

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

张建杰1, 2,
1.河北农业大学资源与环境科学学院 保定 071000
2.山西农业大学资源环境学院 太原 030031
3.中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所农业资源研究中心 石家庄 050022
基金项目: “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目2016YFD0200403

作者简介:崔石磊, 研究方向为植物营养调控与养分高效管理。E-mail:acuishilei@163.com
通讯作者:马文奇, 主要从事养分资源管理与利用研究。E-mail:mawq@hebau.edu.cn




Spatiotemporal variation of nitrogen indicators related to agricultural green development in China

CUI Shilei1,,
ZHANG Jianjie1, 2,
TONG Bingxin1,
MA Lin3,
MA Wenqi1,,
1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China
2. College of Resources and Environment, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taiyuan 030031, China
3. Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050022, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0200403

More Information
Corresponding author:E-mail: mawq@hebau.edu.cn


Abstract:Nitrogen is an important indicator of green development of agriculture, which is related to resources, environment, food security and human health in agricultural and food production systems. In this study, the model of NUtrient Flows in food chains, Environmental and Resources use (NUFER) was used to quantify 18 nitrogen indicators related to agricultural green development in China based on collected statistics and data from the scientific literature. Based on the potential values and thresholds reported in the literature, the levels of agricultural green development of each indicator were divided, from high to low, into levels Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ. These were used to evaluate and analyze the variations in the spatiotemporal characteristics of the nitrogen indicators, and to identify the factors influencing the relevant nitrogen indicators, which allowed us to suggest improvements for agricultural green development. From 1980-2017, the nitrogen use intensity indicators, environmental emission indicators and most of the efficiency use indicators decreased from level Ⅰ to level Ⅳ. The straw recycling efficiency indicator, most of the nitrogen production indicators and the food consumption indicators increased over time from level Ⅳ to Ⅰ. From the spatial distribution perspective, nitrogen input and environmental losses increased in the north, east, central, and south regions of China. The diet consumption level increased in all regions and was more pronounced in the eastern regions. Compared with 1980, the unit animal protein production and unit area plant protein production levels in the east and north of China were higher in 2017, but still at level Ⅲ. The levels of the efficiency indicators of agricultural green development in all regions of China were low, and most regions were still at level Ⅲ and Ⅳ in 2017. Compared to 1980, the nationwide proportion of nitrogen indicators at levels Ⅳ and Ⅲ were relatively stable in 2017, and the proportion of indicators at level Ⅰ decreased from 27.1% to 8.3%. From 1980 to 2017, the levels of agricultural green development across the whole China decreased. Among the seven major regions, the proportion of level Ⅰ in each region decreased (with most areas below 30.0%), while the proportion of levels Ⅲ and Ⅱ significantly increased. In terms of indicator types, the proportion of nitrogen production and food consumption indicators at level Ⅳ decreased in 2017 compared with 1980, and the sum of the proportion of nitrogen environmental emissions and efficiency indicators at levels Ⅰ and Ⅱ also decreased. The reasons for these trends include the irrational use of nitrogen resources in crop-livestock systems, changes in planting and breeding structures, inadequate integration of agriculture and livestock husbandry, and uneven development of the economy and society. Therefore, based on the characteristics of the spatiotemporal changes of these different types of indicators, it is necessary to optimize the use of nitrogen to improve the nitrogen indicators by means of soil fertilization, changing the cultivation structure, applying nitrogen emission reduction technologies and policies, and promoting agricultural green development in China.


Figure1.Time variation of nitrogen production indicators of agricultural green development in China from 1980 to 2017

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Figure2.Time variation of nitrogen utilization efficiency indicators of agricultural green development in China from 1980 to 2017

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Figure3.Time variation of nitrogen environmental emission indicators of agriculture green development in China from 1980 to 2017

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Figure4.Time variation of nitrogen food consumption indicators of agriculture green development in China from 1980 to 2017

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Figure5.Proportions of agricultural green development levels in the whole country and each regional scales in 1980 (a) and 2017 (b) in China

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Figure6.Proportion of agricultural green development levels of four ategories nitrogen indicators in China in 1980 and 2017

