安徽省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所/养分循环与资源环境安徽省重点实验室 合肥 230031
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2018YFD0200900
作者简介:程文龙, 主要从事植物营养与作物施肥技术研究。E-mail:wlchengche@163.com
通讯作者:武际, 主要从事绿肥作物综合利用技术、土壤培肥及作物高效施肥技术研究。E-mail:wuji338@163.com
Current situation of the main crop straw nutrient resources and the substitute potential of crop straw for chemical fertilizer:A case study of Anhui Province
CHENG Wenlong,HAN Shang,
LI Min,
BU Rongyan,
CAO Zhewei,
TANG Shan,
WU Ji,
Soil and Fertilizer Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Nutrient Cycling and Resource Environment of Anhui Province, Hefei 230031, China
Funds: National Key Research and Development Project of China2018YFD0200900
Public Welfare Industry Research Project of China201503122
Key Research and Development Project of Anhui Province1704e1002237
More Information
Corresponding author:wuji, E-mail:wuji338@163.com
摘要:安徽省农作物秸秆资源丰富,充分利用秸秆养分资源对于农田养分投入的合理分配具有重要意义。评估全省主要农作物秸秆还田当季有效养分替代化肥潜力,可为安徽省减肥增效提供科学依据。本研究以安徽种植面积较大的主要农作物水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆、花生和油菜为研究对象,通过查阅安徽省统计数据和公开发表的文献资料,对2017年安徽省主要农作物秸秆数量、秸秆还田率以及还田当季养分利用率进行估算,明晰了全省化肥减施潜力。结果表明:2017年安徽省主要农作物秸秆资源量为4 699.9万t,秸秆资源分布上呈北部和中部较多、南部最少的特征。秸秆养分资源总量为124.8万t,N、P2O5和K2O分别为38.1万t、11.4万t和75.3万t,分别占全省主要农作物养分需求的40.1%、32.1%和68.9%。理论上,秸秆全量还田,且养分充分利用的情况下,秸秆养分替代化肥潜力大。但秸秆养分N、P2O5和K2O当季利用率分别为38.9%、52.3%和69.9%,实际秸秆N、P2O5和K2O养分还田量仅占主要农作物养分需求的15.6%、16.8%和48.2%,分别占农田养分总投入量的8.6%、6.4%和41.4%。通过秸秆还田,全省可减施化肥63.3万t,减施比例为19.8%,N、P2O5和K2O减施比例分别为11.4%、17.2%、40.7%。进一步提高秸秆还田率和当季养分释放率,是推进全省化肥减施增效的有利手段。
Abstract:Anhui Province is rich in crop straw resources, it is important to fully utilize straw nutrient resources for the purpose of maintaining a nutrient balance in farmlands. For this cause, the potential of straw as a natural alternative to chemical fertilizers was evaluated in order to provide a scientific basis for the reduced use of chemical fertilizers in Anhui Province. In this study, we selected main crops such as rice, wheat, corn, soybean, peanut, and rape as study subjects in Anhui Province. We consulted the published literature and statistical data, and estimated the amount of straw, straw return rate, and nutrient utilization rate of main crops in Anhui Province in 2017. The results showed that the amount of straw estimated at 46.999 million tons in 2017. Furthermore, the distribution of straw resources was more in the northern and the middle regions of the province, and less in the southern regions. We also found that the total amount of straw nutrient resources was 1.248 million tons. The amounts of N, P2O5, and K2O were 0.381, 0.114, and 0.753 million tons, respectively, and these accounted for 40.1%, 32.1%, and 68.9% of the main crop nutrient requirements of the entire province. Therefore, the potential of straw replacing chemical fertilizers is great in theory when all the straw is returned to the soil and the nutrients in the straw are fully utilized. However, the utilization rates of N, P2O5, and K2O were only 38.9%, 52.3%, and 69.9%, respectively. The actual nutrients contents of N, P2O5, and K2O of crop straws returned to the field accounted for only 15.6%, 16.8%, and 48.2%, respectively, of the nutrient demands of the main crops. Moreover, the actual amounts of N, P2O5, and K2O returned to the field accounted for 8.6%, 6.4%, and 41.4% of the total input, respectively. By returning straw to the farmland, approximately 0.633 million tons of chemical fertilizer can be saved, representing 19.8% of the amount of chemical fertilizer that would have been used without the straw. It is also worth noting that the application reduction rates of N, P2O5, and K2O were 11.4%, 17.2%, and 40.7%, respectively. Thus, the improvement in straw returning-to-field rate and release rate of nutrients in crop growth period point towards the benefits of promoting the reduced use of chemical fertilizers.
Key words:Straw yield/
Straw nutrient resources/
Nutrient utilization rate in season/
Chemical fertilizer/
Anhui Province

