+GA3)/ABA increased with increasing plant density. With flower bud differentiation, there was no significant difference in the contents of soluble protein and soluble sugar among the treatments. However, the ratios of IAA/ABA, ZR/ABA, and (IAA+ZR+GA3)/ABA in the high-density treatment were significantly lower than those in other treatments (P < 0.05). The GA3/ABA ratio was higher than that in other treatments. 3) Principal component analysis of the indexes of flower bud differentiation showed that the contents of soluble sugar and ZR at the shoot apical meristem had the greatest influence on initial flower bud differentiation at the 2-leaf and 3-leaf stages. Therefore, under drought conditions, the shoot apical meristem of cotton at a density of 6×104 plants·hm-2 differentiated faster, the nutrient substance and GA3 content were higher, and the ZR content was lower, all of which was conducive to the initiation of cotton flower bud differentiation. However, the 12×104 plants·hm-2 treatment reduced the aspect ratio of the shoot apical meristem, increased the GA3/ABA ratio, and slowed flower bud differentiation. The results provide a theoretical basis for the regulation of flower bud differentiation in cotton.
Key words:Cotton/
Flower bud differentiation stage/
Soil moisture/
Planting density/
Soluble protein/
Soluble sugar/
Endogenous hormones

CK: 充分灌溉; D: 干旱; 数字6、9和12表示密度为6万株·hm–2、9万株·hm–2和12万株·hm–2。
Figure1.Microstructure of cotton shoot apical meristem at the two- and three-leaf stages under different soil water content and planting density treatments
CK: full irrigation; D: drought; 6, 9 and 12 mean planting densities of 6×104 plants·hm–2, 9×104 plants·hm–2 and 12×104 plants·hm–2, respectively.

CK: 充分灌溉; D: 干旱; 数字6、9和12表示密度为6万株·hm–2、9万株·hm–2和12万株·hm–2。不同小写字母表示同一时期不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure2.Soluble protein (A) and soluble sugar (B) contents in cotton shoot apical meristem at two- and three-leaf stages under different soil water content and planting density treatments
CK: full irrigation; D: drought; 6, 9 and 12 mean planting densities of 6×104 plants·hm–2, 9×104 plants·hm–2 and 12×104 plants·hm–2, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level among treatments at the same leaf stage.

CK: 充分灌溉; D: 干旱; 数字6、9和12表示密度为6万株·hm–2、9万株·hm–2和12万株·hm–2。不同小写字母表示同一时期不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure3.Endogenous hormones contents in cotton shoot apical meristem at two- and three-leaf stages under different soil water content and planting density treatments
CK: full irrigation; D: drought; 6, 9 and 12 mean planting densities of 6×104 plants·hm–2, 9×104 plants·hm–2 and 12×104 plants·hm–2, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level among treatments at the same leaf stage.

CK: 充分灌溉; D: 干旱; 数字6、9和12表示密度为6万株·hm–2、9万株·hm–2和12万株·hm–2。不同小写字母表示同一时期不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure4.Ratios of endogenous hormones contents in cotton shoot apical meristem at two- and three-leaf stage under different soil water content and planting density treatments
CK: full irrigation; D: drought; 6, 9 and 12 mean planting densities of 6×104 plants·hm–2, 9×104 plants·hm–2 and 12×104 plants·hm–2, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level among treatments at the same leaf stage.

Table1.Relative water contents (percentage of field capacity) of different soil layers at 2-leaf stage and 6-leaf stage of cotton under different water treatments
播种后天数 Days after sowing (d) | 时期 Stage | 处理 Treatment | 0~20 cm (%) | 20~40 cm (%) |
26 | 2叶期 Two-leaf stage | CK | 68 | 65 |
D | 54 | 57 | ||
41 | 6叶期 Six-leaf stage | CK | 55 | 60 |
D | 45 | 48 | ||
CK: 充分灌溉; D: 干旱。CK: full irrigation; D: drought. |

