山西农业大学山西有机旱作农业研究院/黄土高原东部旱作节水技术国家地方联合工程实验室/有机旱作山西省重点实验室 太原 030031
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2016YFD0300305
作者简介:张冬梅, 主要研究方向为旱作栽培技术研究。E-mail: 13803401159@163.com
通讯作者:王娟玲, 主要研究方向为旱作节水技术研究。E-mail: wjl_bb@163.com
Effect of planting density on lodging change of spring maize after physiological maturity
ZHANG Dongmei,YANG Ke,
JIANG Chunxia,
HUANG Mingjing,
LIU Huatao,
YAN Liuying,
LIU Enke,
ZHAI Guangqian,
WANG Juanling,
Shanxi Institute of Organic Dryland Farming, Shanxi Agricultural University/National Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Water-Saving Techniques for Dry Farming in the Eastern Loess Plateau/Key Laboratory of Organic Dry Farming of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030031, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0300305
the Key Projects of Researchand Development Plan of Shanxi Province201703D211002
the Applied Basic Research Project of Shanxi Academy of AgriculturalSciencesYCX2020YQ59
the Applied Basic Research Project of Shanxi Academy of AgriculturalSciencesYBSJJ2016
More Information
Corresponding author:WANG Juanling, E-mail: wjl_bb@163.com
摘要:晋中盆地热量资源丰富,后期可供春玉米立秆脱水时间充足,抗倒性是该区域实施春玉米机械粒收的关键因素。增密种植与立秆延期收获是机械粒收技术发展和推广的重要措施,而玉米生长后期倒伏是限制种植密度进一步提升的重要因素,如何合理选择种植密度同时兼顾高产和抗倒就成为该区域实施春玉米机械粒收技术面临的重要问题。为此于2017—2019年在山西省农业科学院东阳试验示范基地,以29个玉米主栽品种和已审定、待审定、有潜力的宜机收品种为材料,分析了春玉米3个种植密度(6.0万株·hm-2、7.5万株·hm-2和9.0万株·hm-2)下生理成熟后倒伏情况。结果表明,随着种植密度增加,春玉米生理成熟期平均倒折率分别为0.4%、1.2%和2.5%,生理成熟后平均倒折率呈显著(P < 0.05)增加,且每推迟10 d玉米倒折率分别平均增加0.2个、0.7个和1.5个百分点。根据拟合方程,以GB/T 21962—2008规定的玉米机械粒收条件倒折率小于5%为标准,9.0万株·hm-2仅可立秆至10月2日,7.5万株·hm-2和6.0万株·hm-2可充分利用当地积温立秆脱水至11月。根据收获期产量和倒折率双向平均法,3年都稳定表现出高产抗倒的品种为‘金科玉3306’(7.5万株·hm-2)、‘金科玉3306’(9.0万株·hm-2)、‘迪卡517’(7.5万株·hm-2)和‘华农887’(7.5万株·hm-2),收获期平均产量为14 091.8 kg·hm-2,平均倒折率为1.7%,可推荐为该区域春玉米适宜机械粒收的品种和密度。一般可根据降水年型、灌溉条件以及品种耐密性等,合理选择6.0万株·hm-2或7.5万株·hm-2两种种植密度,以实现高产抗倒,最终提高春玉米机械粒收产量和质量。
Abstract:Heat resources are abundant in the Jinzhong Basin and can be used for dehydration in the late growth stage of spring maize. Lodging resistance is the key limiting factor for direct mechanical grain harvesting in this region. High planting density and harvest delay are important factors for the development and popularization of mechanical grain harvesting technology, but lodging in the late growth stage of maize limits the increase in planting density. One problem with implementing spring maize mechanical grain harvesting technology in the Jinzhong Basin is the selection of an appropriate planting density with high yield and lodging resistance. A field experiment was conducted in the Dongyang Experiment and Demonstration Base of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences from 2017 to 2019, with three planting densities (6.0×104, 7.5×104, and 9.0×104 plants·hm-2) and 29 maize cultivars. Changes in lodging at three planting densities were analyzed after the spring maize matured physiologically. The results showed that the average lodging rate for three planting densities at physiological maturity was 0.4% (6.0×104 plants·hm-2), 1.2% (7.5×104 plants·hm-2), and 2.5% (9.0×104 plants·hm-2). After physiological maturity, the average lodging rate increased significantly (P < 0.05). For every 10 days of delay, the lodging rate for three planting densities increased by 0.2 (6.0×104 plants·hm-2), 0.7 (7.5×104 plants·hm-2) and 1.5 (9.0×104 plants·hm-2) percentage points. The national standard GB/T 21962-2008 mentions that the lodging rate of maize should be less than 5% under mechanical grain harvesting conditions. According to the fitting equation, the lodging rate for the 9.0×104 plants·hm-2 density was higher than 5% after October 2. However, the lodging rates for the 6.0×104 plants·hm-2 and 7.5×104 plants·hm-2 densities were less than 5% until November. Therefore, maize grown at 6.0×104 plants·hm-2 and 7.5×104 plants·hm-2 could make full use of the local accumulated temperature for dehydration. According to the two-way average method with yield and lodging rate of the harvest period, the varieties and densities with high yield and lodging resistance in three years were always 'Jinkeyu3306' (7.5×104 plants·hm-2), 'Jinkeyu3306' (9.0×104 plants·hm-2), 'Dika517' (7.5×104 plants·hm-2), and 'Huanong887' (7.5×104 plants·hm-2). The average yield was 14 091.8 kg·hm-2, and the average lodging rate was 1.7%. These varieties and densities of spring maize were suitable for mechanical grain harvesting in the region. The planting densities of 6.0×104 plants·hm-2 or 7.5×104 plants·hm-2 were suitable according to the annual precipitation, irrigation conditions, and the density tolerance of the varieties to achieve high yield and lodging resistance.
