1.中国农业大学土地科学与技术学院 北京 100193
2.西安理工大学水利水电学院 西安 710048
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目2016YFD0800102
作者简介:曾辉, 主要研究方向为土壤中大孔隙优先流的影响。E-mail: huizeng01@163.com
通讯作者:刘刚, 主要研究方向为多孔介质中的传热传质过程、水分及热特性测量方法、热脉冲探针方法的改进。E-mail: liug@cau.edu.cn
Effect of macropore preferential flow on nitrogen leaching in a North China Plain farmland
ZENG Hui1,,WEN Na1,
ZHANG Jianfeng2,
HU Kelin1,
LIU Gang1,,
1. College of Land Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
2. Institute of Water Resources and Hydro-electric Engineering, Xi'an University of Technology, Xi'an 710048, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0800102
the National Natural Science Foundation of China41771257
More Information
Corresponding author:LIU Gang E-mail: liug@cau.edu.cn
摘要:优先流是土壤水分入渗的一个重要途径, 大孔隙是产生优先流的关键因素。研究优先流对于土壤水分和溶质运移研究及生态环境保护、制定合理的田间管理措施等具有重要意义。本研究将田间亮蓝染色示踪试验和WHCNS (soil water heat carbon nitrogen simulator)模型模拟相结合, 研究了华北平原冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系存在大孔隙下, 强降雨和不同施肥、灌溉情景下土壤水氮运移的情况, 以此探讨大孔隙优先流对于土体中水分和硝态氮运移的影响。结果表明:明显含有虫洞的免耕土壤入渗深度和染色面积均高于旋耕土壤; 免耕土壤的染色面积和稳定入渗速率的Pearson相关性不显著, 染色示踪不能定量化土壤稳定入渗速率。同时WHCNS模拟的0~100 cm土层硝态氮淋洗量结果显示:一方面, 相较于无大孔隙情景, 大孔隙存在会显著增加硝态氮的淋洗量; 另一方面, 大孔隙存在下优化施肥模式的硝态氮淋洗量比传统施肥模式减少46.0%。常规灌溉量下喷灌比漫灌处理的硝态氮淋洗量减少15.6%;强降雨导致硝态氮淋洗量增加119.4%。本研究为华北平原地区大孔隙存在条件下的农田水肥优化管理措施提供了理论指导。
Abstract:Preferential flow is an important mechanism that relies on macropores for moisture to infiltrate into soil. Understanding this process affects the study of soil moisture, solute transport, and environmental protections for field management practices. In this study, a brilliant blue staining tracer field experiment and the soil water heat carbon nitrogen simulator (WHCNS) model were used to explore the effects of preferential flow of macropores on soil water transport and nitrate nitrogen leaching. The WHCNS model was used to simulate soil water and nitrogen migration through macropores in a North China Plain winter wheat-summer maize rotation field with heavy rainfall, fertilization, and irrigation. A dyeing tracer was used to follow water infiltration into no-tillage and rotary-tillage soil, and Pearson correlation coefficient analysis was performed on the stained area and the no-tillage soil stable infiltration rate. The results showed that the no-tillage soil infiltration depth and dyeing area were higher than that of the rotary-tillage soil. The no-tillage soil had a deeper dyeing depth, reaching 80–100 cm, while that of rotary-tillage was shallow, reaching only 15–20 cm. The no-tillage soil had a high degree of preferential flow and transported moisture to the deep-soil. There was no correlation between the no-tillage soil dyeing area and the stable infiltration rate (P = 0.68). Therefore, dye tracers cannot quantify the soil stable infiltration rate. At the same time, the WHCNS simulation results of nitrate nitrogen leaching in 0–100 cm soil layer showed that the presence of macropores increased the nitrate nitrogen leaching in both traditional and optimal fertilization modes, compared with no macropores. On the other hand, in the presence of macropores, optimized fertilization reduced nitrate nitrogen leaching by 46.0% compared with that in traditional fertilization. The sprinkler irrigation reduced leaching by 15.6% compared with that in conventional flood irrigation, and heavy rainfall increased leaching by 119.4%. If the farmland has macropores, organic fertilizer and sprinkler irrigation may be used to save water and reduce nitrate nitrogen leaching; however, increased leaching is expected during heavy rainfall. Therefore, climatic conditions should be considered when fertilizing to determine suitable irrigation amounts. This study used a field tracing experiment and WHCNS model simulation to demonstrate that preferential flow can increase soil water infiltration and nitrate nitrogen downward movement and provides guidance for optimizing farmland water and fertilizer management with macropores in the North China Plain.
Key words:Preferential flow/
Water infiltration/
Dye tracer/
WHCNS model/
Nitrogen leaching

1:亮蓝溶液; 2:马氏瓶发泡口; 3:输水软管; 4:土壤; 5:外环; 6:内环; 7:马氏瓶; 8:清水。
Figure1.Schematic diagram of bright blue staining tracer test at Shangzhuang Experimental Station
1: bright blue solution; 2: Markov bottle foaming mouth; 3: water hose; 4: soil; 5: outer ring; 6: inner ring; 7: Markov bottle; 8: fresh water.

a、b虫洞形态分别采自科学园和上庄实验站, c是a经三维扫描仪处理得到的三维结构图。
Figure2.Schematic diagram of wormhole shape extracted by perfusion method (a, b) and schematic diagram of three-dimensional structure of wormhole obtained by 3D scanner (c)
The wormhole shapes in the figure a and b are collected from Kexueyuan and Shangzhuang Experimental Station, respectively, and the figure c is a three-dimensional structure map of the figure a obtained by processing with a three-dimensional scanner.