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Table1.Nitrogen indicators related to agriculture green development in China
Nitrogen indicator
Calculation method
Data source reference
Grading standard
N use intensity (kg·hm–2)
Total N input/total planting area
[23, 25] < 180 180~225 225~315 > 315
Protein production per livestock unit
Livestock and poultry protein production (meat, eggs, milk)/total number of standard animal units
[24, 27] > 60 40~60 20~40 < 20
Protein production per unit cultivated land (kg·hm–2)
Planting plant protein yield/ cultivated area
[23, 25, 27] > 1 125 750~1 125 450~750 < 450
Feed N self-sufficiency rate (%)
[17] [24, 29] > 80 65~80 50~65 < 50
Use efficiency
N use efficiency in animal production (%)
[17] [24, 27, 29] > 19 15~19 10~15 < 10
N use efficiency in crop production (%)
[17] [17, 27] > 70 50~70 30~50 < 30
Manure recycling rate (%)
[17] [17, 24, 28] > 75 55~75 35~55 < 35
Straw recycling rate (%)
[17] [17, 27] > 80 65~80 50~65 < 50
Environmental emission
N surplus in farmland (kg·hm–2)
[17] [17] < 80 80~160 160~240 > 240
N runoff in farmland (kg·hm–2)
[17] [17] < 6 6~9 9~18 > 18
N leaching in farmland (kg·hm–2)
[17] [17] < 10 10~20 20~30 > 30
NH3 volatilization in agricultural system (kg·hm–2)
[17] [17] < 60 60~90 90~120 > 120
Greenhouse gases emission intensity per unit cultivated land area [kg(CO2-eq)·hm–2]
[17] [17] < 2 000 2 000~3 000 3 000~4 000 > 4 000
Reactive N losses per unit food N [kg(N)·kg–1(N)]
Total active N loss/total food N production of food system
[17, 27] < 3 3~4.5 4.5~6 > 6
Food consumption
Proportion of animal protein in protein consumption (%)
Animal food protein intake/total protein intake
[17] 30~35 25~30 35~40 20~25 40~45 < 20 > 40
Per capita protein consumption
[17] [17] > 23.7 21.3~
19~21.3 < 19
Food self-sufficiency rate (%)
N output from food production/ N input of food system
[17] > 100 75~100 50~75 < 50
N use efficiency in food system
[17] [17, 23-24, 27] > 30 25~30 18~25 < 18
LU为livestock unit, 表示标准牛当量(折合500 kg奶牛), 不同动物的折换比例分别为:奶牛, 1:1;肉牛、水牛和黄牛、驴、骡、马, 0.8:1;猪, 0.3:1;羊, 0.1:1;蛋鸡, 0.014:1;肉鸡, 0.007:1;兔子, 0.002:1。LU is livestock unit, which means the standard cattle equivalent (equivalent to 500 kg cows). The conversion ratio of different animals is 1:1 for cows; 0.8:1 for beef cattle, buffalo and yellow cattle, donkeys, mules, horses; 0.3:1 for pig; 0.1:1 for sheep; 0.014:1 for layer; 0.007:1 for broiler; 0.002:1 for rabbit.