Key words:Spring maize/
Mechanical grain harvest/
Physiological maturity/
Figure1.Average ten-day temperature and precipitation from April to December in 2017?2019 and the mean data from 1980 to 2010 during spring maize growth season and after physiological maturity
Table1.Maize cultivars of experiment from 2017 to 2019
年份Year | 品种Cultivar | 品种数Cultivars number |
2017 | 郑单958、粒收1号、金科玉3306、迪卡517、东单913、华农887、广德5号、张1453、华美1号、Q9916、DF6396、LS2042、先玉1622、豫单9953、龙生668、并单72、先玉696、kx9384、中航102、德育919Zhengdan 958, Lishou 1, Jinkeyu 3306, Dika 517, Dongdan 913, Huanong 887, Guangde 5, Zhang 1453, Huamei 1, Q9916, DF6396, LS2042, Xianyu 1622, Yudan 9953, Longsheng 668, Bingdan 72, Xianyu 696, kx9384, Zhonghang 102, Deyu 919 | 20 |
2018 | 郑单958、粒收1号、金科玉3306、迪卡517、华美1号、泽玉8911、东单913、华农887、广德5号、京农科728、Q9916、DF6396、DF607、利单638、科沃674、中地88Zhengdan 958, Lishou 1, Jinkeyu 3306, Dika 517, Huamei 1, Zeyu 8911, Dongdan 913, Huanong 887, Guangde 5, Jingnongke 728, Q9916, DF6396, DF607, Lidan 638, Kewo 674, Zhongdi 88 | 16 |
2019 | 郑单958、粒收1号、金科玉3306、迪卡517、华美1号、中地88、东单913、华农887、广德5号、京农科728、Q9916、DF6396、DF607、DF617、瑞普909、泽玉8911、大丰30Zhengdan 958, Lishou 1, Jinkeyu 3306, Dika 517, Huamei 1, Zhongdi 88, Dongdan 913, Huanong 887, Guangde 5, Jingnongke 728, Q9916, DF6396, DF607, DF617, Ruipu 909, Zeyu 8911, Dafeng 30 | 17 |
Table2.Available dehydration time in the field after physiological maturity of different spring maize cultivars in 2017?2019
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | |||||||
品种Cultivar | 生理成熟期(月-日)Physiological maturity (month-day) | 品种Cultivar | 生理成熟期(月-日) Physiological maturity (month-day) | 品种Cultivar | 生理成熟期(月-日) Physiological maturity (month-day) | ||||
郑单958 Zhengdan 958 | 09-28 | 郑单958 Zhengdan 958 | 09-17 | 郑单958 Zhengdan 958 | 09-14 | ||||
粒收1号Lishou 1 | 09-27 | 粒收1号Lishou 1 | 09-20 | 粒收1号Lishou 1 | 09-14 | ||||
金科玉3306 Jinkeyu 3306 | 09-26 | 金科玉3306 Jinkeyu 3306 | 09-13 | 金科玉3306 Jinkeyu 3306 | 09-13 | ||||
迪卡517 Dika 517 | 09-26 | 迪卡517 Dika 517 | 09-13 | 迪卡517 Dika 517 | 09-10 | ||||
东单913 Dongdan 913 | 09-25 | 东单913 Dongdan 913 | 09-11 | 东单913 Dongdan 913 | 09-07 | ||||
华农887 Huanong 887 | 09-20 | 华农887 Huanong 887 | 09-12 | 华农887 Huanong 887 | 09-09 | ||||
广德5号Guangde 5 | 09-21 | 广德5号Guangde 5 | 09-06 | 广德5号Guangde 5 | 09-08 | ||||
张1453 Zhang 1453 | 09-23 | 京农科728 Jingnongke 728 | 09-06 | 京农科728 Jingnongke 728 | 08-30 | ||||
华美1号Huamei 1 | 09-19 | 华美1号Huamei 1 | 09-06 | 华美1号Huamei 1 | 09-04 | ||||
Q9916 | 09-25 | Q9916 | 09-11 | Q9916 | 09-11 | ||||
DF6396 | 09-27 | DF6396 | 09-17 | DF6396 | 09-12 | ||||
LS2042 | 09-20 | DF607 | 09-11 | DF607 | 09-10 | ||||
先玉1622 Xianyu 1622 | 09-21 | 中地88 Zhongdi 88 | 09-20 | 中地88 Zhongdi 88 | 09-16 | ||||
豫单9953 Yudan 9953 | 09-19 | 泽玉8911 Zeyu 8911 | 09-13 | 泽玉8911 Zeyu 8911 | 09-11 | ||||
