甘肃省干旱生境作物学重点实验室/甘肃农业大学农学院 兰州 730070
基金项目: 甘肃省干旱生境作物学重点实验室开放基金GSCS-2019-03
作者简介:殷文, 从事节水农业研究, E-mail:yinwentx@126.com
陈桂平, 从事多熟种植研究, E-mail:chengp@gsau.edu.cn
通讯作者:柴强, 从事多熟种植、循环农业、保护性耕作技术与理论研究。E-mail:chaiq@gsau.edu.cn
Responses of dry matter accumulation and yield in a following maize crop to spring wheat straw returning
YIN Wen?,,CHEN Guiping?,,
GUO Yao,
FAN Zhilong,
HU Falong,
FAN Hong,
YU Aizhong,
CHAI Qiang,
Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop Science/Agronomy College, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
Funds: the Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Arid Land Crop ScienceGSCS-2019-03
the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China201503125-3
the Fuxi Young Talents Fund of Gansu Agricultural UniversityGAUFX-03Y10
More Information
Corresponding author:CHAI Qiang, E-mail:chaiq@gsau.edu.cn
?Equiavlent contributors摘要
摘要:干物质是作物光合作用产物的最高形式,其积累动态特性与籽粒产量有密切关系,研究前茬作物不同秸秆还田方式对后茬地膜覆盖作物地上干物质积累特性与产量形成的影响,对优化作物高产高效栽培理论和技术具有重要意义。本研究通过田间试验,在干旱内陆灌区研究了前茬春小麦不同秸秆还田方式(免耕秸秆覆盖还田,NTM;免耕秸秆立茬还田,NTS;传统翻耕秸秆还田,CTS;传统翻耕无秸秆还田,CT,对照)对后茬玉米地上干物质积累规律及产量形成的调控效应。结果表明:前茬春小麦免耕秸秆还田(NTM,NTS)提高了后茬玉米地上干物质最大增长速率和干物质平均增长速率,延迟了干物质最大增长速率出现的时间,以NTM处理作用效果最明显,较CT玉米地上干物质最大增长速率和干物质平均增长速率分别提高5.7%、11.2%,玉米地上干物质最大增长速率出现时间延迟3.4 d,差异达显著水平(P < 0.05)。NTM、NTS处理可长时间保持后茬玉米相对较高的地上干物质积累速率,有效延缓吐丝至灌浆期后茬玉米地上干物质积累速率的降低,维持较长的地上干物质积累期,提高完熟期地上干物质积累量,NTM和NTS较CT处理玉米收获期地上干物质积累量分别提高11.3%和9.9%(P < 0.05)。NTM、NTS和CTS比CT处理分别增产15.6%、13.0%和7.8%,以NTM处理增产幅度较大,较CTS增产7.3%(P < 0.05),增产的主要原因为穗数、穗粒数及粒重的协同提高。通过关联矩阵分析表明,通过优化前茬春小麦秸秆还田方式影响后茬玉米穗数来调控群体大小,进而协调穗粒数与粒重,通过三者相互协调发展可实现增产。因此,前茬春小麦免耕25~30 cm覆盖秸秆还田(NTM)是典型干旱内陆灌区优化后茬玉米干物质积累特性及获得高产的理想耕作措施。
Abstract:Dry matter accumulation is the highest form of photosynthetic products in crops, and its accumulation dynamic characteristics are closely related to grain yield. Therefore, it is important to identify the effects of different straw retention methods on dry matter accumulation and crop yield with plastic film mulching. In this study, a field experiment was carried out in a typical irrigated inland region with an arid climate, to determine the characteristics of the above-ground dry matter accumulation and the yield of maize under different retention methods of straws of the preceding spring wheat. The treatments were: no-tillage with long spring wheat straw mulched in the field (NTM), no-tillage with spring wheat straw standing in the field (NTS), conventional tillage with long spring wheat straw incorporated into the soil (CTS), and conventional tillage without straw retention (CT). The results showed that the NTM and NTS treatments increased the maximum and the mean dry matter accumulation rate and delayed the emergence time of the maximum dry matter accumulation rate of maize. The NTM treatment had the most obvious effect. Compared to CT, the NTM treatment significantly increased the maximum and mean dry matter