1.农业农村部长江下游平原农业环境重点实验室/江苏省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所 南京 210014
2.安徽大学资源与环境工程学院 合肥 230601
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划课题2016YFD0801101
作者简介:王梦凡, 主要研究方向为农业面源污染治理。E-mail:15855966880@163.com
通讯作者:薛利红, 主要研究方向为农业面源污染治理。E-mail:njxuelihong@gmail.com
Effects of interface barrier materials on rice yield, nitrogen use efficiency, and NH3 volatilization
WANG Mengfan1, 2,,YU Yingliang1,
YANG Bei1,
HOU Pengfu1,
YANG Linzhang1,
XUE Lihong1,,,
SUN Qingye2
1. Key Lab of Agro-Environment in Downstream of Yangtze Plain, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China
2. College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China
Funds: the National Key Research and Development Project of China2016YFD0801101
the Jiangsu Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation FundCX(19)3646
More Information
Corresponding author:XUE Lihong, E-mail:njxuelihong@gmail.com
Abstract:NH3 volatilization emissions cause significant nitrogen losses in rice fields. Effective control of NH3 volatilization emissions in rice fields is critical to increase rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency. Interface barrier materials are environmental-friendly and low cost, making them suitable as a completely different method of reducing NH3 volatilization. This study therefore explored the impacts of interface barrier materials on rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency, which may help to achieve rice yields with low costs and reduced environmental pollution. In this study, three interface barrier materials including two surface molecular film materials:polylactic acid (PLA) and lecithin (LEC) materials were formulated as surface molecular film materials and were sprayed evenly on the field after fertilization at the basal, tillering, and earing rice stages. Rice bran was also evenly spread over the field after fertilization on the same day. The rice yield and yield composition, pH and nitrogen concentration in paddy surface water, soil nitrogen content, nitrogen use efficiency and NH3 volatilization were investigated. The experiment involved five treatments:CK (no N fertilizer), CKU (only urea), RB (rice bran + urea), PLA (polylactic acid + urea), and LEC (lecithin + urea). Fertilizer additions and field management practices remained the same across all treatments. The results showed that the RB, PLA and LEC treatments significantly increased rice yield compared to CKU treatment by 13.0%, 21.0%, and 24.1%, respectively. The nitrogen fertilizer utilization rate of LEC treatment significantly increased by 19.0% compared to the CKU. The RB treatment significantly increased yield by 13.0% compared to CKU, but did not significantly affect the nitrogen utilization rate. The addition of RB and PLA significantly increased the effective spike number in rice, but the LEC treatment produced no significant difference in this variable. The number of grains and the seed setting rate did not differ significantly under the CKU from their interface barrier materials added. The addition of interface barrier materials reduced NH3 volatilization by 12.3%-19.9% in comparison with CKU, and the PLA treatment significantly reduced NH3 volatilization by 19.9%, and performed best. It was followed by the LEC treatment with a reduction of 14.3%. The reductions in NH3 volatilization may be related to the changes in surface water pH, NH4+-N concentration, and soil NH4+-N content caused by the addition of interface barrier materials. Compared to the CKU treatment, all treatments increased the NH4+-N concentration but lowered the pH in surface water, especially during the tillering stage. The soil NH4+-N content was also improved in the PLA treatment. This study shows that the application of interface barrier materials in rice fields is a feasible technical approach to reduce NH3 volatilization and increase rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency.
Key words:Interface barrier materials/
Surface molecular film/
Rice bran/
Rice field/
Nitrogen use efficiency/
NH3 volatilization
图1聚乳酸(PLA)和卵磷脂(LEC)界面阻隔材料成膜的原子力显微镜图(图a为PLA处理, 图b为LEC处理)
Figure1.Atomic force microscope (AFM) image of polylactic acid (PLA) and lecithin (LEC) interface barrier film formation (the Fig. a is PLA treatment; the Fig. b is LEC treatment)
CK:不施氮肥; CKU:常规施肥; RB:添加稻糠; PLA:添加聚乳酸; LEC:添加卵磷脂。
Figure2.Daily flux of NH3 volatilization of rice field under different interface barrier material treatments in three fertilizer periods
CK: no N fertilization; CKU: conventional fertilization without interface barrier materials; RB: conventional fertilization and rice bran application; PLA: conventional fertilization and polylactic acid application; LEC: conventional fertilization and lecithin application.
