

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

许秋园1, 2,
章家恩1, 2,,,
叶延琼1, 2
1.华南农业大学资源环境学院 广州 510642
2.广东省生态循环农业重点实验室/广东省现代生态农业与循环农业工程技术研究中心/农业部华南热带农业环境重点实验室 广州 510642
基金项目: 广东省科技计划项目2019B030301007
广东省高等学校高层次人才项目YCJ (2013) No.246

作者简介:李赛飞, 研究方向为农业生态学和入侵生态学。E-mail:1534007374@qq.com




Effect of continuous overlay mulching of rice straw-plastic film on control of invasive plant Bidens pilosa L.

LI Saifei1,,
XU Qiuyuan1, 2,
ZHANG Jia'en1, 2,,,
YE Yanqiong1, 2
1. College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
2. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Eco-Circular Agriculture/Guangdong Engineering Research Center for Modern Eco-Agriculture and Circular Agriculture/Key Laboratory of Agro-Environment in the Tropics, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Guangzhou 510642, China
Funds: the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province of China2019B030301007
theDoctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China20124404110009
the High-level Talents Project of Guangdong UniversitiesYCJ (2013) No.246

More Information
Corresponding author:ZHANG Jia’en, E-mail:jeanzh@scau.edu.cn


摘要:入侵植物三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa L.)严重危害我国农林畜牧业的生产。为探究生态高效控制三叶鬼针草的方法,开展了水稻秸秆与塑料薄膜相结合覆盖控制入侵杂草的研究。试验在以三叶鬼针草和马唐[Digitaria sanguinalis(L.)Scop.]为主的自然杂草荒地进行,设置不同稻秆覆盖量(0 kg·m-2、1 kg·m-2、1.5 kg·m-2),于冬季进行稻秆覆盖,春季在稻秆覆盖的基础上覆盖薄膜。通过测定秸秆覆盖中期(2月12日)和薄膜覆盖中期(4月12日)的午间土壤温度、土壤相对含水量和近地表空气温湿度等环境指标和杂草生物量、种子萌发量、杂草群落结构和土壤种子库等群落指标,探究该方法控制入侵杂草的效果和机制。结果表明:冬季水稻秸秆覆盖显著降低了草地午间土壤温度、近地表空气温度、三叶鬼针草生物量和种子萌发量、优势杂草盖度和从属种的种类和数量;覆盖1.5 kg·m-2稻秆的处理对各类指标的影响程度均大于1 kg·m-2的处理。春季叠加薄膜覆盖导致浅层土壤高温干燥、近地表空气高温高湿;叠加薄膜覆盖处理使三叶鬼针草的土壤种子密度在0~5 cm的土层内显著低于未做覆盖处理的对照,降低了79.49%;叠加薄膜覆盖处理的入侵杂草全部死亡且无种子萌发。说明冬季采用水稻秸秆覆盖,春季再叠加覆盖薄膜能有效防控三叶鬼针草的生长蔓延,在薄膜覆盖之前,覆盖1.5 kg·m-2稻秆的处理对三叶鬼针草的防控效果要好于1 kg·m-2的处理,在薄膜覆盖处理后,两个稻秆覆盖量处理对三叶鬼针草的防控效果均达到100%。本研究结果可为不同季节采用不同的控制方法及其组合模式防控入侵杂草的扩散提供参考。
Abstract:The invasive plant, Bidens pilosa L., has extensively damaged the agricultural, forestry, and animal husbandry industries in China. Combining rice straw and plastic film mulching may be an ecological and efficient control method and was investigated in this study. Three straw mulching amounts (0 kg·m-2, 1 kg·m-2, and 1.5 kg·m-2) were used, which was performed during winter followed by overlaid film mulching in spring. The environmental indicators (i.e., soil temperature, soil relative water content, surface air temperature, and relative humidity) and community indicators (i.e., weed biomass, seed germination amount, weed community structure, and soil seed bank) were measured in the middle periods both of straw mulching and film mulching. The results showed that rice straw mulching in winter significantly reduced the midday soil temperature, surface air temperature, B. pilosa L. biomass, seed germination amount, the dominant weed species coverage, and the number of subordinate weed species. The 1.5 kg·m-2 treatment had the greatest effect. When film mulch was overlaid in spring, the temperatures of the shallow soil and surface air all increased, the humidity of shallow soil decreased, while the surface air humidity increased. The seed density of B. pilosa L. in 0-5 cm soil layer mulched by film was significantly decreased by 79.49% compared to non-film mulched. Overlaid film mulching after rice straw mulching, all B. pilosa L. died, and no seeds germinated. Rice straw mulching in winter followed by film mulching in spring can effectively prevent and control B. pilosa L. growth. This study provides an alternative method to prevent and control the spread of invasive weed species in different seasons.
Key words:Rice straw-plastic film overlaid mulching/
Invasive weed prevention/
Bidens pilosa L./
Soil seed bank/
Rice straw utilization


0、1和1.5分别表示秸秆覆盖量为0 kg·m-2、1 kg·m-2和1.5 kg·m-2。割草在秸秆覆盖前进行。不同小写字母表示割草或不割草处理下不同秸秆覆盖量间差异显著(P < 0.05), 不同大写字母表示相同覆盖时期、相同秸秆覆盖量下割草与不割草处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure1.Changes of soil temperature, relative water content, and air temperature and humidity near surface under different treatments of plastic film-overlaying-straw mulching and mowing
0, 1 and 1.5 respectively represent straw amount of 0 kg·m-2, 1 kg·m-2 and 1.5 kg·m-2. For the mowing treatment, before straw mulching, the grass in plot was mowed. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different straw amounts at P < 0.05 level under mowing or no mowing treatments; different capital letters indicate significant differences between mowing and no mowing treatments in the same mulching period and with the same straw amount at P < 0.05 level.