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Table2.Variation of nitrogen production indicators of agricultural green development in different provinces (cities, autonomous regions) of China in 1980 and 2017
Province (city, autonomous region)
N use intensity
Protein production per livestock unit (kg·LU–1)
Protein production per unit cultivated land
Feed N self-sufficiency rate (%)
1980 2017 1980 2017 1980 2017 1980 2017
North China
北京市Beijing 145.0(Ⅰ) 704.1(Ⅳ) 19.7(Ⅳ) 43.0(Ⅱ) 327.4(Ⅳ) 756.1(Ⅱ) 13.8(Ⅳ) 10.7(Ⅳ)
天津市Tianjin 74.4(Ⅰ) 324.4(Ⅳ) 16.5(Ⅳ) 45.3(Ⅱ) 204.2(Ⅳ) 700.7(Ⅲ) 26.6(Ⅳ) 26.4(Ⅳ)
河北省Hebei 101.3(Ⅰ) 302.3(Ⅲ) 10.8(Ⅳ) 46.7(Ⅱ) 206.1(Ⅳ) 730.4(Ⅲ) 31.9(Ⅳ) 30.1(Ⅳ)
山西省Shanxi 85.8(Ⅰ) 205.2(Ⅱ) 7.3(Ⅳ) 44.5(Ⅱ) 177.8(Ⅳ) 522.7(Ⅲ) 29.9(Ⅳ) 58.6(Ⅲ)
Northeast China
48.1(Ⅰ) 185.3(Ⅱ) 8.3(Ⅳ) 50.4(Ⅱ) 90.8(Ⅳ) 475.8(Ⅲ) 5.1(Ⅳ) 44.2(Ⅳ)
辽宁省Liaoning 148.7(Ⅰ) 303.1(Ⅲ) 17.5(Ⅳ) 41.5(Ⅱ) 350.0(Ⅳ) 772.2(Ⅱ) 35.8(Ⅳ) 41.2(Ⅳ)
吉林省Jilin 127.0(Ⅰ) 272.3(Ⅲ) 11.0(Ⅳ) 42.6(Ⅱ) 249.6(Ⅳ) 829.8(Ⅱ) 38.8(Ⅳ) 112.9(Ⅰ)
黑龙江省Heilongjiang 65.4(Ⅰ) 151.7(Ⅰ) 11.3(Ⅳ) 53.0(Ⅱ) 239.9(Ⅳ) 597.1(Ⅲ) 41.9(Ⅳ) 104.1(Ⅰ)
East China
上海市Shanghai 184.3(Ⅰ) 312.6(Ⅲ) 23.8(Ⅳ) 36.0(Ⅲ) 115.2(Ⅳ) 520.3(Ⅲ) 2.3(Ⅳ) 10.8(Ⅳ)
江苏省Jiangsu 147.8(Ⅰ) 313.0(Ⅲ) 17.9(Ⅳ) 33.0(Ⅲ) 151.9(Ⅳ) 674.4(Ⅲ) 6.9(Ⅳ) 20.3(Ⅳ)
浙江省Zhejiang 148.4(Ⅰ) 346.8(Ⅳ) 15.6(Ⅳ) 28.3(Ⅲ) 85.1(Ⅳ) 491.5(Ⅲ) 4.8(Ⅳ) 15.1(Ⅳ)
安徽省Anhui 115.9(Ⅰ) 244.9(Ⅲ) 13.0(Ⅳ) 32.1(Ⅲ) 126.7(Ⅳ) 621.2(Ⅲ) 10.9(Ⅳ) 22.7(Ⅳ)
福建省Fujian 152.7(Ⅰ) 487.1(Ⅳ) 13.6(Ⅳ) 28.3(Ⅲ) 83.1(Ⅳ) 508.7(Ⅲ) 10.3(Ⅳ) 7.5(Ⅳ)