Figure1.Comparison of nutrients demands of crops and supplies of straw nutrients and chemical fertilizers in Anhui Province in 2017

Figure2.Fertilizer recommendation and the nutrient input of both straw and chemical fertilizer in different areas of Anhui Province in 2017

Table1.Ratio of grain to straw, nutrient contents in straws (air-dried base) and nutrient requirements for unit economic yields of different crops
作物 Crop | 草谷比 Straw/grain | 秸秆养分含量 Nutrient content in straw (g·kg–1) | 单位经济产量所需吸收的养分数量 Nutrient requirement for unit economic yield (kg·t–1) | |||||
N | P2O5 | K2O | N | P2O5 | K2O | |||
水稻 Rice | 1.0[10-11] | 8.3 | 2.7 | 20.6 | 14.6[18] | 6.2[18] | 19.2[18] | |
小麦 Wheat | 1.1[9, 12] | 6.2 | 1.6 | 12.3 | 24.6[19] | 8.5[19] | 27.7[19] | |
玉米 Maize | 1.2[9, 13-14] | 8.7 | 3.1 | 13.4 | 25.8[19] | 9.8[19] | 27.8[19] | |
大豆 Soybean | 1.6[15-16] | 16.3 | 3.9 | 12.7 | 81.4[20-21] | 23.0[20-21] | 32.0[20-21] | |
花生 Peanut | 1.5[15, 17] | 16.6 | 3.4 | 11.9 | 43.7[22] | 10.0[22] | 53.8[22] | |
油菜 Rapeseed | 3.0[11, 15] | 8.2 | 3.2 | 22.4 | 43.0[23] | 27.0[23] | 87.0[23] |

Table2.Ratios of straw to farmland and rates of in-season nutrient release from straw of different crops[24]?
作物 Crop | 秸秆还田率 Ratio of straw to farmland | 养分当季释放率 Rate of in-season nutrient release from straw | ||
N | P2O5 | K2O | ||
水稻 Rice | 92.77 | 47.19 | 66.69 | 84.91 |
小麦 Wheat | 78.11 | 50.11 | 62.01 | 89.05 |
玉米 Maize | 70.11 | 54.04 | 73.03 | 84.43 |
大豆 Soybean | 61.44 | 52.06 | 54.41 | 84.30 |
花生 Peanut | 61.44 | 51.61 | 66.50 | 85.82 |
油菜 Rapeseed | 61.63 | 52.65 | 66.31 | 82.18 |

