河北农业大学资源与环境科学学院/河北省农田生态环境重点实验室/河北省蔬菜产业协同创新中心 保定 071000
基金项目: 河北省重点研发计划项目19223811D
作者简介:许芮, 主要从事农业环境污染与治理研究。E-mail:13933507769@163.com
通讯作者:杨志新, 主要研究方向为生态、环境质量评价与监控研究。E-mail:yangzhixin@126.com
Prediction model and threshold of soil cadmium contamination in cucumber greenhouses
XU Rui,CAO Shi,
LIU Meng,
LIU Yuehan,
LYU Shi,
DUAN Yajun,
ZHANG Yukun,
YANG Zhixin,
College of Resources and Environmental Science, Hebei Agricultural University/Key Laboratory for Farmland Eco-environment of Hebei/Collaborative Innovation Center of Vegetable Industry in Hebei, Baoding 071000, China
Funds: The study was supported by the Key R & D Project of Hebei Province19223811D
the National Key R & D Program of China2018YFD0800402
More Information
Corresponding author:YANG Zhixin, E-mail:yangzhixin@126.com
摘要:为指导设施栽培的安全生产,以设施黄瓜为研究对象,通过连续2年镉(Cd)污染微区试验,对设施黄瓜菜田土壤Cd污染预测模型及阈值开展研究。结果表明,设施黄瓜土壤全量Cd和有效态Cd含量均与黄瓜Cd含量呈极显著的线性、对数、幂函数和指数关系,其中,全量Cd含量以指数预测模型的相关系数最高,有效态Cd含量以线性预测模型的相关系数最高。依据国家食品卫生标准,利用呈极显著相关的模型,提出了基于土壤pH≥7.5且质地为壤土的设施黄瓜土壤全量Cd和有效态Cd的风险阈值分别为2.13 mg·kg-1和0.26 mg·kg-1。利用土壤敏感性指标脲酶活性对该阈值进行验证,结果表明土壤全量Cd污染达2.74 mg·kg-1时才会引起土壤脲酶活性显著下降,而≤2.13 mg·kg-1的土壤全量Cd含量并未对土壤脲酶产生明显影响。可见,通过土壤脲酶指标验证后确定的阈值是可行的;并推荐当土壤中全量Cd>0.8 mg·kg-1且Cd≤2.13 mg·kg-1(pH≥7.5)时,选择黄瓜替代其他风险作物能够满足食用农产品质量的安全要求。该研究结果可为我国北方土壤Cd污染地区设施黄瓜的安全生产提供科学理论依据。
Abstract:The accumulation of heavy metals in soil is difficult to reverse, and this threatens China's agricultural safety. Nevertheless, the current implementation of heavy metal standards involves determining the risk screening value based on the pollutant items and pH value. However, there is a risk of contamination in edible agricultural products, which cannot meet quality and safety standards. In order to guide the selection of suitable crops for different soil types to avoid the risk of cadmium (Cd) pollution and to fully utilize land under the premise of safe production, thresholds for Cd pollution of different crops in different soil types need to be developed urgently. A Cd pollution micro-plot experiment with cucumber as the research object was conducted for two consecutive years to establish a prediction model and threshold of Cd pollution in greenhouse soils. The results showed that the total Cd and available Cd in greenhouse cucumber soil exhibited significant linear, logarithmic, power functions, and exponential relationships with the Cd content in cucumbers. The total Cd content showed the highest correlation coefficient according to the exponential model, while the available Cd content had the highest correlation coefficient according to the linear model. On the basis of soil conditions with pH≥7.5 and loamy texture, the risk thresholds for total Cd and available Cd in facility cucumber soils were proposed to be 2.13 mg·kg-1 and 0.26 mg·kg-1, respectively, based on extremely significant correlation models and national food hygiene standards. The proposed threshold was further verified by the soil urease activity; thereby, it was concluded that soil Cd contents less than or equal to 2.13 mg·kg-1 had no significant effect on soil urease. Hence, the determined thresholds are feasible after soil urease verification. When the Cd content in the soil is greater than 0.8 mg·kg-1 and less than or equal to 2.13 mg·kg-1 (soil pH≥7.5), cucumbers can be recommended to replace other risk crops to meet the quality and safety requirements of edible agricultural products. The results of this study provide a scientific and theoretical basis for cucumber planting in the Cd-contaminated soil area of northern China, and thus hold practical significance. In this study, referring to the large body of existing research on the threshold value of vegetable soil Cd, the threshold value of soil Cd obtained by the soil sensitive soil index of urease activity and by constructing a cucumber soil Cd mathematical model are mutually confirmed, and a safe and reasonable threshold value of soil Cd under the experimental conditions is obtained.
Figure1.Effects of measured soil total Cd (A) and available Cd (B) contents on urease activity
Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments.
Table1.Correlation model of total Cd contents between cucumber and soil, and the predicted safety threshold for pollution of soil total Cd content
年份 Year | 模型类型 Model | 回归方程1) Regression equation1) | 决定系数 Coefficient of determination (R2) | P | 安全阈值 Safety threshold for pollution (mg?kg?1) | 土壤pH范围 Scope of soil pH |
2016 | 线性方程Linear equation | y=43.613x+0.089 1 | 0.680** | < 0.01 | 2.27 | ≥7.5 |
对数方程Logarithmic equation | y=1.255 9ln(x)+5.900 3 | 0.627** | < 0.01 | 2.14 | ||
幂方程Power equation | y=29.052x0.8719 | 0.664** | < 0.01 | 2.13 | ||
指数方程Exponential equation | y=0.538 8e28.769x | 0.707** | < 0.01 | 2.27 | ||
2017 | 线性方程Linear equation | y=69.955x-0.2699 | 0.918** | < 0.01 | 3.22 | ≥7.5 |
对数方程Logarithmic equation | y=1.188 8ln(x)+6.469 8 | 0.618** | < 0.01 | 2.91 | ||
幂方程Power equation | y=32.09x0.83 | 0.903** | < 0.01 | 2.67 | ||
指数方程Exponential equation | y=0.374e40.632x | 0.927** | < 0.01 | 2.85 | ||
1)回归方程中x为黄瓜Cd含量, y为土壤全量Cd含量。**表示在P < 0.01水平(双侧)极显著相关。1) In the regression equation, x is the Cd content of cucumber, y is the total Cd of soil. ** indicates a significant correlation at P < 0.01 level (both sides). |
Table2.Correlation model between cucumber Cd content and soil available Cd content in 2017 (the second year) and the predicted safety threshold for pollution of soil available Cd content
模型类型 Model | 回归方程1) Regression equation1) | 决定系数 Coefficient of determination (R2) | P | 安全阈值 Safety threshold for pollution (mg?kg?1) | 土壤pH范围 Scope of soil pH |
线性方程Linear equation | y=8.998 7x-0.049 85 | 0.679** | < 0.01 | 0.40 | ≥7.5 |
对数方程Logarithmic equation | y=0.269 45ln(x)+1.233 | 0.616** | < 0.01 | 0.42 | |
幂方程Power equation | y=29.883x1.511 3 | 0.650** | < 0.01 | 0.32 | |
指数方程Exponential equation | y=0.025 11e46.994x | 0.621** | < 0.01 | 0.26 | |
1)回归方程中x为黄瓜Cd含量, y为土壤有效态Cd含量。**表示在P < 0.01水平(双侧)极显著相关。1) In the regression equation, x is the Cd content of cucumber, y is the available Cd content of soil. ** indicates a significant correlation at P < 0.01 level (both sides). |
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