龙生668 Longsheng 668 | 09-23 | 利单638 Lidan 638 | 09-13 | 瑞普909 Ruipu 909 | 09-11 | ||||
并单72 Bingdan 72 | 09-23 | 科沃674 Kewo 674 | 09-14 | DF617 | 09-10 | ||||
先玉696 Xianyu 696 | 09-23 | 大丰30 Dafeng 30 | 09-04 | ||||||
kx9384 | 09-19 | ||||||||
中航102 Zhonghang 102 | 09-26 | ||||||||
德育919 Deyu 919 | 09-19 | ||||||||
平均Average | 09-23 | 09-13 | 09-11 | ||||||
50%置信区间50% confidence interval | 09-20—09-26 | 09-11—09-14 | 09-09—09-12 | ||||||
可利用立秆脱水天数Days ofavailable dehydration (d) | 34~40 | 46~49 | 48~51 |
Table3.Lodging rates of different spring maize cultivars under different densities in different date (month-day) after physiological maturity in 2017?
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Table4.Lodging rates of different spring maize cultivars under different densities in different date (month-day) after physiological maturity in 2018?
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Table5.Lodging rates of different spring maize cultivars under different densities in different date (month-day) after physiological maturity in 2019?
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Table6.Prediction of the latest standing stage after physiological maturity of spring maize with different densities in 2017?2019
年份Year | 种植密度Plant density (×104plants·hm–2) | 拟合方程Fitting equation | R2 | 样本量Sample size | 生理成熟期倒折率Lodging rate at physiological maturity (%) | 每推迟10 d增加的倒折率Lodging rate increasing every 10 days after physiological maturity (%) | 生理成熟期(月-日)Physiological maturity(month-day) | 预测最迟立秆期(月-日) Prediction of the latest standing stage (month-day) | ||
2017 | 6.0 | y=0.0285x+0.5721 | 0.9573 | 60 | 0.6 | 0.3 | 09-23 | — | ||
7.5 | y=0.1191x+1.7525 | 0.9463 | 60 | 1.8 | 1.2 | 09-23 | 10-20 | |||
9.0 | y=0.2527x+4.0682 | 0.9120 | 60 | 4.1 | 2.5 | 09-23 | 09-26 | |||
2018 | 6.0 | y=0.0304x+0.4957 | 0.9657 | 84 | 0.5 | 0.3 | 09-13 | — | ||
7.5 | y=0.0559x+1.6802 | 0.9732 | 84 | 1.7 | 0.6 | 09-13 | 11-10 | |||
9.0 | y=0.1078x+3.1327 | 0.9857 | 84 | 2.1 | 1.1 | 09-13 | 09-30 | |||
2019 | 6.0 | y=0.0104x-0.107 | 0.8887 | 87 | 0.0 | 0.1 | 09-11 | — | ||
7.5 | y=0.0258x-0.1602 | 0.9670 | 87 | 0.0 | 0.3 | 09-11 | — | |||
9.0 | y=0.0777x+0.3659 | 0.9853 | 87 | 0.4 | 0.8 | 09-11 | 11-09 | |||
平均Average | 6.0 | 0.4 | 0.2 | 09-15 | — | |||||
7.5 | 1.2 | 0.7 | 09-15 | 11-09 | ||||||
9.0 | 2.5 | 1.5 | 09-15 | 10-02 | ||||||
“—”为11月10日之后。“—” shows after Nov. 10. |
Table7.Yields of spring maize with different densities and cultivars in different years in 2017-2019?
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Table8.Classification and selection results of two-way average method with yield and lodging rate of harvest period of spring maize in 2017-2019
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