江西省Jiangxi 90.4(Ⅰ) 184.3(Ⅱ) 12.3(Ⅳ) 25.2(Ⅲ) 38.6(Ⅳ) 436.9(Ⅳ) 4.0(Ⅳ) 11.3(Ⅳ)
山东省Shandong 142.0(Ⅰ) 281.9(Ⅲ) 13.4(Ⅳ) 38.8(Ⅲ) 289.0(Ⅳ) 843.6(Ⅱ) 31.5(Ⅳ) 30.0(Ⅳ)
Central China
河南省Henan 106.2(Ⅰ) 299.4(Ⅲ) 8.0(Ⅳ) 35.5(Ⅲ) 236.1(Ⅳ) 772.8(Ⅱ) 24.3(Ⅳ) 28.9(Ⅳ)
湖北省Hubei 120.8(Ⅰ) 289.1(Ⅲ) 13.6(Ⅳ) 28.2(Ⅲ) 96.8(Ⅳ) 528.7(Ⅲ) 6.2(Ⅳ) 15.5(Ⅳ)
湖南省Hunan 110.9(Ⅰ) 241.7(Ⅲ) 14.6(Ⅳ) 23.5(Ⅲ) 54.7(Ⅳ) 465.9(Ⅲ) 4.3(Ⅳ) 11.2(Ⅳ)
South China
广东省Guangdong 150.8(Ⅰ) 419.7(Ⅳ) 14.6(Ⅳ) 23.9(Ⅲ) 82.5(Ⅳ) 496.6(Ⅲ) 6.3(Ⅳ) 10.3(Ⅳ)
广西壮族自治区Guangxi 109.6(Ⅰ) 268.1(Ⅲ) 10.4(Ⅳ) 22.4(Ⅲ) 76.4(Ⅳ) 447.8(Ⅳ) 5.8(Ⅳ) 16.6(Ⅳ)
海南省Hainan 150.8(Ⅰ) 425.6(Ⅳ) 14.6(Ⅳ) 24.8(Ⅲ) 82.5(Ⅳ) 429.1(Ⅳ) 6.3(Ⅳ) 10.1(Ⅳ)
Southwest China
重庆市Chongqing 131.0(Ⅰ) 248.4(Ⅲ) 12.2(Ⅳ) 25.2(Ⅲ) 169.3(Ⅳ) 403.1(Ⅳ) 9.8(Ⅳ) 22.9(Ⅳ)
四川省Sichuan 131.0(Ⅰ) 247.3(Ⅲ) 12.2(Ⅳ) 23.9(Ⅲ) 169.3(Ⅳ) 518.2(Ⅲ) 9.8(Ⅳ) 18.8(Ⅳ)
贵州省Guizhou 128.4(Ⅰ) 165.0(Ⅰ) 5.6(Ⅳ) 24.6(Ⅲ) 150.2(Ⅳ) 311.5(Ⅳ) 9.3(Ⅳ) 29.0(Ⅳ)
云南省Yunnan 120.3(Ⅰ) 278.1(Ⅲ) 4.8(Ⅳ) 27.2(Ⅲ) 139.4(Ⅳ) 389.3(Ⅳ) 7.7(Ⅳ) 24.0(Ⅳ)
西藏自治区Tibet 26.6(Ⅰ) 156.7(Ⅰ) 4.5(Ⅳ) 58.1(Ⅱ) 134.7(Ⅳ) 580.8(Ⅲ) 0.1(Ⅳ) 5.6(Ⅳ)
Northwest China
陕西省Shaanxi 87.1(Ⅰ) 367.7(Ⅳ) 7.9(Ⅳ) 39.4(Ⅲ) 163.3(Ⅳ) 513.7(Ⅲ) 18.9(Ⅳ) 40.3(Ⅳ)
甘肃省Gansu 58.6(Ⅰ) 169.9(Ⅰ) 5.2(Ⅳ) 40.2(Ⅱ) 148.0(Ⅳ) 413.9(Ⅳ) 6.7(Ⅳ) 35.2(Ⅳ)
青海省Qinghai 53.6(Ⅰ) 129.8(Ⅰ) 5.2(Ⅳ) 70.1(Ⅰ) 197.3(Ⅳ) 341.9(Ⅳ) 0.3(Ⅳ) 4.8(Ⅳ)
宁夏回族自治区Ningxia 77.5(Ⅰ) 277.9(Ⅲ) 5.1(Ⅳ) 90.7(Ⅰ) 110.3(Ⅳ) 434.4(Ⅳ) 6.7(Ⅳ) 30.4(Ⅳ)
56.5(Ⅰ) 262.8(Ⅲ) 6.8(Ⅳ) 45.5(Ⅱ) 169.0(Ⅳ) 424.0(Ⅳ) 5.3(Ⅳ) 25.6(Ⅳ)

