

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所 北京 100081
2.中国农业科学院农业信息研究所 北京 100081
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目41771569

作者简介:王莹, 主要研究方向为资源环境经济与政策。E-mail:caaswy@163.com
通讯作者:毕于运, 主要研究方向为资源环境经济与政策E-mail:biyuyun@caas.cn




Ecological value estimation method of the straw pyrolysis engineering

WANG Ying1,,
WANG Yajing1,
WANG Hongyan2,
WANG Huan1,
BI Yuyun1,,
1. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
2. Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Funds: the National Natural Science Foundation of China41771569

More Information
Corresponding author:BI Yuyun, E-mail:biyuyun@caas.cn


Abstract:The straw pyrolysis project is an ecological production project designed to convert high quality agricultural straw waste into gas, carbon, oil, and liquid. It has an important practical significance for conserving national energy and reducing emissions in the China's agricultural fields. It has been an important scientific basis to accurately estimate the ecological value of the straw pyrolysis project and provides a systematic and comprehensive quantitative evaluation index system and calculation method to effectively promote green development in agriculture. This paper analyzed the ecological value composition of straw pyrolysis engineering based on the dichotomy theory of ecological value theory. It was concluded that the main ecological beneficial assets generated by the project of straw pyrolysis project were emission reduction and waste resource commercialization. The general formula for estimating the ecological value of straw pyrolysis project established was the ecological value of straw pyrolysis and the gasification project (VPE)=the monetary value of straw pyrolysis project emission reduction (VEB) + the economic value of straw resource products (VRC). In the calculation process, the life cycle analysis (LCA) method was selected to measure the net emission reduction of the straw pyrolysis project, and then the net emission reduction was valued with the help of carbon dioxide shadow prices to obtain the project's emission reduction (VEB). Furthermore, the economic value of straw resource products achieved by the ecological production project (VRC) was calculated. Finally, VEB and VRC were included to obtain the ecological value of straw pyrolysis and gasification engineering (VPE). The method was designed using the literature research method to analyze the parameter selection required by each calculation link, and the parameter system required for the calculation process was provided. This study attempted to achieve substantial breakthroughs and innovations during the integration of both method and parameter research in the following three aspects:firstly, the ecological value estimation model of straw pyrolysis project was constructed; not limited to analysis and research from the emission reduction benefits perspective, with a more systematic and comprehensive ecological value estimation method and its required parameter system was established. Secondly, the potential value of the project should be reasonably converted into the "real market value"; in this study, the ecological benefits of the straw pyrolysis project were monetarily priced and measured. Thirdly, this study considered the impact of different technological levels and product energy conversion rates on greenhouse gas emissions during the process of estimating the displacement reduction of end-use energy products. Throughout the study, the general idea of "scientific modelling, reasonable pricing, and accurate estimation" was followed to provide a reliable foundation and support the decision to formulate the national energy saving and emission reduction plans.
Key words:Straw/
Pyrolysis engineering/
Energy substitution/
Ecological value/
Estimation method/
Parameter system


ABE, BP主要由两个内容构成: 1)秸秆以焚烧方式处理产生的气体排放; 2)秸秆露天有氧堆放自然腐解所产生的气体排放。ABE, PE指项目产品秸秆燃气、秸秆生物炭、木醋液和木焦油在不替代煤炭、化肥、农药的情景下, 利用石油煤炭、化肥、农药等所生产的温室气体排放。APE+AUE采用生命周期评价法计算。
Figure1.Construction of ecological value estimation method for straw pyrolysis project
ABE, BP is mainly composed of two parts: 1) gas emission from burning straw; 2) gas emissions from the decomposition of straw stacked in the open. ABE, PE refers to the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the use of petroleum coal, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc. under the scenario that the project products straw gas, straw biochar, wood vinegar, and wood tar do not replace coal, fertilizers, and pesticides. APE+AUE is calculated by the method of life cycle assessment analysis (LCA).