Table3.Crop straw yield, contained nutrients quantities and their percentages in the whole straw yields in Anhui Province in 2017
作物 Crop | 秸秆Straw | 秸秆养分资源量Straw nutrient | |||||||||
产量 Yield (×104 t) | 占比 Percentage (%) | N | P2O5 | K2O | |||||||
数量 Amount (×104 t) | 占比 Percentage (%) | 数量 Amount (×104 t) | 占比 Percentage (%) | 数量 Amount (×104 t) | 占比 Percentage (%) | ||||||
水稻 Rice | 1 616.6 | ??34.4 | 13.4 | ??35.2 | ??4.4 | ??38.6 | 33.3 | ??44.2 | |||
小麦 Wheat | 1 800.8 | ??38.3 | 11.3 | ??29.7 | ??2.9 | ??25.4 | 22.1 | ??29.4 | |||
玉米 Maize | ???642.6 | ??13.7 | ??5.6 | ??14.7 | ??2.0 | ??17.5 | ??8.6 | ??11.4 | |||
大豆 Soybean | ???170.9 | ????3.6 | ??2.8 | ????7.3 | ??0.7 | ????6.1 | ??2.2 | ????2.9 | |||
花生 Peanut | ???136.2 | ????2.9 | ??2.3 | ????6.0 | ??0.4 | ????3.5 | ??1.6 | ????2.1 | |||
油菜 Rapeseed | ???332.8 | ????7.1 | ??2.7 | ????7.2 | ??1.0 | ????8.9 | ??7.5 | ??10.0 | |||
总计 Total | 4 699.9 | 100.0 | 38.1 | 100.0 | 11.4 | 100.0 | 75.3 | 100.0 |

Table4.Distribution of straws and their nutrients resources of rice, wheat, corn, soybean, peanut, rape in different regions of Anhui Province in 2017
区域 Region | 市 City | 秸秆Straw | 秸秆养分量Straw nutrient (×104 t) | 排名 Ranking | |||||
产量 Yield (×104 t) | 占比 Percentage (%) | ??N??? | P2O5 | K2O | 合计 Total | ||||
淮北地区 Huaibei Region | 淮北 Huaibei | ???148.4 | ??3.2 | ??1.1 | 0.3 | ??1.9 | ??3.3 | 13? | |
亳州 Bozhou | ???539.9 | 11.5 | ??4.1 | 1.2 | ??6.8 | 12.2 | ??3? | ||
宿州 Suzhou | ???495.8 | 10.6 | ??4.2 | 1.2 | ??6.4 | 11.7 | ??5? | ||
阜阳 Fuyang | ???645.4 | 13.7 | ??4.9 | 1.4 | ??8.6 | 15.0 | ??1? | ||
总计 Total | 1 829.5 | 39.0 | 14.3 | 4.1 | 23.7 | 42.2 | Ⅱ | ||
江淮地区 Jianghuai Region | 蚌埠 Bengbu | ???369.3 | ??7.9 | ??3.3 | 0.9 | ??5.2 | ??9.3 | ??7? | |
淮南 Huainan | ???310.0 | ??6.6 | ??2.4 | 0.7 | ??5.2 | ??8.3 | ??9? | ||
滁州 Chuzhou | ???491.2 | 10.5 | ??3.9 | 1.2 | ??8.4 | 13.5 | ??2? | ||
合肥 Hefei | ???388.2 | ??8.3 | ??3.2 | 1.0 | ??7.4 | 11.7 | ??4? | ||
六安 Lu’an | ???359.2 | ??7.6 | ??2.9 | 0.9 | ??6.6 | 10.4 | ??6? | ||
总计 Total | 1 917.9 | 40.9 | 15.7 | 4.7 | 32.8 | 53.2 | Ⅰ | ||
沿江地区 Region along the Chang- jiang River | 安庆 Anqing | ???278.9 | ??5.9 | ??2.4 | 0.8 | ??5.6 | ??8.8 | ??8? | |
铜陵 Tongling | ?????83.0 | ??1.8 | ??0.7 | 0.2 | ??1.7 | ??2.6 | 15? | ||
芜湖 Wuhu | ???166.3 | ??3.5 | ??1.4 | 0.5 | ??3.3 | ??5.1 | 10? | ||
马鞍山 Ma’anshan | ???133.6 | ??2.8 | ??1.1 | 0.3 | ??2.5 | ??4.0 | 12? | ||
总计 Total | ???661.8 | 14.0 | ??5.6 | 1.8 | 13.1 | 20.5 | Ⅲ | ||
江南地区 Region south of the Changjiang River | 池州 Chizhou | ?????90.1 | ??1.9 | ??0.8 | 0.3 | ??1.8 | ??2.8 | 14? | |
宣城 Xuancheng | ???159.4 | ??3.4 | ??1.3 | 0.4 | ??3.1 | ??4.8 | 11? | ||
黄山 Huangshan | ?????41.2 | ??0.9 | ??0.4 | 0.1 | ??0.8 | ??1.3 | 16? | ||
总计 Total | ???290.7 | ???6.2 | ???2.5 | ???0.8 | ???5.7 | ???8.9 | Ⅳ |