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Table3.Variation of nitrogen utilization efficiency indicators of agricultural green development in different provinces (cities, autonomous regions) of China in 1980 and 2017
Province (city, autonomous region)
N use efficiency in animal production (%)
N use efficiency in crop production (%)
Manure recycling rate (%)
Straw recycling rate (%)
1980 2017 1980 2017 1980 2017 1980 2017
北京市Beijing 7.3(Ⅳ) 12.4(Ⅲ) 36.1(Ⅲ) 17.2(Ⅳ) 56.2(Ⅱ) 33.5(Ⅳ) 51.3(Ⅲ) 71.1(Ⅱ)
天津市Tianjin 6.5(Ⅳ) 13.4(Ⅲ) 43.9(Ⅲ) 34.6(Ⅲ) 57.0(Ⅱ) 35.0(Ⅲ) 51.4(Ⅲ) 68.3(Ⅱ)
河北省Hebei 4.1(Ⅳ) 12.5(Ⅲ) 32.6(Ⅲ) 38.7(Ⅲ) 59.5(Ⅱ) 31.9(Ⅳ) 55.0(Ⅲ) 71.2(Ⅱ)
山西省Shanxi 2.8(Ⅳ) 12.3(Ⅲ) 33.2(Ⅲ) 40.7(Ⅲ) 61.2(Ⅱ) 30.3(Ⅳ) 54.5(Ⅲ) 72.0(Ⅱ)
Northeast China
2.7(Ⅳ) 8.8(Ⅳ) 30.2(Ⅲ) 41.1(Ⅲ) 6.4(Ⅳ) 4.4(Ⅳ) 57.4(Ⅲ) 70.6(Ⅱ)
辽宁省Liaoning 7.3(Ⅳ) 14.1(Ⅲ) 37.7(Ⅲ) 40.8(Ⅲ) 58.5(Ⅱ) 31.7(Ⅳ) 50.5(Ⅲ) 70.5(Ⅱ)
吉林省Jilin 4.5(Ⅳ) 12.8(Ⅲ) 31.5(Ⅲ) 48.8(Ⅲ) 60.8(Ⅱ) 34.3(Ⅳ) 52.1(Ⅲ) 70.3(Ⅱ)
黑龙江省Heilongjiang 4.1(Ⅳ) 12.2(Ⅲ) 58.7(Ⅱ) 63.0(Ⅱ) 60.1(Ⅱ) 36.2(Ⅲ) 53.7(Ⅲ) 65.7(Ⅱ)
East China
上海市Shanghai 8.6(Ⅳ) 10.4(Ⅲ) 10.0(Ⅳ) 26.6(Ⅳ) 54.9(Ⅲ) 36.0(Ⅳ) 46.6(Ⅳ) 64.2(Ⅲ)
江苏省Jiangsu 6.0(Ⅳ) 12.1(Ⅲ) 16.5(Ⅳ) 34.5(Ⅲ) 56.3(Ⅱ) 31.0(Ⅲ) 59.9(Ⅲ) 64.4(Ⅲ)
浙江省Zhejiang 5.1(Ⅳ) 10.1(Ⅲ) 9.2(Ⅳ) 22.7(Ⅳ) 55.8(Ⅱ) 32.9(Ⅳ) 62.3(Ⅲ) 64.6(Ⅲ)
安徽省Anhui 4.6(Ⅳ) 11.7(Ⅲ) 17.5(Ⅳ) 40.6(Ⅲ) 60.0(Ⅱ) 30.8(Ⅳ) 69.5(Ⅱ) 64.1(Ⅲ)
福建省Fujian 4.9(Ⅳ) 13.6(Ⅲ) 8.7(Ⅳ) 16.7(Ⅳ) 58.6(Ⅱ) 33.5(Ⅳ) 67.7(Ⅱ) 70.0(Ⅱ)