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Table1.Emission factors from open burning of wheat, corn and rice straws
Moisture content of straw (%)
排放因子Emission factor (g·kg-1)
[23] 10.69 4.22±0.51
[23] 31.30 4.71±1.37
[24] 10.76 1 339.11 3.30
[24] 16.25 1 176.31 4.11
[25] 1 235.81±45.38
[26] 1 557.90±85.8
[27] 586.39±20.25 2.22±0.12 0.05±0.002
[23] 10.44 2.41±0.46
[23] 27.77
[24] 7.92 1 294.23 5.40±0.01
[24] 11.91 1 210.14
[25] 1 330.96±58.25 3.31
[26] 1 261.50±59.90 4.20
[27] 620.72 2.95 0.12
[24] 9.52 1 287.63 4.09
[24] 12.97 1 098.79 5.41
[25] 1 248.10±42.88 .
[26] 791.30
[27] 656.27 2.19 0.11

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Table2.Suggested emission factors for open burning of wheat, corn and rice straw
Straw type
排放因子Emission factor (g·kg-1)
小麦Wheat 1 328 4.0 0.05
玉米Maize 1 274 3.8 0.12
水稻Rice 1 211 4.8 0.11

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Table3.Process parameters of three straw carbonization polygeneration technologies
参数Parameter A B C
Gas production (m3·kg-1)
0.40 0.35 0.30
Gas calorific (MJ·m-3)
3~6 10~12 8~10
Biochar production (kg·kg-1)
0.26~0.30 0.28~0.32 0.28~0.32
A:内加热连续式热解炭气联产技术工艺; B:外加热连续式热解炭气联产技术工艺; C:外加热连续式热解炭气油多联产技术工艺。A: internal heating type moving bed of biomass carbon gas cogeneration technology; B: external heating type moving bed pyrolysis carbon gas cogeneration technology; C: external heating type moving bed pyrolysis carbon gas generation technology.

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Table4.Cumulative emissions of CH4 and N2O under different treatments of biochar application
Observation period (year-month)
Fertilization condition
Biochar application rate (t·hm-2)
CH4 emission (kg·hm-2)
N2O emission (kg·hm-2)
Comprehensive greenhouse effect [kg(CO2-e)·hm-2]
[31] 干旱区玉米农田
Corn fields in arid area
2018-05—2018-10 常规施肥
Conventional fertilization
0 1.905 0.397 165.931
15 2.999 0.296 163.183
30 2.529 0.169 113.587
45 0.323 0.054 24.167
[30] 太湖平原地区稻田
Rice fields in the Taihu Plain
2010-06—2010-10 不施肥
No fertilization
0 208.000
10 285.000
40 286.000
[32] 关中地区玉米农田
Corn fields in Guanzhong area
2015-06—2016-05 常规施肥
Conventional fertilization
4 -0.300 1.040 302.420
8 -0.340 0.910 262.680
[33] 成都平原稻田
Rice field in Chengdu Plain
2010-05—2011 不施肥
No fertilization
0 540.400
20 964.510
40 326.170
[34] 河套灌区玉米农田
Corn fields in Hetao Irrigation Area
2015-05—2015-10 常规施肥
Conventional fertilization
0 -0.195 0.336 95.253
15 -0.702 0.097 11.356
30 -0.028 -0.028 -9.044
45 -0.039 -0.035 -11.405

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Table5.IPCC (2006) greenhouse gas emission coefficient list of fuel coal, diesel and natural gas
Emission source
Emission factor
CO2 燃料煤Coal 94.6 (ICO2) kg(CO2)·TJ-1
柴油Diesel 74.1 (LCO2)
天然气Natural gas 56.1 (JCO2)
CH4 燃料煤Coal 1.0 (ICH4) kg(CH4)·TJ-1
柴油Diesel 3.0 (LCH4)
天然气Natural gas 1.0 (JCH4)
N2O 燃料煤Coal 1.5 (IN2O) kg(N2O)·TJ-1
柴油Diesel 0.6 (LN2O)
天然气Natural gas 0.1 (JN2O)

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