Figure3.Dyeing cross-sectional view of some soil profiles of observation points of the Kexueyuan (KXY) and Shangzhuang Experimental Station (SZ)

a:传统施肥+有虫洞; b:优化施肥+有虫洞; c:传统施肥+无虫洞; d:优化施肥+无虫洞; 竖线指灌溉点; 带单箭头的竖线指施肥点。
Figure4.Simulation results of soil nitrate nitrogen content of each soil layer with or without wormholes under different fertilization methods
a: traditional fertilization + wormhole; b: optimized fertilization + wormhole; c: traditional fertilization + without wormhole; d: optimized fertilization + without wormhole. Vertical lines refer to irrigation points; vertical lines with single arrows refer to fertilization points.

a:喷灌; b:漫灌; 竖线指灌溉点; 带单箭头的竖线指施肥点。
Figure5.Simulation results of soil nitrate nitrogen content of each soil layer under different irrigation methods
a: sprinkler irrigation; b: furrow irrigation. Vertical lines refer to irrigation points; vertical lines with single arrows refer to fertilization points.

a:正常降雨; b:存在强降雨; 竖线指灌溉点; 带单箭头的竖线指施肥点; 带双箭头的竖线指强降雨发生点。
Figure6.Simulation results of changes in nitrate nitrogen content of each soil layer with or without heavy rainfall
: normal rainfall; b: heavy rainfall. Vertical lines refer to irrigation points; vertical lines with single arrows refer to fertilization points; vertical lines with double arrows refer to points where heavy rainfall occurs.

Table1.Soil hydraulic parameters of WHCNS model
土壤深度Soil depth (cm) | 容重Bulk density (g·cm-3) | Ks (cm·d-1) | θs(cm3·cm-3) | θr(cm3·cm-3) | FC (cm3·cm-3) | WP (cm3·cm-3) | 大孔隙度Macroporosity (%) | ||
有虫洞With wormhole | 无虫洞Without wormhole | 有虫洞With wormhole | 无虫洞Without wormhole | ||||||
0~10 | 1.53 | 4988.40 | 23.72 | 0.45 | 0.08 | 0.30 | 0.15 | 0.0039 | 0 |
10~20 | 1.49 | 16.10 | 16.10 | 0.49 | 0.08 | 0.36 | 0.16 | 0 | 0 |
20~40 | 1.44 | 18.83 | 18.83 | 0.48 | 0.08 | 0.36 | 0.18 | 0 | 0 |
40~60 | 1.36 | 24.61 | 24.61 | 0.46 | 0.08 | 0.34 | 0.17 | 0 | 0 |
60~100 | 1.36 | 28.12 | 28.12 | 0.48 | 0.08 | 0.36 | 0.18 | 0 | 0 |
Ks:饱和导水率; θs:饱和含水量; θr:残余含水量; FC:田间持水量; WP:萎蔫点。Ks: saturated hydraulic conductivity; θs: saturated water content; θr: residual water content; FC: field water capacity; WP: wilting point. |

Table2.Normality test of stable infiltration rate and dyed area at observation points of Kexueyuan
统计量Statistics | df | Sig. | |
稳定入渗速率Stable infiltration rate (cm·min-1) | 0.88 | 9 | 0.14 |
染色面积Dyed area (cm2) | 0.91 | 9 | 0.29 |
df:自由度; Sig.:显著性。df: degrees of freedom; Sig.: significance. |

表3WHCNS模型模拟的不同情景模式下0~100 cm土壤硝态氮的淋洗量
Table3.Leaching amount of nitrate nitrogen of 0-100 cm soil under different scenarios simulated by WHCNS model
有无虫洞及施肥方式With or without wormhole and fertilization method | 灌溉方式Irrigation method | 强降雨Heavy rainfall | ||||||||
WW+Con | WW+Opt | NW+Con | NW+Opt | FI | SI | WHR | NR | |||
硝态氮淋洗量Nitrate nitrogen leaching [kg(N)·hm-2] | 152.75 | 82.47 | 132.10 | 70.82 | 168.98 | 142.63 | 81.80 | 37.29 | ||
WW:有虫洞; Con:传统施肥; NW:无虫洞; Opt:优化施肥; FI:漫灌; SI:喷灌; WHR:有强降雨; NR:正常降雨。有无虫洞及施肥方式和灌溉方式下统计的是硝态氮年平均淋洗量, 强降雨统计的是一个夏玉米全生长季的年平均淋洗量。WW: with wormholes; Con: traditional fertilization; NW: without wormholes; Opt: optimized fertilization; FI: furrow irrigation; SI: sprinkler irrigation; WHR: with heavy rainfall; NR: normal rainfall. The statistics of wormholes and fertilization methods, and irrigation methods are the annual average leaching amount of nitrate nitrogen, and the statistics of heavy rainfall are the average annual leaching amount of a summer corn growing season. |

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