江西省Jiangxi 4.3(Ⅳ) 8.6(Ⅳ) 6.8(Ⅳ) 37.9(Ⅲ) 59.1(Ⅱ) 35.6(Ⅲ) 56.9(Ⅲ) 63.1(Ⅲ)
山东省Shandong 5.4(Ⅳ) 13.6(Ⅲ) 32.6(Ⅲ) 47.9(Ⅲ) 58.4(Ⅱ) 31.4(Ⅳ) 64.4(Ⅲ) 70.1(Ⅱ)
Central China
河南省Henan 3.0(Ⅳ) 11.2(Ⅲ) 35.6(Ⅲ) 41.3(Ⅲ) 61.6(Ⅱ) 31.5(Ⅳ) 63.6(Ⅲ) 69.4(Ⅱ)
湖北省Hubei 5.0(Ⅳ) 9.3(Ⅳ) 12.8(Ⅳ) 29.3(Ⅳ) 59.2(Ⅱ) 33.4(Ⅳ) 59.3(Ⅲ) 63.8(Ⅲ)
湖南省Hunan 5.3(Ⅳ) 7.4(Ⅳ) 7.9(Ⅳ) 30.8(Ⅲ) 58.0(Ⅱ) 34.2(Ⅳ) 64.2(Ⅲ) 63.8(Ⅲ)
广东省Guangdong 5.9(Ⅳ) 10.0(Ⅳ) 8.8(Ⅳ) 18.9(Ⅳ) 60.2(Ⅱ) 35.0(Ⅲ) 61.3(Ⅲ) 54.4(Ⅲ)
广西壮族自治区Guangxi 4.1(Ⅳ) 8.6(Ⅳ) 11.2(Ⅳ) 26.7(Ⅳ) 61.9(Ⅱ) 35.7(Ⅲ) 52.7(Ⅲ) 36.0(Ⅳ)
海南省Hainan 5.9(Ⅳ) 9.6(Ⅳ) 8.8(Ⅳ) 16.1(Ⅳ) 60.2(Ⅱ) 34.7(Ⅳ) 61.3(Ⅲ) 56.7(Ⅲ)
Southwest China
重庆市Chongqing 4.3(Ⅳ) 8.6(Ⅳ) 20.7(Ⅳ) 26.0(Ⅳ) 59.4(Ⅱ) 32.9(Ⅳ) 68.3(Ⅱ) 74.9(Ⅱ)
四川省Sichuan 4.3(Ⅳ) 7.9(Ⅳ) 20.7(Ⅳ) 33.5(Ⅲ) 59.4(Ⅱ) 33.7(Ⅳ) 68.3(Ⅱ) 70.0(Ⅱ)
贵州省Guizhou 2.0(Ⅳ) 7.0(Ⅳ) 18.7(Ⅳ) 30.2(Ⅲ) 62.3(Ⅱ) 36.1(Ⅲ) 58.8(Ⅲ) 72.6(Ⅱ)
云南省Yunnan 1.7(Ⅳ) 7.4(Ⅳ) 18.5(Ⅳ) 22.4(Ⅳ) 62.8(Ⅱ) 35.1(Ⅲ) 57.5(Ⅲ) 59.9(Ⅲ)
西藏自治区Tibet 1.5(Ⅳ) 7.8(Ⅳ) 81.0(Ⅰ) 59.3(Ⅱ) 0.3(Ⅳ) 0.2(Ⅳ) 50.0(Ⅳ) 71.1(Ⅱ)
Northwest China
陕西省Shaanxi 2.9(Ⅳ) 10.0(Ⅲ) 30.0(Ⅳ) 22.4(Ⅳ) 60.7(Ⅱ) 32.0(Ⅳ) 57.5(Ⅲ) 71.4(Ⅱ)
甘肃省Gansu 2.0(Ⅳ) 7.7(Ⅳ) 40.4(Ⅲ) 39.0(Ⅲ) 17.5(Ⅳ) 15.5(Ⅳ) 63.4(Ⅲ) 75.5(Ⅱ)
青海省Qinghai 1.8(Ⅳ) 8.5(Ⅳ) 58.9(Ⅱ) 42.2(Ⅲ) 1.1(Ⅳ) 0.4(Ⅳ) 69.4(Ⅱ) 72.8(Ⅱ)
宁夏回族自治区Ningxia 2.2(Ⅳ) 12.5(Ⅲ) 22.8(Ⅳ) 25.0(Ⅳ) 63.2(Ⅱ) 33.0(Ⅳ) 63.4(Ⅲ) 73.6(Ⅱ)
2.3(Ⅳ) 7.5(Ⅳ) 47.8(Ⅲ) 25.8(Ⅳ) 1.7(Ⅳ) 3.8(Ⅳ) 50.6(Ⅲ) 47.2(Ⅳ)