accumulation rate of maize by 5.7% and 11.2%, respectively. The emergence time of the maximum dry matter accumulation rate underh NTM was delayed by 3.4 days (P < 0.05). The NTM and NTS treatments maintained a high dry matter accumulation rate, effectively delaying the decline of dry matter accumulation rate for maize from the silking to filling stage. This prolonged the duration of dry matter accumulation and increased the amount of dry matter accumulation at the maturing stage. Compared to CT, NTM and NTS treatments significantly increased the dry matter accumulation of maize at the harvest stage by 11.3% and 9.9% (P < 0.05), respectively. The grain yield of maize was 15.6%, 13.0%, and 7.8% higher in NTM, NTS, and CTS treatments than in CT treatment (P < 0.05). The most significant effect on improved yield was from NTM treatment, which was 7.3% higher than that of CTS (P < 0.05). The main reason for the increased yield was the combined increase in spike numbers, grain numbers per spike, and 1000-grain weight. Correlation matrix analysis showed that the population size of following maize could be regulated by optimizing the previous spring wheat straw returning methods, which affected the growth and yield characteristics. Our results showed that the NTM (no-tillage with spring wheat straw mulch) is the most appropriate cultivation method to optimize dry matter accumulation and obtain high yields of maize in an arid inland irrigation region.
Key words:Wheat straw retention/
Plastic film mulching/
Dry matter accumulation/
Yield formation/
Oasis irrigation area
?Equiavlent contributors
1) ?同等贡献者
NTM、NTS、CTS、CT分别为前茬春小麦免耕25~30 cm秸秆覆盖还田、免耕25~30 cm秸秆立茬还田、传统翻耕25~30 cm秸秆还田、传统翻耕无秸秆还田(对照); 图内数值表示每个测定时间的LSD值。
Figure1.Dynamics of above-ground dry matter accumulation of maize under different spring wheat straw retention approaches
NTM, NTS, CTS, and CT are treatments of no-tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw mulching in the field, no-tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw standing in the field, conventional tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw incorporation, and conventional tillage without straw retention. The values in the figure represent the LSD values for each measurement time.
NTM、NTS、CTS、CT分别为前茬春小麦免耕25~30 cm秸秆覆盖还田、免耕25~30 cm秸秆立茬还田、传统翻耕25~30 cm秸秆还田、传统翻耕无秸秆还田(对照); 图内数值表示每个测定时间的LSD值。
Figure2.Dynamics of dry matter accumulation rate of maize under different spring wheat straw retention approaches
NTM, NTS, CTS, and CT are treatments of no-tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw mulching in the field, no-tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw standing in the field, conventional tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw incorporation, and conventional tillage without straw retention. The values in the figure represent the LSD values for each measurement time.