Table2.Effect of different soil water content and planting density treatments on the aspect ratio of cotton shoot apical meristem
时期Stage | CK–6 | CK–9 | CK–12 | D–6 | D–9 | D–12 |
2叶期Two-leaf stage | 2.64±0.11a | 2.45±0.06a | 2.23±0.04b | 2.56±0.10a | 2.44±0.12b | 2.16±0.09b |
3叶期Three-leaf stage | 2.77±0.29a | 2.60±0.07a | 2.19±0.15ab | 2.72±0.08a | 2.54±0.06ab | 1.87±0.67b |
CK: 充分灌溉; D: 干旱; 数字6、9和12表示密度为6万株·hm–2、9万株·hm–2和12万株·hm–2。不同小写字母不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。CK: full irrigation; D: drought; 6, 9 and 12 mean planting densities of 6×104 plants·hm–2, 9×104 plants·hm–2 and 12×104 plants·hm–2, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments at P < 0.05 level. |

Table3.Effect of different soil water content and planting density treatments on the differentiation process of cotton shoot apical meristem
处理 Treatment | 现蕾节位 Budding nodes | 始果枝节高度 First fruiting branch height (cm) | 生长速度Speed of growth | |
(node.d–1) | (cm.d–1) | |||
CK–6 | 6.11±0.19bc | 22.78±0.88b | 0.22±0.01bc | 0.81±0.03b |
CK–9 | 6.50±0.17ab | 26.56±0.82a | 0.23±0.01ab | 0.95±0.03a |
CK–12 | 6.97±0.29a | 27.11±0.39a | 0.24±0.01a | 0.93±0.01a |
D–6 | 5.39±0.10d | 18.44±0.92d | 0.18±0.00d | 0.62±0.03c |
D–9 | 5.78±0.19cd | 20.37±1.36c | 0.19±0.01d | 0.66±0.04c |
D–12 | 6.53±0.24ab | 19.72±0.05cd | 0.20±0.01c | 0.62±0.00c |
种植密度Planting density | * | ** | ** | ** |
土壤水分Soil water | ** | ** | ** | ** |
种植密度×土壤水分Planting density×soil water | ns | * | ns | * |
CK: 充分灌溉; D: 干旱; 数字6、9和12表示密度为6万株·hm–2、9万株·hm–2和12万株·hm–2。不同小写字母表示不同处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。*表示在P < 0.05水平影响显著; **表示在P < 0.01水平影响显著; ns表示影响不显著。CK: full irrigation; D: drought; 6, 9 and 12 mean planting densities of 6×104 plants·hm–2, 9×104 plants·hm–2 and 12×104 plants·hm–2, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at P < 0.05 level. *: significant influence at P < 0.05 level; **: significant influence at P < 0.01 level; ns: no significant influence. |

Table4.Principal component analysis score coefficient matrix of soluble sugar, protein and endogenous hormones contents in cotton shoot apical meristem at two- and three-leaf stages
时期 Stage | 主成分 Principal component | 可溶性蛋白质 Soluble protein | 可溶性糖 Soluble sugar | IAA | ZR | GA3 | ABA | IAA/ABA | ZR/ABA | GA3/ABA | (IAA+ZR +GA3)/ABA |
2叶期 2-leaf stage | 1 | –0.137 | –0.060 | –0.024 | 0.119 | –0.104 | –0.132 | 0.134 | 0.131 | –0.130 | 0.130 |
2 | 0.147 | –0.160 | 0.411 | 0.199 | 0.251 | –0.090 | 0.127 | 0.118 | 0.063 | 0.133 | |
3 | 0.110 | 0.454 | –0.132 | –0.204 | 0.226 | –0.230 | 0.189 | 0.210 | 0.256 | 0.216 | |
3叶期 3-leaf stage | 1 | 0.126 | –0.004 | 0.085 | 0.053 | 0.157 | 0.160 | –0.114 | –0.158 | 0.150 | –0.133 |
2 | 0.219 | –0.241 | 0.304 | –0.041 | –0.017 | –0.056 | 0.280 | 0.060 | 0.003 | 0.225 | |
3 | 0.115 | 0.479 | 0.235 | 0.499 | 0.183 | –0.033 | 0.158 | 0.129 | –0.050 | 0.163 |

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