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Table4.Variation of nitrogen environmental emission indicators of agricultural green development in different provinces (cities, autonomous regions) of China in 1980 and 2017

Table5.Variation of nitrogen food consumption indicators of agricultural green development in various province (cities, autonomous regions) of China in 1980 and 2017
Province (city, autonomous region)
Per capita protein consumption (kg·cap.–1)
Proportion of animal protein in protein
consumption (%)
Food self-sufficiency rate (%)
N use efficiency in food system (%)
1980 2017 1980 2017 1980 2017 1980 2017
North China
北京市Beijing 16.3(Ⅳ) 23.1(Ⅱ) 20.8(Ⅲ) 32.5(Ⅰ) 124.0(Ⅰ) 15.2(Ⅳ) 29.4(Ⅱ) 7.1(Ⅳ)
天津市Tianjin 16.4(Ⅳ) 22.9(Ⅱ) 20.3(Ⅲ) 32.2(Ⅰ) 87.8(Ⅱ) 46.1(Ⅳ) 33.1(Ⅰ) 14.3(Ⅳ)
河北省Hebei 17.0(Ⅳ) 21.6(Ⅱ) 17.3(Ⅳ) 29.1(Ⅱ) 156.8(Ⅰ) 183.4(Ⅰ) 24.1(Ⅲ) 19.2(Ⅲ)
山西省Shanxi 16.9(Ⅳ) 21.7(Ⅱ) 17.9(Ⅳ) 29.4(Ⅱ) 140.3(Ⅰ) 82.3(Ⅱ) 29.4(Ⅱ) 15.9(Ⅳ)
Northeast China
Inner Mongolia
16.8(Ⅳ) 21.9(Ⅱ) 18.1(Ⅳ) 29.9(Ⅱ) 114.3(Ⅰ) 216.8(Ⅰ) 12.1(Ⅳ) 10.9(Ⅳ)
辽宁省Liaoning 16.6(Ⅳ) 22.2(Ⅱ) 19.1(Ⅳ) 30.5(Ⅰ) 178.7(Ⅰ) 133.7(Ⅰ) 34.9(Ⅰ) 17.0(Ⅳ)
吉林省Jilin 16.6(Ⅳ) 21.7(Ⅱ) 19.3(Ⅳ) 29.3(Ⅱ) 191.5(Ⅰ) 192.0(Ⅰ) 26.9(Ⅱ) 17.8(Ⅳ)
黑龙江省Heilongjiang 16.6(Ⅳ) 21.8(Ⅱ) 19.3(Ⅳ) 29.6(Ⅱ) 239.9(Ⅰ) 341.0(Ⅰ) 54.0(Ⅰ) 39.8(Ⅰ)
Eastern China
上海市Shanghai 16.2(Ⅳ) 23.2(Ⅱ) 21.0(Ⅲ) 32.7(Ⅰ) 47.3(Ⅳ) 18.9(Ⅳ) 7.8(Ⅳ) 10.4(Ⅳ)
江苏省Jiangsu 16.9(Ⅳ) 22.2(Ⅱ) 17.6(Ⅳ) 30.7(Ⅰ) 108.1(Ⅰ) 171.0(Ⅰ) 12.9(Ⅳ) 22.6(Ⅲ)
浙江省Zhejiang 17.0(Ⅳ) 22.2(Ⅱ) 17.4(Ⅳ) 30.6(Ⅰ) 46.2(Ⅳ) 48.4(Ⅳ) 6.0(Ⅳ) 12.4(Ⅳ)
安徽省Anhui 17.0(Ⅳ) 21.5(Ⅱ) 17.4(Ⅳ) 28.9(Ⅱ) 79.4(Ⅱ) 225.4(Ⅰ) 11.4(Ⅳ) 25.6(Ⅱ)