Table1.Fertilizer and irrigation regimes for maize cultivation
制度 Regime | 入冬前 Before winter | 播种前 Before sowing | 生育期Growth stage | 总量 Total amount | |||||
拔节期 Jointing | 大喇叭口期 Big trumpet | 抽雄期 Tasseling | 吐丝期 Silking | 灌浆期 Filling | |||||
施肥量 Fertilizer rate (kg·hm-2) | N | — | 108 | 216 | — | — | 360 | 360 | |
P2O5 | 225 | 225 | |||||||
灌水量Irrigation amount (m3·hm-2) | 1 200 | — | 900 | 750 | 900 | 750 | 750 | 4 050 |
Table2.Logistic equation analysis on above-ground dry matter accumulation of maize under different spring wheat straw retention approaches
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 回归方程 Regression equation | 最大增长速率 Maximum increase rate (Vmax, kg·hm-2·d-1) | 最大增长速率出现的时间 Time of Vmax(t50, d) | 平均增长速率 Mean increase rate (Vmean, kg·hm-2·d-1) | R2 |
2010 | NTM | Y=29 995/(1+e5.418-0.062t) | 464.9a | 87.4a | 199.5a | 0.999 |
NTS | Y=29 772/(1+e5.184-0.060t) | 446.6ab | 86.4ab | 198.4a | 0.998 | |
CTS | Y=28 095/(1+e5.384-0.063t) | 442.5ab | 85.5ab | 187.0b | 0.999 | |
CT | Y=26 607/(1+e6.568-0.066t) | 439.0b | 84.4b | 178.9b | 0.999 | |
2012 | NTM | Y=31 676/(1+e5.555-0.069t) | 546.4a | 80.5a | 213.0a | 0.999 |
NTS | Y=31 107/(1+e5.363-0.066t) | 513.3b | 81.3ab | 209.1ab | 0.998 | |
CTS | Y=29 448/(1+e5.723-0.072t) | 530.1ab | 79.5ab | 199.7b | 0.999 | |
CT | Y=28 385/(1+e5.603-0.073t) | 518.0b | 76.8b | 192.0b | 0.999 | |
NTM、NTS、CTS、CT分别为前茬春小麦免耕25~30 cm秸秆覆盖还田、免耕25~30 cm秸秆立茬还田、传统翻耕25~30 cm秸秆还田、传统翻耕无秸秆还田(对照)。不同小写字母表示处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著。NTM, NTS, CTS, and CT are treatments of no-tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw mulching in the field, no-tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw standing in the field, conventional tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw incorporation, and conventional tillage without straw retention. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments at 0.05 probability level. |
Table3.Grain yield and its components of maize under different spring wheat straw retention approaches
年份 Year | 处理 Treatment | 籽粒产量 Grain yield (t·hm-2) | 穗数 Spike number (·m-2) | 穗粒数 Grain number per spike | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) |
2010 | NTM | 13.47±0.18a | 8.5±0.10a | 545±14.7a | 349±14.2a |
NTS | 13.05±0.20ab | 7.9±0.16b | 535±17.0a | 344±12.4a | |
CTS | 12.76±0.14b | 7.4±0.16c | 469±13.6b | 331±16.4ab | |
CT | 11.46±0.15c | 7.0±0.15d | 333±11.4c | 319±13.2b | |
2012 | NTM | 13.25±0.21a | 8.7±0.14a | 553±14.0a | 358±11.6a |
NTS | 13.05±0.44a | 8.0±0.15ab | 542±14.1a | 355±14.2a | |
CTS | 12.16±0.49b | 7.7±0.15b | 481±15.4b | 341±12.0ab | |
CT | 11.65±0.25c | 7.4±0.16b | 330±16.4c | 330±12.1b | |
NTM、NTS、CTS、CT分别为前茬春小麦免耕25~30 cm秸秆覆盖还田、免耕25~30 cm秸秆立茬还田、传统翻耕25~30 cm秸秆还田、传统翻耕无秸秆还田(对照)。不同小写字母表示处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著。NTM, NTS, CTS, and CT are treatments of no-tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw mulching in the field, no-tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw standing in the field, conventional tillage with 25 to 30 cm long spring wheat straw incorporation, and conventional tillage without straw retention. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments at 0.05 probability level. |
Table4.Analysis of association degree between grain yield and yield components of maize
年份 Year | 指标 Parameter | 相关性及关联度分析 Correlation and association analysis | 穗数 Spike number | 穗粒数 Grain number per spike | 千粒重 1000-grain weight |
2010 | 籽粒产量 Grain yield | 相关性Correlation | 0.832** | 0.983** | 0.737** |
关联度Association degree | 0.743 | 0.479 | 0.731 | ||
排序Ranking | 1 | 3 | 2 | ||
2012 | 籽粒产量 Grain yield | 相关性Correlation | 0.832** | 0.909** | 0.708** |
关联度Association degree | 0.743 | 0.479 | 0.731 | ||
排序Ranking | 1 | 3 | 2 | ||
**表示0.01水平下显著相关。** indicates significant correlations at 0.01 probability level. |
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