CK:不施氮肥; CKU:常规施肥; RB:添加稻糠; PLA:添加聚乳酸; LEC:添加卵磷脂。
Figure3.Variation of ${\rm{NH}}_4^ + {\rm{ - N}}$ concentration in surface water of rice field with different interface barrier materials in three fertilization periods
CK: no N fertilization; CKU: conventional fertilization without interface barrier materials; RB: conventional fertilization and rice bran application; PLA: conventional fertilization and polylactic acid application; LEC: conventional fertilization and lecithin application.
图4不同界面阻隔材料水稻分蘖期施肥4 d后的土壤铵态氮和硝态氮含量
CK:不施氮肥; CKU:常规施肥; RB:添加稻糠; PLA:添加聚乳酸; LEC:添加卵磷脂。不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Figure4.${\rm{NH}}_4^ + {\rm{ - N}}$and${\rm{NO}}_3^ - {\rm{ - N}}$contents of rice field soil on 4 days after fertilization under different interface barrier material treatments in rice tillering period
CK: no N fertilization; CKU: conventional fertilization without interface barrier materials; RB: conventional fertilization and rice bran application; PLA: conventional fertilization and polylactic acid application; LEC: conventional fertilization and lecithin application. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments (P < 0.05).
Table1.Effects of different interface barrier materials on rice yield and its components
处理 Treatment | 产量 Yield (kg?hm–2) | 有效穗数 Effective spike number (spikes?m–2) | 每穗粒数 Grain numbers per spike | 结实率 Seed setting rate (%) | 千粒重 1000-grain weight (g) |
CK | 4 285.2±563.8c | 187.1±14.3c | 126.2±11.2a | 83.8±0.04b | 26.4±0.2a |
CKU | 8 716.4±485.8b | 246.0±18.0b | 144.0±10.1a | 93.4±0.02a | 26.1±0.8ab |
RB | 9 850.4±587.2a | 289.9±28.3a | 151.7±8.9a | 93.6±0.01a | 25.5±0.5ab |
PLA | 10 548.6±545.4a | 303.2±12.5a | 143.2±11.7a | 94.3±0.01a | 25.2±0.8b |
LEC | 10 820.9±903.3a | 278.4±18.3ab | 132.4±22.4a | 92.2±0.02a | 25.5±0.6ab |
CK:不施氮肥; CKU:常规施肥; RB:添加稻糠; PLA:添加聚乳酸; LEC:添加卵磷脂。同列不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。CK: no N fertilization; CKU: conventional fertilization without interface barrier materials; RB: conventional fertilization and rice bran application; PLA: conventional fertilization and polylactic acid application; LEC: conventional fertilization and lecithin application. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among treatments (P < 0.05). |
Table2.Nitrogen use efficiency, agronomic efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer, and harvest index of rice under different interface barrier material treatments
处理 Treatments | 氮素吸收量Nitrogen uptake (kg?hm–2) | 氮肥利用率 Nitrogen use efficiency (%) | 氮肥农学效率 Agronomic efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer (kg?kg–1) | 收获指数 Harvest index | ||
籽粒Grain | 秸秆Straw | 地上部Above ground | ||||
CK | 21.9±2.9c | 31.4±4.6c | 53.3±4.3c | — | — | 0.5±0.06ab |
CKU | 43.1±2.4ab | 54.9±7.8b | 98.0±5.4b | 21.2±2.6b | 21.6±2.3b | 0.6±0.06a |
RB | 27.4±19.9bc | 43.8±3.4bc | 71.2±19.7c | 8.5±9.4c | 27.0±0.7a | 0.4±0.02b |
PLA | 54.7±3.1a | 54.8±7.2b | 109.5±10.1b | 26.7±4.8b | 30.4±2.6a | 0.6±0.05a |
LEC | 57.6±4.2a | 80.7±17.3a | 137.9±15.2a | 40.3±7.2a | 27.2±6.4a | 0.6±0.05a |
CK:不施氮肥; CKU:常规施肥; RB:添加稻糠; PLA:添加聚乳酸; LEC:添加卵磷脂。同列不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。CK: no N fertilization; CKU: conventional fertilization without interface barrier materials; RB: conventional fertilization and rice bran application; PLA: conventional fertilization and polylactic acid application; LEC: conventional fertilization and lecithin application. Differenct lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among treatments (P < 0.05). |
Table3.Effects of different interfacial barrier materials on the accumulated NH3 volatilization at different fertilizerperiods of rice ?