Table5.Yields, sown areas and nutrient requirements of major crops of Anhui Province in 2017
作物 Crop | 产量 Yield (×104 t) | 播种面积 Sown area (×103 hm2) | 生长所需养分量 Nutrient requirement (×104 t) | ||
N | P2O5 | K2O | |||
水稻 Rice | 1 616.6 | 2 326.0 | 23.6 | 10.0 | ??31.0 |
小麦 Wheat | 1 637.1 | 2 392.0 | 40.3 | 13.9 | ??45.3 |
玉米 Maize | ???535.5 | ???844.7 | 13.8 | ??5.2 | ??14.9 |
大豆 Soybean | ???106.8 | ???935.6 | ??8.7 | ??2.5 | ????3.4 |
花生 Peanut | ?????90.8 | ???183.4 | ??4.0 | ??0.9 | ????4.9 |
油菜 Rapeseed | ???110.9 | ???698.3 | ??4.8 | ??3.0 | ????9.6 |
总计 Total | 4 097.7 | 7 380.0 | 95.2 | 35.5 | 109.1 |

Table6.Nutrient requirements of major crops in different areas of Anhui Province in 2017
区域 Region | 市 City | 养分需求量Nutrient requirement (×104 t) | 排名 Ranking | |||
N | P2O5 | K2O | 合计Total | |||
淮北地区 Huaibei Region | 淮北 Huaibei | ??3.6 | ??1.2 | ??3.6 | ????8.4 | 10 |
亳州 Bozhou | 13.0 | ??4.5 | 13.2 | ??30.7 | 2 | |
宿州 Suzhou | 12.1 | ??4.1 | 12.3 | ??28.5 | 3 | |
阜阳 Fuyang | 14.8 | ??5.2 | 15.5 | ??35.5 | 1 | |
总计 Total | 43.5 | 15.0 | 44.6 | 103.1 | Ⅰ | |
江淮地区 Jianghuai Region | 蚌埠 Bengbu | ??8.3 | ??2.8 | ??9.3 | ??20.4 | 5 |
淮南 Huainan | ??5.8 | ??2.2 | ??6.8 | ??14.8 | 8 | |
滁州 Chuzhou | ??9.2 | ??3.5 | 11.0 | ??23.7 | 4 | |
合肥 Hefei | ??6.5 | ??2.7 | ??8.6 | ??17.8 | 6 | |
六安 Lu’an | ??6.3 | ??2.5 | ??7.8 | ??16.6 | 7 | |
总计 Total | 36.1 | 13.7 | 43.5 | ??93.3 | Ⅱ | |
沿江地区 Region along the Changji-ang River | 安庆 Anqing | ??4.5 | ??2.0 | ??6.2 | ??12.7 | 9 |
铜陵 Tongling | ??1.3 | ??0.6 | ??1.8 | ????3.7 | 15 | |
芜湖 Wuhu | ??2.7 | ??1.2 | ??3.6 | ????7.5 | 11 | |
马鞍山 Ma’anshan | ??2.3 | ??1.0 | ??3.0 | ????6.3 | 13 | |
总计 Total | 10.8 | ??4.8 | 14.6 | ??30.2 | Ⅲ | |
江南地区 Region south of the Chang-jiang River | 池州 Chizhou | ??1.4 | ??0.6 | ??2.0 | ????4.0 | 14 |
宣城 Xuancheng | ??2.7 | ??1.1 | ??3.5 | ????7.3 | 12 | |
黄山 Huangshan | ??0.7 | ??0.3 | ??0.9 | ????1.9 | 16 | |
总计 Total | ??4.8 | ??2.0 | ??6.4 | ??13.2 | Ⅳ |

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