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降低程度=(对照生物量-覆盖结束时生物量)/对照生物量×100%。1和1.5分别表示秸秆覆盖量为1 kg·m-2和1.5 kg·m-2; MF表示覆盖黑色薄膜, 膜下秸秆量分别为1 kg·m-2和1.5 kg·m-2, 防控效果都是100%。割草在秸秆覆盖前进行。不同小写字母表示割草或不割草处理下不同覆盖处理间差异显著(P < 0.05), 不同大写字母表示相同秸秆覆盖量下是否割草对指标的影响显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure2.Reduction degree of weed biomass after whole mulching period under different treatments of plastic film-overlaying-straw mulching and mowing
Reduction degree=(control biomass-biomass at the end of mulching)/control biomass×100%. 1 and 1.5 respectively represent straw amounts of 1 kg·m-2 and 1.5 kg·m-2. MF indicates plastic film overlaying on straws of 1 kg·m-2 or 1.5 kg·m-2, and the control effect of both straw amounts was 100%. For the mowing treatment, before straw mulching, the grass in plot was mowed. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different straw mulching amounts under mowing or no mowing treatments at P < 0.05 level. Different capital letters indicate significant differences between mowing and no mowing treatments with the same straw amount at P < 0.05 level.

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降低程度=(对照萌发量-覆盖结束时萌发量)/对照萌发量×100%。1和1.5分别表示秸秆覆盖量为1 kg·m-2和1.5 kg·m-2; MF表示覆盖了黑色薄膜, 膜下秸秆量分别为1 kg·m-2和1.5 kg·m-2, 防控效果都是100%。割草在秸秆覆盖前进行。不同小写字母表示割草或不割草处理下不同覆盖量间差异显著(P < 0.05), 不同大写字母表示相同秸秆覆盖量下是否割草对指标影响显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure3.Reduction degree of weed seed germination after whole mulching period under different treatments of plastic film-overlaying-straw mulching and mowing
Reduction degree=(control germination amount-germination amount at the end of mulching)/control germination amount×100%. 1 and 1.5 respectively represent straw amounts of 1 kg·m-2 and 1.5 kg·m-2. MF indicates plastic film overlaying on straws of 1 kg·m-2 or 1.5 kg·m-2, and the control effect of both straw amounts was 100%. For the mowing treatment, before straw mulching, the grass in plot was mowed. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different straw mulching amounts under mowing or no mowing treatments at P < 0.05 level. Different capital letters indicate significant differences between mowing and no mowing treatments with the same straw amount at P < 0.05 level.

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图4全程未做覆盖(CK)和秸秆-薄膜连续叠加覆盖(覆盖)下几种主要杂草种子在0~2 cm和2~5 cm两个土层中的密度分布
BP:三叶鬼针草; DS:马唐; AC:藿香蓟; CA:青葙; PVJ:白花败酱。ns表示差异不显著; *、**和***分别表示盖膜和不盖膜处理在P < 0.05、P < 0.01和P < 0.001水平差异显著。
Figure4.Density distribution of five major weed seeds in 0-2 cm and 2-5 cm soil layers under no mulching (CK) and plastic film-overlaying-straw mulching (Mulching)
BP: Bidens pilosa L.; DS: Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.; AC: Ageratum conyzoides L.; CA: Celosia argentea L.; PVJ: Patrinia villosa Juss. ns: non-significant difference; *, ** and *** represent significant differences between Mulching and CK at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001 levels, respectively.

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*和**分别表示覆盖和CK处理在P < 0.05和P < 0.01水平差异显著。
Figure5.Overall density distribution of soil seed bank in two soil layers under no mulching (CK) and plastic film-overlaying-straw mulching (Mulching)
* and ** represent significant differences between Mulching and CK at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 levels, respectively.

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Table1.Reduction degree of weed indexes after mulching under different treatments of plastic film-overlaying-straw
Weed indicator
Straw amount under mowing (kg·m-2)
Straw amount under no mowing (kg·m-2)
After film overlaying
0 1 1.5 0 1 1.5
Coverage of Bidens pilosa L.
44.1±19.1b 62.7±16.8ab 71.7±8.2a -46.8±11.8c 12.6±4.3b 31.2±4.9a 100
Coverage of Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop
17.4±7.3b 100a 100a 33.8±17.4b 89.2±6.2a 80.6±4.3a 100
Number of weed species
50.0±7.1b 54.5±14.1b 85.4±10.5a 68.0±12.5ab 43.3±8.2b 72.1±6.6a 100
Number of subordinate weeds
59.2±4.1c 83.4±7b 98.6±2.8a 82.4±12.2a 93.6±8.1a 94.3±6.5a 100
??降低程度=(覆盖前指标数值-覆盖结束时指标数值)/覆盖前指标数值×100%。0、1和1.5分别表示秸秆覆盖量为0 kg·m-2、1 kg·m-2和1.5 kg·m-2。割草在秸秆覆盖前进行。不同小写字母表示割草或不割草处理下不同覆盖量间差异显著(P < 0.05)。Reduction degree=(value before mulching-value at the end of mulching)/value before mulching×100%. 0, 1 and 1.5 respectively represent straw amount of 0 kg·m-2, 1 kg·m-2 and 1.5 kg·m-2. For the mowing treatment, before straw mulching, the grass in plot was mowed. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different straw amounts under mowing or no mowing treatments at P < 0.05 level.

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