处理 Treatment | 基肥期 Basal period | 分蘖期 Tillering period | 穗肥期 Earing period | 累积挥发量 Accumulation |
CK | 6.3±1.7a | 14.1±1.7b | 18.3±0.4a | 46.6±0.4a |
CKU | 5.6±0.1a | 24.5±11.7a | 23.9±11.5a | 63.0±2.5a |
RB | 10.3±5.8a | 14.4±0.7b | 22.2±3.6a | 55.2±2.4a |
PLA | 6.9±1.4a | 14.4±0.8b | 20.8±1.6a | 50.5±4.2a |
LEC | 7.0±0.8a | 12.8±1.2b | 26.5±3.9a | 54.0±5.1a |
CK:不施氮肥; CKU:常规施肥; RB:添加稻糠; PLA:添加聚乳酸; LEC:添加卵磷脂。同列不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。CK: no N fertilization; CKU: conventional fertilization without interface barrier materials; RB: conventional fertilization and rice bran application; PLA: conventional fertilization and polylactic acid application; LEC: conventional fertilization and lecithin application. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among treatments (P < 0.05). |
Table4.Effect of different interface barrier materials on pH of surface water of rice field in three fertilizer periods
处理 Treatment | 基肥期 Basal period | 分蘖期 Tillering period | 穗肥期 Earing period | |||||||
范围 Range | 均值 Mean | 范围 Range | 均值 Mean | 范围 Range | 均值 Mean | |||||
CK | 7.3~8.2 | 7.7±0.4a | 7.5~8.4 | 8.0±0.4a | 7.4~7.9 | 7.5±0.2a | ||||
CKU | 6.3~8.5 | 7.6±0.7a | 7.5~8.3 | 7.9±0.3a | 7.3~7.8 | 7.5±0.2a | ||||
RB | 7.3~8.6 | 7.8±0.4a | 7.3~7.7 | 7.5±0.1b | 6.9~7.5 | 7.2±0.2b | ||||
PLA | 7.2~8.5 | 8.0±0.5a | 7.6~8.2 | 7.9±0.2a | 7.0~7.9 | 7.5±0.3a | ||||
LEC | 7.3~8.6 | 7.9±0.5a | 7.4~8.0 | 7.8±0.2ab | 7.1~7.6 | 7.4±0.2a | ||||
CK:不施氮肥; CKU:常规施肥; RB:添加稻糠; PLA:添加聚乳酸; LEC:添加卵磷脂。同列不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。CK: no N fertilization; CKU: conventional fertilization without interface barrier materials; RB: conventional fertilization and rice bran application; PLA: conventional fertilization and polylactic acid application; LEC: conventional fertilization and lecithin application. Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among treatments (P < 0.05). |
Table5.Correlation between daily NH3 volatilization flux and pH, nitrogen concentration in surface water of rice field under different treatments of interface barrier materials
处理 Treatment | pH | ${\rm{NH}}_4^ + {\rm{ - N}}$浓度 ${\rm{NH}}_4^ + {\rm{ - N}}$ concentration | ${\rm{NO}}_3^ - {\rm{ - N}}$浓度 ${\rm{NO}}_3^ - {\rm{ - N}}$ concentration |
CK | 0.022 | 0.367*** | 0.019 |
CKU | 0.270* | -0.038 | 0.040 |
RB | 0.069 | 0.434*** | -0.123 |
PLA | 0.037 | 0.607*** | -0.171 |
LEC | -0.147 | 0.584*** | -0.124 |
CK:不施氮肥; CKU:常规施肥; RB:添加稻糠; PLA:添加聚乳酸; LEC:添加卵磷脂。*和***分别表示P < 0.05和P < 0.001。CK: no N fertilization; CKU: conventional fertilization without interface barrier materials; RB: conventional fertilization and rice bran application; PLA: conventional fertilization and polylactic acid application; LEC: conventional fertilization and lecithin application. * and *** represent significant correlation at P < 0.05 and P < 0.001, respectively. |
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