福建省Fujian 16.9(Ⅳ) 22.0(Ⅱ) 17.9(Ⅳ) 30.2(Ⅰ) 35.0(Ⅳ) 83.5(Ⅱ) 5.4(Ⅳ) 12.6(Ⅳ)
江西省Jiangxi 16.9(Ⅳ) 21.6(Ⅱ) 17.8(Ⅳ) 29.0(Ⅱ) 32.7(Ⅳ) 166.9(Ⅰ) 4.8(Ⅳ) 25.2(Ⅱ)
山东省Shandong 17.0(Ⅳ) 21.8(Ⅱ) 17.1(Ⅳ) 29.7(Ⅱ) 165.2(Ⅰ) 207.1(Ⅰ) 26.1(Ⅱ) 24.1(Ⅲ)
Central China
河南省Henan 17.0(Ⅳ) 21.3(Ⅱ) 17.5(Ⅳ) 28.5(Ⅱ) 145.2(Ⅰ) 259.5(Ⅰ) 29.1(Ⅱ) 21.4(Ⅲ)
湖北省Hubei 16.9(Ⅳ) 21.8(Ⅱ) 17.7(Ⅳ) 29.6(Ⅱ) 76.1(Ⅱ) 183.4(Ⅰ) 9.8(Ⅳ) 16.6(Ⅳ)
湖南省Hunan 17.0(Ⅳ) 21.6(Ⅱ) 17.4(Ⅳ) 29.0(Ⅱ) 46.5(Ⅳ) 163.5(Ⅰ) 6.3(Ⅳ) 17.9(Ⅳ)
South China
广东省Guangdong 16.9(Ⅳ) 22.3(Ⅱ) 17.7(Ⅳ) 30.8(Ⅰ) 43.3(Ⅳ) 57.0(Ⅲ) 5.5(Ⅳ) 10.9(Ⅳ)
广西壮族自治区Guangxi 17.0(Ⅳ) 21.3(Ⅱ) 17.3(Ⅳ) 28.4(Ⅱ) 46.3(Ⅳ) 134.4(Ⅰ) 7.1(Ⅳ) 13.4(Ⅳ)
海南省Hainan 16.9(Ⅳ) 21.7(Ⅱ) 17.7(Ⅳ) 29.4(Ⅱ) 43.3(Ⅳ) 107.7(Ⅰ) 5.5(Ⅳ) 10.5(Ⅳ)
Southwest China
重庆市Chongqing 17.0(Ⅳ) 22.0(Ⅱ) 17.1(Ⅳ) 30.1(Ⅰ) 133.4(Ⅰ) 103.6(Ⅰ) 15.7(Ⅳ) 13.1(Ⅳ)
四川省Sichuan 17.0(Ⅳ) 21.4(Ⅱ) 17.1(Ⅳ) 28.6(Ⅱ) 133.4(Ⅰ) 134.2(Ⅰ) 15.7(Ⅳ) 14.6(Ⅳ)
贵州省Guizhou 16.9(Ⅳ) 21.1(Ⅲ) 17.9(Ⅳ) 28.0(Ⅱ) 65.5(Ⅲ) 95.5(Ⅱ) 11.6(Ⅳ) 12.5(Ⅳ)
云南省Yunnan 17.0(Ⅳ) 21.2(Ⅲ) 17.4(Ⅳ) 28.1(Ⅱ) 77.8(Ⅱ) 105.8(Ⅰ) 12.1(Ⅳ) 8.8(Ⅳ)
西藏自治区Tibet 17.0(Ⅳ) 20.4(Ⅲ) 17.4(Ⅳ) 26.1(Ⅱ) 126.2(Ⅰ) 172.7(Ⅰ) 3.2(Ⅳ) 10.9(Ⅳ)
Northwest China
陕西省Shaanxi 16.9(Ⅳ) 21.7(Ⅱ) 17.8(Ⅳ) 29.3(Ⅱ) 130.6(Ⅰ) 110.7(Ⅰ) 24.2(Ⅲ) 10.7(Ⅳ)
甘肃省Gansu 16.9(Ⅳ) 21.2(Ⅲ) 17.5(Ⅳ) 28.1(Ⅱ) 126.5(Ⅰ) 106.5(Ⅰ) 22.6(Ⅲ) 13.8(Ⅳ)
青海省Qinghai 16.9(Ⅳ) 21.5(Ⅱ) 17.9(Ⅳ) 28.9(Ⅱ) 144.0(Ⅰ) 105.2(Ⅰ) 6.3(Ⅳ) 11.0(Ⅳ)
宁夏回族自治区Ningxia 16.9(Ⅳ) 21.7(Ⅱ) 17.8(Ⅳ) 29.4(Ⅱ) 125.1(Ⅰ) 166.9(Ⅰ) 18.2(Ⅲ) 12.7(Ⅳ)
新疆维吾尔自治区Xinjiang 16.7(Ⅳ) 21.3(Ⅱ) 18.6(Ⅳ) 28.4(Ⅱ) 189.6(Ⅰ) 214.5(Ⅰ) 21.5(Ⅲ) 10.5(Ⅳ)

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