1.西北大学城市与环境学院/陕西省地表系统与环境承载力重点实验室 西安 710127
2.中国环境科学研究院/水生态保护与修复研究室 北京 100012
基金项目: 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项XDA20040302
作者简介:马驰, 研究方向为水文水资源。E-mail: chima@stumail.nwu.edu.cn
通讯作者:宋进喜, 主要研究方向为河流水文与水生态。E-mail: jinxisong@nwu.edu.cn
Characteristics of crop water footprint changes in five Central Asian countries from 1992 to 2017
MA Chi1, 2,,YANG Zhongwen2,
SONG Jinxi1,,,
HAO Cailian2,
XIA Rui2,
JIA Ruining2,
CHEN Yan2,
ZHANG Xiaojiao2
1. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Earth Surface System and Environmental Carrying Capacity/College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Environment Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
Funds: the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of SciencesXDA20040302
More Information
Corresponding author:SONG Jinxi, E-mail: jinxisong@nwu.edu.cn
摘要:本研究以中亚五国为研究区域,以农作物水足迹为评估手段,分析了1992-2017年间中亚五国农作物水足迹的时空变化特征,以揭示中亚五国农作物水足迹结构,厘清引起中亚五国水足迹变化的主要农作物的贡献。结果表明:1)中亚五国农作物水足迹时间变化特征明显,1992-2017年中亚五国农作物绿水足迹(-9.7×109 m3)和蓝水足迹(-5.6×109 m3)均趋于减少。中亚五国农作物水足迹空间分布差异显著,哈萨克斯坦农作物绿色水足迹最高(平均4.96×1010 m3),且远高于其他4国(平均3.6×109 m3),而蓝水足迹以乌兹别克斯坦最高(平均1.53×1010 m3)。农作物绿水足迹和蓝水足迹增长率最大的国家分别是土库曼斯坦(87.6%)和吉尔吉斯斯坦(32.3%);绿、蓝水足迹减少率最大的国家分别是哈萨克斯坦(-20.7%)和乌兹别克斯坦(-24.2%)。2)中亚地区农作物绿水足迹主要以粮食作物为主,蓝水足迹以粮食作物和油料纤维作物为主;而粮食作物水足迹结构中,主要以小麦、水稻和玉米为主,油料纤维作物水足迹结构中,主要以棉花为主。3)哈萨克斯坦作为绿水足迹减少最多的国家,大麦(51.6%)和小麦(28.2%)的贡献最大;乌兹别克斯坦作为蓝水足迹减少最多的国家,棉花(61.9%)贡献最大。通过开展中亚地区的农作物水足迹研究,发现中亚农作物水足迹整体呈下降趋势,厘清了中亚地区引起水足迹下降的主要农作物种类,相关成果可以为中亚地区的农作物优化种植和水资源节约提供支撑。
Abstract:This study analyzed the spatio-temporal characteristic of crop water footprint in five Central Asian countries from 1992 to 2017 using the crop water footprint as the assessment method, in order to reveal the structure of crop water footprint, and clarify the contribution of main crops that caused the change of water footprint in the five Central Asian countries. The results showed variation in the crop water footprints of these five Central Asian countries. From 1992 to 2017, changes in green water footprints were similar to those in their respective planting areas, and the overall trend was decreasing (-9.7×109 m3). The overall blue water footprint also tended to decrease (-5.6×109 m3). There were significant differences in the spatial distribution of crop water footprints in the five Central Asian countries. Kazakhstan had the highest green water footprint (average 49.6×109 m3), much higher than the other four countries (average 3.6×109 m3). Uzbekistan had the highest blue water footprint (average 15.3×109 m3). From 1992 to 2017, the countries with the largest growth rates in the green and blue water footprints of crops were Turkmenistan (87.6%) and Kyrgyzstan (32.3%). The countries with the largest reduction rates in the green and blue water footprints were Kazakhstan (-20.7%) and Uzbekistan (-24.2%). The green water footprint of crops in Central Asia was mainly from cereals, and the blue water footprint was mainly from cereals and oil crops. The water footprint structure of cereals was mainly composed of wheat, rice, and corn, and the water footprint structure of oil crops was mainly composed of cotton. Kazakhstan had the largest reduction in green water footprint and accounted for most of crops with reduced green water footprint, barley (51.6%) and wheat (28.2%). Uzbekistan had the largest reduction in blue water footprint, with cotton (61.9%) contributing the most. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of crop yield on the virtual water content of crops and expand the virtual water content of dozens of crops in these five Central Asian countries. This avoids the shortcomings of inaccurate calculations of the long-term water footprint series in previous studies where the virtual water content remains unchanged. Research on the water footprint of crops in Central Asia revealed that the water footprint was declining, and the main crops causing the water footprint declines had been identified. These results can be used to optimize crop planting and water conservation in Central Asia.
Key words:Five Central Asian countries/
Water footprint/
Green water footprint/
Blue water footprint

Figure1.Geographic location of the five Central Asian countries

图2中亚五国作物水足迹、作物产量、收获面积时间变化(a: 绿水足迹; b: 蓝水足迹; c: 作物收获面积; d: 作物产量)
Figure2.Time changes of crop water footprint, production and harvest area in five Central Asian countries (a: green water footprint; b: blue water footprint; c: crop harvested area; d: crop yields)

Figure3.Crops water footprint structures of five Central Asian countries

Figure4.Structure of green and blue water footprints of food crops (a) and oil crops (b) in the five Central Asian countries

Figure5.Spatial variations of average green and blue water footprints of crops in the five Central Asian countries from 1992 to 2017

图6中亚五国水足迹变化的主要驱动农作物(a: 绿水足迹减少作物; b: 绿水足迹增加作物; c: 蓝水足迹增加作物; d: 蓝水足迹减少作物)
图中不同颜色分别表示5个国家。单幅图左侧表示国家水足迹变化相对量, 单幅图右侧表示农作物水足迹变化相对量, 中间部分表示水足迹变化对应的国家与农作物之间的关系。图中量纲均为1。
Figure6.Driving crops of water footprint changes in the five Central Asian countries (a: green water footprint reducing crops; b: green water footprint increasing crops; c: blue water footprint increasing crops; d: blue water footprint reducing crops)
Different colors in the figure represent five countries. The left side of the single figure shows the relative amount of change in the national water footprint, the right side shows the relative amount of change in the water footprint of crops, and the middle part shows the relationship between countries and crops corresponding to changes in water footprint. The dimensions in the figure are all 1.

Figure7.Distribution of cultivated land in the five Central Asian countries

Figure8.Cotton production in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan

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